
context('Testing plots')

test.cross <- qtl::sim.cross(map = qtl::sim.map(len = rep(40, 3), n.mar = 10, eq.spacing = TRUE, include.x = FALSE),
                             n.ind = 400,
                             type = 'f2')
test.cross[['pheno']][['sex']] <- factor(sample(x = c('female', 'male'),
                                                size = qtl::nind(test.cross),
                                                replace = TRUE))
test.cross[['pheno']][['phenotype1']] <- rnorm(n = qtl::nind(test.cross))
test.cross[['pheno']][['phenotype2']] <- rnorm(n = qtl::nind(test.cross),
                                               mean = 0.2*as.numeric(test.cross$pheno$sex) + 0.5*test.cross$geno$`2`$data[,3],
                                               sd = exp(0.5*as.numeric(test.cross$pheno$sex) + 0.4*test.cross$geno$`3`$data[,3] - 2))

  desc = 'phenotype_at_marker_plot should run without error',
  code = {
    expect_is(object = phenotype_at_marker_plot(cross = test.cross,
                                                phenotype_name = 'phenotype1',
                                                marker_name = 'D1M1',
                                                Ibars = FALSE),
              class = 'ggplot')

    expect_is(object = phenotype_at_marker_plot(cross = test.cross,
                                                phenotype_name = 'phenotype1',
                                                marker_name = 'D1M1',
                                                color_by = 'sex',
                                                point_alpha = 0.5),
              class = 'ggplot')

    expect_is(object = phenotype_at_marker_plot(cross = test.cross,
                                                phenotype_name = 'phenotype1',
                                                marker_name = 'D1M1',
                                                color_by = 'sex'),
              class = 'ggplot')

    expect_is(object = phenotype_at_marker_plot(cross = test.cross,
                                                phenotype_name = 'phenotype1',
                                                marker_name = 'D1M1',
                                                color_by = 'sex',
                                                genotype_labels = c('AA', 'AB', 'BB')),
              class = 'ggplot')

test.cross <- qtl::calc.genoprob(cross = test.cross, step = 5)

sov <- vqtl::scanonevar(cross = test.cross,
                        mean.formula = phenotype2 ~ sex + mean.QTL.add + mean.QTL.dom,
                        var.formula = ~ sex + var.QTL.add + var.QTL.dom,
                        return.covar.effects = TRUE)

so <- qtl::scanone(cross = test.cross,
                   pheno.col = 'phenotype2',
                   addcovar = as.numeric(test.cross$pheno$sex))

# note: there's no testing of plotting with p-values bc it takes too long to do the permutation scans
# todo: include a sov and so with perms in data/ to test plotting

  desc = 'plot.scanonevar',
  code = {
    expect_is(object = plot(x = sov, y = so),
              class = 'ggplot')

  desc = 'mean_var_sample_plot',
  code = {
    expect_is(object = mean_var_plot_model_free(cross = test.cross,
                                                phenotype.name = 'phenotype1',
                                                grouping.factor.names = c('sex', 'D3M3')),
              class = 'ggplot')

  desc = 'mean_var_predictive_plot',
  code = {
    expect_is(object = mean_var_plot_model_based(cross = test.cross,
                                                 phenotype.name = 'phenotype1',
                                                 focal.groups = 'D3M3',
                                                 se_line_size = 2,
                                                 point_size = 7),
              class = 'ggplot')

    expect_is(object = mean_var_plot_model_based(cross = test.cross,
                                                 phenotype.name = 'phenotype1',
                                                 focal.groups = c('sex', 'D3M3')),
              class = 'ggplot')

    expect_is(object = mean_var_plot_model_based(cross = test.cross,
                                                 phenotype.name = 'phenotype1',
                                                 focal.groups = 'D3M3',
                                                 nuisance.groups = 'D2M2'),
              class = 'ggplot')

    expect_is(object = mean_var_plot_model_based(cross = test.cross,
                                                 phenotype.name = 'phenotype1',
                                                 focal.groups = c('D3M3'),
                                                 nuisance.groups = 'sex'),
              class = 'ggplot')

  desc = 'effects_plot',
  code = {
    expect_is(object = effects_over_genome_plot(sov = sov, covar_name_regex = 'sex'),
              class = 'ggplot')
    expect_is(object = effects_over_genome_plot(sov = sov, covar_name_regex = 'mean.QTL'),
              class = 'ggplot')
    expect_is(object = effects_over_genome_plot(sov = sov, covar_name_regex = 'var.QTL'),
              class = 'ggplot')
    expect_is(object = effects_over_genome_plot(sov = sov, covar_name_regex = 'QTL.add'),
              class = 'ggplot')
    expect_is(object = effects_over_genome_plot(sov = sov, covar_name_regex = 'QTL.dom'),
              class = 'ggplot')
    expect_is(object = effects_over_genome_plot(sov = sov, covar_name_regex = 'QTL'),
              class = 'ggplot')
    expect_is(object = effects_over_genome_plot(sov = sov),
              class = 'ggplot')

    expect_is(object = effects_over_genome_plot(sov = sov, covar_name_regex = 'sex', effect_type_regex = 'mean'),
              class = 'ggplot')
    expect_is(object = effects_over_genome_plot(sov = sov, covar_name_regex = 'QTL.add', effect_type_regex = 'var'),
              class = 'ggplot')
    expect_is(object = effects_over_genome_plot(sov = sov, covar_name_regex = 'QTL.dom', effect_type_regex = 'mean'),
              class = 'ggplot')
    expect_is(object = effects_over_genome_plot(sov = sov, covar_name_regex = 'QTL', effect_type_regex = 'var'),
              class = 'ggplot')
    expect_is(object = effects_over_genome_plot(sov = sov, effect_type_regex = 'mean'),
              class = 'ggplot')
rcorty/vqtl documentation built on May 27, 2019, 3:04 a.m.