
Defines functions surface .surface

Documented in surface

pkg_vars <- new.env()
pkg_vars$unittest_surface_include_na <- FALSE

.surface <- function(x, span, nodes, collocates) {
    if (! is.character(x)) stop("'x' must be a character vector")
    if (length(x) < 2) stop("'x' must be a vector of at least length two")
    s <- parse_span(span)
    if (length(nodes) != 0 && ! is.character(nodes)) stop("'nodes' must be a character vector.")
    if (length(collocates) != 0 && ! is.character(collocates)) stop("'collocates' must be a character vector.")

    # hack to stop R CMD check warnings
    y <- M <- H <- NULL

    # filter x (doing this early reduces memory footprint
    if (length(nodes) != 0) {
        i <- which(x %in% nodes)
        x <- x[intersect(
            as.vector(vapply(i, function(ii) { (ii - s$left):(ii + s$right) }, FUN.VALUE = integer(s$left + s$right + 1)))

    DT <- data.table(x = x)
    if (s$right != 0) {
        DT[, (paste("R", 1:s$right, sep = "_")) := shift(x, 1:s$right, type = "lead")]
    if (s$left != 0) {
        DT[, (paste("L", 1:s$left, sep = "_")) := shift(x, 1:s$left, type = "lag")]
    DT <- melt(DT, id.vars = "x", value.name = "y")[, list(x, y)]

    DT <- DT[, list(H = .N), by = list(x, y)]
    DT[!is.na(x) & !is.na(y), M := sum(H) - H, by = list(x)]

    if (length(nodes) != 0) {
        DT <- DT[x %in% nodes]
    if (length(collocates) != 0) {
        DT <- DT[y %in% collocates]

    if (pkg_vars$unittest_surface_include_na) {
    } else {

surface <- function(x, span, nodes = NULL, collocates = NULL) {
    warning("The 'surface' function is deprecated. Please consider using 'corp_surface'.", call. = FALSE, immediate. = TRUE)
    .surface(x = x, span = span, nodes = nodes, collocates = collocates)
ravingmantis/CorporaCoCo documentation built on Aug. 11, 2022, 3:56 p.m.