
Defines functions CLIArgumentParser

Documented in CLIArgumentParser

# Project: CLIR
# Author: Renaud Gaujoux
# Created: Nov 20, 2013

#' Enhanced Command Line Argument Parser
#' Extends the capabilities of package \pkg{argparse}, e.g., in defining sub commands.
#' @param prog program name
#' @param description program description
#' @param ... extra arguments passed to \code{\link[argparse]{ArgumentParser}}.
#' @param epilog epilog messages to display at the end of the man pages
#' @param show.defaults logical that indicates if default arugment values should 
#' be displayed. 
#' @export
#' @import argparse proto
CLIArgumentParser <- function(prog = CLIfile(), description = '', ..., epilog = '', show.defaults = TRUE){
    # load argparse
    #suppressMessages( library(argparse, quietly = TRUE) )
    .flag_newlines <- function(x){
        gsub("\n", "", x)
    # define place holders
    description_ph <- '__@@DESCRIPTION@@__'
    command_ph <- '__@@COMMANDS@@__'
    epilog_ph <- '__@@EPILOG@@__'
    p <- ArgumentParser(prog = prog
                        , description = paste0(description_ph, '__@@COMMANDS@@__'), ...
                        , epilog = epilog_ph)
    p$description_str <- description
    p$epilog_str <- epilog
    # change argument formatter if required
    if( show.defaults ){
        i <- grep("argparse\\.ArgumentParser", p$python_code)
        inst <- p$python_code[i]
        p$python_code[i] <- paste0(substr(inst, 1, nchar(inst)-1), ', formatter_class=argparse.ArgumentDefaultsHelpFormatter)')
    p <- proto(p)
    # add add_command function
    p$description_loc <- description_ph
    p$command_loc <- command_ph
    p$epilog_loc <- epilog_ph
    p$prog <- prog
    p$exec <- if( nchar(exec_path <- CLIfile(full = TRUE)) ) normalizePath(CLIfile(full = TRUE)) else '' 
    p$command <- list()
    p$command_idefault <- 0L
    p$command_default <- function(.){
        if( .$command_idefault ) names(.$command)[.$command_idefault]
        else ''
    # add a (sub-)command
    p$add_command <- function(., command, fun, parser = NULL, help='', ..., default = FALSE){
        # add command argument if necessary
#        if( !length(.$command) ){
#            .$.super$add_argument('command', help = paste0(.$prog, ' command to run'))
#        }
        # store command
        .$command[[command]] <- list(fun = fun, parser = parser, help = help)	
        # store command as default
        if( default ) .$command_idefault <- length(.$command)
    p$.dummy_arg_help <- '__@@ARGHELP@@__'
    p$argument_help <- character()
    p$argument_spec <- list()
    p$add_argument <- function(., ..., help = ''){
        .flag_newlines <- function(x){
            gsub("\n", "", x)
        .$argument_help <- c(.$argument_help, help)
        .$argument_spec <- c(.$argument_spec, list(list(...)))
        class(.$argument_spec) <- 'simple.list' 
        help <- .flag_newlines(help)
        help <- .$.dummy_arg_help
        .$.super$add_argument(..., help = help)
    # overload print_usage
    p$print_usage <- function(., print = TRUE, super = FALSE, hint = TRUE){
        u <- paste(capture.output(.$.super$print_usage()), collapse="\n")
        # add 'command' argument here (otherwise it shows as single "positional argument")
        if( length(.$command) && !super){
            u <- sub(.$prog, paste(.$prog, "<command>"), u, fixed = TRUE)
            if( hint ) u <- paste0(u, "\n  Use --help for listing all available commands\n")
        u <- paste0(u, "\n")
        if( print ) cat(u)
    # overload print_help to add command descriptions
    p$print_help <- function(.){
        # get formatted help
        #usage_string <- sub("usage:", '', paste(capture.output(.$.super$print_usage())))
        h <- paste(capture.output(.$.super$print_help()), collapse="\n")
        h <- sub(sprintf("%s", .$description_loc), .$description_str, h)
        # substitute dummy help by actual formated help  
        if( length(.$argument_help) ){
#            rd <- .$rd[[1]]
#            print(rd_list.tags(rd))
#            i <- which(sapply(rd, function(x) attr(x, 'Rd_tag') == "\\usage" ))
#            rd[[i]] <- structure(list(structure(usage_string, Rd_tag='RCODE')), Rd_tag = "\\usage")
#            rd <- rd[-(1:2)]
#            i <- which(sapply(rd, function(x) attr(x, 'Rd_tag') == "\\arguments" ))
#            j <- which(sapply(rd[[i]], function(x) attr(x, 'Rd_tag') == "\\item" ))
#            a <- unlist(sapply(rd[[i]][j], '[[', 1L))
#            str(a)
#            h <- CLIR:::rd_txt(rd)
            p <- sprintf("(.*)%s.*", .$.dummy_arg_help)
            i <- grep(p, hs <- strsplit(h, "\n")[[1]])
            pad <- max(nchar(a <- gsub(p, "\\1", hs[i])))
            pad <- sprintf(paste0("\n  %-", pad, "s"), '')
            sapply(.$argument_help, function(x){
                s <- x
                s <- gsub("\\n", pad, s)
                h <<- sub(.$.dummy_arg_help, s, h, fixed = TRUE)
        # fix new lines if necessary
#		nl <- strsplit(h, "##NL##")[[1]]
#		if( length(nl) > 1L ){
#			indent <- nchar(gsub("^([ ]+).*", "\\1", tail(strsplit(nl[1], "\n")[[1L]], 1L)))
#			i <- 2:length(nl)
#			print(sprintf(paste0("%", indent, 's'), ''))
#			nl[i] <- paste0(sprintf(paste0("%", indent, 's'), ''), nl[i])
#			h <- paste0(nl, collapse="\n")
#		}
        cmds <- ''
        if( length(.$command) ){
            # modify usage string
            h <- sub(.$print_usage(print = FALSE, super = TRUE)
                    , .$print_usage(print = FALSE, hint = FALSE)
                    , h, fixed = TRUE)
            # format command help
            lm <- max(nchar(names(.$command)))
            fmt <- paste0("  %-", lm, "s")
            cmds <- lapply(.$command, function(x){
                        strwrap(x$help, indent = 4, exdent = 2 + lm + 4, width = 80, simplify = FALSE)
            cmds <- sapply(cmds, paste, collapse = "\n")
            cmds <- paste0(sprintf(fmt, names(.$command)), cmds)
            cmds <- paste0('Commands:\n', paste(cmds, collapse = "\n"))
        h <- sub(.$command_loc, cmds, h, fixed = TRUE)
        h <- sub(.$epilog_loc, .$epilog_str, h, fixed = TRUE)
        cat(h, sep="\n")
    # add function call_string
    p$call_string <- function(., args = commandArgs(TRUE)){
        paste(.$prog, paste0(args, collapse = ' '))
    # command parer
    p$parse_cmd <- CLIR::parseCMD

# combine argument parsers
.combineParser <- function(p1, p2){
    if( length(i <- grep("^parser\\.add_argument", p2$python_code)) ){
        p1$.that$python_code <- c(p1$python_code, p2$python_code[i])

#' \code{parseCMD} parse command line arguments for sub-commands, 
#' and dispatch to the associated function.
#' @param parser parser object as returned by \code{CLIArgumentParser}.
#' @param ARGS command line argument to parse, as a named list or a character string.
#' @param debug logical that indicate if debugging information should be printed.
#' @export
#' @rdname CLIArgumentParser
parseCMD <- function(parser, ARGS = commandArgs(TRUE), debug = FALSE){
    if( is.character(ARGS) ){
        if( length(ARGS) == 1L  ) ARGS <- strsplit(ARGS, ' ')[[1]] # used in dev/debugging
        # fix quotes to avoid python JSON parsing error
        ARGS <- gsub("'", "\"", ARGS)
#    library(pkgmaker, quietly = TRUE)
    # define command line arguments
    prog <- parser$prog
    # check validity of command
    # shows usage/help in trivial calls
    if( !length(ARGS) ){
        return( invisible(parser) )
    }else if( !grepl("^-", ARGS[[1L]]) ){ # first argument is the command
        command <- ARGS[[1L]]
        if( !command %in% names(parser$command) ){
            stop("Invalid command '", command, "' for ", prog, "\n"
                    , "  Available commands: ", paste0(names(parser$command), collapse = ', ') 
            #, paste(capture.output(parser$print_usage()), collapse = "\n")
                , call. = FALSE
    }else if( any(ARGS %in% c('-h', '--help')) ){
        return( invisible(parser) )
        # default command if any
        if( nzchar(parser$command_default()) )
            ARGS <- c(parser$command_default(), ARGS)
            stop("Missing command:\n  "
                    , paste(capture.output(parser$print_usage()), collapse = "\n")
                    , "\n  Available command(s): ", paste(names(parser$command), collapse = ", ")
                    , call. = FALSE)
    # get command-specific parser
    cmd_fun <- parser$command[[command]]$fun
    cmd_parser <- parser$command[[command]]$parser
    # add CLI arguments
    cmd_parser <- .setCLIArguments(cmd_parser)
    #    print(cmd_parser$python_code)
    ARGS <- ARGS[-1L]
    if( !length(ARGS) ){
        # show command line
    }else if( any(ARGS %in% c('-h', '--help')) ){
        return( invisible(cmd_parser) )
        # parse command arguments
        if( is.character(ARGS) ) args <- cmd_parser$parse_args(ARGS)
        else args <- ARGS
        # check for CLI arguments
        args <- .processCLIArguments(args)
        # update CLI arguments
#        str(args)
        # log call and parsed arguments		
        if( debug ){
            message('Call: ', parser$call_string(ARGS))
            message('Parsed arguments:')

        # call command handler
        cmd_fun(ARGS = args)

.setCLIArguments <- function(parser){
    # config file
            , help="YAML configuration file that contains specifications of command line arguments."
            , nargs = '?', const = 'config.xml'
            , metavar = 'FILE')
    # qsub 
    parser$add_argument("--cli-qsub", help="extra qsub arguments"
                        , metavar='QSUB OPTIONS')

.processCLIArguments <- function(ARGS){
    # check for yaml job config file
    conf_file <- ARGS$cli_config
    if( !is.null(conf_file) ){
        # check for job array specification
        array_var <- NULL
        if( grepl(av_pattern <- "^(.*\\.yml)\\[([^]]+)\\]$", conf_file) ){
            array_var <- eval(parse(text = gsub(av_pattern, "list(\\2)", conf_file)))
            conf_file <- gsub(av_pattern, "\\1", conf_file)
        cli_message('Loading configuration file: ', conf_file, ' ... ')
        config <- read.yaml(conf_file)
        cli_smessage('OK [', length(config),' variables]')
        if( !is.null(array_var) ){
            if( is.null(config[[names(array_var)]]) ) config[[names(array_var)]] <- array_var[[1L]]
            else config[[names(array_var)]] <- config[[names(array_var)]][array_var[[1L]]] 
        # update argument list
        ARGS <- append(ARGS, config[setdiff(names(config), names(ARGS))])
        # show configuration
        cli_message('Used configuration:', appendLF = TRUE)
    # look for CLI global options (e.g., qsub etc...)
    if( length(iopts <- grep("^cli_", names(ARGS))) ){
        .CLIopts( ARGS[iopts] )
        ARGS <- ARGS[-iopts]

# Pure R S3 parser: based on roxygen-like headers

#' @export
cli_parse <- function(x, ...){

.DASH <- '.__.'

#' @importFrom roxygen2 roc_proc_text rd_roclet  
cli_parse.default <- function(x, args = commandArgs(TRUE), ..., error = TRUE){
    roc <- rd_roclet()
    li <- readLines(x)
    li <- paste0(c(grep("^#' +", li, value = TRUE)
                    , paste0("#' @name ", basename(x))
                    , 'NULL'), collapse = "\n")
    rd <- roc_proc_text(roc, li)[[1]]
    # process parameter names
    params <- rd[[1]]$param$values
    param_spec <- sapply(strsplit(params, "\n"), head, 1L)
    param_spec <- mapply(process_param, names(params), param_spec, SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
    names(param_spec) <- sapply(param_spec, '[[', 'name')
    # edit Rd doc for short alternative arguments
    alt <- sapply(param_spec, '[[', 'alt')
    param_rd_names <- paste0('  ', ifelse(!is.na(alt), sprintf("%s%s, ", .DASH, alt), ''), .DASH, .DASH, names(param_spec))
    # add default values to param description
    params <- sapply(seq_along(params), function(i){
                p <- params[[i]]
                if( !is.null(d <- param_spec[[i]]$default) ) 
                    p <- paste0(p, sprintf("\n[default: %s]", d))
                else p <- paste0(p, '\n[required]') 
    # update rd object
    rd[[1]]$param$values <- setNames(params, param_rd_names)
    # append help command
    if( is.null(param_spec$help) )
        param_spec$help <- process_param('help,h', "%+ FALSE")
    # append quiet command
    if( is.null(param_spec$quiet) )
        param_spec$quiet <- process_param('quiet,q', "%+ FALSE")
    # get command line arguments
    ARGS_FULL <- sapply(names(param_spec), function(p){
        do.call(cli_arg, c(param_spec[[p]], list(args = args, as.is = FALSE, with.details = TRUE, error = error)))
    }, simplify = FALSE)
    ARGS <- sapply(ARGS_FULL, '[[', 'value', simplify = FALSE)
    # return structure
    invisible(structure(list(rd = rd, params = param_spec, args = ARGS, args_full = ARGS_FULL), class = 'cli'))

cli_help <- function(x, pager = x$args_full$help$match == 'h', appendLF = !pager){
    rd <- x$rd
    tmp <- tempfile()
    on.exit( unlink(tmp) )
    cat(format(rd), file = tmp)
    Rd <- parse_Rd(tmp)
    res <- paste0(capture.output(Rd2txt(Rd)), collapse = "\n")
    res <- gsub('.__.', '-', res, fixed = TRUE)
    if( appendLF ) res <- paste0(res, "\n")
    if( pager ){
        tmp_txt <- tempfile()
        cat(res, file = tmp_txt)
        file.show(tmp_txt, delete.file = TRUE)
    }else cat(res)

process_param <- function(p, raw){
    # define specs
    p <- strsplit(p, ",")[[1]]
    spec_list <- list(name = p[1], alt = p[2])
    # extract special arguments from help string
    abv_pattern <- "^ *%[+!] *(.*)$"
    if( grepl(abv_pattern, raw) ){
        spec_txt <- gsub(abv_pattern, "\\1", raw)
        specs <- try(eval(parse(text = sprintf("list(%s)", spec_txt))
                                , list(INT = integer(), NUM = numeric()
                                       , CHAR = character(), BOOL = logical()
                     ), silent = TRUE)
        if( is(specs, 'try-error') ){
            warning(sprintf("Dropped invalid parameter specification: %s [%s]", spec_txt, specs))
        # assign/infer specs names
        if( is.null(names(specs)) ) names(specs) <- rep('', length(specs))
        if( length(i <- which(names(specs) == '')) ){
            lapply(i, function(i){
                val <- specs[[i]]
                # default value
                nam <- if( !'default' %in% names(spec_list) ) 'default'
                if( !is.null(nam) ){
                    if( is.null(val) ) val <- 'NULL'
                    spec_list[[nam]] <<- val
        spec_list <- c(spec_list, specs[names(specs) != ''])
    spec_list$required <- is.null(spec_list$default) || grepl("^ *%! ", raw)
renozao/CLIR documentation built on May 27, 2019, 5:52 a.m.