x <- hlpsms
x$file <- paste0("File", sample(1:3, nrow(x), replace = TRUE))
colann <- data.frame(file = rep(paste0("File", 1:3), each = 10),
Channel = rep(names(x)[1:10], 3))
test_that(".checkWarnEcol works", {
expect_identical(.checkWarnEcol(NULL, NULL), NULL)
expect_identical(.checkWarnEcol(1, NULL), 1)
expect_warning(res <- .checkWarnEcol(NULL, 1),
"'ecol' is deprecated, use 'quantCols' instead")
expect_error(.checkWarnEcol(1, 1),
"Use 'quantCols' only.")
expect_identical(res, 1)
test_that(".checkQuantCols works", {
"Provide one of 'colData' or 'quantCols'")
expect_error(readQFeatures(x, colData = data.frame()),
"'colData' must contain a column called 'quantCols'")
## expect_warning(readQFeatures(x, colData = data.frame(quantCols = 1:10),
## quantCols = 1:10),
## "Ignoring 'quantCols', using 'colData'.")
expect_error(readQFeatures(x, colData = data.frame(quantCols = "foo")),
"Some column names in 'quantCols' are not found in 'assayData'")
expect_error(readQFeatures(x, colData = data.frame(quantCols = c("X126", "foo"))),
"Some column names in 'quantCols' are not found in 'assayData'")
test_that(".checkRunCol works", {
## Single-set case
expect_null(.checkRunCol(, , NULL))
## Multi-set case and runCol: positive control
expect_identical(.checkRunCol(x, NULL, "file"), x[["file"]])
## --------------------------------------------
## Multi-set case and runCol: errors
expect_error(.checkRunCol(x, NULL, c("file", "file")),
"'runCol' must contain the name of a single column in 'assayData'.")
expect_error(.checkRunCol(x, NULL, "nofile"),
"not found in 'assayData'.")
## Multi-set case, runCol and colData: positive control
colann <- data.frame(runCol = rep(paste0("File", 1:3), each = 10),
quantCol = rep(names(x)[1:10], 3))
expect_identical(.checkRunCol(x, colann, "file"), x[["file"]])
## --------------------------------------------
## Multi-set case, runCol and colData: errors
expect_error(.checkRunCol(x, colann, "nofile"),
"not found in 'assayData'.")
names(colann)[1] <- "noRunCol"
expect_error(.checkRunCol(x, colann, "file"),
"'colData' must contain a column called 'runCol'.")
colann <- data.frame(runCol = rep(paste0("File", 1:2), each = 15),
quantCol = rep(names(x)[1:10], 3))
expect_warning(.checkRunCol(x, colann, "file"),
"Some runs are missing in 'colData':")
test_that("readQFeatures: colData and quantCols are equivalent", {
r1 <- readQFeatures(x, colData = data.frame(quantCols = names(x)[1:10]))
r2 <- readQFeatures(x, quantCols = 1:10)
colData(r1) <- colData(r2) ## ignore colData
expect_identical(r1, r2)
test_that("readQFeatures: testing use cases", {
## cf this comment for an overview of the use 3 cases:
## Case 1: Single-set, multiple quantitative cols
se_exp <- readSummarizedExperiment(x, 1:10)
colAnnot <- DataFrame(
quantCols = names(x)[1:10],
file = rep(paste0("File", 1:3), length.out = 10),
row.names = grep("^X", colnames(x), value = TRUE)
## Without colAnnot
readQFeatures(x, quantCols = 1:10),
QFeatures(List(quants = se_exp))
## With colAnnot
readQFeatures(x, 1:10, colData = colAnnot),
QFeatures(List(quants = se_exp), colData = colAnnot)
## Without quantCols
qf <- readQFeatures(x, colData = colAnnot),
QFeatures(List(quants = se_exp), colData = colAnnot)
## Check colnames
CharacterList(quants = colnames(se_exp))
## Case 2: Multiple-set, one quantitative col
se_exp <- readSummarizedExperiment(x, 1)
colAnnot <- DataFrame(
file = unique(x$file),
row.names = unique(x$file)
el_exp <- lapply(paste0("File", 1:3), function(file) {
out <- se_exp[rowData(se_exp)$file == file, ]
colnames(out) <- file
names(el_exp) <- paste0("File", 1:3)
## Without colAnnot
readQFeatures(x, quantCol = 1, runCol = "file"),
## With colAnnot
colAnnot$runCol <- colAnnot$file
readQFeatures(x, quantCols = 1, runCol = "file", colData = colAnnot),
QFeatures(List(el_exp), colData = colAnnot[paste0("File", 1:3), ])
## When length(quantCol) == 1, colAnnot doesn't need a quantCol
readQFeatures(x, 1, runCol = "file", colData = colAnnot),
QFeatures(List(el_exp), colData = colAnnot[paste0("File", 1:3), ])
## Without quantCols
colAnnot$quantCols <- colnames(x)[1]
qf <- readQFeatures(x, runCol = "file", colData = colAnnot),
QFeatures(List(el_exp), colData = colAnnot[paste0("File", 1:3), ])
## Check colnames
CharacterList(File1 = "File1", File2 = "File2", File3 = "File3")
## Case 3: Multiple-set, multiple quantitative cols
se_exp <- readSummarizedExperiment(x, 1:10)
runs <- rep(unique(x$file), each = ncol(se_exp))
quantCols <- rep(colnames(se_exp), length(unique(x$file)))
colAnnot <- DataFrame(
file = runs,
quantCols = quantCols,
row.names = paste0(runs, "_", quantCols)
el_exp <- lapply(paste0("File", 1:3), function(file) {
out <- se_exp[rowData(se_exp)$file == file, ]
colnames(out) <- paste0(file, "_", colnames(out))
names(el_exp) <- paste0("File", 1:3)
## Without colAnnot
readQFeatures(x, quantCols = 1:10, runCol = "file"),
## With colAnnot
colAnnot$runCol <- colAnnot$file
readQFeatures(x, quantCols = 1:10, runCol = "file", colData = colAnnot),
QFeatures(List(el_exp), colData = colAnnot[order(rownames(colAnnot)), ])
## Without quantCols
qf <- readQFeatures(x, runCol = "file", colData = colAnnot),
QFeatures(List(el_exp), colData = colAnnot[order(rownames(colAnnot)), ])
## Check colnames
CharacterList(split(rownames(colAnnot), colAnnot$file))
## Test removeEmptyCols
x_na <- x
x_na$X126 <- NA
se_na <- readSummarizedExperiment(x_na, 1:10)
readQFeatures(x_na, quantCol = 1:10, removeEmptyCols = FALSE),
QFeatures(List(quants = se_na))
readQFeatures(x_na, quantCols = 1:10, removeEmptyCols = TRUE),
QFeatures(List(quants = se_na[, -1]))
test_that("readQFeatures: test polymorphism", {
se_exp <- readSummarizedExperiment(x, 1:10)
## Test name argument
readQFeatures(x, quantCols = 1:10), ## no name = default to quants
readQFeatures(x, quantCols = 1:10, name = "quants")
readQFeatures(x, quantCols = 1:10, name = "foo"),
QFeatures(List(foo = se_exp))
## Test quantCols polymorphism
readQFeatures(x, quantCols = colnames(x)[1:10]),
readQFeatures(x, quantCols = seq_len(ncol(x)) %in% 1:10)
## colAnnot is coercible to data.frame
colAnnot <- DataFrame(
quantCols = colnames(se_exp),
file = rep(paste0("File", 1:3), length.out = ncol(se_exp)),
row.names = colnames(se_exp)
readQFeatures(x, colData = colAnnot),
readQFeatures(x, colData = as.list(colAnnot))
test_that("readQFeatures: errors, warnings and messages", {
se_exp <- readSummarizedExperiment(x, 1:10)
colAnnot <- DataFrame(
quantCols = names(x)[1:10],
file = rep(paste0("File", 1:3), length.out = 10),
row.names = grep("^X", colnames(x), value = TRUE)
## no quantCols and no colAnnot = error
regexp = "Provide one of 'colData' or 'quantCols', both mustn't be NULL."
## some quantCols are missing = error
readQFeatures(x, quantCols = "foo"),
regexp = "Some column names in 'quantCols' are not found in 'assayData': foo"
## if colAnnot is not NULL, it must contain a quantCols column
colAnnot$quantCols <- NULL
readQFeatures(x, quantCols = 1:10, colData = colAnnot),
regexp = "^'colData' must contain a column called 'quantCols'"
readQFeatures(x, colData = colAnnot),
regexp = "When 'quantCols' is NULL, 'colData' must contain a column called 'quantCols'"
readQFeatures(x, quantCols = 1:10, runCol = "file", colData = colAnnot),
regexp = "^'colData' must contain a column called 'quantCols'"
## runCol is a vector = error
readQFeatures(x, quantCols = 1:10, runCol = x$file),
regexp = "'runCol' must contain the name of a single column in 'assayData'."
## runCol not found in assay data = error
readQFeatures(x, quantCols = 1:10, runCol = "foo"),
regexp = "'foo' .provided as 'runCol'. not found in 'assayData'."
## runCol missing in colAnnot = error
colAnnot <- DataFrame(
quantCols = names(x)[1:10],
file = rep(paste0("File", 1:3), length.out = 10),
row.names = grep("^X", colnames(x), value = TRUE)
readQFeatures(x, quantCols = 1:10, runCol = "file", colData = colAnnot),
regexp = "When 'runCol' is not NULL, 'colData' must contain a column called 'runCol'."
## Missing runs in colAnnot = warning
se_exp <- readSummarizedExperiment(x, 1)
colAnnot <- DataFrame(
runCol = paste0("File", 1:2),
row.names = paste0("File", 1:2)
el_exp <- lapply(paste0("File", 1:3), function(file) {
out <- se_exp[rowData(se_exp)$file == file, ]
colnames(out) <- file
names(el_exp) <- paste0("File", 1:3)
qf <- readQFeatures(x, quantCols = 1, runCol = "file", colData = colAnnot),
regexp = "Some runs are missing in 'colData': File3"
## Missing annotations are autatomically filled with NA
colAnnot["File3", ] <- NA
expect_identical(qf, QFeatures(List(el_exp), colData = colAnnot))
## Test verbose = messages
expect_no_message(readQFeatures(x, quantCols = 1:10, verbose = FALSE))
msgs <- capture_messages(readQFeatures(x, quantCols = 1:10))
expect_identical(msgs, c(
"Checking arguments.\n",
"Loading data as a 'SummarizedExperiment' object.\n",
"Formatting sample annotations (colData).\n",
"Formatting data as a 'QFeatures' object.\n"
msgs <- capture_messages(readQFeatures(x, quantCols = 1:10, runCol = "file"))
expect_identical(msgs, c(
"Checking arguments.\n",
"Loading data as a 'SummarizedExperiment' object.\n",
"Splitting data in runs.\n",
"Formatting sample annotations (colData).\n",
"Formatting data as a 'QFeatures' object.\n"
test_that("readSummarizedExperiment", {
ft1 <- readSummarizedExperiment(x, ecol = 1:10),
regexp = "'ecol' is deprecated, use 'quantCols' instead."
ft2 <- readSummarizedExperiment(x, quantCols = 1:10)
expect_equal(ft1, ft2)
ft3 <- readSummarizedExperiment(x, ecol = 1:10, fnames = "Sequence"),
regexp = "'ecol' is deprecated, use 'quantCols' instead."
ft4 <- readSummarizedExperiment(x, quantCols = 1:10, fnames = "Sequence")
expect_equal(ft3, ft4)
ft5 <- readSummarizedExperiment(x, quantCols = 1:10, fnames = 11)
expect_equal(ft3, ft5)
## Read data with only 1 quantitation column
ft5 <- readSummarizedExperiment(x, quantCols = 1, fnames = 11)
## Check column names
quantCols <- c("X126", "X127C", "X127N", "X128C", "X128N", "X129C",
"X129N", "X130C", "X130N", "X131")
expect_identical(colnames(ft3), quantCols)
expect_identical(colnames(ft5), quantCols[1])
## Provide quantCols as logical
quantCols <- seq_along(x) %in% 1:10
expect_identical(ft1, readSummarizedExperiment(x, quantCols = quantCols))
## Expect errors
quantCols <- LETTERS[1:10]
readSummarizedExperiment(x, quantCols = quantCols, name = "psms"),
regexp = "Column identifiers A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J not recognised among"
readSummarizedExperiment(x, quantCols = 1:10, fnames = "not_present"),
regexp = "not_present not found among"
expect_true(inherits(ft1, "SummarizedExperiment"))
test_that(".splitSE", {
m <- matrix(1:100, ncol = 10,
dimnames = list(paste0("row", 1:10),
paste0("col", 1:10)))
se <- SummarizedExperiment(assay = m,
rowData = DataFrame(rowDataCol = 1:nrow(m)%%3),
colData = DataFrame(colvar = 1:ncol(m)%%5))
## Split by row
expect_identical(length(.splitSE(se, "rowDataCol")), 3L)
## Split by col
expect_identical(length(.splitSE(se, "colvar")), 5L)
## Error: variable not found
expect_error(.splitSE(se, "foo"),
regexp = "not found")
## Error: factor is too short
expect_error(.splitSE(se, factor(1:3)),
regexp = "not compatible with dim")
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