estimate_pdiff_ind_contrast: Estimates for a multi-group study with a categorical outcome...

View source: R/estimate_pdiff_ind_contrast.R

estimate_pdiff_ind_contrastR Documentation

Estimates for a multi-group study with a categorical outcome variable


Returns object estimate_pdiff_ind_contrast is suitable for a multi-group design (between subjects) with a categorical outcome variable. It accepts a user-defined set of contrast weights that allows estimation of any 1-df contrast. It can express estimates as a difference in proportions and as an odds ratio (2-group designs only). You can pass raw data or summary data.


  data = NULL,
  outcome_variable = NULL,
  grouping_variable = NULL,
  cases = NULL,
  ns = NULL,
  contrast = NULL,
  case_label = 1,
  grouping_variable_levels = NULL,
  outcome_variable_name = "My outcome variable",
  grouping_variable_name = "My grouping variable",
  conf_level = 0.95,
  count_NA = FALSE



For raw data - a data frame or tibble


For raw data - The column name of the outcome variable which is a factor, or a vector that is a factor


For raw data - The column name of the grouping variable which is a factor, or a vector that is a factor


For summary data - A numeric vector of 2 or more event counts, each an integer >= 0


For summary data - A numeric vector of sample sizes, same length as counts, each an integer >= corresponding event count


A vector of group weights, same length as number of groups.


An optional numeric or character label For summary data, used as the label and defaults to 'Affected'. For raw data, used to specify the level used for the proportion.


For summary data - An optional vector of group labels, same length as cases


Optional friendly name for the outcome variable. Defaults to 'My outcome variable' or the outcome variable column name if a data frame is passed.


Optional friendly name for the grouping variable. Defaults to 'My grouping variable' or the grouping variable column name if a data.frame is passed.


The confidence level for the confidence interval. Given in decimal form. Defaults to 0.95.


Logical to count NAs (TRUE) in total N or not (FALSE)


Once you generate an estimate with this function, you can visualize it with plot_mdiff() and you can test hypotheses with test_mdiff().

The estimated proportion differences are from

The estimated odds ratios (if returned) are from statpsych::ci.oddsratio().


Returns object of class esci_estimate

  • es_proportion_difference

    • type -

    • outcome_variable_name -

    • case_label -

    • grouping_variable_name -

    • effect -

    • effect_size -

    • LL -

    • UL -

    • SE -

    • effect_size_adjusted -

    • ta_LL -

    • ta_UL -

  • es_odds_ratio

    • outcome_variable_name -

    • case_label -

    • grouping_variable_name -

    • effect -

    • effect_size -

    • SE -

    • LL -

    • UL -

    • ta_LL -

    • ta_UL -

  • overview

    • grouping_variable_name -

    • grouping_variable_level -

    • outcome_variable_name -

    • outcome_variable_level -

    • cases -

    • n -

    • P -

    • P_LL -

    • P_UL -

    • P_SE -

    • P_adjusted -

    • ta_LL -

    • ta_UL -

  • es_phi

    • grouping_variable_name -

    • outcome_variable_name -

    • effect -

    • effect_size -

    • SE -

    • LL -

    • UL -


# From raw data

estimate_from_raw <- esci::estimate_pdiff_ind_contrast(
  contrast = c("Male" = -1, "Female" = 1)

# To visualize the estimate
myplot_from_raw <- esci::plot_pdiff(estimate_from_raw)

# To conduct a hypothesis test
res_htest_from_raw <- esci::test_pdiff(estimate_from_raw)

# From summary data
estimate_from_summary <- esci::estimate_pdiff_ind_contrast(
  cases = c(78, 10),
  ns = c(252, 20),
  case_label = "egocentric",
  grouping_variable_levels = c("Original", "Replication"),
  contrast = c(-1, 1),
  conf_level = 0.95

# To visualize the estimate
myplot_from_summary <- esci::plot_pdiff(estimate_from_summary)

# To conduct a hypothesis test
res_htest_from_summary <- esci::test_pdiff(estimate_from_summary)

rcalinjageman/esci documentation built on Feb. 26, 2025, 4:38 p.m.