test_rdiff: Test a hypothesis about a difference in correlation strength

View source: R/hypothesis_evaluation.R

test_rdiffR Documentation

Test a hypothesis about a difference in correlation strength


test_rdiff is suitable for testing a hypothesis about a difference in correlation (r) between two conditions. At the moment, it can only test hypotheses for independent-group designs.


test_rdiff(estimate, rope = c(0, 0), output_html = FALSE)


  • An esci_estimate object generated by an estimate_rdiff_ function

  • A two-element vector defining the Region of Practical Equivalence (ROPE). Specify c(0, 0) to test a point null of exactly 0. Specify any two ascending values between -1 and 1 to test an interval null (e.g. c(-.25, .25) to test the hypothesis that the difference in correlation is between -.25 and .25).

  • TRUE to return results in HTML; FALSE (default) to return standard output


This function can be passed an esci_estimate object generated by estimate_rdiff_two().

It can test hypotheses about a specific value for the difference (a point null) or about a range of values (an interval null)


Returns a list with 1-2 data frames

  • point_null - always returned

    • test_type - 'Nil hypothesis test', meaning a test against H0 = 0

    • outcome_variable_name - Name of the outcome variable

    • effect - Label for the effect being tested

    • null_words - Express the null in words

    • confidence - Confidence level, integer (95 for 95%, etc.)

    • LL - Lower boundary of the confidence% CI for the effect

    • UL - Upper boundary of the confidence% CI for the effect

    • CI - Character representation of the CI for the effect

    • CI_compare - Text description of relation between CI and null

    • t - If applicable, t value for hypothesis test

    • df - If applicable, degrees of freedom for hypothesis test

    • p - If applicable, p value for hypothesis test

    • p_result - Text representation of p value obtained

    • null_decision - Text represention of the decision for the null

    • conclusion - Text representation of conclusion to draw

    • significant - TRUE/FALSE if significant at alpha = 1-CI

  • interval_null - returned only if an interval null is specified

    • test_type - 'Practical significance test', meaning a test against an interval null

    • outcome_variable_name -

    • effect - Name of the outcome variable

    • rope - Test representation of null interval

    • confidence - Confidence level, integer (95 for 95%, etc.)

    • CI - Character representation of the CI for the effect

    • rope_compare - Text description of relation between CI and null interval

    • p_result - Text representation of p value obtained

    • conclusion - Text representation of conclusion to draw

    • significant - TRUE/FALSE if significant at alpha = 1-CI


# example code
estimate <- esci::estimate_rdiff_two(
  comparison_r = .53,
  comparison_n = 45,
  reference_r = .41,
  reference_n = 59,
  grouping_variable_levels = c("Females", "Males"),
  x_variable_name = "Satisfaction with life",
  y_variable_name = "Body satisfaction",
  grouping_variable_name = "Gender",
  conf_level = .95

rcalinjageman/esci documentation built on Feb. 26, 2025, 4:38 p.m.