
Defines functions lo.boot.resample fitted.loess.simpleboot loess.boot print.loess.simpleboot plot.loess.simpleboot lm.boot.resample lm.boot samples plot.lm.simpleboot model.frame.lm.simpleboot fitted.lm.simpleboot print.lm.simpleboot print.summary.lm.simpleboot summary.lm.simpleboot pairs_boot two.boot one.boot perc perc.lm hist.simpleboot

Documented in fitted.lm.simpleboot fitted.loess.simpleboot hist.simpleboot lm.boot loess.boot one.boot pairs_boot perc perc.lm plot.lm.simpleboot plot.loess.simpleboot print.lm.simpleboot print.loess.simpleboot print.summary.lm.simpleboot samples summary.lm.simpleboot two.boot

## Functions for simple bootstrapping procedures
## Copyright 2004--2007 Roger D. Peng <rpeng@jhsph.edu>

## (6/18/2003) The `two.boot' function was rewritten to (properly) use
## the strata argument of `boot'.  This simplifies the two sample
## bootstrap and was what I wanted to do all along. -RDP

## (5/27/03) This package is poorly designed because, among other
## things, it relies heavily on knowledge of the underlying
## representation of the class `boot'.  Also, the print and summary
## methods are kind of hacked. -RDP

hist.simpleboot <- function(x, do.rug = FALSE, xlab = "Bootstrap samples",
                            main = "", ...) {
        hist(x$t[, 1], xlab = xlab, main = main, ...)
                rug(x$t[, 1])
        abline(v = ifelse(is.matrix(x$t0), x$t0[,1], x$t0[1]), col = 2, lty=3)


## Utility functions

## Extract bootstrap samples from the boot object.  Is this useful?
## 'idx' indicates which sample to extract.  Can be a vector.

perc.lm <- function(lm.boot.obj, p) {
        cmat <- samples(lm.boot.obj, "coef")
        apply(cmat, 1, quantile, probs = p)

perc <- function(boot.out, p = c(0.025, 0.975)) {
        if(inherits(boot.out, "lm.simpleboot"))
                return( perc.lm(boot.out, p) )
        if(!inherits(boot.out, "simpleboot"))
                stop("only use this function on 'simpleboot' objects")
        if(any(p < 0) || any(p > 1))
                stop("probabilities in 'p' must be between 0 and 1")
        if(!is.null(boot.out$student) && boot.out$student)
                x <- boot.out$t[, 1, drop = FALSE]
                x <- boot.out$t
        drop(apply(x, 2, quantile, probs = p))


## Actual bootstrapping functions
## If 'quantile' is bootstrapped, then the 'probs' argument must be set

one.boot <- function(data, FUN, R, student = FALSE, M, weights = NULL, ...) {
        func.name <- ifelse(is.character(FUN), FUN, deparse(substitute(FUN)))
        extra <- list(...)

        if(func.name == "quantile") {
                if(is.na(match("probs", names(extra))))
                        stop("'probs' argument must be specified")
                if(length(extra$probs) > 1)
                        stop("can only bootstrap a single quantile")
        func <- match.fun(FUN)
        boot.func <- function(x, idx) {
                fval <- func(x[idx], ...)

                if(student) {
                        rs.x <- x[idx]
                        b <- one.boot(rs.x, FUN, R = M, student = FALSE,
                                      M = NULL, weights = NULL, ...)
                        fval <- c(fval, var(b$t))
        b <- boot(data, statistic = boot.func, R = R, weights = weights)
        b$student <- student
        structure(b, class = "simpleboot")

## FUN should be some sort of function which takes one argument, like
## 'mean' or 'median'.  Same as for the one sample bootstrap.

two.boot <- function(sample1, sample2, FUN, R, student = FALSE, M,
                     weights = NULL, ...) {
        func.name <- ifelse(is.character(FUN), FUN, deparse(substitute(FUN)))
        func <- match.fun(FUN)
        ind <- c(rep(1, length(sample1)), rep(2, length(sample2)))
        nobsgrp <- as.numeric(table(ind))
        extra <- list(...)

        if(func.name == "quantile") {
                if(is.na(match("probs", names(extra))))
                        stop("'probs' argument must be specified")
                if(length(extra$probs) > 1)
                        stop("can only bootstrap a single quantile")
        boot.func <- function(x, idx) {
                d1 <- x[idx[ind == 1]]
                d2 <- x[idx[ind == 2]]
                fval <- func(d1, ...) - func(d2, ...)

                if(student) {
                        b <- two.boot(d1, d2, FUN, R = M, student = FALSE,
                                      M = NULL, weights = NULL, ...) 
                        fval <- c(fval, var(b$t))
                weights <- unlist(weights)
        b <- boot(c(sample1, sample2), statistic = boot.func, R = R,
                  weights = weights, strata = ind)
        b$student <- student
        structure(b, class = "simpleboot")

## x and y should either be vectors, or x can be a two-column matrix
## There are two options for FUN.
## (a) FUN takes to arguments:  FUN <- function(x, y) { ... }
## (b) FUN takes one argument that's either a two-column matrix or a
##     two-column data frame:
##     FUN <- function(x) { ... }

pairs_boot <- function(x, y = NULL, FUN, R, student = FALSE, M,
                       weights = NULL, ...) {
        func <- match.fun(FUN)
        if(is.null(y)) {
                if(!is.matrix(x) && !is.data.frame(x))
                        stop("'x' must be a matrix or a data frame")
                data <- x
        else {
                if(length(x) != length(y))
                        stop("length of 'x' must equal length of 'y'")
                data <- cbind(x, y)
        if(student && missing(M))
                stop("need to specify 'M' for studentized bootstrap")
        boot.func <- function(x, idx) {
                rs.x <- x[idx, ]

                        fval <- func(rs.x, ...)        
                        fval <- func(rs.x[,1], rs.x[,2], ...)
                if(student) {
                        b <- pairs_boot(rs.x[,1], rs.x[,2], FUN, M,
                                        student = FALSE, M = NULL,
                                        weights = NULL, ...)
                        fval <- c(fval, var(b$t))
        b <- boot(data, statistic = boot.func, R = R, weights = weights)
        b$student <- student
        structure(b, class = "simpleboot")

summary.lm.simpleboot <- function(object, ...) {
        summary.object <- object
        class(summary.object) <- "summary.lm.simpleboot"
        params <- sapply(object$boot.list, "[[", "coef")        
        summary.object$stdev.params <- apply(params, 1, sd)

print.summary.lm.simpleboot <- function(x, ...) {    
        cat("Bootstrap SD's:\n")
        print.default(format(x$stdev.params), print.gap = 2, quote = FALSE)

print.lm.simpleboot <- function(x, ...) {
        cat("BOOTSTRAP OF LINEAR MODEL  (method = ", x$method, ")\n\n",
            sep = "")
        cat("Original Model Fit\n")

fitted.lm.simpleboot <- function(object, ...) {
        samples(object, "fitted")

model.frame.lm.simpleboot <- function(formula, ...) {

plot.lm.simpleboot <- function(x, add = FALSE, ...) {
        if(ncol(model.frame(x)) > 2)
                stop("cannot plot bootstrap regressions with dimension > 2")
        xpts <- x$new.xpts    
        bmat <- sapply(x$boot.list, "[[", "fitted")
        std <- apply(bmat, 1, sd, na.rm = T)
        mask.response <- -attr(terms(x$orig.lm), "response")
        orig.pred <- predict(x$orig.lm, xpts)

        if(!add) {
                mf <- model.frame(x)        
                xdata <- mf[, mask.response]
                ydata <- mf[, -mask.response]               
                plot(xdata, ydata, ...)
        lines(xpts[,1], orig.pred + 2*std, lty=3)
        lines(xpts[,1], orig.pred - 2*std, lty=3)

samples <- function(object, name = c("fitted", "coef", "rsquare", "rss")) {
        name <- match.arg(name)
        if(!inherits(object, c("lm.simpleboot", "loess.simpleboot")))
                stop("only use with 'lm.simpleboot' or 'loess.simpleboot' object")
        boot.list <- object$boot.list
                stop(gettextf("bootstrap model does not have '%s' values",
        sapply(boot.list, "[[", name)

lm.boot <- function(lm.object, R, rows = TRUE, new.xpts = NULL, ngrid = 100,
                    weights = NULL) {
        orig.data <- model.frame(lm.object)

        if(ncol(orig.data) == 2 && is.null(new.xpts)) {
                mask.response <- -attr(terms(lm.object), "response")
                range.x <- range(orig.data[, mask.response])
                new.xpts <- data.frame(seq(range.x[1], range.x[2],
                                           len = ngrid))
                names(new.xpts) <- names(orig.data)[mask.response]
                weights <- rep(1, NROW(orig.data))
        boot.list <- lm.boot.resample(lm.object, R, rows, new.xpts, weights)
        structure(list(method = ifelse(rows, "rows", "residuals"),
                       boot.list = boot.list, orig.lm = lm.object,
                       new.xpts = new.xpts, weights = weights),
                  class = "lm.simpleboot")

lm.boot.resample <- function(lm.object, R, rows, new.xpts, weights) {
        boot.list <- vector("list", length = R)
        names(boot.list) <- as.character(1:R)
        yhat <- predict(lm.object)
        f <- formula(lm.object)
        mframe <- model.frame(lm.object)
        nobs <- nrow(mframe)

        for(i in 1:R) {
                if(rows) {
                        boot.idx <- sample(1:nobs, replace = TRUE,
                                           prob = weights)
                        mf <- mframe[boot.idx, ]
                else {
                        mf <- model.frame(lm.object)
                        rstar <- sample(residuals(lm.object), replace = TRUE,
                                        prob = weights)

                        ## Generate new responses with resampled residuals
                        mf[[attr(terms(lm.object), "response")]] <- yhat + rstar
                rs.lm <- update(lm.object, data = mf)
                rss <- sum(residuals(rs.lm)^2)
                y <- mf[[attr(terms(lm.object), "response")]]
                syy <- sum(y^2)
                rval <- list(coef = coef(rs.lm), rss = rss,
                             rsquare = (syy - rss) / syy,
                             rstderr = sqrt(rss / (nobs - rs.lm$rank)))
                        rval$fitted <- predict(rs.lm, newdata = new.xpts)
                boot.list[[i]] <- rval

## R^2 = (SYY - RSS) / SYY

plot.loess.simpleboot <- function(x, add = FALSE, all.lines = FALSE, ...) {
        xpts <- x$new.xpts    
        bmat <- sapply(x$boot.list, "[[", "fitted")
        std <- apply(bmat, 1, stats::sd, na.rm = TRUE)
        orig.pred <- predict(x$orig.loess, data.frame(xpts))

        if(!add) {
                xdata <- drop(x$orig.loess$x)
                ydata <- drop(x$orig.loess$y)
                plot(xdata, ydata, ...)
        lines(xpts$x, orig.pred)

        if(!all.lines) {
                lines(xpts$x, orig.pred + 2*std, lty=3)
                lines(xpts$x, orig.pred - 2*std, lty=3)
        else {
                blist <- x$boot.list

                for(i in seq_len(x$R))
                        lines(xpts$x, blist[[i]]$fitted)

print.loess.simpleboot <- function(x, ...) {
        cat("BOOTSTRAP OF LOESS (method = ", x$method, ")\n\n", sep = "")
        cat("Original Model Fit\n")

loess.boot <- function(lo.object, R, rows = TRUE, new.xpts = NULL,
                       ngrid = 100, weights = NULL) {
        boot.result <- list()

        if(is.null(new.xpts)) {
                new.xpts <- data.frame(seq(min(lo.object$x), max(lo.object$x),
                                           len = ngrid))
                names(new.xpts) <- colnames(lo.object$x)
                weights <- rep(1, length(lo.object$x))
        boot.list <- lo.boot.resample(lo.object, R, rows, new.xpts, weights)

        boot.result$method <- ifelse(rows, "rows", "residuals")
        boot.result$boot.list <- boot.list
        boot.result$orig.loess <- lo.object
        boot.result$new.xpts <- new.xpts
        boot.result$R <- R
        class(boot.result) <- c("loess.simpleboot")

fitted.loess.simpleboot <- function(object, ...) {
        samples(object, "fitted")

lo.boot.resample <- function(lo.object, R, rows, new.xpts, weights) {
        f <- formula(lo.object)
        orig.data <- data.frame(lo.object$y, lo.object$x)
        names(orig.data) <- all.vars(f)
        ## Assumes that response is first name and predictor is second name

        boot.list <- vector("list", length = R)
        names(boot.list) <- as.character(seq_len(R))

        for(i in 1:R) {
                if(rows) {
                        boot.idx <- sample(seq_len(nrow(orig.data)),
                                           replace = TRUE, prob = weights)
                        mf <- orig.data[boot.idx, ]
                else {
                        xorig <- lo.object$x
                        yorig <- lo.object$y
                        res <- yorig - fitted(lo.object)
                        boot.res <- sample(res, replace = TRUE, prob = weights)
                        yboot <- xorig + boot.res
                        mf <- data.frame(yboot, xorig)
                        names(mf) <- all.vars(f)
                rs.lo <- loess(f, data = mf, span = lo.object$pars$span)

                rval <- list(rss = sum(residuals(rs.lo)^2),
                             fitted = predict(rs.lo, data.frame(new.xpts)))
                boot.list[[i]] <- rval

## lo.boot.res <- function(lo.object, R, new.xpts) {
##     xorig <- lo.object$x
##     yorig <- lo.object$y
##     res <- yorig - fitted(lo.object)
##     f <- formula(lo.object)
##     boot.list <- vector("list", length = R)
##     names(boot.list) <- as.character(1:R)
##     for(i in 1:R) {
##         boot.res <- sample(res, rep = TRUE)
##         yboot <- xorig + boot.res
##         mf <- data.frame(yboot, xorig)
##         names(mf) <- all.vars(f)
##         rs.lo <- loess(f, data = mf, span = lo.object$pars$span)
##         rval <- list(rss = sum(residuals(rs.lo)^2),
##                      fitted = predict(rs.lo, data.frame(new.xpts)))
##         boot.list[[i]] <- rval
##     }
##     boot.list
## }

## lm.boot.rows <- function(lm.object, R, new.xpts) {
##     boot.list <- vector("list", length = R)
##     names(boot.list) <- as.character(1:R)
##     mask.response <- -attr(terms(lm.object), "response")
##     orig.data <- model.frame(lm.object)
##     orig.x <- orig.data[mask.response]
##     for(i in 1:R) {
##         mframe <- model.frame(lm.object)        
##         f <- formula(mframe)
##         boot.idx <- sample(1:nrow(mframe), rep = TRUE)
##         mf <- mframe[boot.idx, ]
##         rs.lm <- lm(f, data = mf)        
##         rval <- list(coef = coef(rs.lm), rss = sum(residuals(rs.lm)^2))
##         rss <- sum(residuals(rs.lm)^2)
##         y <- mf[[attr(terms(rs.lm), "response")]]
##         syy <- sum(y^2)
##         rval$rsquare <- (syy - rss) / syy
##         rval$rstderr <- sqrt(rss / (nrow(mframe) - rs.lm$rank))
##         rval$fitted <- predict(rs.lm, newdata = new.xpts)
##         boot.list[[i]] <- rval
##     }
##     boot.list
## }

## two.boot <- function(sample1, sample2, FUN, R, student = FALSE, M, weights = NULL, ...) {
##     func.name <- ifelse(is.character(FUN), FUN, deparse(substitute(FUN)))
##     func <- match.fun(FUN)
##     ind <- c(rep(1, length(sample1)), rep(2, length(sample2)))
##     data <- list(s1 = sample1, s2 = sample2)
##     extra <- list(...)
##     if(func.name == "quantile") {
##         if(is.na(match("probs", names(extra))))
##             stop("The 'probs' argument must be specified in order to use 'quantile' function")
##         if(length(extra$probs) > 1)
##             stop("Can only bootstrap a single quantile")
##     }
##     boot.func <- function(x) {
##         fval <- func(x$s1, ...) - func(x$s2, ...)
##         if(student) {
##             b <- two.boot(x$s1, x$s2, FUN, R = M, student = FALSE, M = NULL, ...)
##             fval <- c(fval, var(b$t))
##         }
##         fval
##     }
##     ran.gen <- function(d, nothing) {
##         list(s1 = sample(d$s1, rep = TRUE), s2 = sample(d$s2, rep = TRUE))
##     }
##     b <- boot(data, boot.func, R, sim = "parametric", ran.gen = ran.gen)
##     b$data.orig <- b$data
##     b$data <- unlist(data)
##     b$strata <- ind
##     b$sim <- "ordinary"
##     b$stype <- "i"
##     b$student <- student
##     class(b) <- c("simpleboot", class(b))
##     b
## }
rdpeng/simpleboot documentation built on July 15, 2024, 7:20 p.m.