#' @title Creates ETag middleware object
#' @description
#' Adds ETag to an [Application]. \cr
#' ETags are header information that enable the caching of content.
#' If enabled, RestRserve will return an ETag (eg a hash of a file) alongside
#' the last time it was modified.
#' When a request is sent, additional headers such as
#' [`If-None-Match`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/If-None-Match),
#' [`If-Match`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/If-Match),
#' [`If-Modified-Since`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/If-Modified-Since),
#' and
#' [`If-Unmodified-Since`](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/If-UnModified-Since),
#' can be passed to the server as well.
#' If the conditions are met (different hash in case of a `If-None-Match` header
#' or a later file modification in case of a given `If-Modified-Since` header),
#' the server does not send the requested file but returns a
#' [304](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/304) status
#' code, indicating, that the data on the requesting device is up-to-date.
#' Note that if both headers are provided, the `If-None-Match` header takes
#' precedence.
#' Furthermore, the middleware also supports the headers `If-Match`, which
#' returns the object if the hash matches (it also supports "*" to always return
#' the file), as well as `If-Unmodified-Since`, which returns the object if it
#' has not been modified since a certain time.
#' If the conditions are not met, a
#' [412](https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/HTTP/Status/412) status
#' code is returned (Precondition Failed).
#' See examples below.
#' @export
#' @seealso
#' [Middleware] [Application]
#' @references
#' [MDN](https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/ETag)
#' @examples
#' #############################################################################
#' # setup a static directory with ETag caching
#' static_dir = file.path(tempdir(), "static")
#' if (!dir.exists(static_dir)) dir.create(static_dir)
#' file_path = file.path(static_dir, "example.txt")
#' writeLines("Hello World", file_path)
#' # get the time the file was last modified in UTC time
#' last_modified = as.POSIXlt(file.info(file_path)[["mtime"]], tz = "UTC")
#' file_hash = digest::digest(file = file_path, algo = "crc32")
#' time_fmt = "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT"
#' #############################################################################
#' # setup the Application with the ETag Middleware
#' app = Application$new()
#' app$append_middleware(ETagMiddleware$new())
#' app$add_static(path = "/", static_dir)
#' #############################################################################
#' # Example Requests
#' # Request the file returns the file with ETag headers
#' req = Request$new(path = "/example.txt")
#' # note that it also returns the Last-Modified and ETag headers
#' app$process_request(req)
#' # provide matching hash of the file in the If-None-Match header to check Etag
#' # => 304 Not Modified (Can be cached)
#' req = Request$new(path = "/example.txt",
#' headers = list("If-None-Match" = file_hash))
#' # note status_code 304 Not Modified
#' app$process_request(req)
#' # provide a wrong hash, returns the file normally
#' req = Request$new(path = "/example.txt",
#' headers = list("If-None-Match" = "WRONG HASH"))
#' app$process_request(req)
#' # alternatively, you can provide a timestamp in the If-Modified-Since header
#' # => 304 Not Modified (Can be cached)
#' modified_since = format(last_modified + 1, time_fmt)
#' req = Request$new(path = "/example.txt",
#' headers = list("If-Modified-Since" = modified_since))
#' app$process_request(req)
#' # provide both headers: If-None-Match takes precedence
#' # in this case:
#' # - if none match => modified (No cache)
#' # - if modified since => NOT MODIFIED (cached)
#' # => Overall: modified = no cache
#' modified_since = format(last_modified + 1, time_fmt)
#' req = Request$new(path = "/example.txt",
#' headers = list("If-None-Match" = "CLEARLY WRONG",
#' "If-Modified-Since" = modified_since))
#' app$process_request(req)
#' # provide matching hash of the file in the If-Match header to check Etag
#' # => 412 Precondition Failed
#' req = Request$new(path = "/example.txt",
#' headers = list("If-Match" = "OTHER HASH"))
#' # note status_code 412 Precondition Failed
#' app$process_request(req)
#' # Use If-Unmodified-Since
#' unmodified_since = format(last_modified - 1, time_fmt)
#' req = Request$new(path = "/example.txt",
#' headers = list("If-Unmodified-Since" = unmodified_since)
#' )
#' # note status_code 412 Precondition Failed
#' app$process_request(req)
#' #############################################################################
#' # use an alternative hash function (use name of the file)
#' hash_on_filename = function(x) x
#' # also use an alternate last_modified time function
#' always_1900 = function(x) as.POSIXlt("1900-01-01 12:34:56", tz = "GMT")
#' # setup the app again
#' app = Application$new(middleware = list(
#' ETagMiddleware$new(hash_function = hash_on_filename,
#' last_modified_function = always_1900)
#' ))
#' app$add_static(path = "/", file_path = static_dir)
#' # test the requests
#' req = Request$new(path = "/example.txt")
#' (res = app$process_request(req))
#' filename = res$body[["file"]]
#' req = Request$new(path = "/example.txt",
#' headers = list("If-None-Match" = filename))
#' app$process_request(req)
ETagMiddleware = R6::R6Class(
classname = "EtagMiddleware",
inherit = Middleware,
public = list(
#' @field hash_function Function that takes an object or file and computes
#' the hash of it
hash_function = NA,
#' @field last_modified_function Function that takes an object or file and
#' computes the last time it was modified
last_modified_function = NA,
#' @description
#' Creates ETag middleware object
#' @param routes Routes paths to protect.
#' @param match How routes will be matched: exact or partial (as prefix).
#' @param id Middleware id.
#' @param hash_function a function that generates the ETag hash.
#' The function takes the body of the response and returns a single
#' character. Default is crc32 using [digest::digest].
#' @param last_modified_function a function that takes the body of the
#' response and returns the last time this was changed. The default is to
#' take the mtime (last time the file was modified) if its a file,
#' if the body does not contain a file, the current time is returned (
#' resulting in no caching)
initialize = function(routes = "/", match = "partial",
id = "ETagMiddleware",
hash_function = function(body) {
if ("file" %in% names(body)) {
digest::digest(file = body[["file"]],
algo = "crc32")
} else {
digest::digest(body, algo = "crc32")
last_modified_function = function(body) {
if ("file" %in% names(body)) {
tz = "GMT")
} else {
as.POSIXlt(Sys.time(), tz = "GMT")
}) {
checkmate::assert_character(routes, pattern = "^/")
checkmate::assert_subset(match, c("exact", "partial"))
checkmate::assert_string(id, min.chars = 1L)
if (length(match) == 1L) {
match = rep(match, length(routes))
if (length(routes) != length(match)) {
stop("length 'match' must be 1 or equal length 'routes'")
self$id = id
if (!is.function(hash_function))
stop("hash_function must be a function returning a hash of an object")
if (!is.function(last_modified_function))
stop("last_modified_function must be a function returning a POSIXlt")
self$hash_function = hash_function
self$last_modified_function = last_modified_function
# check if the time is printed correctly (Eg Thursday is Thu and not Do)
date = format(as.Date("2000-03-07"), "%a %d %b %Y")
if (date != "Tue 07 Mar 2000") {
"Your LC_TIME locale is set to 'C' to format dates correctly.",
"Reset with: Sys.setlocale(\"LC_TIME\", \"%s\")",
sep = "\n"), Sys.getlocale("LC_TIME")))
Sys.setlocale("LC_TIME", "C")
self$process_request = function(request, response) {
self$process_response = function(request, response) {
# Check the path of the request
prefixes_mask = match == "partial"
if (!((request$path %in% routes[!prefixes_mask]) ||
any(startsWith(request$path, routes[prefixes_mask])) &&
# response successful
response$status_code < 300)) {
time_fmt = "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S GMT"
# Check for If-None-Match Header
inm = request$get_header("if-none-match", NULL)
actual_hash = self$hash_function(response$body)
if (!is.null(inm) && actual_hash %in% inm) {
# Check If-Match Header
im = request$get_header("if-match", NULL)
if (!is.null(im) && !actual_hash %in% im && !"*" %in% im) {
# Check If-Modified-Since Header
ims = request$get_header("if-modified-since", NULL)
last_modified = self$last_modified_function(response$body)
# INM takes precedence over IMS,
# that is if IMS is only checked if INM is NOT GIVEN!
if (!is.null(ims) && is.null(inm)) {
ims_date = as.POSIXlt(paste(ims, sep = ", "), tryFormats = c(
time_fmt, "%FT%TZ", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OS", "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%OS",
"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M", "%Y-%m-%d", "%Y/%m/%d"
), tz = "GMT")
# if ims_date is after modified date, it should be cached
if (last_modified <= ims_date) {
# Check If-Unmodified-Since Header
ius = request$get_header("if-unmodified-since", NULL)
if (!is.null(ius) && is.null(inm)) {
ius_date = as.POSIXlt(paste(ius, sep = ", "), tryFormats = c(
time_fmt, "%FT%TZ", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%OS", "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%OS",
"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M", "%Y/%m/%d %H:%M", "%Y-%m-%d", "%Y/%m/%d"
), tz = "GMT")
# if ius_date is after modified date, it triggers
if (last_modified > ius_date) {
# No Caching... Add Last Modified and ETag header
response$set_header("Last-Modified", format(last_modified, time_fmt))
response$set_header("ETag", actual_hash)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.