
Defines functions describeMean describeMedian describeProp describeFactors

Documented in describeFactors describeMean describeMedian describeProp

#' A function that returns a description mean that contains
#' the standard deviation
#' @param x The variable that you want the statistics for
#' @param digits The number of decimals used
#' @param html If HTML compatible output shoudl be used instead
#'  of default LaTeX
#' @param number_first If the number should be given or if the percentage
#'  should be presented first. The second is encapsulated in parentheses ().
#'  This is only used together with the show_missing variable.
#' @param show_missing This indicates if missing should be added as a separate
#'  row below all other.
#' @param show_missing_digits The number of digits to use for the
#'  missing percentage, defaults to the overall \code{digits}.
#' @param horizontal_proportions Is only active if show_missing since this is
#'  the only case of a proportion among continuous variables. This is default NULL and indicates
#'  that the proportions are to be interpreted in a vertical manner.
#'  If we want the data to be horizontal, i.e. the total should be shown
#'  and then how these differ in the different groups then supply the
#'  function with the total number in each group, i.e. if done in a by
#'  manner as in \code{\link{getDescriptionStatsBy}} it needs to provide
#'  the number before the by() command. Note! This calls the
#'  \code{\link{describeFactors}} since the horizontal interpretation looses the
#'  vertical information in the second category and is thus better
#'  interpreted as a whole.
#' @param percentage_sign If you want to suppress the percentage sign you
#'  can set this variable to FALSE. You can also choose something else that
#'  the default \% if you so wish by setting this variable. Note, this is
#'  only used when combined with the missing information.
#' @param plusmin_str Provide if you want anything other than the plus minus sign
#'  suited for the given output format.
#' @param language The ISO-639-1 two-letter code for the language of
#'  interest. Currently only english is distinguished from the ISO
#'  format using a ',' as the separator in the \code{\link{outputInt}}
#'  function.
#' @param ... Passed on to \code{\link{describeFactors}}
#' @return A string formatted for printing either latex by  HTML
#' @seealso \code{\link{getDescriptionStatsBy}}
#' @examples
#' describeMean(1:10)
#' describeMean(c(1:10, NA), show_missing=TRUE)
#' @family description functions
#' @export
describeMean <- function(x,
                         number_first = TRUE,
                         show_missing = FALSE,
                         show_missing_digits = digits,
                         percentage_sign = TRUE,
                         language = "en",
  show_missing <- prConvertShowMissing(show_missing)

  if (missing(plusmin_str))
    if (html)
      plusmin_str <- "&plusmn;"
      plusmin_str <- "\\pm"

  ret <- c(sprintf(sprintf("%%.%df (%s%%3.%df)", digits, plusmin_str, digits),
    mean(x, na.rm=T), sd(x, na.rm=T)))

  # LaTeX complains if any formula isn't encapsulated within $ signs
  if (html == FALSE)
    ret <- sprintf("$%s$", ret)

  if (show_missing %in% c("ifany", "always") & sum(is.na(x))>0){
    missing <- describeFactors(is.na(x), number_first = number_first,
                               language = language,
                               digits = show_missing_digits, html = html,
                               horizontal_proportions = horizontal_proportions,
    ret <- rbind(ret, missing["TRUE", ])
    rownames(ret) <- c("Mean (SD)", "Missing")
  } else if (show_missing == "always"){
    if(percentage_sign == TRUE)
      percentage_sign <- ifelse (html, "%", "\\%")
    else if(is.character(percentage_sign) == FALSE)
      percentage_sign = ""

    empty <- sprintf(ifelse(number_first, "0 (0%s)", "0%s (0)"), percentage_sign)
    ret <- rbind(ret, rep(empty, times=ncol(ret)))
    rownames(ret) <- c("Mean (SD)", "Missing")
  } else {
    names(ret) <- "Mean (SD)"

  return (ret)

#' A function that returns a description median that contains
#' the interquartile range or the full range
#' @param iqr If interquartile range should be used
#' @param digits The number of decimals used
#' @param language The ISO-639-1 two-letter code for the language of
#'  interest. Currently only english is distinguished from the ISO
#'  format using a ',' as the separator in the \code{\link{outputInt}}
#'  function.
#' @return A string formatted for printing either latex by  HTML
#' @inheritParams describeMean
#' @seealso \code{\link{getDescriptionStatsBy}}
#' @examples
#' describeMedian(1:10)
#' describeMedian(c(1:10, NA), show_missing=TRUE)
#' @family description functions
#' @export
describeMedian <- function(x,
  number_first = TRUE,
  show_missing = FALSE,
  show_missing_digits = digits,
  percentage_sign = TRUE,
  language = "en",
  show_missing <- prConvertShowMissing(show_missing)

  if (iqr)
    range_quantiles = c(1/4, 3/4)
    range_quantiles = c(0, 1)

  ret <- sprintf(sprintf("%%.%df (%%3.%df - %%3.%df)", digits, digits, digits),
                   median(x, na.rm=TRUE),
                   quantile(x, probs=range_quantiles[1], na.rm=TRUE),
                   quantile(x, probs=range_quantiles[2], na.rm=TRUE))

  if (show_missing %in% c("ifany", "always") & sum(is.na(x))>0){
    missing <- describeFactors(is.na(x), number_first = number_first,
                               language = language,
                               digits = show_missing_digits, html = html,
                               horizontal_proportions = horizontal_proportions,
    ret <- rbind(ret, missing["TRUE", ])
    rownames(ret) <- c(
      ifelse(iqr, "Median (IQR)", "Median (range)"),
  } else if (show_missing == "always"){
    if(percentage_sign == TRUE)
      percentage_sign <- ifelse (html, "%", "\\%")
    else if(is.character(percentage_sign) == FALSE)
      percentage_sign = ""

    empty <- sprintf(ifelse(number_first, "0 (0%s)", "0%s (0)"), percentage_sign)
    ret <- rbind(ret, rep(empty, times=ncol(ret)))
    rownames(ret) <- c(
      ifelse(iqr, "Median (IQR)", "Median (range)"),
  } else {
    names(ret) <- ifelse(iqr, "Median (IQR)", "Median (range)")

  return (ret)

#' A function that returns a description proportion that contains
#' the number and the percentage
#' @param default_ref If you use proportions with only one variable
#'  it can be useful to set the reference level that is of interest to show. This can
#'  wither be "First", level name or level number.
#' @param ... Passed on to \code{\link{outputInt}}
#' @return A string formatted for printing either latex by  HTML
#' @inheritParams describeMean
#' @seealso \code{\link{getDescriptionStatsBy}}, \code{\link{describeFactors}}
#' @examples
#' describeProp(factor(sample(50, x=c("A","B"), replace=TRUE)))
#' describeProp(factor(sample(50, x=c("A","B", NA), replace=TRUE)), show_missing=TRUE)
#' @family description functions
#' @export
describeProp <- function(x,
  number_first = TRUE,
  show_missing = FALSE,
  show_missing_digits = digits,
  horizontal_proportions = NULL,
  default_ref = "First",
  percentage_sign = TRUE,
  language = "en",
  show_missing <- prConvertShowMissing(show_missing)

  default_ref <- prGetAndValidateDefaultRef(x, default_ref)

  # If we're to use the horizontal proportions then
  # it's better to report the variable as a factor
  # instead of a single proportion.
  # When we have missing it also gets more difficult
  # to just report one percentage as it suddenly uncertain
  # for what percentage the number applies to
  if(is.null(horizontal_proportions) == FALSE ||
       (show_missing == "ifany" &&
          any(is.na(x))) ||
       show_missing == "always")
                           number_first = number_first,
                           digits = digits,
                           language = language,
                           show_missing = show_missing,
                           show_missing_digits = show_missing_digits,
                           horizontal_proportions = horizontal_proportions,

  if (is.factor(x) == FALSE)
    x <- factor(x)

  no <- sum(x == levels(x)[default_ref], na.rm=T)

  # Don't count missing since those are treated as factors if any
  percent <- 100*no/length(x[is.na(x)==FALSE])

  no <- outputInt(no, language=language, html=html, ...)

  # The LaTeX treats % as comments unless it's properly escaped
  if(percentage_sign == TRUE)
    percentage_sign <- ifelse (html, "%", "\\%")
  else if(is.character(percentage_sign) == FALSE)
    percentage_sign = ""

  if (number_first)
    ret <- sprintf(sprintf("%%s (%%.%df%%s)", digits), no, percent, percentage_sign)
    ret <- sprintf(sprintf("%%.%df%%s (%%s)", digits), percent, percentage_sign, no)

  return (ret)

#' Describes factor variables
#' A function that returns a description proportion in a
#' factir that contains the number of times a variable and the percentage
#' @param ... Passed on to \code{\link{outputInt}}
#' @return A string formatted for printing either latex by  HTML
#' @inheritParams describeMean
#' @seealso \code{\link{getDescriptionStatsBy}}
#' @family description functions
#' @examples
#' set.seed(1)
#' describeFactors(sample(50, x=c("A","B", "C"), replace=TRUE))
#' describeFactors(sample(50, x=c("A","B", "C", NA), replace=TRUE), show_missing=TRUE)
#' n <- 500
#' my_var <- factor(sample(size=n, x=c("A","B", "C", NA), replace=TRUE))
#' my_exp <- rbinom(n=n, size=1, prob=0.2)
#' total <- table(my_var, useNA="ifany")
#' by(my_var,
#'    INDICES=my_exp,
#'    FUN=describeFactors,
#'    show_missing="ifany",
#'    horizontal_proportions = total)
#' @export
describeFactors <- function(x,
  number_first = TRUE,
  show_missing = FALSE,
  show_missing_digits = digits,
  horizontal_proportions = NULL,
  percentage_sign = TRUE,
  language = "en",
  ...) {

  show_missing <- prConvertShowMissing(show_missing)

  # Get basic data
  table_results <- table(x, useNA= show_missing)

  # Check if we should relate to an external total
  if (is.null(horizontal_proportions) == FALSE){

    # Error check the horizontal_proporitons variable
    # First check that it's a table or at least a vector
    if (is.numeric(horizontal_proportions) == FALSE ||
      (class(horizontal_proportions) != "table" &&
        is.vector(horizontal_proportions) == FALSE))
      stop(sprintf("You have not provided a proper table/vector variable for the function, the class you've given is: '%s', instead of numeric vector or table",

    # The original table should always be longer than the subtable
    if (length(horizontal_proportions) < length(table_results))
      stop(sprintf("There is a length discrepancy between the number of groups in the given sample and the reference sample, %d < %d!",
          length(horizontal_proportions), length(table_results)))

    # All variables should exist in the horizontal table
    if (all(names(table_results) %in% names(horizontal_proportions)) == FALSE)
      stop(sprintf("Your results contain results that are not in the reference horizontal_proportions: %s",
          paste(names(table_results)[names(table_results) %in% names(horizontal_proportions)], collapse=", ")))

    # Create a equal length array with the same order
    if(length(horizontal_proportions) > length(table_results)){
      # There seems to be a few variables more in the horizontal version and
      # then we need to fill in those values with 0
      # Initiate an empty array
      tmp <- rep(0, times=length(horizontal_proportions))
      # The array should have the names of the results
      # to be able to reference them
      names(tmp) <- names(horizontal_proportions)
      # Iterate and copy the values
      for (n in names(tmp)){
        if (n %in% names(table_results)){
          tmp[n] <- table_results[n]
      # Reset the table_results to our new array
      table_results <- tmp
      class(tmp) <- "table"

    # Initiate an empty array
    percentages <- rep(NA, times=length(horizontal_proportions))
    # The array should have the names of the results
    # to be able to reference them
    names(percentages) <- names(horizontal_proportions)
    for (n in names(horizontal_proportions)){
      # Strange things happen with NA...
      # Need to find that element in a slightly odd way
      if (is.na(n))
        percentages[is.na(names(percentages))] <-
        percentages[n] <- table_results[n]/horizontal_proportions[n]*100
    percentages <- table_results/sum(table_results)*100

  # Format the values
  values <- sapply(table_results, outputInt, language=language, html=html, ...=...)

  # The LaTeX treats % as comments unless it's properly escaped
  if(percentage_sign == TRUE)
    percentage_sign <- ifelse (html, "%", "\\%")
  else if(is.character(percentage_sign) == FALSE)
    percentage_sign = ""

  # The is.na(...) is a little overkill
  if (number_first)
    ret <- matrix(
                     sprintf("%%s (%%.%df%%s)", show_missing_digits),
                     sprintf("%%s (%%.%df%%s)", digits)),
              percentage_sign), ncol=1)
    ret <- matrix(
                     sprintf("%%.%df%%s (%%s)", show_missing_digits),
                     sprintf("%%.%df%%s (%%s)", digits)),
              values), ncol=1)

  rn <- names(table_results)
  rn[is.na(rn)] <- "Missing"
  rownames(ret) <- rn

raredd/Gmisc0 documentation built on May 27, 2019, 2:02 a.m.