clean_up <- function(fin, fout) {
x <- readLines(fin)
i <- grep("<div class=\"container st-container\">", x)
x[i] <- "<div>"
i <- grepl("<h3>Data Frame Summary</h3>", x)
if (any(i)) {
i <- which(i)[1]
x <- x[-c(i:(i+4))]
j <- grep("Generated by", x)
x <- x[-j]
writeLines(x, fout)
make_reports <- function(path, group="", cache=TRUE) {
if (group[1] == "") {
group <- get_groups()$name
rmd <- file.path(path, "misc", "reports", "dataset.Rmd")
if (file.exists(rmd)) {
rmd <- readLines(rmd, warn=FALSE)
for (grp in group) {
# if (grepl("_trials$", grp)) {
# rmd <- file.path(path, "reports", "trials.Rmd")
# } else {
# rmd <- file.path(path, "reports", paste0(grp, ".Rmd"))
# }
# rmd <- readLines(rmd, warn=FALSE)
gpath <- file.path(path, "/data/clean/", grp)
ff <- list.files(gpath, pattern="meta.csv$", full.names=TRUE)
ff <- grep("_nodata", ff, value=TRUE, invert=TRUE)
if (length(ff) == 0) next
outf <- gsub("_meta.csv", ".html", ff)
if (cache) {
i <- file.exists(outf)
j <- which(i)
ptm <-[j])$mtime
ftm <-[j])$mtime
i[j[ptm > ftm]] <- FALSE
ff <- ff[!i]
outf <- outf[!i]
if (length(ff) == 0) next
uri <- grep("^uri <- ", rmd)
igrp <- grep("^group <- ", rmd)
rmd[igrp] <- paste0("group <- '", grp, "'")
fRmd <- file.path(path, "temp.Rmd")
fhtml <- file.path(path, "temp.html")
for (i in 1:length(ff)) {
print(outf[i]); utils::flush.console()
m <- utils::read.csv(ff[i], nrows=1)
rmd[uri] <- paste0("uri <- '", m$uri, "'")
writeLines(rmd, fRmd)
e <- try(rmarkdown::render(fRmd, "html_document", "temp", envir=new.env(), quiet=TRUE))
if (file.exists(fhtml)) {
clean_up(fhtml, outf[i])
rmd <- file.path(path, "misc", "reports", "aggregate.Rmd")
if (file.exists(rmd)) {
rmd <- readLines(rmd, warn=FALSE)
for (grp in group) {
gpath <- file.path(path, "/data/compiled/")
ff <- file.path(gpath, paste0("carob_", grp, ".csv"))
if (!file.exists(ff)) next
outf <- gsub(".csv", ".html", ff)
if (cache) {
i <- file.exists(outf)
j <- which(i)
ptm <-[j])$mtime
ftm <-[j])$mtime
i[j[ptm > ftm]] <- FALSE
ff <- ff[!i]
outf <- outf[!i]
if (length(ff) == 0) next
igrp <- grep("^group <- ", rmd)
rmd[igrp] <- paste0("group <- '", grp, "'")
fRmd <- file.path(path, "temp.Rmd")
fhtml <- file.path(path, "temp.html")
print(outf); utils::flush.console()
writeLines(rmd, fRmd)
e <- try(rmarkdown::render(fRmd, "html_document", "temp", envir=new.env(), quiet=TRUE))
if (file.exists(fhtml)) {
clean_up(fhtml, outf)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.