
Defines functions sample_predictive_trajectories_arima_wrapper fit_region_sarima

Documented in fit_region_sarima sample_predictive_trajectories_arima_wrapper

## utility functions for SARIMA fits

#' Simulate predictive trajectories from an ARIMA model
#' This is directly taken from the forecast.Arima function from the forecast package,
#' but I've forced bootstrap = TRUE and return the simulated trajectories which were
#' not returned in the original function definition.
#' @param object an Arima fit object (with class "Arima")
#' @param h number of time steps forwards to simulate
#' @param level not used
#' @param fan not used
#' @param xreg not used
#' @param lambda not used
#' @param npaths number of sample trajectories to simulate
#' @return an npaths by h matrix with simulated values
#' @export
sample_predictive_trajectories_arima <- function (object,
    h = ifelse(object$arma[5] > 1, 2 * object$arma[5], 10),
    level = c(80, 95),
    fan = FALSE,
    xreg = NULL,
    lambda = object$lambda,
    npaths = 5000,
    ...) {
    sim <- matrix(NA, nrow = npaths, ncol = h)

    for (i in 1:npaths) {
        try(sim[i, ] <- forecast:::simulate.Arima(object, nsim = h), silent = TRUE)


#' A wrapper around sample_predictive_trajectories_arima suitable for use as the
#' \code{simulate_trajectories_function} argument to
#' \code{get_log_scores_via_trajectory_simulation}.
#' This function does a few things worth noting.  It subsets data to the
#' analysis time.  It pulls in an appropriate SARIMA fit, either a
#' leave-one-season-out fit if the analysis time is before the first test season
#' or a fit based on all of the training data if the analysis time is in or
#' after the first test season.  It linearly interpolates missing values.
#' It handles log transformations and possible seasonal differencing that may
#' be done outside of functionality in the forecast package.
#' @param n_sims number of trajectories to simulate
#' @param max_prediction_horizon how many steps ahead to simulate
#' @param data data set
#' @param region region
#' @param analysis_time_season season in which we're predicting
#' @param analysis_time_season_week week of the season in which we're making our
#'   predictions, using all data up to the analysis time to make predictions for
#'   later time points
#' @param params other parameters.  A list with the following entries:
#'   * fits_filepath = path to a directory where SARIMA model fits are located
#'   * prediction_target_var = string naming variable in data we are predicting
#'   * seasonal_difference = logical specifying whether a seasonal difference
#'       should be computed manually before passing to auto.arima
#'   * transformation = string, either "log", "box-cox", or "none", indicating
#'       type of transformation to do
#'   * first_test_season = string, in format of "2011/2012", specifying first
#'       test season.
#' @return an n_sims by h matrix with simulated values
#' @export
sample_predictive_trajectories_arima_wrapper <- function(
) {
    ## load SARIMA fit
    reg_str <- gsub(" ", "_", region)

    fit_filepath <- file.path(
            "-seasonal_difference_", params$seasonal_difference,
            "-transformation_", params$transformation,
            gsub("/", "_", params$first_test_season),

    ## If no SARIMA fit, exit early by returning a matrix of NAs
    if(!file.exists(fit_filepath)) {
        return(matrix(NA, nrow = n_sims, ncol = max_prediction_horizon))

    sarima_fit <- readRDS(file = fit_filepath)

    ## Update SARIMA fit object with seasonally differenced data up
    ## through analysis_time_ind
    if(identical(params$transformation, "log")) {
      undifferenced_new_target_data <- log(data[, params$prediction_target_var])
    } else {
      undifferenced_new_target_data <- data[, params$prediction_target_var]
    if(params$seasonal_difference) {
      new_target_data <- ts(c(rep(NA, 52),
        undifferenced_new_target_data[seq(from = 53, to = nrow(data))] -
          undifferenced_new_target_data[seq(from = 1, to = nrow(data) - 52)]),
        frequency = 52)
    } else {
      new_target_data <- ts(undifferenced_new_target_data, frequency = 52)

    ## deal with internal missing values in new_target_data that can result in
    ## simulated trajectories of all NAs if the model has a moving average component
    ## here we do this by linear interpolation
    ## another solution would be to write a version of stats::filter that
    ## does the "right thing" with NAs if filter coefficients are 0
    ## and then use that function in forecast:::myarima.sim
    if(any(is.na(new_target_data) | is.infinite(new_target_data)) && !is.na(tail(new_target_data, 1))) {
        ## drop leading NAs
        if(is.na(new_target_data[1] | is.infinite(new_target_data[1]))) {
            num_leading_nas <-
              rle(is.na(new_target_data) | is.infinite(new_target_data))$lengths[1]
            new_target_data <- new_target_data[- seq_len(num_leading_nas)]

        ## interpolate internal NAs
        while(any(is.na(new_target_data) | is.infinite(new_target_data))) {
            na_rle <- rle(is.na(new_target_data) | is.infinite(new_target_data))
            na_run_start_ind <- na_rle$lengths[1] + 1
            na_run_end_ind <- na_run_start_ind + na_rle$lengths[2] - 1
            new_target_data[na_run_start_ind:na_run_end_ind] <-
                    x = c(na_run_start_ind - 1, na_run_end_ind + 1),
                    y = new_target_data[c(na_run_start_ind - 1, na_run_end_ind + 1)],
                    xout = na_run_start_ind:na_run_end_ind,
                    method = "linear"

    updated_sarima_fit <- Arima(
        model = sarima_fit)

    ## The update process via call to Arima can somehow result in 0/negative
    ## variance estimates.  Reset to original values
    updated_sarima_fit$sigma2 <- sarima_fit$sigma2
    updated_sarima_fit$var.coef <- sarima_fit$var.coef

    raw_trajectory_samples <- sample_predictive_trajectories_arima(
        h = max_prediction_horizon,
        npaths = n_sims)

    ## Sampled trajectories are of seasonally differenced log incidence
    ## Get to trajectories for originally observed incidence ("inc") by
    ## adding seasonal lag of incidence and exponentiating
    inc_trajectory_samples <- raw_trajectory_samples
    if(params$seasonal_difference) {
      for(prediction_horizon in seq_len(max_prediction_horizon)) {
        inc_trajectory_samples[, prediction_horizon] <-
          raw_trajectory_samples[, prediction_horizon] +
          undifferenced_new_target_data[nrow(data) + prediction_horizon - 52]
    if(identical(params$transformation, "log")) {
      inc_trajectory_samples <- exp(inc_trajectory_samples)


#' Estimate SARIMA model using data up to but not including first_test_season
#' @param data regional dataset with structure like regionflu-cleaned
#' @param reg_num region number for estimation
#' @param first_test_season string indicating first test season
#' @param d order of first differencing
#' @param D order of seasonal differencing
#' @param seasonal_difference boolean; take a seasonal difference before passing
#'   to auto.arima?
#' @param transformation character specifying transformation type:
#'   "box-cox", "log", or "none"
#' @param path path in which to save files
#' @return NULL just saves files
#' @export
fit_region_sarima <- function(
  d = NA,
  D = NA,
  seasonal_difference = TRUE,
  transformation = "none",
  path) {

  ## subset data to be only the region of interest
  data <- data[data$region == region,]

  ## Subset data to do estimation using only data up to (and not including)
  ## first_test_season.  remainder are held out
  first_ind_test_season <- min(which(data$season == first_test_season))
  data <- data[seq_len(first_ind_test_season - 1), , drop = FALSE]

  prediction_target_var <- "weighted_ili"

  if(identical(transformation, "log")) {
    undifferenced_target_data <- log(data[, prediction_target_var])
  } else {
    undifferenced_target_data <- data[, prediction_target_var]

  if(seasonal_difference) {
    pred_target <- ts(c(rep(NA, 52),
      undifferenced_target_data[seq(from = 53, to = nrow(data))] -
        undifferenced_target_data[seq(from = 1, to = nrow(data) - 52)]),
      frequency = 52)
  } else {
    pred_target <- ts(undifferenced_target_data, frequency = 52)

  if(identical(transformation, "box-cox")) {
    lambda <- BoxCox.lambda(pred_target)

    ## get SARIMA fit
    sarima_fit <- auto.arima(pred_target,
      d = d,
      D = D,
      stationary = TRUE,
      lambda = lambda)
  } else {
    ## log transformation (already done manually) or no transformation
    sarima_fit <- auto.arima(pred_target,
      d = d,
      D = D,
      stationary = TRUE)

  filename <- paste0(
    gsub(" ", "_", region),
    "-seasonal_difference_", seasonal_difference,
    "-transformation_", transformation,
    "-first_test_season_", gsub("/", "_", first_test_season),
  saveRDS(sarima_fit, file = filename)
reichlab/2017-2018-cdc-flu-contest documentation built on May 24, 2019, 6:17 a.m.