meta_mdiff_two: Estimate meta-analytic difference in means across multiple...

View source: R/meta_mdiff_two.R

meta_mdiff_twoR Documentation

Estimate meta-analytic difference in means across multiple two-group studies.


meta_mdiff_two is suitable for synthesizing across multiple two-group studies (paired or independent) with a continuous outcome measure. It takes in raw data from each study. If all studies used the same measurement scale, a meta-analytic raw-score difference can be returned. If studies used different scales, a standardized mean difference can be returned. Studies can be all paired, all independent, or a mix. Equal variance can be assumed, or not. If standardized mean difference is the output, it is d_s when equal variance is assumed and d_avg when equal variance is not assumed.


  r = NULL,
  labels = NULL,
  moderator = NULL,
  contrast = NULL,
  effect_label = "My effect",
  reported_effect_size = c("mean_difference", "smd_unbiased", "smd"),
  assume_equal_variance = FALSE,
  random_effects = TRUE,
  conf_level = 0.95



A data frame or tibble


Set of comparison_group means, 1 per study


Set of comparison_group standard deviations, 1 per study, all > 0


Set of comparison_group sample sizes, positive integers, 1 for each study


Set of reference_group means, 1 per study


Set of comparison_group standard deviations, 1 per study, all > 0


Set of reference_group sample sizes, positive integers, 1 for each study


Optional correlation between measures for w-s studies, NA otherwise


An optional collection of study labels


An optional factor to analyze as a categorical moderator, must have k > 2 per groups


An optional contrast to estimate between moderator levels; express as a vector of contrast weights with 1 weight per moderator level.


Optional character giving a human-friendly name of the effect being synthesized


Character specifying effect size to return: Must be one of 'mean_difference', 'smd_unbiased' (to return an unbiased Cohen's d_s or d_avg) or 'smd' (to return d_s or d_avg without correction for bias). Defaults to mean_difference.


Defaults to FALSE


TRUE for random effect model; FALSE for fixed effects


The confidence level for the confidence interval. Given in decimal form. Defaults to 0.95.


Once you generate an estimate with this function, you can visualize it with plot_meta().

The meta-analytic effect size, confidence interval and heterogeneity estimates all come from metafor::rma().

The diamond ratio and its confidence interval come from CI_diamond_ratio().

If reported_effect_size is smd_unbiased or smd the conversion to Cohen's d is handled by CI_smd_ind_contrast().


An esci-estimate object; a list of data frames and properties. Returned tables include:

  • es_meta - A data frame of meta-analytic effect sizes. If a moderator was defined, there is an additional row for each level of the moderator.

    • effect_label - Study label

    • effect_size - Effect size

    • LL - Lower bound of conf_level% confidence interval

    • UL - Upper bound of conf_level% confidence interval

    • SE - Expected standard error

    • k - Number of studies

    • diamond_ratio - ratio of random to fixed effects meta-analytic effect sizes

    • diamond_ratio_LL - lower bound of conf_level% confidence interval for diamond ratio

    • diamond_ratio_UL - upper bound of conf_level% confidence interval for diamond ratio

    • I2 - I2 measure of heterogeneity

    • I2_LL - Lower bound of conf_level% confidence interval for I2

    • I2_UL - upper bound of conf_level% confidence interval for I2

    • PI_LL - lower bound of conf_level% of prediction interval

    • PI_UL - upper bound of conf_level% of prediction interval

    • p - p value for the meta-analytic effect size, based on null of exactly 0

    • *width - width of the effect-size confidence interval

    • FE_effect_size - effect size of the fixed-effects model (regardless of if fixed effects was selected

    • RE_effect_size - effect size of the random-effects model (regardless of if random effects was selected

    • FE_CI_width - width of the fixed-effects confidence interval, used to calculate diamond ratio

    • RE_CI_width - width of the fixed-effects confidence interval, used to calculate diamond ratio

  • es_heterogeneity - A data frame of of heterogeneity values and conf_level% CIs for the meta-analytic effect size. If a moderator was defined also reports heterogeneity estimates for each level of the moderator.

    • effect_label - study label

    • moderator_variable_name - if moderator passed, gives name of the moderator

    • moderator_level - 'Overall' and each level of moderator, if passed

    • measure - Name of the measure of heterogeneity

    • estimate - Value of the heterogeneity estimate

    • LL - lower bound of conf_level% confidence interval

    • UL - upper bound of conf_level% confidence interval

  • raw_data - A data from with one row for each study that was passed

    • label - study label

    • effect_size - effect size

    • weight - study weight in the meta analysis

    • sample_variance - expected level of sampling variation

    • SE - expected standard error

    • LL - lower bound of conf_level% confidence interval

    • UL - upper bound of conf_level% confidence interval

    • mean - used to calculate study p value; this is the d value entered for the study

    • sd - use to calculate study p value; set to 1 for each study

    • n - study sample size

    • p - p value for the study, based on null of exactly 0


# Data set -- see Introduction to the New Statistics, 2nd edition

# Meta-analysis: random effects, no moderator
estimate <- esci::meta_mdiff_two(
  data = esci::data_mccabemichael_brain,
  comparison_means = "M Brain",
  comparison_sds = "s Brain",
  comparison_ns = "n Brain",
  reference_means = "M No Brain",
  reference_sds = "s No Brain",
  reference_ns = "n No Brain",
  labels = "Study name",
  effect_label = "Brain Photo Rating - No Brain Photo Rating",
  assume_equal_variance = TRUE,
  random_effects = TRUE
# Forest plot
myplot_forest <- esci::plot_meta(estimate)

# Meta-analysis: random effects, moderator
estimate_moderator <- esci::meta_mdiff_two(
  data = esci::data_mccabemichael_brain,
  comparison_means = "M Brain",
  comparison_sds = "s Brain",
  comparison_ns = "n Brain",
  reference_means = "M No Brain",
  reference_sds = "s No Brain",
  reference_ns = "n No Brain",
  labels = "Study name",
  moderator = "Research group",
  effect_label = "Brain Photo Rating - No Brain Photo Rating",
  assume_equal_variance = TRUE,
  random_effects = TRUE
# Forest plot
myplot_forest_moderator <- esci::plot_meta(estimate_moderator)

# Meta-analysis: random effects, moderator, output d_s
estimate_moderator_d <- esci::meta_mdiff_two(
  data = esci::data_mccabemichael_brain,
  comparison_means = "M Brain",
  comparison_sds = "s Brain",
  comparison_ns = "n Brain",
  reference_means = "M No Brain",
  reference_sds = "s No Brain",
  reference_ns = "n No Brain",
  labels = "Study name",
  moderator = "Research group",
  effect_label = "Brain Photo Rating - No Brain Photo Rating",
  assume_equal_variance = TRUE,
  random_effects = TRUE
# Forest plot
myplot_forest_moderator_d <- esci::plot_meta(estimate_moderator_d)

rcalinjageman/esci documentation built on Feb. 26, 2025, 4:38 p.m.