
#' Mean-Variance genome scan with a single-QTL model
#' @param pheno_name name of the phenotype to scan
#' @param mean_covar_names names of the mean covariates
#' @param var_covar_names names of the variance covariates
#' @param alleleprobs Genotype probabilities as calculated by
#'     [qtl::calc_genoprob()].
#' @param non_genetic_data phenotype and covararite data.frame
#' @param model Indicates whether to use a normal model (least
#'     squares) or binary model (logistic regression) for the phenotype.
#'     If `model='binary'`, the phenotypes must have values in \eqn{[0, 1]}.
#' individuals. As with the other inputs, it must have `names`
#' for individual identifiers.
#' @param num_cores Number of CPU cores to use, for parallel calculations.
#'     (If `0`, use [parallel::detectCores() - 1].)
#' @param ... additional optional arguments
#' @return results of the scan
#' @export
#' @importFrom dplyr %>%
scan1var <- function(pheno_name,
                     mean_covar_names = '1',
                     var_covar_names = '1',
                     model = c('normal', 'binary'),
                     num_cores = 1,

  # validate and process input
  family <- switch(EXPR = match.arg(arg = model),
                   'normal' = stats::gaussian,
                   'binary' = stats::binomial)

  if (num_cores == 0)
    num_cores <- parallel::detectCores() - 1

  # fit model with no genetic information (covariates only)
  # this will be the null model for all mvQTL tests
  null_fit <- fit_dglm(mf = make_formula(response_name = pheno_name,
                                         covar_names = mean_covar_names),
                       vf = make_formula(covar_names = var_covar_names),
                       locus_data = non_genetic_data,
                       family = family,
                       error_silently = FALSE)

  # do the scan
  if (num_cores == 1) {

    result <- purrr::map_dfr(.x = alleleprobs,
                             .f = scan1var_onechr,
                             .id = 'chr',
                             pheno_name = pheno_name,
                             mean_covar_names = mean_covar_names,
                             var_covar_names = var_covar_names,
                             non_genetic_data = non_genetic_data,
                             family = family,
                             null_fit = null_fit)
  } else {

    stop('Multicore processing not currently supported.')


  # make result
  # -- first row is null_fit, rest is locus fits
  # -- rest is the scan
  # -- finally, add meta data
    tibble::tibble(chr = NA, marker = NA,
                   mvqtl_lr = NA, mqtl_lr = NA, vqtl_lr = NA,
                   mvqtl_dof = NA, mqtl_dof = NA, vqtl_dof = NA),
    pull_effects(model = null_fit, which_submodel = 'mean'),
    pull_effects(model = null_fit, which_submodel = 'var')
  ) %>%
    dplyr::bind_rows(result) %>%
    # dplyr::mutate(marker = factor(x = marker, levels = marker)) %>%
    add_attribute(which = 'pheno_name', value = pheno_name) %>%
    add_attribute(which = 'mean_covar_names', value = mean_covar_names) %>%
    add_attribute(which = 'var_covar_names', value = var_covar_names) %>%
    add_attribute(which = 'model', value = model) %>%
    add_attribute(which = 'alleles', value = attr(x = alleleprobs, which = 'alleles')) %>%
    prepend_classes(new_classes = c('scan1var', 'scan1'))

scan1var_onechr <- function(pheno_name,
                            null_fit) {

  allele_names <- pull_allele_names(apr = alleleprobs)

  formulae <- list(
    mean_alt = make_formula(
      response_name = pheno_name,
      covar_names = c(allele_names[-1], mean_covar_names)
    mean_null = make_formula(
      response_name = pheno_name,
      covar_names = mean_covar_names
    var_alt = make_formula(
      covar_names = c(allele_names[-1], var_covar_names)
    var_null = make_formula(
      covar_names = var_covar_names

  marker_names <- pull_marker_names(apr = alleleprobs)

  results <- list()

  for (mn in marker_names) {

    results[[mn]] <- scan1var_onelocus(
      marker_name = mn,
      formulae = formulae,
      locus_data = dplyr::bind_cols(as.data.frame(alleleprobs[,,mn]),
      family = family,
      null_fit = null_fit)



scan1var_onelocus <- function(marker_name,
                              null_fit) {

  mv = fit_dglm(mf = formulae$mean_alt,
                vf = formulae$var_alt,
                locus_data = locus_data,
                family = family)

  m = fit_dglm(mf = formulae$mean_alt,
               vf = formulae$var_null,
               locus_data = locus_data,
               family = family)

  v = fit_dglm(mf = formulae$mean_null,
               vf = formulae$var_alt,
               locus_data = locus_data,
               family = family)

  tibble::tibble(marker = marker_name,
                 mvqtl_lr = LRT(alt = mv, null = null_fit),
                 mvqtl_dof = dof(f = mv) - dof(null_fit),
                 mqtl_lr = LRT(alt = mv, null = v),
                 mqtl_dof = dof(f = mv) - dof(v),
                 vqtl_lr = LRT(alt = mv, null = m),
                 vqtl_dof = dof(f = mv) - dof(m)) %>%
    dplyr::bind_cols(pull_effects(model = mv, which_submodel = 'both'))

#' Test whether an R object is a scan1var
#' @param x the object to test
#' @return TRUE if [x] is a scan1var, FALSE otherwise
#' @export
is_scan1var <- function(x) {

  if (!identical(class(x), c('scan1var', 'scan1', 'tbl_df', 'tbl', 'data.frame')))

  if (!identical(x = sapply(X = x, FUN = class)[1:8],
                 y = c(chr = 'character',
                       marker = 'character',
                       mvqtl_lr = 'numeric',
                       mqtl_lr = 'numeric',
                       vqtl_lr = 'numeric',
                       mvqtl_dof = 'integer',
                       mqtl_dof = 'integer',
                       vqtl_dof = 'integer')))

  if (any(with(data = x, expr = stats::na.omit(c(mvqtl_lr, mqtl_lr, vqtl_lr))) < 0))

rcorty/vqtl2 documentation built on May 8, 2019, 8:11 a.m.