
Defines functions .spectra_data .get_msLevel .format_polarity .get_frame_columns .list_tims_columns .query_tims .inv_ion_mobility .get_tims_columns MsBackendTimsTof .valid_fileNames .valid_indices .valid_frames .valid_required_columns .initialize

Documented in MsBackendTimsTof

#' Initialize the `MsBackendTimsTOF` object `x`
#' @author Andrea Vicini, Johannes Rainer
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bplapply
#' @importFrom MsCoreUtils rbindFill
#' @importFrom opentimsr OpenTIMS CloseTIMS
#' @return initialized `MsBackendTimsTOF` object
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bpparam
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @noRd
.initialize <- function(x, file = character(), BPPARAM = bpparam()) {
    L <- bplapply(seq_len(length(file)), function(fl_idx) {
        tms <- opentimsr::OpenTIMS(file[fl_idx])
        frames <- cbind(tms@frames, file = fl_idx)
        indices <- unique(.query_tims(tms, frames = frames$Id,
                                      columns = c("frame", "scan")))
        indices$file <- fl_idx
        list(frames, as.matrix(indices, rownames.force = FALSE))
    x@frames <- do.call(rbindFill, lapply(L, "[[", 1))
    idx <- match(colnames(x@frames), .SPECTRA_VARIABLE_MAPPINGS)
    not_na <- !is.na(idx)
    colnames(x@frames)[not_na] <- names(.SPECTRA_VARIABLE_MAPPINGS)[idx[not_na]]
    if (any(colnames(x@frames) == "polarity"))
        x@frames$polarity <- .format_polarity(x@frames$polarity)
    x@indices <- do.call(rbind, lapply(L, "[[", 2))
    row.names(x@indices) <- seq_len(nrow(x@indices))
    x@fileNames <- setNames(seq_len(length(file)), file)

#' @description
#' Check if a `matrix`/`data.frame` has all required columns.
#' @param x `matrix`/`data.frame`.
#' @param columns `character` specifying the required columns.
#' @noRd
.valid_required_columns <- function(x, columns = character(0)) {
    if (nrow(x)) {
        missing_cn <- setdiff(columns, colnames(x))
        if (length(missing_cn))
            return(paste0("Required column(s): ",
                          paste(missing_cn, collapse = ", "),
                          " is/are missing"))

#' @description
#' Checks if `data.frame` `x` is compatible to be the `@frames` slot of a
#' `MsBackendTimsTof` object.
#' @param x `data.frame`.
#' @noRd
.valid_frames <- function(x) {
    .valid_required_columns(x, c("frameId", "file"))

#' @description
#' Checks if the `@indices` slot in `x` is valid.
#' @param x `MsBakendTimsTof` object.
#' @noRd
.valid_indices <- function(x) {
    msg <- .valid_required_columns(x@indices, c("frame", "file"))
    if ("file" %in% colnames(x@indices) && !setequal(x@indices[, "file"],
        msg <- c(msg, "Some file indices are out of bounds")
    if (any(!paste0(x@indices[, "frame"], x@indices[, "file"]) %in%
            paste0(x@frames$frameId, x@frames$file)))
        msg <- c(msg, "Some indices are out of bounds")

#' @description
#' Checks if the named `integer` `x` is compatible to be the `@fileNames` slot
#' of a `MsBackendTimsTof` object.
#' @param x `character` with folder names.
#' @noRd
.valid_fileNames <- function(x) {
    msg <- NULL
    if (anyNA(x))
        msg <- "'NA' values in fileNames names are not allowed."
    nms <- names(x)
    if (anyNA(nms))
        msg <- "'NA' values in fileNames names are not allowed."
    msg <- c(msg, Spectra:::.valid_ms_backend_files_exist(unique(nms)))

#' @importFrom methods new
#' @rdname MsBackendTimsTof
#' @export
MsBackendTimsTof <- function() {

#' Get `x@all_columns` variables (including "`mz`" and "`intensity`") from `x`
#' splitted by spectra. At least one variable among `x@all_columns` and
#' different from `"frame"` and "`scan`" has to be provided via `columns`
#' parameter.
#' @param x `MsBackendTimsTof` object.
#' @param columns `character` with the names of the columns to extract.
#' @param drop `logical` if TRUE and `columns` has length 1 the result is
#'   returned as list of `numeric` instead of as list of 1-column `matrix`.
#' @importFrom opentimsr OpenTIMS CloseTIMS query opentims_set_threads
#' @importFrom MsCoreUtils rbindFill
#' @noRd
.get_tims_columns <- function(x, columns, drop = TRUE) {
    ## Disable parallel processing in opentimsr as that breaks BiocParallel
    res <- vector(mode = "list", length(x))
    nms <- names(x@fileNames)
    for (i in seq_len(length(nms))) {
        I <- which(x@indices[, "file"] == x@fileNames[i])
        i_frame <- x@indices[I, "frame"]
        tmp <- .query_tims(nms[i], unique(i_frame), columns)
        ## subset tmp if we're about to extract only few scans.
        if (length(i_frame) < (nrow(tmp) / 10)) {
            i_scan <- x@indices[I, "scan"]
            tmp <- tmp[tmp$scan %in% i_scan, ]
            rownames(tmp) <- NULL
            ids <- paste(i_frame, i_scan)
        } else ids <- paste(i_frame, x@indices[I, "scan"])
        if (!nrow(tmp))
            tmp <- rbindFill(tmp, data.frame(frame = 0L))
        f <- factor(paste(tmp$frame, tmp$scan), levels = unique(ids))
        if (anyDuplicated(ids)) {
            if (length(columns) == 1)
                res[I] <- unname(split(tmp[, columns, drop], f)[ids])
                res[I] <- unname(
                    split.data.frame(as.matrix(tmp[, columns, drop]), f)[ids])
        } else {
            if (length(columns) == 1) {
                res[I] <- unname(split(tmp[, columns, drop], f))
            } else {
                res[I] <- unname(
                    split.data.frame(as.matrix(tmp[, columns, drop]), f))

#' Extract the inv_ion_mobility from the TimsTOF file.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @noRd
.inv_ion_mobility <- function(x, BPPARAM = bpparam()) {
    f <- as.factor(x@indices[, "file"])
    res <- bplapply(split.data.frame(x@indices, f), function(z, x) {
        fn <- names(x@fileNames)[match(z[1, "file"], x@fileNames)]
        tmp <- unique(.query_tims(
            fn, unique(z[, "frame"]), c("frame", "scan", "inv_ion_mobility")))
        ids <- paste(z[, "frame"], z[, "scan"])
        tmp_ids <- paste(tmp$frame, tmp$scan)
        tmp[match(ids, tmp_ids), "inv_ion_mobility"]
    }, x = x, BPPARAM = BPPARAM)
    unsplit(res, f)

#' Function to use the `query` function from opentimsr to retrieve data from
#' a single file.
#' @param x `opentimsr::OpenTIMS` object or `character(1)`.
#' @param frames `integer` with the IDs (indices) of the frames to retrieve
#'     data from.
#' @param columns `character` defining the columns to retrieve.
#' @return `data.frame` with the requested data.
#' @noRd
#' @author Johannes Rainer
.query_tims <- function(x, frames, columns) {
    if (is.character(x)) {
        x <- OpenTIMS(x)
    if (any(notin <- !columns %in% x@all_columns))
        stop("Column(s) ",
             paste0("'", columns[notin], "'", collapse = ", "),
             " not available.", call. = FALSE)
    sd <- setdiff(columns, c("frame", "scan"))
    query(x, unique(frames), c("frame", "scan", sd))

#' Lists all available peak columns in TIMS file
#' @param x `character(1)` with the file name.
#' @author Johannes Rainer
#' @noRd
.list_tims_columns <- function(x) {
    tms <- OpenTIMS(x)

#' Extract columns from @frames given the @indices in `x`. The function takes
#' care of eventually duplicating values.
#' @param x `MsBackendTimsTOF`
#' @param columns `character` with the column names.
#' @param drop `logical` if TRUE and `columns` has length 1 the result is
#'   returned as `numeric` instead of as 1-column `data.frame`.
#' @author Andrea Vicini, Johannes Rainer
#' @noRd
.get_frame_columns <- function(x, columns, drop = TRUE) {
    if (!all(columns %in% colnames(x@frames)))
        stop("Column(s) ",
             paste0("'", columns[!columns %in% colnames(x@frames)],
                    "'", collapse = ", "), " not available.", call. = FALSE)
    idx <- match(paste(x@indices[, "frame"], x@indices[, "file"]),
                 paste(x@frames$frameId, x@frames$file))
    x@frames[idx, columns, drop]

#' Mapping of spectra variables to frames column names.
#' @noRd
    rtime = "Time",
    polarity = "Polarity",
    frameId = "Id"

.format_polarity <- function(x) {
    xn <- rep(NA_integer_, length(x))
    xn[grep("^(p|\\+)", x, ignore.case = TRUE)] <- 1L
    xn[grep("^(n|-)", x, ignore.case = TRUE)] <- 0L

#' Get the msLevel for each spectra. `x` is interpreted either as
#' `MsBackendTimsTof` if `isMsMsType` is `FALSE` or as `numeric` with the
#' MsMsType of each spectra if `isMsMsType` is `TRUE`.
#' @noRd
.get_msLevel <- function(x, isMsMsType = FALSE) {
    # msLevel=1 should correspond to MsMsType = 0. msLevel=2 to MsMsType = 8?
    if (!isMsMsType) {
        if (!"MsMsType" %in% colnames(x@frames))
            return(rep(as(NA, "integer"), length(x)))
        else x <- .get_frame_columns(x, "MsMsType")
    map <- c(0L, 8L)
    if (any(!is.na(x) & !x %in% map))
        warning("msLevel not recognized for some spectra and set to NA.")
    match(x, map)

# can we assume that tms@all_coulmns is the same for all the TimsTOF?
.TIMSTOF_COLUMNS <- c("mz", "intensity", "tof", "inv_ion_mobility")

#' @importFrom methods as callNextMethod getMethod
#' @importFrom S4Vectors DataFrame
#' @importFrom S4Vectors extractCOLS
#' @importFrom S4Vectors make_zero_col_DFrame
#' @importFrom S4Vectors cbind.DataFrame
#' @importFrom Spectra coreSpectraVariables
#' @author Andrea Vicini, Johannes Rainer
.spectra_data <- function(x, columns = spectraVariables(x)) {
    if (!all(present <- columns %in% spectraVariables(x)))
        stop("Column(s) ", paste0("\"", columns[!present], "\"",
                                  collapse = ", "),
             " not available.", call. = FALSE)
    ## Get cached data first. This data.frame contains also core spectra
    ## variables NOT provided by the Tims file as well as all cached variables.
    cached <- intersect(
        columns, getMethod("spectraVariables", "MsBackendCached")(x))
    res <- getMethod("spectraData", "MsBackendCached")(x, columns = cached)
    if (is.null(res))
        res <- make_zero_col_DFrame(length(x))
    ## get data only for columns that are NOT in colnames(res).
    cols <- columns[!columns %in% colnames(res)]
    frames_cols <- cols[cols %in% colnames(x@frames)]
    tims_cols <- cols[
        cols %in% .TIMSTOF_COLUMNS[!.TIMSTOF_COLUMNS == "inv_ion_mobility"]]

    if ("scanIndex" %in% columns)
        res$scanIndex <- x@indices[, "scan"]
    if (length(frames_cols))
        res <- cbind.DataFrame(
            res, .get_frame_columns(x, frames_cols, drop = FALSE))
    if (length(tims_cols)) {
        if ("inv_ion_mobility" %in% columns) {
            pks <- .get_tims_columns(x, c(tims_cols, "inv_ion_mobility"),
                                     drop = FALSE)
            res$inv_ion_mobility <- vapply(
                pks, function(m) unname(m[1L, "inv_ion_mobility"]), numeric(1))
        } else
            pks <- .get_tims_columns(x, tims_cols, drop = FALSE)
        tms <- vector("list", length(tims_cols))
        names(tms) <- tims_cols
        for (col in tims_cols)
            tms[[col]] <- NumericList(lapply(pks, function(m) unname(m[, col])),
                                      compress = FALSE)
        res <- cbind.DataFrame(res, tms)
    } else {
        if ("inv_ion_mobility" %in% columns)
            res$inv_ion_mobility <- .inv_ion_mobility(x)
    if ("msLevel" %in% columns) {
        if ("MsMsType" %in% frames_cols)
            res[["msLevel"]] <- .get_msLevel(res[["MsMsType"]], TRUE)
            res[["msLevel"]] <- .get_msLevel(x)
    if ("dataOrigin" %in% cols && "dataOrigin" %in% x@spectraVariables)
        res[["dataOrigin"]] <- dataStorage(x)
    if (length(res)) extractCOLS(res, columns)
    else DataFrame()
rformassspectrometry/MsBackendTimsTof documentation built on Oct. 21, 2023, 4:19 p.m.