
# util.R
# Some graphical manipulation functions and causal effect computations.
# Code by
#  - Ricardo Silva (ricardo@stats.ucl.ac.uk)
#  - Robin Evans (robin.evans@stats.ox.ac.uk)
# Current version: 28/04/2015
# First version: 31/03/2014

validateData <- function(dat) {
  # Verifiy that dataset 'dat' is binary, encoded as 0s and 1s
  if (is.null(dat)) return(1)
  N <- ncol(dat) * nrow(dat)
  if (sum(dat == 0) + sum(dat == 1) != N) return(0)

dtoc <- function(d) {
  # Convert a dataset into a count table.
  # Input:
  # - d: a dataset
  # Output:
  # - the count representation of the dataset  
  nc <- ncol(d)
  tmp <- tabulate(d %*% 2^(seq_len(nc) - 1) + 1, nbins = 2^nc)
  return(array(tmp, rep(2, nc)))

dsep <- function(x, y, S, dag, ancestrals) {
  # Returns true if x is d-separated from y given S in a dag (with redundant ancestral sets
  # pre-computed).
  # * Input:
  # - x, y: indices of X and Y
  # - S: indices of conditioning set S
  # - dag: the DAG, as a binary adjacency matrix
  # - ancestrals: a list indicating for each variable, which ancestrals they have (excluding themselves)  
  # * Output:
  # - TRUE or FALSE, depending on whether d-separation occurs
  ## Get ancestral graph first
  num_v <- dim(dag)[1]
  c_anc <- rep(0, num_v)
  c_anc[c(x, y, S)] <- 1
  c_anc[ancestrals[[x]]] <- 1; c_anc[ancestrals[[y]]] <- 1;
  c_anc[unlist(ancestrals[S])] <- 1
  dag[c_anc == 0, ] <- 0  
  ## Marry parents
  for (s in S) {
    parents <- (dag[s, ] == 1)
    dag[parents, parents] <- 1
  ## Remove S and non-ancestors
  rmv <- c(which(c_anc == 0), S)
  if (length(rmv)) {
    G <- dag[-rmv, -rmv]
    x <- x - sum(rmv < x)
    y <- y - sum(rmv < y)
  } else {
    G <- dag
  ## Convert to undirected
  G <- (G + t(G) > 0)
  ## G[S, ] <- 0; G[, S] <- 0
  if (sum(G[x, ]) == 0 || sum(G[y,  ]) == 0) return(TRUE)
  ## test for graph connectivity between x and y; turns out to be
  ## quicker to use matrix multiplication than igraph
  G2 <- G
  for (i in seq_len(dim(G)[1])) {
    if (G2[x, y] > 0) return(FALSE)
    G2 <- G %*% G2

bindagMonteCarloCausalEffect <- function(problem, M) {
  # Finds the true ACE for X --> Y using Monte Carlo simulation.
  # * Input:
  # * Output:
  # - a scalar, the true ACE (estimated by Monte Carlo)

  if (class(problem) != "cfx") {
    stop("a CausalFX object is necessary")
  if (is.null(problem$graph) || is.null(problem$model)) {
    stop("a true model specification is necessary")    
  num_v <- nrow(problem$graph)
  graph_edge <- c()
  for (v in 1:num_v) {
    parents <- which(problem$graph[v, ] == 1)
    for (p in parents) graph_edge <- c(graph_edge, c(p, v))
  graph_temp <- graph(graph_edge)
  v_order <- topological.sort(graph_temp)
  sim_data <- matrix(nrow = M, ncol = num_v)
  for (v in v_order) {
    if (v != problem$X_idx) {
      parents <- which(problem$graph[v, ] == 1)
      cpt <- problem$model[[v]]
    } else {
      parents <- c()
      cpt <- 0.5
    if (length(parents) == 0) {
      sim_data[, v] <- runif(M) < cpt
    p_idx <- sim_data[, parents, drop = FALSE] %*% 2^((length(parents) - 1):0) + 1
    sim_data[, v] <- as.numeric(runif(M) < cpt[p_idx])
  do_0.rows <- which(sim_data[, problem$X_idx] == 0)
  do_1.rows <- which(sim_data[, problem$X_idx] == 1)
  effect <- mean(sim_data[do_1.rows, problem$Y_idx]) - mean(sim_data[do_0.rows, problem$Y_idx])
  ## Use problem$counts to estimate naive causal effect P(Y = 1 | X = 1) - P(Y = 1 | X = 0)
  tmp <- conditionTable(dtoc(problem$data[, c(problem$X_idx, problem$Y_idx)]), 2, 1)
  effect_naive2 <- tmp[2, 2] - tmp[2, 1]
  return(list(effect_real = effect, effect_naive2 = effect_naive2))

#' @title Computes Average Causal Effects by Covariate Adjustment in Binary Models using a Given Causal Model
#' @description
#' Computes the average causal effect (ACE) of a given treatment variable \eqn{X} on a given 
#' outcome \eqn{Y} for the models generated by \code{\link{simulateWitnessModel}}. This assumes 
#' the synthetic models are small enough, as adjustment is done by brute force calculation.
#' @param problem a \code{\link{cfx}} problem instance for the ACE of a given treatment \eqn{X} on a given outcome \eqn{Y}.
#'                This problem instance should have a fully specified causal model, including a graph and conditional
#'                probability tables. It must also be small enough so that the joint probability must have been
#'                pre-computed.
#' @return A list containing three different types of estimand:
#'   \item{\code{effect_real}}{the true ACE.}
#'   \item{\code{effect_naive}}{the result of a naive adjustment using all of the observed covariates.}
#'   \item{\code{effect_naive2}}{the result of a naive adjustment using no covariates.}
#' @details
#' The algorithm implemented is a naive one. When creating the \code{cfx} object, field \code{num_v_max} must be
#' large enough so that the joint distribution is computed in advance. Only for relatively small models (approximately 20 
#' variables in total) this will be feasible.
#' @examples
#' ## Generate a synthetic problem
#' problem <- simulateWitnessModel(p = 4, q = 4, par_max = 3, M = 1000)
#' ## Idealized case: suppose we know the true distribution, 
#' ## get "exact" ACE estimands for different adjustment sets
#' sol_pop <- covsearch(problem, pop_solve = TRUE)
#' effect_pop <- synthesizeCausalEffect(problem)
#' cat(sprintf(
#'   "ACE (true) = %1.2f\nACE (adjusting for all) = %1.2f\nACE (adjusting for nothing) = %1.2f\n", 
#'    effect_pop$effect_real, effect_pop$effect_naive, effect_pop$effect_naive2))
#' @export
synthesizeCausalEffect <- function(problem) {
  if (class(problem) != "cfx") {
    stop("a CausalFX object is necessary")
  if (is.null(problem$probs)) {
    stop("specification of model full joint probability is necessary")
  num_v <- nrow(problem$graph)
  num_states <- 2^num_v
  ## store parents as matrix of Ts and Fs
  nparents <- rowSums(problem$graph)
  ## get joint distribution
  probs <- problem$probs
  ## Naive effect: condition on everybody (non-latent)
  S <- seq_len(num_v)[-c(problem$X_idx, problem$Y_idx, problem$latent_idx)]
  k <- length(S)
  P_SXY <- marginTable(probs, c(S, problem$X_idx, problem$Y_idx))
  P_SX <- marginTable(P_SXY, seq_len(k + 1))
  P_S <- marginTable(P_SX, seq_len(k))
  num_s <- 2^k
  sq <- seq(num_s)
  effect_naive <- sum((P_SXY[3 * num_s + sq] / P_SX[num_s + sq]  -
                       P_SXY[2 * num_s + sq] / P_SX[        sq]) * P_S[sq])
  ## Naive effect 2: condition on nobody
  P_Y.X <- conditionTable(P_SXY, k + 2, k + 1)
  effect_naive2 <- P_Y.X[2, 2] - P_Y.X[2, 1]
  ## Real effect: condition on everybody (including latents)
  S <- seq_len(num_v)[-c(problem$X_idx, problem$Y_idx)]
  k <- length(S)
  P_SXY <- marginTable(probs, c(S, problem$X_idx, problem$Y_idx))
  P_SX <- marginTable(P_SXY, seq_len(k + 1))
  P_S <- marginTable(P_SX, seq_len(k))
  num_s <- 2^k
  sq <- seq(num_s)
  effect <- sum((P_SXY[3 * num_s + sq] / P_SX[num_s + sq]  -
                 P_SXY[2 * num_s + sq] / P_SX[        sq]) * P_S[sq])
  return(list(effect_real = effect, effect_naive = effect_naive, effect_naive2 = effect_naive2))

##' @describeIn synthesizeCausalEffect
synthetizeCausalEffect <- function(problem) {

#' @title Estimates Average Causal Effects by Covariate Adjustment in Binary Models
#' @description
#' Estimate the average causal effect (ACE) of a given treatment variable
#' \eqn{X} on a given outcome \eqn{Y} by adjusting for a set \eqn{S} of covariates (equivalenly, assuming
#' \eqn{S} blocks all backdoor paths in the causal graph that generates the observations). . Bounds are based on finding conditional instrumental variables
#' using the faithfulness assumption relaxed to allow for a moderate degree of unfaithfulness.
#' Candidate models are generated from the method described in \code{\link{covsearch}}.
#' @references 
#' Pearl, J. (2000) \emph{Causality: Models, Reasoning and Inference}. Cambridge University Press.
#' @param problem a \code{\link{cfx}} problem instance for the ACE of a given treatment \eqn{X} on a given outcome \eqn{Y}.
#' @param prior_table effective sample size hyperparameter of a Dirichlet prior for testing independence with contingency tables.
#' @param S an array indicating the indices of the covariates used in the adjustment.
#' @return the estimated ACE.
#' @details
#' The algorithm implemented is a naive one. If the dimensionality of \emph{S} is larger than around 20, this may crash the system.
#' This function is assumed to be used along other methods such as \code{\link{covsearch}} and \code{\link{wpp}}, which generate
#' relativelty small covariate sets.
#' @examples
#' ## Generate a synthetic problem
#' problem <- simulateWitnessModel(p = 4, q = 4, par_max = 3, M = 1000)
#' ## Idealized case: suppose we know the true distribution, 
#' ## get "exact" ACE estimands for different adjustment sets
#' sol_pop <- covsearch(problem, pop_solve = TRUE)
#' effect_pop <- synthesizeCausalEffect(problem)
#' cat(sprintf(
#'   "ACE (true) = %1.2f\nACE (adjusting for all) = %1.2f\nACE (adjusting for nothing) = %1.2f\n", 
#'    effect_pop$effect_real, effect_pop$effect_naive, effect_pop$effect_naive2))
#' ## Perform inference and report results
#' covariate_hat <- covsearch(problem, cred_calc = TRUE, M = 1000)
#' if (length(covariate_hat$witness) > 1) {
#'   sol_ACE <- bindagCausalEffectBackdoor(problem, prior_table = 10, S = covariate_hat$Z[[1]])
#'   cat(sprintf("Estimated ACE = %1.2f\n", sol_ACE))
#' }
#' @export

bindagCausalEffectBackdoor <- function(problem, prior_table, S) {

  if (class(problem) != "cfx") {
    stop("a CausalFX object is necessary")
  if (is.null(problem$probs) && is.null(problem$data)) {
    stop("data or specification of model full joint probability is necessary")
  k <- length(S)
  if (k > 20) {
    warning("Warning, this may take all of your memory resources\n")
  if (!is.null(problem$probs)) {
    probs <- problem$probs
    P_SXY <- marginTable(probs, c(S, problem$X_idx, problem$Y_idx))
  } else {
    counts <- dtoc(problem$data[, c(S, problem$X_idx, problem$Y_idx)]) + prior_table / 2^(ncol(problem$data) - (2 + length(S)))
    P_SXY  <- counts / sum(counts)
  P_SX   <- marginTable(P_SXY, seq_len(k + 1))
  P_S    <- marginTable(P_SX, seq_len(k))
  num_s <- 2^k
  sq <- seq(num_s)
  ACE <- sum((P_SXY[3 * num_s + sq] / P_SX[num_s + sq]  -
              P_SXY[2 * num_s + sq] / P_SX[        sq]) * P_S[sq])

binParamPosteriorSampling <- function(counts, w, x, y, Z, M, prior_table = 10) {
  # Generates a sample of the posterior distribution of the contingency table parameters of a model
  # for p(W, X, Y | Z).
  # * Input:
  # - counts: array of binary counts of the same dimensionality of (w, x, y, Z)
  # - w, x, y, Z: the indices of the corresponding variables (Z being a vector here)
  # - M: sample size for Monte Carlo simulations
  # - prior_table: Dirichlet hyperparameter for contingency tables
  # * Output:
  # - theta_samples: a list with fields, 
  #        sW, posterior samples of P(W = 1), 
  #      sXW0, posterior samples of P(X = 1 | W = 0, Z = z));
  #      sXW1, analogously;
  #      sYX0, posterior samples of P(Y = 1 | X = 0, Z = z);
  #      sYX1, analogously
  # - Z_samples: samples from the marginal of Z, assuming its dimensionality is small enough
  #              to that there is no memory overflow
  num_states <- 2^length(Z)
  theta_samples <- list()
  # matrix: each row corresponds to state of Z
  totals <- marginTable(counts, c(Z, w, x, y))  
  dim(totals) <- c(num_states, 2, 2, 2)
  for (i in 1:num_states) { 
    # Marginal of W = 1
    N_w1 <- sum(totals[i, 2, , ])
    N_w0 <- sum(totals[i, 1, , ])
    alpha <- c(N_w0, N_w1) + prior_table / (num_states * 2)
    sW <- rbeta(M, alpha[2], alpha[1])
    # X = 1 given W
    N_x1w1 <- sum(totals[i, 2, 2, ])
    N_x0w1 <- sum(totals[i, 2, 1, ])
    alpha <- c(N_x0w1, N_x1w1) + prior_table / (num_states * 4)
    sXW1 <- rbeta(M, alpha[2], alpha[1])
    N_x1w0 <- sum(totals[i, 1, 2, ])
    N_x0w0 <- sum(totals[i, 1, 1, ])
    alpha <- c(N_x0w0, N_x1w0) + prior_table / (num_states * 4)
    sXW0 <- rbeta(M, alpha[2], alpha[1])
    # Y = 1 given X
    N_y1x1 <- sum(totals[i, , 2, 2])
    N_y0x1 <- sum(totals[i, , 2, 1])
    alpha <- c(N_y0x1, N_y1x1) + prior_table / (num_states * 4)
    sYX1 <- rbeta(M, alpha[2], alpha[1])
    N_y1x0 <- sum(totals[i, , 1, 2])
    N_y0x0 <- sum(totals[i, , 1, 1])
    alpha <- c(N_y0x0, N_y1x0) + prior_table / (num_states * 4)
    sYX0 <- rbeta(M, alpha[2], alpha[1])
    # Wrap it up
    theta_samples[[i]] <- list(sW = sW, sXW0 = sXW0, sXW1 = sXW1, sYX0 = sYX0, sYX1 = sYX1)
  # Marginal of Z
  if (length(Z) > 0) {
    Z_totals <- marginTable(totals, 1)
    Z_samples <- rdirichlet(M, Z_totals + prior_table / num_states)
  } else {
    Z_samples <- matrix(rep(1, M), ncol = 1)
  # Return
  return(list(theta_samples = theta_samples, Z_samples = Z_samples))

binParamPosteriorExpectation <- function(counts, w, x, y, Z, prior_table = 10) {
  # Generates the posterior expected distribution of the contingency table parameters of a model
  # for p(W, X, Y | Z).
  # * Input:
  # - counts: array of binary counts
  # - w, x, y, Z: the indices of the corresponding variables (Z being a vector here)
  # - prior_table: Dirichlet hyperparameter for contingency tables
  # * Output:
  # - theta_mean: a list with fields, 
  #        sW, posterior expected value of P(W = 1), 
  #      sXW0, posterior expected value of P(X = 1 | W = 0, Z = z));
  #      sXW1, analogously;
  #      sYX0, posterior expected value of P(Y = 1 | X = 0, Z = z);
  #      sYX1, analogously
  # - Z_mean: posterior expected values of the marginal of Z, 
  # It is assumed the dimensionality of the problem is small so that there is no memory overflow.
  num_states <- 2^length(Z)
  theta_mean <- list()
  # matrix: each row corresponds to state of Z
  totals <- marginTable(counts, c(Z, w, x, y)) + prior_table / 2^(length(Z) + 3)
  dim(totals) <- c(num_states, 2, 2, 2)
  for (i in 1:num_states) { 
    # Marginal of W = 1
    N_w1 <- sum(totals[i, 2, , ])
    N_w0 <- sum(totals[i, 1, , ])
    sW   <- N_w1 / (N_w0 + N_w1)
    # X = 1 given W
    N_x1w1 <- sum(totals[i, 2, 2, ])
    N_x0w1 <- sum(totals[i, 2, 1, ])
    sXW1   <- N_x1w1 / (N_x1w1 + N_x0w1)
    N_x1w0 <- sum(totals[i, 1, 2, ])
    N_x0w0 <- sum(totals[i, 1, 1, ])
    sXW0   <- N_x1w0 / (N_x1w0 + N_x0w0)
    # Y = 1 given X
    N_y1x1 <- sum(totals[i, , 2, 2])
    N_y0x1 <- sum(totals[i, , 2, 1])
    sYX1   <- N_y1x1 / (N_y1x1 + N_y0x1)
    N_y1x0 <- sum(totals[i, , 1, 2])
    N_y0x0 <- sum(totals[i, , 1, 1])
    sYX0   <- N_y1x0 / (N_y1x0 + N_y0x0)
    # Wrap it up
    theta_mean[[i]] <- list(sW = sW, sXW0 = sXW0, sXW1 = sXW1, sYX0 = sYX0, sYX1 = sYX1)
  # Marginal of Z
  if (length(Z) > 0) {
    Z_totals <- marginTable(totals, 1)
    Z_mean <- Z_totals / sum(Z_totals)
  } else {
    Z_mean <- 1
  # Return
  return(list(theta_mean = theta_mean, Z_mean = Z_mean))

rowMins <- function(x) do.call(pmin, as.data.frame(x))

rowMaxs <- function(x) do.call(pmax, as.data.frame(x))
rbas2015/CausalFX documentation built on May 27, 2019, 2:06 a.m.