
Defines functions na_use didCheckNA checkNA do_normalize get_alpha ssgseaParam

Documented in ssgseaParam

#' @title The `ssgseaParam` class
#' @description Objects of class `ssgseaParam` contain the parameters for running
#' the `ssGSEA` method.
#' @details In addition to an expression data set and a collection of
#' gene sets, `ssGSEA` takes two method-specific parameters as described below.
#' @param exprData The expression data.  Must be one of the classes
#' supported by [`GsvaExprData-class`]. Type `help(GsvaExprData)` to consult
#' the available classes.
#' @param geneSets The gene sets.  Must be one of the classes supported by
#' [`GsvaGeneSets-class`].
#' @param assay The name of the assay to use in case `exprData` is a multi-assay
#' container, otherwise ignored.  By default, the first assay is used.
#' @param annotation The name of a Bioconductor annotation package for the gene
#' identifiers occurring in the row names of the expression data matrix.  This
#' can be used to map gene identifiers occurring in the gene sets if those are
#' provided in a [`GeneSetCollection`].  By default gene identifiers used in
#' expression data matrix and gene sets are matched directly.
#' @param minSize Minimum size of the resulting gene sets after gene identifier
#' mapping. By default, the minimum size is 1.
#' @param maxSize Maximum size of the resulting gene sets after gene identifier
#' mapping. By default, the maximum size is `Inf`.
#' @param alpha Numeric vector of length 1.  The exponent defining the
#' weight of the tail in the random walk performed by the `ssGSEA` (Barbie et
#' al., 2009) method.  The default value is 0.25 as described in the paper.
#' @param normalize Logical vector of length 1; if `TRUE` runs the `ssGSEA`
#' method from Barbie et al. (2009) normalizing the scores by the absolute
#' difference between the minimum and the maximum, as described in their paper.
#' Otherwise this last normalization step is skipped.
#' @param checkNA Character string specifying whether the input expression data
#' should be checked for the presence of missing (`NA`) values. This must be
#' one of the strings `"auto"` (default), `"yes"`, or `"no"`. The default value
#' `"auto"` means that the software will perform that check only when the input
#' expression data is provided as a base [`matrix`], an [`ExpressionSet`] or a
#' [`SummarizedExperiment`] object, while every other type of input expression
#' data container (e.g., [`SingleCellExperiment`], etc.) will not be checked.
#' If `checkNA="yes"`, then the input expression data will be checked for
#' missing values irrespective of the object class of the data container, and
#' if `checkNA="no"`, then that check will not be performed.
#' @param use Character string specifying a policy for dealing with missing
#' values (`NA`s) in the input expression data argument `exprData`. It only
#' applies when either `checkNA="yes"`, or `checkNA="auto"` (see the `checkNA`
#' parameter. The argument value must be one of the strings `"everything"`
#' (default), `"all.obs"`, or `"na.rm"`. The policy of the default value
#' `"everything"` consists of propagating `NA`s so that the resulting enrichment
#' scores will be `NA`, whenever one or more of its contributing values is `NA`,
#' giving a warning when that happens. When `use="all.obs"`, the presence of
#' `NA`s in the input expression data will produce an error. Finally, when
#' `use="na.rm"`, `NA` values in the input expression data will be removed from
#' calculations, giving a warning when that happens, and giving an error if no
#' values are left after removing the `NA` values.
#' @return A new [`ssgseaParam-class`] object.
#' @references Barbie, D.A. et al. Systematic RNA interference reveals that
#' oncogenic KRAS-driven cancers require TBK1.
#' *Nature*, 462(5):108-112, 2009.
#' [DOI](https://doi.org/10.1038/nature08460)
#' @examples
#' library(GSVA)
#' library(GSVAdata)
#' data(leukemia)
#' data(c2BroadSets)
#' ## for simplicity, use only a subset of the sample data
#' ses <- leukemia_eset[1:1000, ]
#' gsc <- c2BroadSets[1:100]
#' sp1 <- ssgseaParam(ses, gsc)
#' sp1
#' @importFrom methods new
#' @rdname ssgseaParam-class
#' @export
ssgseaParam <- function(exprData, geneSets,
                        assay=NA_character_, annotation=NA_character_,
                        alpha=0.25, normalize=TRUE,
                        checkNA=c("auto", "yes", "no"),
                        use=c("everything", "all.obs", "na.rm")) {
    checkNA <- match.arg(checkNA)
    use <- match.arg(use)
    an <- gsvaAssayNames(exprData)
    if((!is.na(assay)) && (!.isCharNonEmpty(an)))
        warning("argument assay='", assay,
                "' ignored since exprData has no assayNames()")
    if(is.na(assay) && .isCharNonEmpty(an))
        assay <- na.omit(an)[1]
    autonaclasseswocheck <- c("matrix", "ExpressionSet",
    mask <- class(exprData) %in% autonaclasseswocheck
    checkNAyesno <- switch(checkNA, yes="yes", no="no",
                           ifelse(any(mask), "yes", "no"))
    didCheckNA <- any_na <- FALSE
    if (checkNAyesno == "yes") {
        any_na <- anyNA(unwrapData(exprData))
        didCheckNA <- TRUE
        if (any_na) {
            if (use == "all.obs")
                stop("Input expression data has NA values.")
            else if (use == "everything")
                warning(paste("Input expression data has NA values,",
                              "which will be propagated through",
            else ## na.rm
                warning(paste("Input expression data has NA values,",
                              "which will be discarded from",
        exprData=exprData, geneSets=geneSets,
        assay=assay, annotation=annotation,
        minSize=minSize, maxSize=maxSize,
        alpha=alpha, normalize=normalize,
        checkNA=checkNA, didCheckNA=didCheckNA,
        anyNA=any_na, use=use)

## ----- validator -----

setValidity("ssgseaParam", function(object) {
    inv <- NULL
    xd <- object@exprData
    dd <- dim(xd)
    an <- gsvaAssayNames(xd)
    oa <- object@assay
    if(dd[1] == 0) {
        inv <- c(inv, "@exprData has 0 rows")
    if(dd[2] == 0) {
        inv <- c(inv, "@exprData has 0 columns")
    if(length(object@geneSets) == 0) {
        inv <- c(inv, "@geneSets has length 0")
    if(length(oa) != 1) {
        inv <- c(inv, "@assay should be of length 1")
    if(.isCharLength1(oa) && .isCharNonEmpty(an) && (!(oa %in% an))) {
        inv <- c(inv, "@assay should be one of assayNames(@exprData)")
    if(length(object@annotation) != 1) {
        inv <- c(inv, "@annotation should be of length 1")
    if(length(object@minSize) != 1) {
        inv <- c(inv, "@minSize should be of length 1")
    if(object@minSize < 1) {
        inv <- c(inv, "@minSize should be at least 1 or greater")
    if(length(object@maxSize) != 1) {
        inv <- c(inv, "@maxSize should be of length 1")
    if(object@maxSize < object@minSize) {
        inv <- c(inv, "@maxSize should be at least @minSize or greater")
    if(length(object@alpha) != 1) {
        inv <- c(inv, "@alpha should be of length 1")
    if(is.na(object@alpha)) {
        inv <- c(inv, "@alpha should not be NA")
    if(length(object@normalize) != 1) {
        inv <- c(inv, "@normalize should be of length 1")
    if(is.na(object@normalize)) {
        inv <- c(inv, "@normalize should not be NA")
    if(!.isCharLength1(object@checkNA)) {
        inv <- c(inv, "@use should be a single character string")
    if(length(object@didCheckNA) != 1) {
        inv <- c(inv, "@didCheckNA should be of length 1")
    if(is.na(object@didCheckNA)) {
        inv <- c(inv, "@didCheckNA should not be NA")
    if(length(object@anyNA) != 1) {
        inv <- c(inv, "@anyNA should be of length 1")
    if(is.na(object@anyNA)) {
        inv <- c(inv, "@anyNA should not be NA")
    if(!.isCharLength1(object@use)) {
        inv <- c(inv, "@use should be a single character string")
    return(if(length(inv) == 0) TRUE else inv)

## ----- getters -----

#' @noRd
get_alpha <- function(object) {
  stopifnot(inherits(object, "ssgseaParam"))

#' @noRd
do_normalize <- function(object) {
  stopifnot(inherits(object, "ssgseaParam"))

#' @noRd
checkNA <- function(object) {
  stopifnot(inherits(object, "ssgseaParam"))

#' @noRd
didCheckNA <- function(object) {
  stopifnot(inherits(object, "ssgseaParam"))

#' @param x An object of class [`ssgseaParam`].
#' @param recursive Not used with `x` being an object of class [`ssgseaParam`].
#' @aliases anyNA,ssgseaParam-method
#' @rdname ssgseaParam-class
setMethod("anyNA", signature=c("ssgseaParam"),
          function(x, recursive=FALSE)

#' @noRd
na_use <- function(object) {
  stopifnot(inherits(object, "ssgseaParam"))

## ----- show -----

          function(object) {
              cat("alpha: ", get_alpha(object), "\n", 
                  "normalize: ", do_normalize(object), "\n",
                  "checkNA: ", checkNA(object), "\n", sep="")
              if (didCheckNA(object)) {
                  if (anyNA(object)) {
                      cat("missing data: yes\n",
                          "na_use: ", na_use(object), "\n", sep="")
                  } else
                      cat("missing data: no\n")
              } else
                  cat("missing data: didn't check\n")
rcastelo/GSVA documentation built on July 10, 2024, 2:46 a.m.