
#' Wrapper for prediction of a single time-point from KDE fits
#' @param fits_path filepath to fitted models
#' @param save_path filepath to save models in
#' @param season character string of season for current fit, in format "XXXX/YYYY"
#' @param season_week numeric season week of first week for which predictions are desired
#' @param n_sim number of simulations to run for predictive distributions
#' @return NULL just saves a file
#' @export
make_one_kde_prediction_file <- function(fits_path, save_path, season, season_week, n_sim){
    ## determine if a 53-week season
    last_day_cal_year <- as.Date(paste0(substr(season, 0, 4),"-12-31"))
    season_has_EW53 <- MMWRweek(last_day_cal_year)$MMWRweek==53
    num_EW <- ifelse(season_has_EW53, 53, 52)
    ## set globals for incidence bins and names
    inc_bins <- c(0, seq(from = .05, to = 12.95, by = 0.1), Inf)
    incidence_bin_names <- as.character(seq(from = 0, to = 13, by = 0.1))
    region_strings <- c("National", paste0("Region", 1:10))
    cdc_region_strings <- c("US National", paste("HHS Region", 1:10))
    epiweek <- (season_week-1+30)%%num_EW + 1
    epiweek_year <- ifelse(epiweek<35, ## if epiweek is low, we are in end of season
                           substr(season, 6, 9), 
                           substr(season, 1, 4))
    fname <- paste0(save_path,"/EW", sprintf("%02d", epiweek), "-", epiweek_year, "-ReichLab_kde.csv")
    for(i in 1:length(region_strings)) {
        region <- region_strings[i]
        cdc_region <- cdc_region_strings[i]
        ## load KDE fit
        kde_fit <- readRDS(file = paste0(
            gsub("/", "-", season),
        tmp <- make_region_prediction(kde_fit, 
            season_week = season_week,
        add_colnames <- ifelse(i==1, TRUE, FALSE) ## only include rownames in first file
        write.table(tmp, file=fname, quote=FALSE, sep=",", row.names = FALSE,
            append=!add_colnames, col.names=add_colnames)

make_region_prediction <- function(fit, cdc_region_string, inc_bins, inc_bin_names, season_has_EW53, season_week, n_sim) {
    num_EW <- ifelse(season_has_EW53, 53, 52)
    ## read in output template
    if(season_has_EW53) {
        out <- read.csv("data-raw/region-prediction-template-EW53.csv")
    } else {
        out <- read.csv("data-raw/region-prediction-template.csv")

    out$Location <- cdc_region_string
    ### ONSETS
    onset_week_preds <- predict_kde_onset_week(fit$onset_week, n_sim)
    ## truncating to weeks observed and adding delta to ensure no -Inf log scores
    last_week_bin <- ifelse(season_has_EW53, 43, 42)
    onset_week_preds_used <- onset_week_preds[c(10:last_week_bin, 53)] + 1/n_sim
    onset_week_preds_std <- onset_week_preds_used/sum(onset_week_preds_used)
    idx_onset_bins <- which(out$Target=="Season onset" & out$Type=="Bin")
    out[idx_onset_bins, "Value"] <- onset_week_preds_std
    idx_onset_point <- which(out$Target=="Season onset" & out$Type=="Point")
    onset_season_week <- calc_median_from_binned_probs(onset_week_preds_std)
    out[idx_onset_point, "Value"] <- (onset_season_week-1+30)%%num_EW +1
    ### PEAKS
    peak_week_preds <- predict_kde_peak_week(fit$peak_week, n_sim)
    ## truncating to weeks observed and adding delta to ensure no -Inf log scores
    peak_week_preds_used <- peak_week_preds[10:last_week_bin] + 1/n_sim
    peak_week_preds_std <- peak_week_preds_used/sum(peak_week_preds_used)
    idx_peak_bins <- which(out$Target=="Season peak week" & out$Type=="Bin")
    out[idx_peak_bins, "Value"] <- peak_week_preds_std
    idx_peak_point <- which(out$Target=="Season peak week" & out$Type=="Point")
    peak_season_week <- calc_median_from_binned_probs(peak_week_preds_std)
    out[idx_peak_point, "Value"] <- (peak_season_week-1+30)%%num_EW +1
    ### PEAK INC
    peak_inc_preds <- predict_kde_log_peak_week_inc(fit$log_peak_week_inc, 
    peak_inc_preds_used <- peak_inc_preds + 1/n_sim
    peak_inc_preds_std <- peak_inc_preds_used/sum(peak_inc_preds_used)
    idx_peak_inc_bins <- which(out$Target=="Season peak percentage" & out$Type=="Bin")
    ## check that names match
    if(any(names(peak_inc_preds) != out[idx_peak_inc_bins, "Bin_start_incl"])){
        error("Peak incidencebin names don't match.")
    out[idx_peak_inc_bins, "Value"] <- peak_inc_preds_std
    idx_peak_inc_point <- which(out$Target=="Season peak percentage" & out$Type=="Point")
    out[idx_peak_inc_point, "Value"] <- calc_median_from_binned_probs(peak_inc_preds_std)
    weekly_inc_preds <- predict_kde_log_weekly_inc(fm = fit$log_weekly_inc, 
                                                   season_weeks = season_week:(season_week+3), 
                                                   bins = inc_bins, 
                                                   bin_names = inc_bin_names,
                                                   n_sim = n_sim)
    weekly_inc_preds <- weekly_inc_preds + 1/n_sim
    weekly_inc_preds <- apply(weekly_inc_preds, 
        FUN=function(x) x/sum(x),
    for(i in 1:4){
        idx_weekly_bins <- which(out$Target==paste(i, "wk ahead") & out$Type=="Bin")
        out[idx_weekly_bins, "Value"] <- weekly_inc_preds[,i]
        idx_weekly_inc_point <- which(out$Target==paste(i, "wk ahead") & out$Type=="Point")
        weekly_inc_preds_vec <- weekly_inc_preds[,i]
        names(weekly_inc_preds_vec) <- inc_bin_names
        out[idx_weekly_inc_point, "Value"] <- calc_median_from_binned_probs(weekly_inc_preds_vec)
reichlab/2018-2019-cdc-flu-contest documentation built on May 24, 2019, 7:36 a.m.