geocode_duplicates <- function(x, vars=NULL) {
if (is.null(vars)) {
cn <- colnames(x)
adm <- grep("adm", cn, value=TRUE)
vars <- c("country", "location", adm)
uxy <- unique(x[, c(vars, "longitude", "latitude")])
i <-$longitude)
xy <- uxy[i,]
xy_notna <- uxy[!i,]
xy$longitude <- NULL
xy$latitude <- NULL
m <- unique(merge(xy, xy_notna, by=vars))
m <- m[!duplicated(m[, vars]), ]
cn <- colnames(m)
cn <- gsub("longitude", "xlon", cn)
cn <- gsub("latitude", "ylat", cn)
colnames(m) <- cn
x <- merge(x, m, by=vars, all.x=TRUE)
i <-$longitude)
x$longitude[i] <- x$xlon[i]
i <-$latitude)
x$latitude[i] <- x$ylat[i]
x$xlon <- NULL
x$ylat <- NULL
geocode_geonames <- function(place, username=NULL) {
# Author: Effie Ochieng' (efyrouwa)
u <- paste0("", place, "&username=", username)
out <- rep("", length(u))
for (i in 1:length(u)) {
print(place[i]); utils::flush.console()
response <- try( httr::GET(u[i]) )
if (!inherits(response, "try-error")) {
out[i] <- httr::content(response, as="text")
geocode_nominatim <- function(place, input) {
url <- ""
u <- paste0(url, place, "&format=geojson&polygon_geojson=1")
out <- rep("", length(u))
for (i in 1:length(u)) {
print(place[i]); utils::flush.console()
response <- try( httr::GET(u[i]) )
if (!inherits(response, "try-error")) {
out[i] <- httr::content(response, as="text")
x <- sapply(out, terra::svc)
names(x) <- place
y <- lapply(x, \(s) {
if (length(s) == 0) {
cbind(NA, NA)
} else {
v <- s[1]
v <- v[which.min(v$place_rank)]
terra::crds(terra::centroids(v, inside=TRUE))
y <-, y)
y <- round(y, 4)
colnames(y) <- c("lon", "lat")
y <- data.frame(input, y)
put <- parse(text = utils::capture.output(dput(y[!$lon), ])))[[1]]
list(df=y, svc=x, put=put)
geocode <- function(country, location, adm1=NULL, adm2=NULL, adm3=NULL, adm4=NULL, adm5=NULL, service="nominatim", ...) {
service <- tolower(service)
service <- match.arg(service, c("nominatim", "geonames"))
input <- cbind(country, adm1, adm2, adm3, adm4, adm4, location)
addr <- trimws(input)
addr[] <- ""
noc <- addr[,-1, drop=FALSE]
noc <- apply(noc, 1, \(i) paste0(i, collapse=""))
if (any(noc=="")) {
stop("all records must include a country and a place or admin name")
addr <- apply(addr, 1, \(v) paste(v, collapse=","))
addr <- gsub("(,)\\1+", "\\1", addr)
addr <- gsub("( )\\1+", "\\1", addr)
addr <- gsub(", ,", ",", addr)
addr <- gsub(" ", "+", addr)
addr <- utils::URLencode(addr)
if (service == "nominatim") {
geocode_nominatim(addr, input)
} else {
geocode_geonames(addr, ...)
#g <- geocode("Kenya", c("Machakos", "Nairobi"))
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