
Defines functions plot_shiny.mfpca

Documented in plot_shiny.mfpca

#' Interactive Plotting for Multilevel Functional Principal Component Analysis
#' Produces an interactive plot illustrating a multilevel functional principal component
#' analysis.
#' @param obj mfpca object to be plotted.
#' @param xlab x axis label
#' @param ylab y axis label
#' @param title plot title
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to plotting functions
#' @author Julia Wrobel \email{julia.wrobel@@cuanschutz.edu},
#' Jeff Goldsmith \email{jeff.goldsmith@@columbia.edu}
#' @seealso \code{\link{plot_shiny}}
#' @import shiny
#' @import ggplot2
#' @importFrom gridExtra grid.arrange
#' @importFrom dplyr mutate
#' @importFrom reshape2 melt
#' @export
#' @return No object is returned. This function takes in objects of class 'mfpca' and outputs a shiny application for that object.
plot_shiny.mfpca = function(obj, xlab = "", ylab="", title = "", ...) {

  mfpca.obj <- obj
  ### NULLify global values called in ggplot
  Y = id = k = lambda = value = mu_visit = mu_subj = visit = subj = time = grid = muPC_call1 = muPC_call2 = muPCtext = NULL

  ## code for processing tabs
  npc = mfpca.obj$npc
  mu = data.frame(grid = 1:length(mfpca.obj$mu), value = mfpca.obj$mu)
  efunctions = mfpca.obj$efunctions;
  sqrt.evalues = lapply(mfpca.obj$evalues, function(i) diag(sqrt(i)))
  scaled_efunctions = lapply(1:2, function(i) efunctions[[i]] %*% sqrt.evalues[[i]])
  names(scaled_efunctions) <- names(sqrt.evalues) <- names(efunctions) <- c("level1", "level2")

  ## Tab 3: mean +/- FPC plot
  muPC.help = "Solid black line indicates population mean. For the FPC selected below, blue and red lines
                                             indicate the population mean +/- the FPC times 2 SDs of the associated score distribution."

  muPC.call = as.list(rep(NA, 2))
  muPC.call[[1]] = selectInput(inputId = "PCchoice1", label = ("Select Level 1 FPC"), choices = 1:npc$level1, selected = 1)
  muPC.call[[2]] = selectInput(inputId = "PCchoice2", label = ("Select Level 2 FPC"), choices = 1:npc$level2, selected = 1)

  ## Tab 2: scree plot
  scree <- lapply(names(npc), function(level) {
    data.frame(k = rep(1:npc[[level]], 2),
               lambda = c(mfpca.obj$evalues[[level]], cumsum(mfpca.obj$evalues[[level]])/ sum(mfpca.obj$evalues[[level]])),
               type = rep(c("Score Variance", "Percent Variance Explained"), each = npc[[level]]))
  names(scree) <- c("level1", "level2")

  levelVariance = lapply(1:2, function(i) round(sum(mfpca.obj$evalues[[i]])/(sum(mfpca.obj$evalues[[1]])+sum(mfpca.obj$evalues[[2]])), 3)*100)

  scree.help1 = paste0("Scree plots for level 1; the left panel shows the plot of eigenvalues and the right panel shows the
                      cumulative percent variance explained. Level 1 accounts for ", levelVariance[[1]], "% of total variance." )
  scree.help2 = paste0("Scree plots for level 2; the left panel shows the plot of eigenvalues and the right panel shows the
                      cumulative percent variance explained. Level 2 accounts for ", levelVariance[[2]], "% of total variance." )

  ## Tab 3:Linear combination of PCs
  varpercents = lapply(c(1, 2, 12), function(i) varPercent(i, mfpca.obj))

  plot.npc = list(min(3, mfpca.obj$npc[[1]]), min(3, mfpca.obj$npc[[2]]))

  mfpca.calls = mfpcaCalls(plot.npc = plot.npc, mfpca.obj, varpercents)
  calls <- mfpca.calls$calls
  PCs <- mfpca.calls$PCs

  ## Tab 4: subject fits
  ids = unique(mfpca.obj$Y.df$id)
  Y.df = mfpca.obj$Y.df
  Yhat.subj = mfpca.obj$Yhat.subject
  Yhat = mfpca.obj$Yhat
  rownames(Y.df) = rownames(Yhat) = rownames(Yhat.subj)

  ## Tab 5: score plots

  scoreTextA = "Use the drop down menus to select FPCs for the X and Y axis. Plot shows observed
    score scatterplot for selected FPCs; click and drag on the scatterplot to select subjects."

  ## repeat level 1 scores so they are the same dimension as input dataset
  scores_new = list(mfpca.obj$scores$level1[rep(seq(nrow(mfpca.obj$scores$level1)), data.frame(table(Y.df$id))$Freq),], mfpca.obj$scores$level2)
  Yhat.level = lapply(1:2, function(i) scores_new[[i]] %*% t(efunctions[[i]]))

  scoredata = as.list(rep(NA,2))
  for(i in 1:2){
    scoredata[[i]] = data.frame(scores_new[[i]])
    colnames(scoredata[[i]]) = c(paste0("PC", 1:npc[[i]]))

    scoredata[[i]]$Yhat.level = Yhat.level[[i]]
    scoredata[[i]]$Yhat = Yhat

  Yhat.all.m = melt(mfpca.obj$Yhat)
  Yhat.level.all.m = lapply(1:2, function(i) melt(scoredata[[i]]$Yhat.level) )
  colnames(Yhat.level.all.m[[1]]) = colnames(Yhat.level.all.m[[2]]) = colnames(Yhat.all.m) = c("subj", "time", "value")

  ####### set some defaults for ggplot
  plotDefaults = list(theme_bw(), xlab(xlab), ylab(ylab), ylim(c(range(Yhat)[1], range(Yhat)[2])),
                      scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(0, length(mfpca.obj$mu)-1, length=6),
                                         labels = paste0(c(0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1))) )

  ## App


  ## UI

    ui = navbarPage(title = strong(style = "color: #ACD6FF; padding: 0px 0px 10px 10px; opacity: 0.95; ", "MFPCA Plot"),
                    windowTitle = "refund.shiny", collapsible = FALSE, id = "nav", inverse = TRUE, header = NULL,
                    tabPanel("Mean +/- FPCs", icon = icon("stats", lib = "glyphicon"),
                               tabPanelModuleUI("muPC1", tabTitle = "Level 1", calls = muPC.call[[1]], helperText = muPC.help ),
                               tabPanelModuleUI("muPC2", tabTitle = "Level 2", calls = muPC.call[[2]], helperText = muPC.help )
                             ) ),
                    tabPanel("Scree Plot", icon = icon("medkit"),
                               tabPanelModuleUI("scree1", tabTitle = "Level 1", helperText = scree.help1 ),
                               tabPanelModuleUI("scree2", tabTitle = "Level 2", helperText = scree.help2 )
                              ) ),
                    tabPanel("Linear Combinations", icon = icon("chart-line"), withMathJax(),
                             column(3, h4("Sliders for Levels 1 and 2"),
                                    helpText("Plot shows the linear combination of mean and FPCs with the scores
                                             specified using the sliders below. Black curve is population mean; blue curve
                                             is subject-specific mean; red curve is subject-visit specific mean."), hr(),
                                      tabPanel("Level 1", eval(calls[[1]]) ),
                                      tabPanel("Level 2", eval(calls[[2]]) )
                             column(9, h4("Linear Combination of Mean and FPCs"),  plotOutput('LinCom') )
                    tabPanel("Subject Fits",  icon = icon("user"),
                                    helpText("Plot shows observed data and fitted values for the subject selected below. Blue curve is
                                             subject-specific mean, red curves are subject-visit specific fitted values, and red
                                             points are observed data."), hr(),
                                    selectInput("subject", label = ("Select Subject"), choices = ids, selected =ids[1]),
                                    checkboxInput("colorVisit", label="Color by Visit", value =FALSE),
                                    helpText("If 'Color by Visit' is selected, observed values and subject-visit specific fitted values
                                             are colored by visit number.")                                  ),
                             column(9, h4("Fitted and Observed Values for Selected Subject"), plotOutput("Subject"))
                    tabPanel("Score Scatterplot",icon = icon("binoculars"),
                               tabPanel("Level 1",
                                                 helpText(scoreTextA), hr(),
                                                 selectInput("PCX1", label = ("Select X-axis FPC"), choices = 1:npc[[1]], selected = 1),
                                                 selectInput("PCY1", label = ("Select Y-axis FPC"), choices = 1:npc[[1]], selected = 2), hr()
                                          ), ## end column3
                                          column(9, h4("Score Scatterplot for Selected FPCs"),
                                                                       id = "ScorePlotL1_brush",
                                                                       resetOnNew = TRUE)
                                          ) ## end column9
                                          column(3, helpText("The left panel shows all fitted curves, for all subjects and visits; the
                                                              right panel shows fitted curves using only Level 1 FPCs -- the mean and
                                                             Level 2 effects are omitted. Blue curves correspond to subjects selected
                                                             in the graph above.")
                                          column(9, plotOutput("YhatPlot1"))
                               ), ## end tabPanel
                               tabPanel("Level 2",
                                                 helpText(scoreTextA), hr(),
                                                 selectInput("PCX2", label = ("Select X-axis FPC"), choices = 1:npc[[2]], selected = 1),
                                                 selectInput("PCY2", label = ("Select Y-axis FPC"), choices = 1:npc[[2]], selected = 2), hr()
                                          ), ## end column3
                                          column(9, h4("Score Scatterplot for Selected FPCs"),
                                                              id = "ScorePlotL2_brush",
                                                              resetOnNew = TRUE)
                                          ) ## end column9
                                          column(3, helpText("The left panel shows all fitted curves, for all subjects and visits; the
                                                              right panel shows fitted curves using only Level 2 FPCs -- the mean and
                                                             Level 1 effects are omitted. Blue curves correspond to subjects selected
                                                             in the graph above.")
                                          column(9, plotOutput("YhatPlot2"))
                               ) ## end tabPanel
                             ) ## end tabsetPanel
                    ) # end big tabPanel

            ), ## end UI

    ## Server

    server = function(input, output){

      ## Code for mu PC plot

      plotInputMuPC <- reactive({
        PCchoice = list(as.numeric(input$PCchoice1), as.numeric(input$PCchoice2))
        names(PCchoice) <- c("level1", "level2")
        scaled_efuncs = lapply(1:2, function(i) scaled_efunctions[[i]][,PCchoice[[i]]])

        p1 <- lapply(1:2, function(i){
          ggplot(mu, aes(x = grid, y = value)) + geom_line(lwd=1) + plotDefaults +
            geom_point(data = data.frame(grid =1:length(mfpca.obj$mu),value =  mfpca.obj$mu + 2*scaled_efuncs[[i]]), color = "blue", size = 4, shape = '+') +
            geom_point(data = data.frame(grid =1:length(mfpca.obj$mu), value = mfpca.obj$mu - 2*scaled_efuncs[[i]]), color = "indianred", size = 4, shape = "-") +
            ggtitle(bquote(psi[.(PCchoice[[i]])]~(t) ~ "," ~.(100*round(mfpca.obj$evalues[[i]][PCchoice[[i]]]/sum(mfpca.obj$evalues[[i]]),3)) ~ "% Variance"))

      plotInputMuPC1 <- reactive({ plotInputMuPC()[[1]] }) ; plotInputMuPC2 <- reactive({ plotInputMuPC()[[2]] })

      callModule(tabPanelModule, "muPC1", plotObject = plotInputMuPC1, plotName = "muPC1")
      callModule(tabPanelModule, "muPC2", plotObject = plotInputMuPC2, plotName = "muPC2")

      ## Code for scree plot

      plotInputScree <- reactive({
        p2 <-screeplots <- lapply(scree, function(i){
          ggplot(i, aes(x=k, y=lambda))+geom_line(linetype=1, lwd=1.5, color="black")+
            geom_point(size = 4, color = "black")+ theme_bw() + xlab("Principal Component") + ylab("") +
            facet_wrap(~type, scales = "free_y") + ylim(0, NA)
      plotInputScree1 <- reactive({ plotInputScree()[[1]] }) ; plotInputScree2 <- reactive({ plotInputScree()[[2]] })

      callModule(tabPanelModule, "scree1", plotObject = plotInputScree1, plotName = "scree1")
      callModule(tabPanelModule, "scree2", plotObject = plotInputScree2, plotName = "scree2")

      ## Code for linear combinations

      plotInputLinCom <- reactive({

        PCweights = lapply(1:2, function(i) rep(NA, plot.npc[[i]])) ;
        names(PCweights) <- c("level1", "level2")
        for(i in 1:plot.npc[[1]]){PCweights$level1[i] = input[[PCs$level1[i]]]}
        for(i in 1:plot.npc[[2]]){PCweights$level2[i] = input[[PCs$level2[i]]]}

        df = data.frame(1:length(mfpca.obj$mu),
                                 as.matrix(mfpca.obj$mu)+efunctions$level1[,1:plot.npc[[1]]] %*% sqrt.evalues$level1[1:plot.npc[[1]], 1:plot.npc[[1]]] %*% PCweights$level1 +
                                                         efunctions$level2[,1:plot.npc[[2]]] %*% sqrt.evalues$level2[1:plot.npc[[2]], 1:plot.npc[[2]]] %*% PCweights$level2,
                                 as.matrix(mfpca.obj$mu)+efunctions$level1[,1:plot.npc[[1]]] %*% sqrt.evalues$level1[1:plot.npc[[1]], 1:plot.npc[[1]]] %*% PCweights$level1 )

        names(df) = c("grid", "mu_visit", "mu_subj")
        p3 <- ggplot(mu, aes(x=grid, y=value))+geom_line(lwd=0.75, aes(color= "mu"))+ plotDefaults + theme(legend.key = element_blank())+
          geom_line(data = df, lwd = 1, aes(x=grid, y = mu_visit, color = "visit")) +
          geom_line(data = df, lwd = 1.5, aes(x=grid, y = mu_subj, color = "subject")) +
          scale_color_manual("Line Legend", values = c(mu = "gray", visit = "indianred",  subject = "cornflowerblue"), guide = FALSE)

      output$LinCom <- renderPlot( print(plotInputLinCom()) )

      ## Code for subject plots

      dataInputSubject <- reactive({
        id.cur = as.numeric(input$subject)

        df.obs = mutate(melt(as.matrix(subset(Y.df, id == id.cur, select = Y))), grid=rep(1:ncol(Y.df$Y), each = length(which(Y.df$id == id.cur))))
        df.Yhat.subj = mutate(melt(as.matrix(subset(Yhat.subj, Y.df$id == id.cur))), grid=rep(1:ncol(Y.df$Y), each = length(which(Y.df$id == id.cur))))
        df.Yhat = mutate(melt(as.matrix(subset(Yhat, Y.df$id == id.cur))), grid=rep(1:ncol(Y.df$Y), each = length(which(Y.df$id == id.cur))))

        names(df.obs) = names(df.Yhat.subj) = names(df.Yhat) = c("visit", "Ynames", "value", "time"); df.obs$visit <- df.Yhat$visit
        numVisits = length(unique(df.Yhat$visit))

        return(list(df.obs, df.Yhat, df.Yhat.subj, numVisits))

      output$visitnum <- renderUI({ selectInput("visit","Select Visit", c(Choose='', 1:dataInputSubject()[[4]]), selectize = TRUE, multiple = TRUE)})

      plotInputSubject <- reactive({
        p4 <- ggplot(dataInputSubject()[[1]], aes(x = time, y = value, group = visit)) + plotDefaults +
          geom_line(data = mu, aes(x = grid, y = value, group=NULL), col="gray")

        visits <- input[["visit"]]
        df.Yhat.visits <- subset(dataInputSubject()[[2]], visit %in% visits)
        df.obs.visits <- subset(dataInputSubject()[[1]], visit %in% visits)

        if(length(visits)>=1){p4 = p4 + geom_path(data = dataInputSubject()[[3]], col="cornflowerblue") +
                                geom_point(data = df.obs.visits, col = "indianred") +
                                geom_path(data = df.Yhat.visits, col="indianred")

        else if(input$colorVisit) {p4 = p4 + geom_point(aes(col = factor(visit))) + geom_path(data=dataInputSubject()[[2]], aes(col = factor(visit)))+
                                theme(legend.position="none") + geom_path(data = dataInputSubject()[[3]], col="cornflowerblue", lwd = 1.25)

        else{p4 = p4 + geom_path(data=dataInputSubject()[[2]], col = "indianred") + geom_point(col = "indianred", alpha = 1/5) +
                 geom_path(data = dataInputSubject()[[3]], col="cornflowerblue", lwd = 1.25)

      output$Subject <- renderPlot( print(plotInputSubject()) )

      ## Code for score plots

      PCX <- reactive({ list(level1 = paste0("PC", input$PCX1), level2 = paste0("PC", input$PCX2) ) })
      PCY <- reactive({ list(level1 = paste0("PC", input$PCY1), level2 = paste0("PC", input$PCY2) ) })

      ## Level 1 scatter plot of scores
      output$ScorePlot1 <- renderPlot({
        ggplot(scoredata[[1]], aes_string(x = PCX()[[1]], y = PCY()[[1]]))+geom_point(color = "blue", alpha = 1/5, size = 3)+
          theme_bw()+xlab(paste("Scores for FPC", input$PCX1))+ylab(paste("Scores for FPC", input$PCY1))

      # Store Plots that use Brush Values

      YhatPlots <- reactive({
        brushes <- list(input$ScorePlotL1_brush, input$ScorePlotL2_brush)
        plots = list()

        for (i in 1:2){
            points = brushedPoints(scoredata[[i]], brushes[[i]], xvar=PCX()[[i]], yvar = PCY()[[i]])
            Yhat.m = melt(as.matrix(points$Yhat))
            Yhat.level.m = melt(as.matrix(points$Yhat.level))

            colnames(Yhat.level.m) <- c("subj", "time", "value")
          }else{ Yhat.m = data.frame(1, 1:length(mfpca.obj$mu), mfpca.obj$mu) }
          colnames(Yhat.m) <- c("subj", "time", "value")

          plots[[i]] <- ggplot(Yhat.all.m, aes(x=time, y=value, group = subj)) + geom_line(alpha = 1/5, color="black") +  plotDefaults+
            geom_line(data = Yhat.m, aes(x=as.numeric(time), y=value, group = subj), color="cornflowerblue")

          plots[[i+2]] <- ggplot(Yhat.level.all.m[[i]], aes(x=time, y=value, group = subj)) + geom_line(alpha = 1/5, color="black") +
            plotDefaults[-c(4)] + ylim(c(range(scoredata[[i]]$Yhat.level)[1], range(scoredata[[1]]$Yhat.level)[2]))

            plots[[i+2]] = plots[[i+2]] + geom_line(data = Yhat.level.m, aes(x=as.numeric(time), y=value, group = subj), color="cornflowerblue")
          } else{ plots[[i+2]] = plots[[i+2]] }


      output$YhatPlot1 <- renderPlot({
        grid.arrange(YhatPlots()[[1]],YhatPlots()[[3]], ncol = 2)

      ## Level 2 Plot 1
      output$ScorePlot2 <- renderPlot({
        ggplot(scoredata[[2]], aes_string(x = PCX()[[2]], y = PCY()[[2]]))+geom_point(color = "blue", alpha = 1/5, size = 3)+theme_bw()+
          xlab(paste("Scores for FPC", input$PCX2))+ylab(paste("Scores for FPC", input$PCY2))

      output$YhatPlot2 <- renderPlot({
        grid.arrange(YhatPlots()[[2]],YhatPlots()[[4]], ncol = 2)

    } ## end server
refunders/refund.shiny documentation built on Feb. 18, 2024, 8:43 a.m.