
#' @title TimsTOF data backend
#' @name MsBackendTimsTof
#' @aliases MsBackendTimsTof MsBackendTimsTof-class
#' @description
#' The `MsBackendTimsTof` class supports Bruker TimsTOF data files. New objects
#' are created with the `MsBackendTimsTof` function. To ensure a small memory
#' footprint, only general information is kept in memory (such as number of
#' frames and scans) and all data (specifically the peaks data) is retrieved
#' from the original file on-the-fly. By extending the [MsBackendCached()]
#' backend from the `Spectra` package, adding or (locally) changing spectra
#' values is also supported.
#' @section Available methods:
#' The following methods are implemented:
#' - `$`: access any of the `spectraVariables` of the backend.
#' - `$<-`: add a new spectra variable or change values for an existing spectra
#'   variables. Values can be changed for any spectra variable except *peaks
#'   variables* ([peaksVariables()]) or special internal variables `"file"` and
#'   `"frameId"`. Note that changes to spectra variables are only cached within
#'   the object but not propagated to the original data files.
#' - `[`: subset the backend. Only subsetting by element (*row*/`i`) is
#'   allowed. First the `@indices` slot of `object` is subsetted and then the
#'   `frames` and `fileNames` slots are subsetted accordingly. Note that `[`
#'   does not update the values of `frames` variables (such as `"MaxIntensity"`,
#'   `"SummedIntensities"`, `"NumScans"` and `"NumPeaks"`).
#' - `backendInitialize`: initializes `object` (the `MsBackendTimsTof` object)
#'   using TimsTOF data files whose path is specified by `files`. This method
#'   is supposed to be called right after creating a `MsBackendTimsTof` object
#'   with `MsBackendTimsTof` function.
#' - `dataStorage`: gets a `character` of length equal to the number of spectra
#'   in `object` with the names of the '*.d' folders where each spectrum is
#'   stored.
#' - `intensity`: gets the intensity values from the spectra in the backend.
#'   Returns a [NumericList()] of `numeric` vectors (intensity values for each
#'   spectrum). The length of the list is equal to the number of
#'   spectra in `object`.
#' - `msLevel`: gets the spectra MS level. Returns an integer vector (of length
#'    equal to the number of spectra) with the MS level for each spectrum.
#' - `mz`: gets the mass-to-charge ratios (m/z) from the spectra in the backend.
#'   Returns a [NumericList()] of `numeric` vectors (m/z values for each
#'   spectrum). The length of the list is equal to the number of spectra in
#'   `object`.
#' - `peaksData`: gets the peak matrices of the spectra in the backend.
#'   Returns a `list` of `matrix` with columns defined by parameter `columns`
#'   (which defaults to `columns = c("mz", "intensity")`. Use `peaksVariables`
#'   to list all supported and available columns for a backend.
#'   The length of the `list` is equal to the number of spectra in `object`.
#' - `peaksVariables`: gets the supported peak variables (columns) for the
#'   backend.
#' - `rtime`: gets the retention times for each spectrum. Returns a `numeric`
#'   vector (length equal to the number of spectra) with the retention time
#'   for each spectrum.
#' - `selectSpectraVariables`: reduces the available spectra variables to the
#'   ones specified with parameter `spectraVariables`. For *core spectra
#'   variables* ([coreSpectraVariables()]) only their values will be removed,
#'   but not the variable itself.
#' - `spectraData`: gets spectra variables (specified by `columns`) from
#'   `object`.
#' - `spectraNames`: returns an *ID*/name for each spectrum. As IDs the index
#'   of the spectrum within the object after the initialization is used. This
#'   index/spectra name is unique and stable for each spectrum within the same
#'   object.
#' - `spectraVariables`: returns a `character` vector with the spectra variables
#'   names of core spectra variables defined in the Spectra package and other
#'   additional variables contained in `object`. Note that also `"mz"` and
#'   `"intensity"` (which are by default not returned by the
#'   `spectraVariables,Spectra` method) are returned.
#' - `tic`: calculates the total ion count from the intensities of each
#'   spectrum (for `initial = FALSE`). For `initial = TRUE` `NA` is returned
#'   for all spectra.
#' @param BPPARAM Parameter object defining the parallel processing
#'   setup to import data in parallel. Defaults to `BPPARAM = bpparam()`.
#'   See [bpparam()] for more information.
#' @param columns For `spectraData`: names of the spectra variables to extract
#'   from `object`. For `peaksData`: names of the peak variables to extract.
#'   Defaults to `columns = c("mz", "intensity")`.
#' @param drop For `[`: not considered.
#' @param files `character` specifying TimsTOF ā€™*.dā€™ folders names.
#' @param initial For `tic`: `logical(1)` whether the original total ion count
#'     should be returned (`initial = TRUE`, the default) or whether it
#'     should be calculated on the spectras' intensities (`initial = FALSE`).
#' @param i For `[`: `integer`, `logical` to subset the object.
#' @param j For `[`: not supported.
#' @param name For `$`: the name of the variable to access.
#' @param object `MsBackendTimsTof` object.
#' @param spectraVariables `character` with the names of the spectra variables
#'     that should be retained in the returned object.
#' @param value For `$<-`: the value to assign to the spectra variable.
#' @param x `MsBackendTimsTof` object.
#' @param ... Additional arguments.
#' @author Andrea Vicini, Johannes Rainer
#' @rdname MsBackendTimsTof
#' @exportClass MsBackendTimsTof
#' @examples
#' ## Load the opentimsr package to retrieve the required shared library
#' ## from Bruker.
#' so_folder <- tempdir()
#' library(opentimsr)
#' so_file <- download_bruker_proprietary_code(so_folder, method = "wget")
#' setup_bruker_so(so_file)
#' path_d_folder <- system.file("ddaPASEF.d",
#'                              package = "MsBackendTimsTof")
#' ## Define the test file
#' fl <- system.file("ddaPASEF.d", package = "MsBackendTimsTof")
#' ## Create a MsBackend instance for that file
#' be <- backendInitialize(MsBackendTimsTof(), fl)
#' be
#' ## Available spectra variables
#' spectraVariables(be)
#' ## Subset to 10 randomly selected spectra.
#' be_sub <- be[sort(sample(seq_along(be), 10))]
#' rtime(be_sub)
#' pd <- peaksData(be_sub, columns = c("mz", "intensity", "tof", "inv_ion_mobility"))
#' ## Add a new spectra variable
#' be$new_var <- seq_along(be)
#' head(be$new_var)
#' ## Changing values of a spectra variable. Note that these are only changed
#' ## *locally* within the object, but not in the original data files.
#' head(rtime(be))
#' be$rtime <- rtime(be) + 10
#' head(rtime(be))
    contains = "MsBackendCached",
    slots = c(frames = "data.frame",
              indices = "matrix",
              fileNames = "integer"),
    prototype = prototype(
        frames = data.frame(),
        indices = matrix(nrow = 0, ncol = 3,
                         dimnames = list(NULL, c("frame", "scan", "file"))),
        fileNames = integer(),
        readonly = TRUE,
        version = "0.2"))

#' @importFrom methods validObject
setValidity("MsBackendTimsTof", function(object) {
    msg <- .valid_fileNames(object@fileNames)
    msg <- c(msg, .valid_frames(object@frames))
    msg <- c(msg, .valid_indices(object))
    if (length(msg)) msg
    else TRUE

#' @importFrom BiocParallel bplapply
#' @importMethodsFrom Spectra backendInitialize
#' @importClassesFrom Spectra MsBackendCached
#' @rdname MsBackendTimsTof
setMethod("backendInitialize", signature = "MsBackendTimsTof",
          function(object, files, ..., BPPARAM = bpparam()) {
              if (missing(files) || !length(files))
                  stop("Parameter 'files' is mandatory for 'MsBackendMzR'")
              if (!is.character(files))
                  stop("Parameter 'files' is expected to be a character vector",
                       " with the files names from where data should be",
                       " imported")
              files <- normalizePath(files, mustWork = FALSE)
              msg <- Spectra:::.valid_ms_backend_files_exist(files)
              if (length(msg))
              object <- .initialize(object, files, BPPARAM)
              object <- callNextMethod(
                  object, nspectra = nrow(object@indices),
                  spectraVariables = c(.TIMSTOF_COLUMNS,

#' @exportMethod length
#' @rdname MsBackendTimsTof
setMethod("length", "MsBackendTimsTof", function(x) {

#' @rdname MsBackendTimsTof
    "peaksData", "MsBackendTimsTof",
    function(object, columns = c("mz", "intensity")) {
        .get_tims_columns(object, columns)

#' @rdname MsBackendTimsTof
#' @importMethodsFrom Spectra peaksVariables
    "peaksVariables", "MsBackendTimsTof",
    function(object) {
        ## TODO: should we return all available, or just the one
        ## in @spectraVariables
        if (length(object@fileNames)) {
        } else c("mz", "intensity")

#' @importFrom IRanges NumericList
#' @rdname MsBackendTimsTof
setMethod("mz", "MsBackendTimsTof", function(object) {
    if ("mz" %in% object@spectraVariables)
        NumericList(.get_tims_columns(object, "mz"), compress = FALSE)
    else spectraData(object, "mz")[, 1L]

#' @importFrom IRanges NumericList
#' @rdname MsBackendTimsTof
setMethod("intensity", "MsBackendTimsTof", function(object) {
    if ("intensity" %in% object@spectraVariables)
        NumericList(.get_tims_columns(object, "intensity"), compress = FALSE)
    else spectraData(object, "intensity")[, 1L]

#' @rdname MsBackendTimsTof
setMethod("rtime", "MsBackendTimsTof", function(object) {
    if ("rtime" %in% colnames(object@localData))
    else {
        if ("rtime" %in% object@spectraVariables)
            .get_frame_columns(object, "rtime")
        else spectraData(object, "rtime")[, 1L]

#' @importFrom methods "slot<-"
#' @importFrom MsCoreUtils i2index
#' @rdname MsBackendTimsTof
setMethod("[", "MsBackendTimsTof", function(x, i, j, ..., drop = FALSE) {
    if (missing(i))
    i <- i2index(i, length(x))
    slot(x, "indices", check = FALSE) <- x@indices[i, , drop = FALSE]
    ff_indices <- paste(x@indices[, "frame"], x@indices[, "file"])
    slot(x, "frames", check = FALSE) <-
                       paste(x@frames$frameId, x@frames$file)), , drop = FALSE]
    slot(x, "fileNames", check = FALSE) <-
        x@fileNames[x@fileNames %in% unique(x@frames$file)]
    x <- callNextMethod(x, i = i)

#' @importMethodsFrom Spectra dataStorage
#' @rdname MsBackendTimsTof
setMethod("dataStorage", "MsBackendTimsTof", function(object) {
    if("file" %in% colnames(object@indices) && length(object@fileNames))
        names(object@fileNames[match(object@indices[, "file"],
    else character(0)

#' @importMethodsFrom Spectra spectraData
#' @rdname MsBackendTimsTof
setMethod("spectraData", "MsBackendTimsTof",
          function(object, columns = spectraVariables(object)) {
              .spectra_data(object, columns)

#' @importFrom utils capture.output
#' @rdname MsBackendTimsTof
setMethod("show", "MsBackendTimsTof", function(object) {
    n <- length(object)
    cat(class(object), "with", n, "spectra\n")
    if (n) {
        idx <- unique(c(1L:min(6L, n), max(1L, n-5L):n))
        spd <- spectraData(object[idx, ],
                           c("msLevel", "precursorMz", "polarity"))
        if (!length(rownames(spd)))
            rownames(spd) <- idx
        txt <- capture.output(print(spd))
        cat(txt[-1], sep = "\n")
        sp_cols <- spectraVariables(object)
        cat(" ...", length(sp_cols) - 3, "more variables/columns.\n", "Use ",
            "'spectraVariables' to list all of them.\n")

#' @importMethodsFrom Spectra msLevel
#' @rdname MsBackendTimsTof
setMethod("msLevel", "MsBackendTimsTof", function(object, ...) {
    if ("msLevel" %in% object@spectraVariables)
    else spectraData(object, "msLevel")[, 1L]

#' @rdname MsBackendTimsTof
setMethod("$", "MsBackendTimsTof", function(x, name) {
    if (!name %in% spectraVariables(x))
        stop("spectra variable '", name, "' not available")
    if (name == "inv_ion_mobility" &&
        "inv_ion_mobility" %in% x@spectraVariables)
        spectraData(x, name)[, 1L]

#' @importMethodsFrom Spectra spectraVariables
#' @rdname MsBackendTimsTof
setMethod("spectraVariables", "MsBackendTimsTof", function(object, ...) {
    union(callNextMethod(), .TIMSTOF_COLUMNS)

#' @rdname MsBackendTimsTof
    "selectSpectraVariables", "MsBackendTimsTof",
    function(object, spectraVariables = spectraVariables(object)) {
        req_cols <- c("frameId", "file")
        if ("msLevel" %in% spectraVariables) req_cols <- c(req_cols, "MsMsType")
        keep <- colnames(object@frames) %in% union(spectraVariables, req_cols)
        object@frames <- object@frames[, keep, drop = FALSE]
        callNextMethod(object, spectraVariables)

#' @rdname MsBackendTimsTof
#' @export
setReplaceMethod("$", "MsBackendTimsTof", function(x, name, value) {
    if (name %in% union(peaksVariables(x), c("file", "frameId")))
        stop("Replacing spectra variable \"", name, "\" is not supported.")

#' @rdname MsBackendTimsTof
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics precScanNum
#' @exportMethod precScanNum
setMethod("precScanNum", "MsBackendTimsTof", function(object) {
    spectraData(object, "precScanNum")[, 1L]

#' @exportMethod spectraNames
#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics spectraNames
#' @rdname MsBackendTimsTof
setMethod("spectraNames", "MsBackendTimsTof", function(object) {

#' @importMethodsFrom ProtGenerics tic
#' @importFrom Spectra intensity
#' @importFrom MsCoreUtils vapply1d
#' @exportMethod tic
#' @rdname MsBackendTimsTof
setMethod("tic", "MsBackendTimsTof", function(object, initial = TRUE) {
    if (initial)
        rep(NA_real_, length(object))
    else vapply1d(intensity(object), sum, na.rm = TRUE)
rformassspectrometry/MsBackendTimsTof documentation built on Oct. 21, 2023, 4:19 p.m.