fitted: Fitted Matrix in NMF Models

Description Usage Arguments Details Value Methods (by generic)


Computes the estimated target matrix based on a given NMF model. The estimation depends on the underlying NMF model. For example in the standard model V ~ W H, the target matrix is estimated by the matrix product W H. In other models, the estimate may depend on extra parameters/matrix (cf. Non-smooth NMF in NMFns-class).


fitted(object, ...)



an object that inherit from class NMF


extra arguments to allow extension


This function is a S4 generic function imported from stats::fitted in the package stats. It is implemented as a pure virtual method for objects of class NMF, meaning that concrete NMF models must provide a definition for their corresponding class (i.e. sub-classes of class NMF). See NMF for more details.


the target matrix estimate as fitted by the model object

Methods (by generic)

renozao/NMF documentation built on June 14, 2020, 9:35 p.m.