#' @title Creates Rserve backend for processing HTTP requests
#' @description
#' Creates BackendRserve object which can start [Application] using Rserve backend.
#' @references
# nolint start
#' [See http.c in Rserve](https://github.com/s-u/Rserve/blob/e6b2b6b10e92b6e201d34a05394b2186fda30696/src/http.c#L353-L372)
# nolint end
#' @export
BackendRserve = R6::R6Class(
classname = "BackendRserve",
inherit = Backend,
public = list(
#' @description
#' Creates BackendRserve object.
#' @param ... Not used at the moment.
#' @param jit_level changes R's byte compiler level to this value before app
#' start.
#' @param precompile try to use R's byte compiler to pre-compile
initialize = function(..., jit_level = 0L, precompile = FALSE) {
private$jit_level = checkmate::assert_int(jit_level, lower = 0L, upper = 3L)
private$precompile = checkmate::assert_logical(precompile)
headers_to_split = getOption("RestRserve.headers.split", character())
private$headers_to_split = checkmate::assert_character(headers_to_split)
#' @description
#' Starts RestRserve application from current R session.
#' @param app [Application] object.
#' @param http_port HTTP port for application. Negative values (such as -1)
#' means not to expose plain http.
#' @param ... Key-value pairs of the Rserve configuration. If contains
#' `"http.port"` then `http_port` will be silently replaced with its value.
#' @param background Whether to try to launch in background process on UNIX.
#' @return [ApplicationProcess] object when `background = TRUE`.
start = function(app, http_port = 8080, ..., background = FALSE) { # nocov start
if (interactive()) {
# https://stackoverflow.com/a/35849779/1069256
# checking RSTUDIO env var does not work because it might be inherited by
# terminal launched from RStudio
if (identical(.Platform[['GUI']], "RStudio")) {
msg = "Starting RestRserve app which uses Rserve backend from within"
msg = paste(msg, "RStudio is not supported.\n")
msg = paste0(msg, "Please consider to start the application")
msg = paste(msg, "from a shell in non-interactive mode:\n\n")
msg = paste0(msg, "> Rscript your_app.R\n\n")
msg = paste0(msg, "Rserve uses forks for processing requests")
msg = paste(msg, "in parallel. This is known to cause problems when")
msg = paste(msg, "using within RStudio (see 'GUI/embedded environments'")
msg = paste(msg, "section of the ?parallel::mcfork documentation for details)")
} else {
warn_msg = "Starting RestRserve app from interactive session"
warn_msg = paste(warn_msg, "might cause unstable work of the service.\n")
warn_msg = paste0(warn_msg, "Please consider to start the application")
warn_msg = paste(warn_msg, "from a shell in non-interactive mode:\n\n")
warn_msg = paste0(warn_msg, "> Rscript your_app.R")
ARGS = list(...)
if (http_port > 0L) {
if (is.null(ARGS[["http.port"]])) {
ARGS[["http.port"]] = http_port
if (is.null(ARGS[["port"]])) {
# find available port (if default (6311) is busy)
ARGS[["port"]] = RestRserve:::find_port()
if (RestRserve:::port_is_taken(ARGS[["port"]])) {
stop(sprintf("Port %s is already in use. ", ARGS[["port"]]),
"Please provide another 'port' argument value.", call. = FALSE)
keep_http_request = .GlobalEnv[[".http.request"]]
# restore global environment on exit
on.exit({.GlobalEnv[[".http.request"]] = keep_http_request}, add = TRUE)
# temporary modify global environment
.GlobalEnv[[".http.request"]] = function(url, parameters_query, body, headers) {
# FIXME - think of redirecting stdout and stderr streams from child processes
# see https://github.com/rexyai/RestRserve/issues/158 for the hints
# con = nullfile()
# sink(con, type = "output")
# sink(con, type = "message")
# on.exit({
# sink(NULL, type = "output")
# sink(NULL, type = "message")
# close(con)
# })
if (.Platform$OS.type == "unix") {
path = url,
parameters_query = parameters_query,
headers = headers,
body = body
if (.Platform$OS.type != "windows" && background) {
run_mode = 'BACKGROUND'
} else {
run_mode = 'FOREGROUND'
# print endpoints summary
if (length(app$endpoints) == 0) {
app$logger$warn("", context = "'Application' doesn't have any endpoints")
app$logger$info("", context = list(http_port = http_port, endpoints = app$endpoints))
app$logger$debug("", context = sprintf("setting JIT level to %d", private$jit_level))
old_jit = compiler::enableJIT(private$jit_level)
on.exit(compiler::enableJIT(old_jit), add = TRUE)
# see https://github.com/rexyai/RestRserve/issues/149
if (isTRUE(private$precompile)) {
app$logger$debug("", context = "trying to byte compile .GlobalEnv recursively")
pid = Sys.getpid()
if (run_mode == 'BACKGROUND') {
pid = parallel::mcparallel(do.call(Rserve::run.Rserve, ARGS), detached = TRUE)[["pid"]]
} else {
do.call(Rserve::run.Rserve, ARGS)
}, # nocov end
#' @description
#' Parse request and set to it fields.
#' @param request [Request] object.
#' @param path Character with requested path. Always starts with `/`.
#' @param parameters_query A named character vector with URL decoded query
#' parameters.
#' @param headers Request HTTP headers.
#' @param body Request body. Can be `NULL`, raw vector or named character
#' vector for the URL encoded form (like a `parameters_query` parameter).
#' @return `request` modified object.
set_request = function(request, path = "/", parameters_query = NULL, headers = NULL, body = NULL) {
# actually we can skip runtime check as inputs from Rserve are guaranteed
if (isTRUE(getOption('RestRserve.runtime.asserts', TRUE))) {
checkmate::assert_character(parameters_query, null.ok = TRUE)
checkmate::check_raw(headers, null.ok = TRUE),
checkmate::check_string(headers, null.ok = TRUE),
combine = "or"
checkmate::check_raw(body, null.ok = TRUE),
checkmate::check_character(body, null.ok = TRUE),
combine = "or"
request$path = path
private$parse_headers(headers, request)
private$parse_query(parameters_query, request)
# Rserve adds "Request-Method: " key:
# https://github.com/s-u/Rserve/blob/05ff32d3c4512954a99162d392d0465d432d591e/src/http.c#L661
# according to the code above we assume that "request-method" is always exists
request$method = request$headers[["request-method"]]
# remove from headers as this was added by Rserve and wasn't present in original request
request$headers[["request-method"]] = NULL
private$parse_body_and_content_type(body, request)
#' @description
#' Convert `self` object to Rserve compatible structure.
#' @param response [Response] object.
#' @return List with the following structure:
#' * `body`: can be a character vector of length one or a raw vector.
#' if the character vector is named "file" then the content of a file of
#' that name is the body.
#' If the character vector is named "tmpfile" then the content of a
#' temporary file of that name is the body.
#' * `content-type`: must be a character vector of length one or NULL
#' (if present, else default is `"text/plain"`).
#' * `headers`: must be a character vector - the elements will have CRLF
#' appended and neither `Content-type` nor `Content-length` may be used.
#' * `status-code`: must be an integer if present (default is 200).
convert_response = function(response) {
body = response$body
# prepare headers
if (length(response$headers) > 0L) {
headers = cpp_format_headers(as.list(response$headers))
if (length(response$cookies) > 0L) {
headers = paste(headers, cpp_format_cookies(as.list(response$cookies)), sep = "\r\n")
} else {
headers = character(0)
# prepare body
if (is_string(body)) {
body_name = names(body)
if (isTRUE(body_name %in% c("file", "tmpfile"))) {
# NOTE there is no call to response$encode() - we are serving files "as is"
return(c(as.list(body), list(response$content_type, headers, response$status_code)))
if (is.null(body)) {
body = raw()
if (isTRUE(is.raw(body) || is.character(body))) {
return(list(body, response$content_type, headers, response$status_code))
} else {
return(list("500 Internal Server Error (body is not character or raw)", "text/plain", headers, 500L))
private = list(
jit_level = NULL,
precompile = NULL,
request = NULL,
headers_to_split = NULL,
parse_form_urlencoded = function(body, request) {
if (length(body) > 0L) {
# Named character vector. Body parameters key-value pairs.
# Omit empty keys and empty values
body = body[nzchar(names(body)) & nzchar(body)]
request$parameters_body = as.list(body)
keys = names(body)
values = paste(cpp_url_encode(keys), cpp_url_encode(body), sep = "=", collapse = "&")
body = charToRaw(values)
} else {
body = raw()
request$body = body
parse_form_multipart = function(body, request) {
# workaround for the issue #137
# content_type = attr(body, "content-type")
boundary = cpp_parse_multipart_boundary(request$content_type)
res = cpp_parse_multipart_body(body, boundary)
if (length(res$values) > 0L) {
values = unlist(res$values, use.names = TRUE)
values = values[nzchar(names(values)) & nzchar(values)]
keys = cpp_url_decode(names(values))
values = cpp_url_decode(values)
request$parameters_body[keys] = values
if (length(res$files) > 0L) {
request$files = res$files
keys = cpp_url_decode(names(res$files))
values = cpp_url_decode(vapply(res$files, "[[", character(1), "filename"))
request$parameters_body[keys] = values
request$body = body
parse_query = function(parameters_query, request) {
res = structure(list(), names = character())
if (length(parameters_query) > 0L) {
# Named character vector. Query parameters key-value pairs.
res = as.list(parameters_query)
# Omit empty keys and empty values
res = res[nzchar(names(res)) & nzchar(parameters_query)]
request$parameters_query = res
parse_headers = function(headers, request) {
if (is.raw(headers)) {
headers = rawToChar(headers)
if (is_string(headers)) {
headers = cpp_parse_headers(headers, private$headers_to_split)
request$headers = headers
parse_body_and_content_type = function(body, request) {
if (is.null(request$content_type)) {
request$content_type = request$headers[["content-type"]]
if (is.null(request$content_type)) {
body_type = attr(body, "content-type") # content-type from body attribute
# fill type from the body if empty
if (!is.null(body_type)) {
request$content_type = body_type
} else {
request$content_type = "text/plain"
if (is.null(body)) {
request$body = raw()
} else if (!is.raw(body)) {
# parse form
if (request$content_type == "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") {
return(private$parse_form_urlencoded(body, request))
} else {
if (startsWith(request$content_type, "multipart/form-data")) {
return(private$parse_form_multipart(body, request))
} else {
request$body = body
parse_cookies = function(request) {
if (!is.null(request$headers[["cookie"]])) {
request$cookies = cpp_parse_cookies(request$headers[["cookie"]])
#' @title Creates ApplicationProcess object
#' @description
#' Creates ApplicationProcess to hold PID of the running application.
ApplicationProcess = R6::R6Class(
classname = "ApplicationProcess",
public = list(
#' @field pid Process identificator.
pid = NULL,
#' @description
#' Creates ApplicationProcess object
#' @param pid Process identificator.
initialize = function(pid) {
self$pid = pid
#' @description
#' Send signal to process.
#' @param signal Signal code.
kill = function(signal = 15L) {
# get childs
child_pids = suppressWarnings(system(sprintf("pgrep -P %s", self$pid), intern = TRUE))
# kill all
tools::pskill(c(self$pid, child_pids), signal)
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