Man pages for renozao/NMF
Algorithms and Framework for Nonnegative Matrix Factorization (NMF)

advancedAdvanced Usage of the Package NMF
aheatmapAnnotated Heatmaps
aheatmap_layoutAnnotated Heatmap Layout Preview
algorithmicGeneric Interface for Algorithms
assessAssessing and Comparing NMF Models
atrackAnnotation Tracks
basis-coef-methodsAccessing NMF Factors
basiscorCorrelations in NMF Models
biocSpecific NMF Layer for Bioconductor
canFitTesting Compatibility of Algorithm and Models
ccBreaksGenerate Break Intervals from Numeric Variables
ccPaletteBuilds a Color Palette from Compact Color Specification
ccRampBuilds a Color Ramp from Compact Color Specification
ccSpecExtract Colour Palette Specification
checkErrorsError Checks in NMF Runs
cluster_matCluster Matrix Rows in Annotated Heatmaps
connectivityClustering Connectivity and Consensus Matrices
consensushcHierarchical Clustering of a Consensus Matrix
cophcorCophenetic Correlation Coefficient
cutdendroFade Out the Upper Branches from a Dendrogram
devianceDistances and Objective Functions
dimnamesDimension names for NMF objects
dimsDimension of NMF Objects
dispersionDispersion of a Matrix
dot-fcnnlsInternal Routine for Fast Combinatorial Nonnegative...
esGolubGolub ExpressionSet
fcnnlsFast Combinatorial Nonnegative Least-Square
fitExtracting Fitted Models
fittedFitted Matrix in NMF Models
foreachUtilities and Extensions for Foreach Loops
Frobenius-nmfNMF Algorithm/Updates for Frobenius Norm
gridInternal Grid Extension
heatmapsHeatmaps of NMF Factors
inplaceUpdating Objects In Place
Internal-objectsInternal Undocumented Entries This man page is automatically...
KL-nmfNMF Algorithm/Updates for Kullback-Leibler Divergence
lsNMF-nmfMultiplicative Updates for LS-NMF
lverboseInternal verbosity option
match_atrackExtending Annotation Vectors
nmfRunning NMF algorithms
nmfAlgorithmListing and Retrieving NMF Algorithms
nmfApplyApply Function for NMF Objects
nmfCheckChecking NMF Algorithm
NMF-classGeneric Interface for Nonnegative Matrix Factorisation Models
nmf-compareComparing Results from Different NMF Runs
NMF-defunctDefunct Functions and Classes in the NMF Package
NMF-deprecatedDeprecated Functions in the Package NMF
nmf.equalTesting Equality of NMF Models The function 'nmf.equal' tests...
nmfEstimateRankEstimate Rank for NMF Models
NMFfit-classBase Class for to store Nonnegative Matrix Factorisation...
NMFfitXFactory Method for Multiple NMF Run Objects
NMFfitX1-classStructure for Storing the Best Fit Amongst Multiple NMF Runs
NMFfitX-classVirtual Class to Handle Results from Multiple Runs of NMF...
NMFfitXn-classStructure for Storing All Fits from Multiple NMF Runs
nmfFormalsShowing Arguments of NMF Algorithms
NMFList-classClass for Storing Heterogeneous NMF fits
nmfModelFactory Methods NMF Models
NMFns-classNMF Model - Nonsmooth Nonnegative Matrix Factorization
nmfObjectUpdating NMF Objects
NMFOffset-classNMF Model - Nonnegative Matrix Factorization with Offset
NMF-packageNMF: Algorithms and Framework for Nonnegative Matrix...
nmfReportRun NMF Methods and Generate a Report
nmfSeedSeeding Strategies for NMF Algorithms
NMFSeed-classBase class that defines the interface for NMF seeding...
NMFstd-classNMF Model - Standard model
NMFStrategyFactory Method for NMFStrategy Objects
NMFStrategy-classVirtual Interface for NMF Algorithms
NMFStrategyFunction-classInterface for Single Function NMF Strategies
NMFStrategyIterative-classInterface for Algorithms: Implementation for Iterative NMF...
NMFStrategyOctave-classS4 Interface for Octave-Matlab NMF Algorithms
nmf_update_euclideanNMF Multiplicative Updates for Euclidean Distance
nmf_update_KLNMF Multiplicative Updates for Kullback-Leibler Divergence
nmfWrapperWrapping NMF Algorithms
nnegTransforming from Mixed-sign to Nonnegative Data
nsNMF-nmfNMF Multiplicative Update for Nonsmooth Nonnegative Matrix...
offset-nmfNMF Multiplicative Update for NMF with Offset Models
optionsNMF Package Specific Options
parallelUtilities for Parallel Computations
parse_formulaSimple Parsing of Formula
predictClustering and Prediction
profplotPlotting Expression Profiles
purityPurity and Entropy of a Clustering
randomizeRandomizing Data
registry-algorithmRegistry for NMF Algorithms
residualsResiduals in NMF Models
revPaletteFlags a Color Palette Specification for Reversion
rmatrixGenerating Random Matrices
RNGExtracting RNG Data from NMF Objects
rnmfGenerating Random NMF Models
rssResidual Sum of Squares and Explained Variance
scoresFeature Selection in NMF Models
seedInterface for NMF Seeding Methods
setNMFMethodRegistering NMF Algorithms
setNMFSeed'NMFSeed' is a constructor method that instantiate 'NMFSeed'...
setupComputational Setup Functions
smoothingSmoothing Matrix in Nonsmooth NMF Models
SNMF-nmfNMF Algorithm - Sparse NMF via Alternating NNLS
staticVarGet/Set a Static Variable in NMF Algorithms
stop-NMFStopping Criteria for NMF Iterative Strategies
Strategy-classGeneric Strategy Class
subset-NMFSub-setting NMF Objects
syntheticNMFSimulating Datasets
termsFixed Terms in NMF Models
terms-internalFixed Terms in NMF Models
txtProgressBarSimple Progress Bar
typesTesting NMF Objects
utilsUtility Function in the NMF Package
renozao/NMF documentation built on June 14, 2020, 9:35 p.m.