
Defines functions afmDetachPoint

Documented in afmDetachPoint

#' @title Detach point
#' @description Find the detach point (or unbinding point) for the Force-Distance curve 
#' following the local regression and two thresholds methods described in Microscopy
#' Research and Technique 2013 (see reference).
#' The procedure is similar to the one used by the \code{afmContactPoint()} function for
#' obtaining the contact point.
#' @usage afmDetachPoint(afmdata,width=1,mul1,mul2, lagdiff = width, Delta=TRUE, loessSmooth = FALSE, silent = FALSE)
#' @param afmdata A Force-Distance curve with the afmdata structure. It should be a list
#'   with at least the 'data' field with a data frame of at least 4 columns.
#' @param width Width of the window for the local regression (in vector position units)
#' @param mul1 First multiplier for the first alarm threshold
#' @param mul2 Second multiplier for the second alarm threshold
#' @param lagdiff Lag for estimating the differences in Delta (or slopes) signal. By
#'   default it takes the same value as the window with.
#' @param Delta Logical. If TRUE, then the statistic for determining the contact point is
#'   the differences between two consecutive values of the slope of the local regression
#'   line. If FALSE then the slope itself is used.
#' @param loessSmooth Logical If TRUE, a loess smoothing (via loess.smooth()) is done
#'   prior to the determination of the contact point. The span of the  smoothing is 0.05
#'   (5%), the degree is 2 and the number of points equals the number of points in the
#'   approach segment.
#' @param silent Logical. If TRUE supresses a message showing which curve is being processing
#'  (use it when processing a high number of curves). Defaults to FALSE.
#' @return An \code{afmdata} class variable which will consist on the original input
#'   \code{afmdata} variable plus a new list named \code{DP} with the following fields:
#'   \code{DP} The detach point value.
#'   \code{iDP} The position in the array for the detach point value.
#'   \code{delta} The delta signal.
#'   \code{noise} The noise of the delta signal
#' @examples
#' data <- afmReadJPK("force-save-JPK-3h.txt.gz", path = path.package("afmToolkit"))
#' width <- 10
#' mul1 <- 2
#' mul2 <- 40
#' data <- afmDetachPoint(data, width = width, mul1 = mul1, mul2 = mul2)
#' \dontrun{
#' plot(data, segment = "retract") + geom_vline(xintercept = data$DP$DP, lty = 2)
#' }
#' @references Benitez R., Moreno-Flores S., Bolos V. J. and Toca-Herrera J.L. (2013). "A 
#' new automatic contact point detection algorithm for AFM force curves". Microscopy
#' research and technique, \strong{76} (8), pp. 870-876.
#' @seealso \code{\link{afmContactPoint}}
#' @importFrom stats loess.smooth
#' @export
afmDetachPoint <- function(afmdata,width=1,mul1,mul2, lagdiff = width, 
                            Delta=TRUE, loessSmooth = FALSE, silent = FALSE){
  Segment <- NULL
  if (is.afmexperiment(afmdata)){
    afmexperiment <- lapply(afmdata, function(x) {
      if(!is.null(x$params$curvename) & !silent){
        print(paste("Processing curve: ",x$params$curvename), sep = " ")
        width = width,
        mul1 = mul1,
        mul2 = mul2,
        lagdiff = lagdiff,
        Delta = Delta,
        loessSmooth = loessSmooth
  }else if (is.afmdata(afmdata)){
  data.retract <- subset(afmdata$data, Segment == "retract")
  Z <- data.retract$Z
  Force <- data.retract$Force
  n <- length(Z)
  direction <- Z[n] - Z[1]
  if (direction > 0){
  Z <- rev(Z)
  Force <- rev(Force)
  if (loessSmooth){
    data.contact.smoothed <- loess.smooth(Z, Force, span = 0.05, 
                                          degree = 2, evaluation = n)
    Z <- data.contact.smoothed$x
    Force <- data.contact.smoothed$y
    if (Z[n]-Z[1] > 0){
      Z <- rev(Z)
      Force <- rev(Force)
  b<- array(0,dim=c(n,1))
  delta <- array(0,dim=c(n,1))
  imax <- n-width
  app <- matrix(c(rep(1,n),Z,Force),nrow = n,ncol = 3)
  # bRoll <- rollapply(app,width,FUN = function(X) 
  #  coef(lm.fit(X[,1:2],X[,3]))[2],by.column=FALSE,align="right")
  bRoll <- windowedFit(app,width) 
  delta<- diff(bRoll, lag = lagdiff)
  delta <- c(rep(0,width+lagdiff),delta,rep(0,width))
  if (!Delta){
    delta <- c(rep(0,width),bRoll,rep(0,width))
#  noise <- sd(delta[(width+as.integer(n/3)):(width+as.integer(n/3)+as.integer(0.1*n))],na.rm=TRUE)
  noise <- sd(delta[(width):(width+as.integer(0.1*n))], na.rm = TRUE)
  tol1 <- mul1*noise
  tol2 <- mul2*noise
  if(tol2 > max(abs(delta))){
    tol2 <- max(abs(delta))-0.05*diff(range(abs(delta)))
  idxGrTol2 <- which(abs(delta)>tol2)
  idxSmTol1 <- which(abs(delta)<tol1)
  # if (length(idxGrTol2>tol2) ==0){
  #   cat("mul2 is too large. Set a smaller value for mul2\n")
  #   return(list(CP=NA,iCP=NA,delta=delta,noise=noise))
  # } else{
    j <- max(idxSmTol1[idxSmTol1<min(idxGrTol2)])#+1  
    if ((j > 1) & (delta[j] != 0)){
      eps <- (tol1-abs(delta[j]))/abs(delta[j+1]-delta[j]) # factor de proporcionalidad entre 0 y 1    
      eps <- 0
    i_detach = min(j+width,n-1)
    z_detach = Z[i_detach]
    z_detach = as.numeric(z_detach+eps*(Z[i_detach+1]-z_detach));  
    DP <- list(DP=z_detach, iDP=i_detach,delta=delta,noise=noise)
#  }
    stop("Error: Input is not a valid afmdata or afmexperiment.")
rbensua/afmToolkit documentation built on Dec. 1, 2020, 2:14 a.m.