
Defines functions doc_struc_dm doc_struc sections_info chunks_info

Documented in chunks_info doc_struc doc_struc_dm sections_info

#' @title Chunks info
#' @description Get information about chunks in a rnw file
#' @param file file of interest ( = \code{source_file} by default)
#' @param all if TRUE some extra chunk info will be given
#' @import knitr
#' @return A data frame with variables
#' \itemize{
#'    \item name: name of chunk (if any)
#'    \item row: start row
#'    \item n.row: number of rows
#'    \item stop: end line of chunk
#'    \item eval.arg: (if \code{all = TRUE}) if there is an argument specified for \code{eval}
#'    \item code:  (if \code{all = TRUE}) the code in the chunk
#' }
#' @export
chunks_info <- function(file = NULL, all = FALSE){
   if(is.null(file)) file = opts_proh$get("source_file")
   if(file_name(file)$extension != ".rnw") warning("[chunks_info] this is not an rnw-file")
   X <- readLines(con = file)
   starts <- grep(pattern = "^ *<<.*>>=.*$", x = X)
   stopps <- grep(pattern = "^@ *$", x = X)
   n <- length(starts)
   if(length(stopps) != n) stop(paste("[chunks_info] there seems to be", n, "chunk start(s) and", length(stopps), "stop(s)."))
   each_n <- if(n==1) stopps - starts else stopps[2:n] - starts[1:(n-1)]
   if(any(each_n<0)) stop(paste("[chunks_info] chunk starts and stops in wrong order somewhere"))
   inits_raw <- X[starts]
   inits0 <- unlist(lapply(X = strsplit(x = inits_raw, split = "#", fixed = TRUE), FUN = function(x) x[1]))
   inits1 <- gsub(pattern = " |<<|>>=", replacement = "", x = inits0)
   inits2 <- gsub(pattern = "\"", replacement="'", x=inits1, fixed=TRUE)
   chunk_val <- strsplit(x = inits2, split = ",", fixed = TRUE)
   inits3 <- unlist(lapply(X = chunk_val, FUN = function(x) x[1]))
   inits4 <- ifelse(grepl(pattern = "=", x = inits3),
                    sprintf("<chunk %d: unnamed>", 1:n),
                    gsub(pattern = "'", replacement = "", x = inits3))
   eval_val <- unlist(lapply(X=chunk_val,
                             FUN = function(x) x[grepl(pattern = "^eval=.*$", x = x)][1]))
   eval_arg <- gsub(pattern = "eval=", replacement = "", x = eval_val)
   ## child_val <- unlist(lapply(X=chunk_val,
   ##                            FUN = function(x) x[grepl(pattern = "^child=.*$", x = x)][1]))
   ## child_arg <- gsub(pattern = "eval=", replacement = "", x = child_val)
   gEt <- function(x) if(!is.na(x) & !x %in% c("FALSE", "TRUE")) {
       tryCatch(get(x, envir = .GlobalEnv), error = function(e) NA)
   } else {
   eval = ifelse(
         eval_arg == "TRUE",
            eval_arg == "FALSE",
            unlist(lapply(X = eval_arg, FUN = gEt))
   code_spann <- as.list(NULL)
   for(i in 1:n){
      code_spann[[i]] <- if(stopps[i] > starts[i] + 1) (starts[i]+1):(stopps[i]-1) else NA
   R <- data.frame(
      "name" = inits4,
      "row" = starts,
      "n.row" = stopps-starts-1,
      "eval.arg" = eval_arg,
      "eval" = eval,
      "code" = unlist(lapply(X = 1:n, FUN = function(i) paste(X[code_spann[[i]]], collapse = "\n"))),
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE
      R$eval <- NULL
      R$code <- NULL

#' @title Sections info
#' @description Get information about sections in a rnw file
#' @param file file of interest ( = \code{source_file} by default)
#' @return A data frame with variables
#' \itemize{
#'    \item name: name of section
#'    \item row: row number where section starts
#'    \item sub: number of 'sub', i.e. 0 for section, 1 for subsection,
#'    and 2 for subsubsection
#' }
#' @export
sections_info <- function(file = NULL){
   if(is.null(file)) file = opts_proh$get("source_file")
   if(file_name(file)$extension != ".rnw") warning("[sections_info] this is not an rnw-file")
   X <- readLines(con = file)
   # title_row <- grep(pattern = "\\\\title\\{.*\\}", x = X) # not used yet
   sec_hit   <- grep(pattern = "\\\\(sub){0,2}section\\{", x = X)
   n_hit <- length(sec_hit)
   sec_title_raw <- strsplit(x = X[sec_hit], split = "section\\{")
   if(max(unlist(lapply(X = sec_title_raw, FUN = length))) > 2){
      warning("[sections_info]\nThere should only be one \\((sub)^k)section (k=0,1,2) per line.")
   sec_title1 <- lapply(X = sec_title_raw, FUN = function(x) x[[2]])
   sec_title2 <- unlist(lapply(X = sec_title1, FUN = function(x) unlist(strsplit(x = x[[1]], split = "}"))[1]))
   subs <- rep(NA_integer_, n_hit)
   look <- lapply(X = sec_title_raw, FUN = function(x) unlist(strsplit(x = x[1], split = "\\\\" )))
   for(k in seq_along(sec_hit)){ # k = 2
      if(any(grepl(pattern = "^sub$", x = look[[k]]))){
         subs[k] <- 1
      if(any(grepl(pattern = "^subsub$", x = look[[k]]))){
         subs[k] <- 2
      subs[k] <- 0
      "name" = sec_title2,
      "row" = sec_hit,
      "sub" = subs,
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE

#' @title Document structure
#' @description Get information about the structure in a rnw file
#' @param file file of interest ( = \code{source_file} by default)
#' @return A print out
#' @export
doc_struc <- function(file = NULL){
   if(is.null(file)) file = opts_proh$get("source_file")
   sec <- sections_info(file = file)
   sec$type = factor("sec", levels = c("sec", "chu"))
   chu <- chunks_info(file = file)
   chu$type = factor("chu", levels = c("sec", "chu"))
   n_sec <- nrow(sec)
   n_chu <- nrow(chu)
   n <- n_sec + n_chu
   if(n == 0){
      message("[doc_struc] no sections of chunks found")
   tmp <- merge(sec, chu, by = c("name", "row", "type"), all = T)
   both <- tmp[order(tmp$row), c("type", "name", "row", "sub")]
   indent <- rep(NA_integer_, n)
   dummy <- 0
   for(k in 1:n){
      dummy <- if(!is.na(both$sub[k])) both$sub[k] else dummy
      indent[k] <- dummy
   # cbind(both, indent)
   width <- max(options("width")$width, 44) - 4
   set_ind <- "   "
   chu_pre <- " * "
   sec_mark  <- paste(rep("=", width), collapse = "")
   sub_mark <- paste0(set_ind, paste(rep("-", width - nchar(set_ind)), collapse = ""))
   sub2_ext <- "- "
   short <- function(s, tol = width-10, extend = NULL, discount = 2*nchar(set_ind)){
      s <- as.character(s)
      s <- if(nchar(s)>tol) paste(substr(x = s, start = 1, stop = tol-3), "...") else s
      n <- nchar(s)
         extra <- width - n - 1
         mer <- substr(paste(rep(extend, extra) , collapse = ""), 1, extra - discount)
         s <- paste(s, mer)
   r <- c("## document:", paste0("##     ", file),
          "## structure (* chunks; section ===; subsection ---; subsubsection - -):",
   for(k in 1:n){ # k = 6
      if(both$type[k] == "chu"){
         r <- c(r, paste0(paste(rep(set_ind, indent[k]), collapse=""), chu_pre, both$name[k]))
      } else if(both$type[k] == "sec"){
         if(indent[k] == 2){
            r <- c(r, paste0(paste(rep(set_ind, 2), collapse=""), short(both$name[k], extend = sub2_ext)))
         } else if(indent[k] == 1){
            r <- c(r, paste0(paste(rep(set_ind, 1), collapse=""), short(both$name[k])), sub_mark)
         } else if(indent[k] == 0){
            r <- c(r, short(both$name[k]), sec_mark)
   cat(r, sep = "\n")

#' @describeIn doc_struc this function has 'dm_source_file' as default file
#' @export
doc_struc_dm <- function(file = NULL){
    if(is.null(file)) file = opts_proh$get("dm_source_file")
    doc_struc(file = file)


   file <- "C:/R/P_package/proh/ignorera_detta/chunk_tester.rnw"
renlund/proh documentation built on March 25, 2023, 10:07 a.m.