R/Calc Diag Delta t.r

Defines functions DiagDeltaT

Documented in DiagDeltaT

#' Time-interval (DeltaT) for which the (discrete-time) residual covariance matrix is diagonal
#' Time-interval (DeltaT) for which the (discrete-time) residual covariance matrix (i.e., SigmaVAR(DeltaT)) is diagonal (together with that diagonal SigmaVAR and corresponding lagged-effects matrix Phi). The interactive web application 'Phi-and-Psi-Plots and Find DeltaT' also contains this functionality, you can find it on my website: \url{https://www.uu.nl/staff/RMKuiper/Websites\%20\%2F\%20Shiny\%20apps}.
#' @param Phi Matrix of size q times q of (un)standardized lagged effects of the first-order discrete-time vector autoregressive (DT-VAR(1)) model.
#' It also takes a fitted object from the classes "varest" (from the VAR() function in vars package) and "ctsemFit" (from the ctFit() function in the ctsem package); see example below. From such an object, the (standardized) Drift matrix is calculated/extracted.
#' @param SigmaVAR Residual covariance matrix of the first-order discrete-time vector autoregressive (DT-VAR(1)) model.
#' @param Drift Optional (either Phi or Drift). Underling first-order continuous-time lagged effects matrix (i.e., Drift matrix) of the discrete-time lagged effects matrix Phi(DeltaT). By default, input for Phi is used; only when Phi = NULL, Drift will be used.
#' @param Sigma Optional (either SigmaVAR, Sigma or Gamma). Residual covariance matrix of the first-order continuous-time (CT-VAR(1)) model, that is, the diffusion matrix. By default, input for SigmaVAR is used; only when SigmaVAR = NULL, Sigma will be used.
#' @param Gamma Optional (either SigmaVAR, Sigma or Gamma). Stationary covariance matrix, that is, the contemporaneous covariance matrix of the data. By default, input for SigmaVAR is used; only when SigmaVAR = NULL, Gamma will be used.
#' Note that if Phi and SigmaVAR (or Drift and Sigma) are known, Gamma can be calculated; hence, only one out of SigmaVAR, Sigma, and Gamma is needed as input.
#' @param xstart_DeltaT Optional. Starting value for DeltaT. If you see in the SigmaVAR-plot a DeltaT for which SigmaVAR is diagonal (i.e., the covariances are zero) and the function renders DeltaT_diag = 0 as a solution, then change this start value accordingly. By default, xstart_DeltaT = 1
#' @return The output renders the time-interval for which the (discrete-time) residual covariance matrix (SigmaVAR) is diagonal (DeltaT_diag), together with that diagonal SigmaVAR and corresponding lagged-effects matrix Phi (i.e., SigmaVAR(DeltaT_diag) and Phi(DeltaT_diag)).
#' @importFrom expm expm
#' @importFrom nleqslv nleqslv
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # library(CTmeta)
#' ## Example 1 ##
#' # Here, DeltaT_diag = 0
#' ##################################################################################################
#' # Input needed in examples below with q=2 variables.
#' # I will use the example matrices stored in the package:
#' Phi <- myPhi[1:2, 1:2] # = Phi(1), that is, Phi when DeltaT = 1
#' q <- dim(Phi)[1]
#' #SigmaVAR <- diag(q) # Then, DeltaT_diag = 1 (since, implicitly, DeltaT = 1)
#' Gamma <- matrix(c(1, 0.5, 0.4, 1), byrow = T, nrow = q, ncol = q)
#' SigmaVAR <- Gamma - Phi %*% Gamma %*% t(Phi)
#' # or:
#' Drift <- myDrift
#' Sigma <- diag(2) # for ease. Note that this is not the CT-equivalent of SigmaVAR.
#' ##################################################################################################
#' DiagDeltaT(Phi, SigmaVAR)
#' # If you would use the drift matrix Drift as input, then use:
#' DiagDeltaT(Drift = Drift, Sigma = Sigma)
#' # Note that the function 'SigmaVARPlot' can help to see whether there is a DeltaT for which SigmaVAr(DeltaT) is diagonal.
#' SigmaVARPlot(DeltaT, Phi, SigmaVAR)
#' ## Example 2: input from fitted object of class "varest" ##
#' # Here, there exists a DeltaT_diag unequal to 0
#' #
#' data <- myData
#' if (!require("vars")) install.packages("vars")
#' library(vars)
#' out_VAR <- VAR(data, p = 1)
#' DiagDeltaT(out_VAR)
#' # Note that the function 'SigmaVARPlot' can help to see whether there is a DeltaT for which SigmaVAr(DeltaT) is diagonal.
#' SigmaVARPlot(DeltaT, out_VAR)
#' SigmaVARPlot(DeltaT, out_VAR, Min = 0, Max = 1)

DiagDeltaT <- function(Phi = NULL, SigmaVAR = NULL, Drift = NULL, Sigma = NULL, Gamma = NULL, xstart_DeltaT = 1) {
  #xstart_DeltaT <- 1

  DeltaT <- 1 # Needed for determining B/Drift.
  # Btw Cannot use it as option, yet, then I have to change code such that DeltaT_diag is adjusted accordingly (by transfarming Phi).

  # Needed: check on CTM param, Phi, and Gamma

  # Check on Phi
  if(any(class(Phi) == "varest")){
    SigmaVAR <- cov(resid(Phi))
    Phi <- Acoef(Phi)[[1]]
    Gamma <- Gamma.fromVAR(Phi, SigmaVAR)
    #CTparam <- CTMparam (DeltaT, Phi, SigmaVAR)
    #Drift <- CTparam$Drift
    #Sigma <- CTparam$Sigma
    CTMp <- CTMparam(DeltaT, Phi)
      Drift <- CTMp$Drift  # Drift <- logm(Phi)/DeltaT  # Phi <- expm(Drift * DeltaT)
      ErrorMessage <- CTMp$ErrorMessage
  } else if(any(class(Phi) == "ctsemFit")){
    Drift <- summary(Phi)$DRIFT
    Sigma <- summary(Phi)$DIFFUSION
    Gamma <- Gamma.fromCTM(Drift, Sigma)
    VarEst <- VARparam(DeltaT, Drift, Sigma)
    Phi <- VarEst$Phi
    #SigmaVAR <- VarEst$SigmaVAR
  } else{

    # Drift = A = -B
    # B is drift matrix that is pos def, so Phi(DeltaT) = expm(-B*DeltaT)

        if(length(Drift) == 1){
          Phi <- exp(Drift*DeltaT)
          Phi <- expm(Drift*DeltaT)

        B <- -Drift

        # Check on B
        if(length(B) > 1){
          if(all(Re(eigen(B)$val) < 0)){
            cat("All (the real parts of) the eigenvalues of the drift matrix Drift are positive. Therefore. I assume the input for Drift was B = -A instead of A (or -Phi instead of Phi). I will use Drift = -B = A.")
            cat("Note that Phi(DeltaT) = expm(-B*DeltaT) = expm(A*DeltaT) = expm(Drift*DeltaT).")
            Drift <- -B
            if(length(Drift) == 1){
              Phi <- exp(Drift*DeltaT)
              Phi <- expm(Drift*DeltaT)
          if(any(Re(eigen(B)$val) < 0)){
            #ErrorMessage <- ("The function stopped, since some of (the real parts of) the eigenvalues of the drift matrix Drift are positive.")
            cat("If the function stopped, this is because some of (the real parts of) the eigenvalues of the drift matrix Drift are positive.")
      }else{ # is.null(Drift)
        ErrorMessage <- ("Either the drift matrix Drift or the autoregressive matrix Phi should be input to the function.")
        #("Note that Phi(DeltaT) = expm(-B*DeltaT).")
    }else{ # Phi not NULL
      if(length(Phi) != 1){
    if(length(Phi) == 1){
      q <- 1
      q <- dim(Phi)[1]
      CTMp <- CTMparam(DeltaT, Phi)
        Drift <- CTMp$Drift  # Drift <- logm(Phi)/DeltaT  # Phi <- expm(Drift * DeltaT)
        ErrorMessage <- CTMp$ErrorMessage

    # Check on SigmaVAR, Sigma, and Gamma
    if(is.null(SigmaVAR) & is.null(Gamma) & is.null(Sigma)){ # All three unknown
      ErrorMessage <- (paste0("The arguments SigmaVAR, Sigma, or Gamma are not found: one should be part of the input. Notably, in case of the first matrix, specify 'SigmaVAR = SigmaVAR'."))
    }else if(is.null(Gamma)){ # Gamma unknown

      if(!is.null(SigmaVAR)){ # SigmaVAR known, use SigmaVAR and Phi or Drift

        # Check on SigmaVAR
        Check_SigmaVAR(SigmaVAR, q)

        # Calculate Gamma
        Gamma <- Gamma.fromVAR(Phi, SigmaVAR)

      }else if(!is.null(Sigma)){ # Sigma known

        # Check on Sigma
        Check_Sigma(Sigma, q)

        # Calculate Gamma
        Gamma <- Gamma.fromCTM(Drift, Sigma)


    }else if(!is.null(Gamma)){ # Gamma known

      # Checks on Gamma
      Check_Gamma(Gamma, q)


  if(length(Phi) == 1){
    q <- 1
    q <- dim(Phi)[1]

  # CHECKs and calculate corresponding Gamma (Check all matrices pos def and B=-Drift also not complex)
  outcome.GammaAndChecks <- ChecksCTM(Drift, Gamma = Gamma)
  #Gamma <- outcome.GammaAndChecks$Gamma
  ChecksAreFine <- outcome.GammaAndChecks$ChecksAreFine
  errorMatrices <- outcome.GammaAndChecks$error

  message_start <- "No message / warning / error. Hence, there is positive DeltaT for which the diagonals/variances in SigmaVAR are positive (and off-diagonals 0)."
  message <- message_start

  message_startvalues <- "In case the Psi-plot/SigmaVAR-plot does show a solution (or another solution) for DeltaT such that Psi is diagonal (i.e., the covariances are 0), \n
  alter the starting value for 'DeltaT_diag'. Notably, by default, the value 1 is used."
  # Note that in theory the starting values for the q variances can be a problem as well:
  # I may want to adjust that first 9depending on the solution and message obtained).
    xstart_DeltaT <- 1
    if(length(xstart_DeltaT) != 1){
      message_startvalues <- "The starting value for 'DeltaT_diag' should be 1 number. \n Since it is not the case, the value 1 is used."
      xstart_DeltaT <- 1
  xstart <- c(rep(1,q), xstart_DeltaT)

  EigenPhi <- eigen(Phi)
  eigenvaluesPhi <- EigenPhi$val
  D_Phi <- diag( eigenvaluesPhi )
  V <- EigenPhi$vectors
  invV <- solve(V)

  Q = invV %*% Gamma %*% t(invV)
  DD = eigenvaluesPhi %*% t(eigenvaluesPhi)

  # General set of equations/restrictions
  SolveForSigmaAndDelta_fie <- function(q, Q, invV, DD) {
    teller = 0
    function(x) {
      y <- numeric((q+1)*q/2)
      for(i in 1:q){
        for(j in i:q){
          teller = teller + 1
          sum = 0
          for(h in 1:q){
            sum = sum + x[h] * (invV[j,h] * invV[i,h])
          y[teller] <- Q[i,j] - sum - Q[i,j] * (DD[i,j]^x[q+1])
  SolveForSigmaAndDelta <- SolveForSigmaAndDelta_fie(q, Q, invV, DD)
  # Note that there are (q+1)*q/2 equations/restrictions and q+1 unknowns, so if q > 2 delete (the last) (q+1)*(q-2)/2 lines!
  # If q >= 5, then, some equations are not inspected...
  # Next, the first q+1 equations
  SolveForSigmaAndDelta_first_fie <- function(q, Q, invV, DD) {
    teller = 0
    function(x) {
      y <- numeric(q+1)
      for(i in 1:q){
        if (teller == q+1+1){ break }
        for(j in i:q){
          teller = teller + 1
          if (teller == q+1+1){ break }
          sum = 0
          for(h in 1:q){
            sum = sum + x[h] * (invV[j,h] * invV[i,h])
          y[teller] <- Q[i,j] - sum - Q[i,j] * (DD[i,j]^x[q+1])
  SolveForSigmaAndDelta_first <- SolveForSigmaAndDelta_first_fie(q, Q, invV, DD)
  #xstart <- rep(1,q+1)
  #xstart <- c(diag(SigmaVAR), 1)
  fstart_first <- SolveForSigmaAndDelta_first(xstart)
  if(all(is.nan(fstart_first) == FALSE) == FALSE){
    message_nan <- "For the first (q+1) equations, the starting values for the q variances and for DeltaT_diag do not render values from the function."

  # Note that there are (q+1)*q/2 equations and q+1 unknowns, so if q > 2 delete (the last) (q+1)*(q-2)/2 lines!
  # Next, the last q+1 equations
  SolveForSigmaAndDelta_last_fie <- function(q, Q, invV, DD) {
    teller = 0
    function(x) {
      y <- numeric(q+1)
      for(i in q:1){
        if (teller == q+1+1){ break }
        for(j in q:i){
          teller = teller + 1
          if (teller == q+1+1){ break }
          sum = 0
          for(h in 1:q){
            sum = sum + x[h] * (invV[j,h] * invV[i,h])
          y[teller] <- Q[i,j] - sum - Q[i,j] * (DD[i,j]^x[q+1])
  SolveForSigmaAndDelta_last <- SolveForSigmaAndDelta_last_fie(q, Q, invV, DD)
  #xstart <- rep(1,q+1)
  #xstart <- rep(0.2,q+1)
  #xstart <- rep(0.4,q+1)
  #xstart <- c(diag(SigmaVAR), 1)
  fstart_last <- SolveForSigmaAndDelta_last(xstart)
  if(all(is.nan(fstart_last) == FALSE) == FALSE){
    if(all(is.nan(fstart_first) == FALSE) == FALSE){
      message_nan <- "For the first and last (q+1) equations, the starting values for the q variances and for DeltaT_diag do not render values from the function."
      message_nan <- "For the last (q+1) equations, the starting values for the q variances and for DeltaT_diag do not render values from the function."

  # Note: If there is a solution to all equations, then this is also a solution to the subset.
  #However, the subset can have more solutions, not only the solution for all equations.
  # In that sense, multiple starting values should be used. But, I did not do that here.
  # I do check whether the found solution is in agreement with all equations.

  # Find solutions based on subsets of equations
  #if (!require("nleqslv")) install.packages("nleqslv")
  #xstart <- rep(0.2,q+1)
  sol_first <- nleqslv(xstart, SolveForSigmaAndDelta_first, control=list(btol=.001, allowSingular = TRUE)) #, method="Newton")
  DiagAndDelta_first <- sol_first$x
  sol_last <- nleqslv(xstart, SolveForSigmaAndDelta_last, control=list(btol=.01))
  DiagAndDelta_last <- sol_last$x
  # Function terminated if sol_first$termcd does not equal 1 (and 1 is "Function criterion is near zero. Convergence of function values has been achieved.")
  if(sol_first$termcd != 1 & sol_last$termcd != 1){ # Both terminated
    message_termcd <- "The nleqslv-function terminated (for the first and last q+1 equations)."
    Terminated = 3 # = both terminated
  }else{ # Not both terminated, but one or none
    Terminated = 0 # = none terminated
    if(sol_first$termcd != 1){
      message_termcd <- "The nleqslv-function terminated (for the first q+1 equations)."
      Terminated = 1 # = first terminated
    if(sol_last$termcd != 1){
      message_termcd <- "The nleqslv-function terminated (for the last q+1 equations)."
      Terminated = 2 # = last terminated

  # Check whether the solution from part of the equations are in agreement with all equations.
  sol_All_first = 0
  sol_All_last = 0
  if(Terminated == 0 | Terminated == 1){
    if(all(abs(SolveForSigmaAndDelta(sol_first$x)) < 0.000001)){
      sol_All_first = 1
  if(Terminated == 0 | Terminated == 2){
    if(all(abs(SolveForSigmaAndDelta(sol_last$x)) < 0.000001)){
      sol_All_last = 1
  # If q > 4, then some equations not inspected.
  # Hence, if q > 4 and both do not render a solution to all equations, then look at other equations as wel!
  #if(q > 4 & sol_All_first == 0 & sol_All_last == 0){
  #  cat("'q > 4 & sol_All_first == 0 & sol_All_last == 0' happened. \n
  #        Note that there is now also not a zero solution - which should always exist.")
  #  # Then, inspect the (q+1)*(q-4)/2 not seen equations. See how many sets of q+1 needed.
  #  # Notably, using other subsets or other starting values can help as well.

  if(sol_All_first == 1 & sol_All_last == 1){ # Then, both have a solution

    if(DiagAndDelta_first[q+1] > 0.0001 | DiagAndDelta_last[q+1] > 0.0001){ # Then, at least one positive DeltaT
      if(abs(DiagAndDelta_first[q+1] - DiagAndDelta_last[q+1]) < 0.0001){ # Then, same solution for DeltaT
        DiagAndDelta <- DiagAndDelta_first
        message_DiagAndDelta <- "There are two solutions and they are the same."
      }else{ # Note same solution
        if(DiagAndDelta_first[q+1] > 0.0001 & DiagAndDelta_last[q+1] > 0.0001){ # Then, both positive solution and highest may be infinity, so take lowest one.
          DiagAndDelta <- DiagAndDelta_last
          if(DiagAndDelta_first[q+1] < DiagAndDelta_last[q+1]){
            DiagAndDelta <- DiagAndDelta_first
          message_DiagAndDelta <- "There are two positive solutions, the lowest DeltaT is used."
        }else{ # Then, only one positive and thus take highest one.
          DiagAndDelta <- DiagAndDelta_last
          if(DiagAndDelta_first[q+1] > DiagAndDelta_last[q+1]){
            DiagAndDelta <- DiagAndDelta_first
          message_DiagAndDelta <- "There are two solutions, but only one positive DeltaT."
      if(any(DiagAndDelta[1:q] < 0)){ # All variances should be positive
        message <- "There is no positive DeltaT such that SigmaVAR is a 'positive diagonal' matrix. \n That is, the solution contains one or more negative variances."
    }else{ # Then, both < 0.0001 and probably (at least one) near 0.
      message <- "There is no non-negative DeltaT such that SigmaVAR is a diagonal matrix. \n Only for DeltaT approximately 0, it is (approximately) a 0-matrix."
      message_DiagAndDelta <- "There are two solutions and both are negative. At least one of them is probaly near zero."
      # If q > 4, inspect the (q+1)*(q-4)/2 not seen equations. See how many sets of q+1 needed.
      # Notably, using other subsets or other starting values can help as well.


    #Only one of them has a solultion, obtain that one:
    if(sol_All_first == 1){DiagAndDelta <- DiagAndDelta_first}
    if(sol_All_last == 1){DiagAndDelta <- DiagAndDelta_last}

    # Check positive DeltaT and positive variances/diagonals:
    if(DiagAndDelta[q+1] < 0.0001 & any(DiagAndDelta[1:q] < 0)){
      message <- "There is no non-negative DeltaT such that SigmaVAR is a 'positive diagonal' matrix. \n Only for DeltaT approximately 0, it is (approximately) a 0-matrix."
      # If q > 4, inspect the (q+1)*(q-4)/2 not seen equations. See how many sets of q+1 needed.
      # Notably, using other subsets or other starting values can help as well.
    }else if(DiagAndDelta[q+1] < 0.0001){
      message <- "There is no non-negative DeltaT such that SigmaVAR is a diagonal matrix. \n Only for DeltaT approximately 0, it is (approximately) a 0-matrix."
      # If q > 4, inspect the (q+1)*(q-4)/2 not seen equations. See how many sets of q+1 needed.
      # Notably, using other subsets or other starting values can help as well.
    }else if(any(DiagAndDelta[1:q] < 0)){ # All variants should be positive
      message <- "There is no positive DeltaT such that SigmaVAR is a 'positive diagonal' matrix. \n That is, the solution contains one or more negative variances."


  if(message == message_start){

    S <- matrix(0,q,q)
    for(i in 1:q){
    S[i,i] <- DiagAndDelta_first[i]
    DeltaT <- DiagAndDelta_first[q+1]

    Phi_DeltaT <- V %*% (D_Phi^DeltaT) %*% invV

    #Gamma <- Gamma.fromVAR <- function(Phi_DeltaT, S)
    Sxy <- sqrt(diag(diag(Gamma)))
    Gamma_s <- solve(Sxy) %*% Gamma %*% solve(Sxy)
    Phi_DeltaT_s <- solve(Sxy) %*% Phi_DeltaT %*% Sxy
    S_s <- solve(Sxy) %*% S %*% solve(Sxy)

    final <- list(DeltaT_diag = DeltaT,
                  message = message,
                  Phi_DeltaT_diag = Phi_DeltaT,
                  SigmaVAR_DeltaT_diag = S,
                  Gamma = Gamma,
                  StandPhi_DeltaT_diag = Phi_DeltaT_s,
                  StandSigmaVAR_DeltaT_diag = S_s,
                  Gamma_s = Gamma_s,
                  #MaxDiff_IfNonzeroIndicationMultipleSolutions = max(abs(DiagAndDelta_first - DiagAndDelta_last)),

    if(q > 4){
      final <- list(final,
                    Warning <- "Since q > 4, some equations in calculating DeltaT_diag were not used. \n
                    When from the Psi-plot/SigmaVAR-plot it is clear that there exist a positive (non-zero) 'DeltaT_diag' solution and \n
                    adjusting the starting value accordingly does not help, please contact me (r.m.kuiper@uu.nl). \n
                    Then, I will add a part to the code where the currently un-used equations are inspected."
                    # Note that in theory the starting values for the q variances can be a problem as well:
                    # I may want to adjust that first 9depending on the solution and message obtained).

    final <- list(DeltaT_diag = 0,
                  message = message,
                  Phi_DeltaT_diag = diag(q),
                  SigmaVAR_DeltaT_diag = matrix(0,q,q),
                  errorMatrices = errorMatrices,
                  message_startvalues = message_startvalues)

rebeccakuiper/CTmeta documentation built on May 19, 2024, 11:30 p.m.