
Defines functions rvn_rvh_cleanhrus

Documented in rvn_rvh_cleanhrus

#' @title Clean HRU data table.
#' @description
#' Takes \code{\link{rvn_rvh_read}}-generated HRUtable and SBTable and returns cleaned HRUtable
#' with (hopefully) fewer HRUs
#' @param HRUtab table of HRUs generated (typically) by \code{\link{rvn_rvh_read}}
#' @param SBtab table of Subbasins generated (typically) by \code{\link{rvn_rvh_read}}
#' @param area_tol percentage of watershed area beneath which HRUs should be removed (e.g.,
#' default value of 0.01 would indicate anything smaller than 1 percent of watershed extent should be removed)
#' @param merge TRUE if similar HRUs are to be merged (this can be slow for large models)
#' @param elev_tol elevation difference (in metres) considered similar. only used if \code{merge=TRUE}
#' @param slope_tol slope difference (in degrees) considered similar. only used if \code{merge=TRUE}
#' @param aspect_tol slope difference (in degrees) considered similar. only used if \code{merge=TRUE}
#' @param ProtectedHRUs vector of HRU IDs that are sacrosanct (not to be removed, but may still increase in area)
#' @param LockedHRUs vector of HRU IDs that are locked (not to be modified)
#' @param LockedSubbasins vector of subbasin IDs that are locked (not to be modified).
#' @details
#' \code{rvn_rvh_cleanhrus} removes HRUs in two ways:
#'   1. it removes all HRUs smaller than the area_tol percentage of total area. Adjacent HRUs in the
#' subbasin are expanded by the lost area to keep the same relative coverage.
#'   2. it consolidates similar HRUs within the same subbasin (those with same land cover,
#'     vegetation, soil profile and similar slope, aspect, and elevation)
#' The ProtectedHRUs allows the specification of HRUs that should not be removed, even if they
#' would otherwise be merged or removed. These HRUs may still increase in size as other HRUs are
#' consolidated.
#' The LockedHRUs allows for the specification of HRUs that will not change (removed or increase
#' in size), which may be useful for specific land types such as glaciers or water bodies. It is
#' possible that locking HRUs may prevent the script from resizing remaining HRUs within a subbasin,
#' in which case a warning is issued to the user that the area has changed. If this is the case, it
#' is suggested to reduce the area threshold to try and prevent this issue, or consider simply locking some
#' subbasins.
#' Note that merging can be a computationally expensive process, and for this reason is set as \code{FALSE} by default.
#' @return \item{hru_table}{cleaned HRU table as a dataframe}
#' @author James R. Craig, University of Waterloo
#' @seealso
#' \code{\link{rvn_rvh_read}} for the function used to read in the HRU and Subbasin data, and
#' \code{\link{rvn_rvh_write}} to write rvh information to file.
#' @examples
#' # read in example rvh file
#' nith <- system.file("extdata","Nith.rvh",package = "RavenR")
#' rvh <- rvn_rvh_read(nith)
#' # number of HRUs in existing configuration
#' nrow(rvh$HRUtable)
#' # clean contents (in this case, remove all HRUs covering less than 5% of the total area)
#' newHRUs <- rvn_rvh_cleanhrus(rvh$HRUtable,rvh$SBtable,area_tol = 0.05, merge=TRUE)
#' # clean contents but locking urban areas (two HRUs locked)
#' newHRUs <- rvn_rvh_cleanhrus(rvh$HRUtable,rvh$SBtable,area_tol = 0.05, merge=TRUE,
#'    LockedHRUs=rvh$HRUtable[rvh$HRUtable$LandUse=="URBAN", "ID"])
#' @export rvn_rvh_cleanhrus
#' @importFrom stats aggregate
#' @importFrom dplyr group_by summarise
rvn_rvh_cleanhrus <- function(HRUtab, SBtab, area_tol=0.01, merge=FALSE,
                            elev_tol=50, slope_tol=4, aspect_tol=20,
                            ProtectedHRUs=c(), LockedHRUs=c(), LockedSubbasins=c()) {
  init_SubAreas <- stats::aggregate(Area ~ SBID, FUN = sum, data=HRUtab)

  # remove overly small HRUs (contributing area less than area_tol% of subbasin)

  # get fraction of SB area in each HRU
  SBtab$AreaSB <- SBtab$Area

  HRUtab <- base::merge(HRUtab,SBtab[c("SBID","AreaSB")],by="SBID")

  # re-sort HRU dataframe by SBID then by area frac
  HRUtab<-HRUtab[with(HRUtab, order(SBID, areafrac)),]

  # add all HRUs in LockedSubbasins as LockedHRUs
  if (length(LockedSubbasins) > 0) {
    LockedHRUs <- unique(c(LockedHRUs, HRUtab$ID[HRUtab$SBID %in% LockedSubbasins]))

  # add locked HRU property
  HRUtab$locked <- HRUtab$ID %in% LockedHRUs

  # tag to remove if area fraction less than tolerance %
  HRUtab$remove<-(HRUtab$areafrac<area_tol) & !(HRUtab$ID %in% ProtectedHRUs) & !(HRUtab$locked) # (&& HRUtab$cumareafrac<0.25) # !(HRUtab$ID %in% LockedHRUs)

  # calculate area correction factors for all HRUs, considering locked HRUs
  unlocked_SubAreas <- stats::aggregate(Area ~ SBID, FUN = sum, data=HRUtab[HRUtab$locked==FALSE,])
  newunlocked_SubAreas <- stats::aggregate(Area ~ SBID, FUN = sum, data=HRUtab[HRUtab$remove==FALSE & HRUtab$locked==FALSE,])
  A <- data.frame("SBID"=unlocked_SubAreas$SBID,
                  "areafrac"=(newunlocked_SubAreas$Area / unlocked_SubAreas$Area))
  # add back any subbasin area fracs where all hrus in subbasin are locked with an areafrac (correction) of 1
  if (any(init_SubAreas$SBID %notin% A$SBID)) {
    A <- rbind(A, data.frame("SBID"=init_SubAreas[init_SubAreas$SBID %notin% A$SBID, "SBID"],
                             "areafrac"=rep(1, length(init_SubAreas[init_SubAreas$SBID %notin% A$SBID, "SBID"]))))

  # A<-stats::aggregate(areafrac ~ SBID, FUN = sum, data=HRUtab[HRUtab$remove==FALSE & HRUtab$locked==FALSE,])
  # rownames(A)<-A$SBID

  # unremove HRUs which were eradicating an entire SB

  # correct B to 1 for locked HRUs
  B[which(HRUtab$locked)] <- 1.0

  # calculate new areas (for non-locked HRUs)
  HRUtab$newarea <- HRUtab$Area / B *as.numeric(!HRUtab$remove)

  if (round(sum(HRUtab$newarea),1) != round(init_Area,1)) {
    warning("rvn_rvh_cleanhrus: The initial area does not match the resulting area.\nThere may be insufficient unlocked HRUs in one or more subbasins to support merging based on the area threshold.")


  # merge overly similar HRUs (varying minutely in elevation/slope/aspect)
  if (merge==TRUE){

    HRUtab$similar <- NA

    # for (i in 1:nrow(HRUtab))# old line
    for (i in 1:(nrow(HRUtab)-1)) {
      if (i %% 100==0){print(i)}
      for (k in (i+1):nrow(HRUtab)) {  # change to check current row against all upcoming rows, and ensure that k != i for all i
        if (HRUtab$SBID[i]==HRUtab$SBID[k]){ # kept separate for speed
          if (HRUtab$LandUse[i]==HRUtab$LandUse[k])  {
            if ((HRUtab$remove[i]!=TRUE) & (HRUtab$remove[k]!=TRUE) & (HRUtab$locked[i]!=TRUE) & (HRUtab$locked[k]!=TRUE) ){
              if  ((HRUtab$Vegetation[i]==HRUtab$Vegetation[k]) &
                   (HRUtab$SoilProfile[i]==HRUtab$SoilProfile[k]) &
                   (HRUtab$Terrain[i]==HRUtab$Terrain[k]) &
                   (HRUtab$Aquifer[i]==HRUtab$Aquifer[k]) &
                   !(HRUtab$ID[i] %in% ProtectedHRUs) &
                   !(HRUtab$ID[k] %in% ProtectedHRUs) &
                   (abs(HRUtab$Elevation[i]-HRUtab$Elevation[k])<elev_tol) &
                   (abs(HRUtab$Slope[i]-HRUtab$Slope[k])<slope_tol) &
                   ((abs(HRUtab$Aspect[i]-HRUtab$Aspect[k])<aspect_tol) |
                    (abs(HRUtab$Aspect[i]-HRUtab$Aspect[k]-360)<aspect_tol) |


                # HRUtab$Aspect[k]<-(HRUtab$Aspect[k]*Ak+HRUtab$Aspect[i]*Ai)/(Ai+Ak)



  # finalize changes
  # apply changed areas
  # delete removed HRUs
  HRUtab<-HRUtab[ HRUtab$remove==FALSE, ]
  # remove temporary columns
  HRUtab<-HRUtab[ , !(names(HRUtab) %in% c("areafrac","newarea","remove","locked","similar","AreaSB"))]
  # return to order by HRUID
  HRUtab<-HRUtab[with(HRUtab, order(ID)),]

  #report results
  print(sprintf("HRU table Cleaned. #HRUs reduced from %i to %i; %i HRUs protected and %i HRUs locked",
                init_nHRUs,nrow(HRUtab), length(ProtectedHRUs), length(LockedHRUs)))
  # print(paste0("HRU table Cleaned. #HRUs reduced from ",toString(init_nHRUs)," to ",toString(nrow(HRUtab)) ))
  print(paste0(toString(rem1)," HRUs failed area tolerance test (",toString(area1)," km2 (",toString(round(area1/init_Area*100,1)),"%) recategorized)"))
  if (merge==TRUE){
    print(paste0(toString(rem2)," HRUs failed similarity tolerance test"))
  print(paste0("Initial area: ",toString(init_Area)," km2;  final area: ",toString(sum(HRUtab$Area)) ," km2"))

  #  return (list(HRUtable=HRUtab)) # should also return re-classification information (e.g., similarity list for plotting results)

rchlumsk/RavenR documentation built on June 28, 2024, 12:27 p.m.