#' @title Load raster paths or data cube from a sen2r archive
#' @description Load the paths of rasters included in a Sentinel-2 archive
#' generated with `{sen2r}`, filtering relevant files and ordering them.
#' Output can also be returned in format `stars` or `stars_proxy`
#' (see argument `out_format`).
#' @param inpath Path of the directory in which `{sen2r}` files are stored.
#' @param out_format (optional) Output format, being one among
#' `"path"` (default), `"stars"` and `"stars_proxy"`).
#' @param prod_type (optional) `sen2r` product type to import
#' (used for filtering among `inpath` content).
#' @param time_window (optional) time window to import
#' (used for filtering among `inpath` content).
#' @param s2_orbits (optional) Sentinel-2 orbits to import
#' (used for filtering among `inpath` content).
#' @param s2_sensors (optional) Sentinel-2 sensor to import (`"2A"`, `"2B"` or both)
#' (used for filtering among `inpath` content).
#' @param file_ext (optional) input file extension
#' (used for filtering among `inpath` content).
#' @param bbox (optional) object of class `sf`, `sfc` or `bbox` used to import
#' a subset of the original raster extent.
#' @param .use_vrt (optional) pass through a temporary VRT before creating `stars`?
#' @return The output raster cube in the selected format.
#' @author Luigi Ranghetti, PhD (2020) \email{luigi@@ranghetti.info}
#' @export
#' @import data.table
#' @importFrom sf gdal_utils st_as_sfc st_bbox st_crs st_transform
#' @importFrom sen2r normalize_path sen2r_getElements
#' @importFrom stars read_stars st_redimension st_set_dimensions
#' @examples
#' # Path of a sample archive created with sen2r (see ?sample_paths)
#' archive_dir <- system.file("extdata/sen2r/sampleroi", package = "sen2rts")
#' # Default function behaviour
#' sen2r_ndvi_paths <- load_s2paths(file.path(archive_dir, "NDVI"))
#' gsub(archive_dir, "", head(sen2r_ndvi_paths))
#' # Specifying argument prod_type, the parent directory can also be provided:
#' sen2r_scl_paths <- load_s2paths(archive_dir, prod_type = "SCL")
#' gsub(archive_dir, "", head(sen2r_scl_paths))
#' # Filter on dates and return a stars raster cube
#' sen2r_ndvi_cube <- load_s2paths(
#' archive_dir, prod_type = "NDVI",
#' time_window = c("2020-05-20", "2020-06-05"),
#' out_format = "stars"
#' )
#' plot(sen2r_ndvi_cube)
load_s2paths <- function(
out_format = "path",
.use_vrt = FALSE
) {
# Avoid check notes for data.table related variables
path <- sensing_date <- type <-
..prod_type <- id_orbit <- mission <- extent_name <- NULL
# Check inpath and read metadata
inpath <- normalize_path(inpath)
in_paths <- list.files(inpath, full.names = TRUE, recursive = TRUE)
in_paths <- in_paths[!grepl("((thumbnails)|(\\.aux\\.xml$)|(\\.hdr$))", in_paths)]
in_meta <- data.table(suppressWarnings(
sen2r_getElements(in_paths, abort = FALSE)
in_meta <- in_meta[order(sensing_date),]
# Check arguments
if (!out_format %in% c("stars_proxy", "stars", "path")) {
type = "error",
"\"out_format\" must be one among 'stars_proxy', 'stars', 'path'."
# Filter data by arguments
in_meta <- in_meta[type != "unrecognised",]
if (!missing(prod_type)) {
sel_rows <- in_meta[, .I[prod_type == ..prod_type]]
in_meta <- in_meta[sel_rows,]
if (!missing(s2_orbits)) {in_meta <- in_meta[id_orbit %in% s2_orbits,]}
if (!missing(s2_sensors)) {in_meta <- in_meta[paste0("2",mission) %in% s2_sensors,]}
if (!missing(file_ext)) {
sel_rows <- in_meta[, .I[file_ext == file_ext]]
in_meta <- in_meta[sel_rows,]
if (!missing(time_window)) {
in_meta <- in_meta[sensing_date >= time_window[1] & sensing_date <= time_window[2],]
# Check univocity of time series in inpath
if (length(in_meta[,unique(extent_name)]) > 1) {
type = "error",
"The extent name or the files found in \"",inpath,"\" is not unique; ",
"please filter files."
if (length(in_meta[,unique(prod_type)]) > 1) {
type = "error",
"The product type or the files found in \"",inpath,"\" is not unique; ",
"provide a value fo argument \"prod_type\" or filter files."
if (any(in_meta[,table(sensing_date)] > 1)) {
type = "error",
"Some files refer to the same date; please filter files in \"",inpath,"\"."
# pass through a VRT
if (.use_vrt == TRUE) {
vrt_path <- tempfile(fileext = ".vrt")
source = in_meta$path,
destination = vrt_path,
options = c(
"-resolution", "highest"
quiet = TRUE
} else {
vrt_path <- in_meta$path
# obtain rasterIO from bbox
if (!missing(bbox)) {
# read grid metadata
inraster_meta <- sen2r::raster_metadata(in_meta$path[1], format = "list")[[1]]
# check bbox format
if (inherits(bbox, c("sf", "sfc"))) {
bbox <- if (st_crs(bbox) != inraster_meta$proj) {
st_bbox(st_transform(bbox, inraster_meta$proj))
} else {
} else if (inherits(bbox, c("bbox"))) {
if (st_crs(bbox) != inraster_meta$proj) {
bbox <- st_bbox(st_transform(st_as_sfc(bbox), inraster_meta$proj))
} else {
type = "error",
"'bbox' must be an object of class 'sf', 'sfc' or 'bbox'."
RasterIO <- list(
nXOff = floor((bbox$xmin - inraster_meta$bbox$xmin) / inraster_meta$res["x"]),
nYOff = floor((inraster_meta$bbox$ymax - bbox$ymax) / inraster_meta$res["y"])
RasterIO$nXSize = ceiling((bbox$xmax - inraster_meta$bbox$xmin) / inraster_meta$res["x"]) - RasterIO$nXOff
RasterIO$nYSize = ceiling((inraster_meta$bbox$ymax - bbox$ymin) / inraster_meta$res["y"]) - RasterIO$nYOff
} else {
RasterIO <- list()
# switch format
if (out_format %in% c("stars", "stars_proxy")) {
in_cube <- read_stars(vrt_path, proxy = out_format=="stars_proxy", RasterIO = RasterIO)
if (.use_vrt == TRUE) {
in_cube <- st_set_dimensions(in_cube, "band", in_meta$sensing_date)
in_cube <- st_set_dimensions(in_cube, names = c("x", "y", "time"))
} else {
in_cube <- st_redimension(in_cube, along = list(time = in_meta$sensing_date))
names(in_cube) <- in_meta[1, paste0("S2_",extent_name,"_",prod_type)]
} else if (out_format == "path") {
in_cube <- vrt_path
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