get_metadata <- function(cleanuri, path, group="", major=1, minor=0) {
if (is.null(path)) {
path <- file.path(tempdir(), "carob")
jf <- file.path(path, "data", "raw", group, cleanuri, paste0(cleanuri, ".json"))
if (file.exists(jf)) {
x <- jsonlite::fromJSON(readLines(jf))
} else {
jf <- file.path(path, "data", "raw", group, cleanuri, "datapackage.json")
x <- jsonlite::fromJSON(readLines(jf, warn=FALSE))
jmajor <- x$data$latestVersion$versionNumber
if (!is.null(jmajor)) {
jminor <- x$data$latestVersion$versionMinorNumber
if (jmajor > major) {
warning(paste("using newer major version", jmajor, "for", cleanuri), call.=FALSE)
} else if (jmajor < major) {
warning(paste("wrong major version in script", jmajor, "for", cleanuri), call.=FALSE)
if (jminor != minor) warning(paste("different minor version", jminor, "for", cleanuri), call.=FALSE)
} else { # ckan
v <- x$result$version
if (!is.null(v)) {
if (v != major) stop(paste("different version", v, "for", cleanuri), call.=FALSE)
get_license <- function(x) {
if (!is.null(x$metadata$license$id)) { # Zenodo
if (!is.null(x$licenses$name)) { # Rothamsted
lic <- x$data$latestVersion$license
trms <- x$data$latestVersion$termsOfUse
if (is.null(trms)) trms <- x$license
if (isTRUE(grepl("This dataset is made available without information", trms))) {
return("not specified")
#Creative Commons Attribution 4.0
if ((is.null(lic) || (lic[1] == "NONE")) && (!is.null(trms))) {
trm <- strsplit(trms, '\"')[[1]]
g <- grep("/|/", tolower(trm), value=TRUE)
if (length(g) == 0) {
g <- grep("Creative Commons", trm, value=TRUE,
if (length(g) == 0) {
g <- grep("by-nc-nd", trm, value=TRUE,
if (length(g) > 0) {
g <- grep("by-nc-sa", trm, value=TRUE,
if (length(g) > 0) {
if (grepl("CIMMYT|CSISA", trms)) {
return("CIMMYT license")
if (grepl("by.4.0", trms)) {
gg <- regmatches(g, gregexpr('Creative (.+?) license', g, |> unlist()
if (any(tolower(gg) == "creative commons attribution 4.0 international license")) {
gg <- "CC-BY-4.0"
return( gsub("-DEED.AST", "", gg[1]) )
} else {
trm <- g[1]
trm <- gsub("http://", "", trm)
trm <- gsub("https://", "", trm)
trm <- gsub("", "CC", trm)
trm <- gsub("", "CC", trm)
trm <- gsub("", "CC0", trm)
trm <- gsub("/88x31.png", "", trm)
trm <- gsub("/", "-", trm)
trm <- toupper(gsub("-$", "", trm))
trm <- toupper(trm)
trm <- gsub(" ", "-", trm)
if (nchar(trm) > 0) {
if (is.null(lic) || (lic == "NONE")) {
lic <- trm
} else {
lic <- paste0(lic, "; ", trm)
} else if (is.null(lic)) { #ckan
lic <- x$result$license_id
if (is.null(lic)) lic <- "?"
lic <- toupper(lic)
if (is.list(lic)) {
lic <- lapply(lic, \(x) gsub(" ", "-", gsub("CC-ZERO", "CC-0", x)))
if ((length(lic) > 1) && ("name" %in% names(lic))) {
lic <- lic$name
} else {
lic <- gsub(" ", "-", gsub("CC-ZERO", "CC-0", lic))
if (is.null(lic)) lic <- "unknown"
gsub("-DEED.AST", "", lic)
get_title <- function(x) {
i <- which(x$data$latestVersion$metadataBlocks$citation$fields$typeName == "title")
out <- NULL
if (length(i) > 0) {
out <- x$data$latestVersion$metadataBlocks$citation$fields$value[[i]]
if (is.null(out)) {
out <- x$result$title
if (is.null(out)) {
out <- x$metadata$title
if (is.null(out)) {
# dryad; Rothamsted
out <- x$title
if (is.null(out)) {
out <- as.character(NA)
get_description <- function(x) {
i <- which(x$data$latestVersion$metadataBlocks$citation$fields$typeName == "dsDescription")
out <- NULL
if (length(i) > 0) {
out <- x$data$latestVersion$metadataBlocks$citation$fields$value[[i]][[1]]$value
if (is.null(out)) {
out <- x$result$notes
if (is.null(out)) {
out <- x$abstract
if (is.null(out)) {
out <- x$metadata$description
if (is.null(out)) {
out <- x$description
if (is.null(out)) {
out <- as.character(NA)
out <- gsub("\u201C", "'", out)
out <- gsub("\u201D", "'", out)
out <- gsub("\u2018", "'", out)
gsub("\u2019", "'", out)
get_authors <- function(x) {
i <- which(x$data$latestVersion$metadataBlocks$citation$fields$typeName == "author")
out <- NULL
if (length(i) > 0) {
out <- x$data$latestVersion$metadataBlocks$citation$fields$value[[i]]$authorName$value
if (is.null(out)) {
r <- x$result
if (!is.null(r)) {
out <- r$creator
i <- grep("contributor_person$|contributor_person_*.[0-9]$", names(r))
r <- unlist(r[i])
add <- r[order(names(r))]
out <- c(out, add)
if (is.null(out)) {
out <- x$metadata$creators$name
if (is.null(out)) {
out <- x$authors
out <- paste0(out$lastName, ", ", out$firstName)
if (is.null(out)) {
out <- x$contributors$title
if (is.null(out)) {
out <- as.character(NA)
paste(out, collapse="; ")
extract_metadata <- function(js, uri, group) {
lic <- get_license(js)
if (is.null(lic)) {
warning("no license found")
lic <- as.character(NA)
authors <- get_authors(js)
auth <- paste(authors, collapse="; ")
titl <- gsub("\\.\\.$", ".", paste0(get_title(js), "."))
pubdate <- c(js$data$publicationDate, js$result$creation_date, js$publicationDate, js$metadata$publication_date)
if (is.null(pubdate)) pubdate <- "????-??-??"
year <- substr(pubdate, 1, 4)
v <- c(js$data$latestVersion$versionNumber, js$versionNumber, js$revision)
if (!is.null(v)) {
v <- paste0("Version ", v, ".")
if (!is.null(js$data$latestVersion$versionMinorNumber)) {
v <- paste0(v, js$data$latestVersion$versionMinorNumber, ". ")
pub <- c(js$data$publisher, js$result$publisher)
if (is.null(pub)) {
if (grepl("zenodo", uri)) pub <- "Zenodo"
cit <- paste0(auth, " (", year, "). ", titl, " ", pub, ". ", v, uri)
dataset_id = simple_uri(uri),
group = group,
uri = uri,
license = lic,
title = titl,
authors = authors,
data_published = pubdate,
description = get_description(js),
data_citation = cit
read_metadata <- function(uri, path, group, major=1, minor=0) {
dataset_id <- carobiner::simple_uri(uri)
js <- get_metadata(dataset_id, path, group, major=major, minor=minor)
extract_metadata(js, uri, group)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.