
Defines functions n_col n_row get_class_indx get_col_name get_att_names get_class_name get_num_att get_classes get_column_of_class get_att_data get_class_data get_num_classes get_num_numeric_att get_num_nominal_att get_num_samples normalize replace_nominal_column replace_nominal replace_nominal_att tree.depth get_symbol_stats get_single_normalized_entropies get_single_mutual_information get_entropy get_normalized_entropy get_avg get_avg_with_labels get_attribute_entropy get_normalized_attribute_entropy get_class_entropy get_normalized_class_entropy get_joint_entropy_column get_joint_entropy get_mutual_information_column get_mutual_information get_equivalent_number_of_attributes get_noise_signal_ratio get_skewness get_kurtotis get_cancors get_cancor get_fracts get_fract get_abs_cor get_naive_bayes get_linear_discriminant get_min_max_mean_sd get_tree_properties get_decision_stump get_decision_stumps get_knn get_knns get_class_stats measure_landmark measure_landmark_p compute_landmarking combine test_mf compute_grouped_meta_features getStatlogFeatures

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

# R Code
# Meta feature library
# Matthias Reif 2012
# A Comprehensive Dataset for Evaluating Approaches of various Meta-Learning Tasks

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

n_col <- function(x) {

n_row <- function(x) {

get_class_indx <- function(data) {

get_col_name <- function(data, col) {

get_att_names <- function(data) {

get_class_name <- function(data) {
    get_col_name(data, get_class_indx(data))

get_num_att <- function(data) {
    length(data) - 1

get_classes <- function(data) {

get_column_of_class <- function(data, column, class) {
    class_index <- get_class_indx(data)
    m <- data[class_index]==class

get_att_data <- function(data) {
    class_index <- get_class_indx(data)

get_class_data <- function(data) {

get_num_classes <- function(data) {

get_num_numeric_att <- function(data) {
    att_data <- get_att_data(data)
    if(is.factor(att_data)) {
        n <- 0
    } else if(is.numeric(att_data)) {
        n <- 1
    } else {
        n <- 0
        for(att in 1:n_col(att_data)) {
            n <- n + is.numeric(att_data[,att])

get_num_nominal_att <- function(data) {
    get_num_att(data) - get_num_numeric_att(data)

get_num_samples <- function(data) {

normalize <- function(data) {
    data_2 <- data.frame(data)
    num_att <- get_num_att(data_2)
    for(col in 1:num_att) {
        if(is.numeric(data[,col])) {
            min_v = min(data_2[,col])
            max_v = max(data_2[,col])
            d <- (max_v - min_v)
            if(d == 0) {
                d <- 1.0
            data_2[,col] <- (data_2[,col] - min_v) / d

replace_nominal_column <- function(column, type=1) {
    column <- as.factor(column)
    symbols <- levels(column)
    result <- {}
    for (i in 1:(length(symbols)-type)) {
        result <- cbind(result, as.double(column == symbols[i]))

replace_nominal <- function(data, skip=numeric(0)) {
    result <- {}
    for(i in 1:n_col(data)) {
        column <- data[,i]
        if(is.numeric(column) || i %in% skip) {
            if(is.numeric(column)) {
                result <- cbind(result, column)
            } else {
                result <- cbind(result, data[i])
        } else {
            result <- cbind(result, replace_nominal_column(column))

replace_nominal_att <- function(data) {
    replace_nominal(data, skip=get_class_indx(data))

tree.depth <- function(nodes) {
    depth <- floor(log(nodes, base=2) + 1e-7);
    as.vector(depth - min(depth));

##  Feature Selection for Meta-learning                                 ##
##  Alexandros Kalousis and Melanie Hilario                             ##
##  Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining                     ##
##  Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2001, Volume 2035/2001, 222-233  ##
##  DOI: 10.1007/3-540-45357-1_26                                       ##

get_symbol_stats <- function(data) {
    n <- numeric(0)
    for(i in 1:n_col(data)) {
        column <- data[,i]
        if(!is.numeric(column)) {
            n <- c(n, length(levels(as.factor(column))))
    result <- get_min_max_mean_sd(n, "symbols")
    result["symbols_sum"] <- sum(n)

get_single_normalized_entropies <- function(data) {
    m <- numeric(0)
    att_data <- get_att_data(data)
    for(i in 1:n_col(att_data)) {
        m[paste("att_entr", i, sep="_")] <- get_normalized_entropy(att_data[i])

get_single_mutual_information <- function(data) {
    m <- numeric(0)
    att_data <- get_att_data(data)
    labels <- get_class_data(data)
    for(i in 1:n_col(att_data)) {
        m[paste("att_mut_inf", i, sep="_")] <- get_mutual_information_column(att_data[i], labels)

##  Meta-data: Characterization of Input Features for Meta-learning     ##
##  Ciro Castiello, Giovanna Castellano and Anna Maria Fanelli          ##
##  Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence                      ##
##  Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2005, Volume 3558/2005, 457-468  ##
##  DOI: 10.1007/11526018_45                                            ##

get_entropy <- function(column, method="ML") {
    column <- column[,1]
    if(is.numeric(column)) {
        column <- infotheo::discretize(column, disc="equalwidth")

get_normalized_entropy <- function(column) {
    column <- column[,1]
    if(is.numeric(column)) {
        column <- infotheo::discretize(column, disc="equalwidth")
        n <- round(sqrt(dim(column)[1]))     # -- number of bins = square root of number of samples --
    } else {
        n <- length(levels(as.factor(column)))
    infotheo::entropy(column) / log(n)

get_avg <- function(data, f) {
    att_data <- get_att_data(data)
    avg <- 0.0
    for(i in 1:n_col(att_data)) {
        avg <- avg + f(att_data[i])
    avg / n_col(att_data)

get_avg_with_labels <- function(data, f) {
    att_data <- get_att_data(data)
    labels <- get_class_data(data)
    avg <- 0.0
    for(i in 1:n_col(att_data)) {
        avg <- avg + f(att_data[i], labels)
    avg / n_col(att_data)

get_attribute_entropy <- function(data) {
    get_avg(data, get_entropy)

get_normalized_attribute_entropy <- function(data) {
    get_avg(data, get_normalized_entropy)

get_class_entropy <- function(data) {

get_normalized_class_entropy <- function(data) {

get_joint_entropy_column <- function(column, labels) {
    column <- column[,1]
    labels <- labels[,1]
    if(is.numeric(column)) {
        column <- infotheo::discretize(column, disc="equalwidth")
    infotheo::entropy(paste(column, labels))

get_joint_entropy <- function(data) {
    get_avg_with_labels(data, get_joint_entropy_column)

get_mutual_information_column <- function(column, labels) {
    column <- column[,1]
    labels <- labels[,1]
    if(is.numeric(column)) {
        column <- infotheo::discretize(column, disc="equalwidth")
    infotheo::mutinformation(column, labels)

get_mutual_information <- function(data) {
    get_avg_with_labels(data, get_mutual_information_column)

get_equivalent_number_of_attributes <- function(data) {
    get_class_entropy(data) / get_mutual_information(data)

get_noise_signal_ratio <- function(data) {
    (get_attribute_entropy(data) - get_mutual_information(data)) / get_mutual_information(data)

get_skewness <- function(data, type=1) {
    num_att <- get_num_att(data)
    classes <- get_classes(data)
    skew <- 0.0
    for(class in classes) {
        s <- 0.0
        n <- 0.0
        for(col in 1:num_att) {
            att_data_class <- get_column_of_class(data, col, class)
            if(is.numeric(att_data_class)) {  # -- skip nominal attributes --
                v <- e1071::skewness(att_data_class, type=type)
                if(!is.nan(v) && !is.na(v)) {  # -- NaN e.g. if the attribute has equal values for one class --
                    s <- s + abs(v)
                    n <- n + 1.0
        if(n > 0.0) { # -- 0 e.g. if one class with only one smaple
            skew <- skew + (s / n)
    skew / (length(classes))

get_kurtotis <- function(data, type=1) {
    num_att <- get_num_att(data)
    classes <- get_classes(data)
    kurtosis <- 0.0
    for(class in classes) {
        s <- 0.0
        n <- 0.0
        for(col in 1:num_att) {
            att_data_class <- get_column_of_class(data, col, class)
            if(is.numeric(att_data_class)) {  # -- skip nominal attributes --
                v <- e1071::kurtosis(att_data_class, type=type)
                if(!is.nan(v) && !is.na(v)) {  # -- NaN e.g. if the attribute has equal values for one class --
                    s <- s + v
                    n <- n + 1.0

        if(n > 0.0) { # -- 0 e.g. if one class with only one smaple
            kurtosis <- kurtosis + (s / n)
    (kurtosis / (length(classes))) + 3.0

get_cancors <- function(data) {
    att_data <- get_att_data(data)
    labels <- get_class_data(data)
    preprocess_att_data <- replace_nominal(att_data)
    preprocess_labels <- replace_nominal(labels)
    cancor(preprocess_att_data, preprocess_labels)$cor

get_cancor <- function(data, n) {
    m = numeric(0)
    c <- get_cancors(data)[1:n]
    for(i in 1:n) {
        m[paste("cancor",i, sep='_')] <- c[i]

get_fracts <- function(data) {
    cancors <- get_cancors(data)
    cancor2 = cancors * cancors
    cumsum(cancor2) / sum(cancor2)

get_fract <- function(data, n) {
    m = numeric(0)
    c <- get_fracts(data)[1:n]
    for(i in 1:n) {
        m[paste("fract",i, sep='_')] <- c[i]

get_abs_cor <- function(data) {
    num_att <- get_num_att(data)
    if(num_att > 1) { # -- correlation between attributes -> one attribute useless
        classes <- get_classes(data)
        sum = 0.0
        n = 0.0
        for(class in classes) {
            for(col1 in 1:num_att) {
                for(col2 in 1:num_att) {
                    if(col1 != col2) {
                        col1_data_class <- get_column_of_class(data, col1, class)
                        col2_data_class <- get_column_of_class(data, col2, class)
                        if(!is.numeric(col1_data_class)) {
                            col1_data_class <- replace_nominal_column(col1_data_class)
                        if(!is.numeric(col2_data_class)) {
                            col2_data_class <- replace_nominal_column(col2_data_class)
                        c <- tryCatch(cancor(col1_data_class, col2_data_class)$cor[1], error=function(err) NA)
                        if (!is.na(c)) {
                            sum <- sum + abs(c)
                            n <- n +1
        sum / n
    } else {

get_naive_bayes <- function(data) {
    att_data <- get_att_data(data)
    labels <- get_class_data(data)[,1]
    model <- e1071::naiveBayes(att_data, labels)
    predictions <- predict(model, att_data)
    sum(predictions == labels) / get_num_samples(data)

get_linear_discriminant <- function(data) {
    att_data <- get_att_data(data)
    preprocess_att_data <- replace_nominal(att_data)
    labels <- get_class_data(data)[,1]
    model <- tryCatch(LdaClassic(preprocess_att_data, labels), error=function(err) NULL)
    if(is.null(model)) {
    } else {
        predictions <- predict(model, preprocess_att_data)@classification
        sum(predictions == labels) / get_num_samples(data)

get_min_max_mean_sd <- function(x, name) {
    m <- numeric(0)
    m[paste(name, "min", sep="_")] = min(x)
    m[paste(name, "max", sep="_")] = max(x)
    m[paste(name, "mean", sep="_")] = mean(x)
    s <- sd(x)
    if(is.na(s)) {
        s <- 0
    m[paste(name, "sd", sep="_")] <- s

##  Decision tree based measures                                                     ##
##  Improved Dataset Characterisation for Meta-learning                              ##
##  Yonghong Peng, Peter A. Flach, Carlos Soares and Pavel Brazdil                   ##
##  Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2002, Volume 2534/2002, 193-208               ##
##  DOI: 10.1007/3-540-36182-0_14                                                    ##
##  [all 15 features]                                                                ##
##  A higher-order approach to meta-learning                                         ##
##  H. Bensusan, C. Giraud-Carrier, and C. Kennedy.                                  ##
##  In Proceedings of the ECML'2000 Workshop on Meta- Learning:                      ##
##  Building Automatic Advice Strategies for Model Selection and Method Combination  ##
##  pages 109-117, 2000.                                                             ##
##  [only few features]                                                              ##

get_tree_properties <- function(data) {
    f <- as.formula(paste(get_class_name(data), "~ ."))
    tree_time <- R.utils::System$currentTimeMillis();
    model <-rpart::rpart(f, data = data, method = "class", control=rpart::rpart.control(maxcompete=0, maxsurrogate=0))
    tree_time <-R.utils::System$currentTimeMillis() - tree_time
    leaves = rownames(model$frame[model$frame$var=="<leaf>",])
    n_leaves = length(leaves)
    n_nodes = sum(model$frame$var!="<leaf>")
    branch_lengths = numeric(0)
    for(leaf in leaves) {
      branch_lengths <- c(branch_lengths, length(rpart::path.rpart(model, leaf, print.it=FALSE)[[leaf]]))
    att_used = numeric(0)
    for(att in get_att_names(data)) {
        att_used <- c(att_used, sum(model$frame$var==att))
    depths <- tree.depth(as.numeric(row.names(model$frame)))
    level <- numeric(0)
    for(d in 1:max(depths)) {
        level <- c(level, sum(depths==d))
    result <- numeric(0)
    result["nodes"] <- n_nodes
    result["leaves"] <- n_leaves
    result["nodes_per_attribute"] <- n_nodes / get_num_att(data)
    result["nodes_per_instance"] <- n_nodes / get_num_samples(data)
    result["leaf_corrobation"] <- mean(model$frame$n[model$frame$var=="<leaf>"]) / get_num_samples(data)
    result <- c(result, get_min_max_mean_sd(level, "level"))
    result <- c(result, get_min_max_mean_sd(branch_lengths, "branch"))
    result <- c(result, get_min_max_mean_sd(att_used, "attribute"))
    time <- numeric(0)
    time["tree_time"] <- tree_time
    list(result=result, time=time)

get_decision_stump <- function(data, col) {
    f <- as.formula(paste(get_class_name(data), "~", get_col_name(data, col)))
    # model <-mvpart::rpart(f, data = data, method = "class", control=rpart.control(maxdepth=1))
     model <- rpart::rpart(f, data = data, method = "class", control=rpart::rpart.control(maxdepth=1))
    att_data <- get_att_data(data)
    labels <- get_class_data(data)[,1]
    predictions <- predict(model, att_data, type = "class")
    sum(predictions == labels) / get_num_samples(data)

get_decision_stumps <- function(data) {
    v <- numeric(0)
    g <- numeric(0)
    num_att <- get_num_att(data)
    time <- R.utils::System$currentTimeMillis();
    for(col in 1:num_att) {
        v <- c(v, get_decision_stump(data, col))
        f <- as.formula(paste(get_class_name(data), "~", get_col_name(data, col)))
        g <- c(g, attrEval(f, data, estimator="GainRatio")[1])
    time <- R.utils::System$currentTimeMillis() - time
    # -- attribute with minimal gain ration --
    #f <- as.formula(paste(get_class_name(data), "~ ."))
    #gainRatios <- attrEval(f, data, estimator="GainRatio")

    result <- get_min_max_mean_sd(v, "stump")
    result['stump_min_gain'] <- v[which.min(g)]
    result['stump_random'] <- v[sample(1:length(v), 1)]
    list(result=result, time=time)

get_knn <- function(data, k, cv=TRUE) {
    att_data <- get_att_data(data)
    labels <- get_class_data(data)
    if(cv) {
        predictions <- FNN::knn.cv(att_data, labels[,], k=k, prob=FALSE, algorithm="kd_tree")
    } else {
        predictions <- FNN::knn(att_data, att_data, labels[,], k=k, prob=FALSE, algorithm="kd_tree")
    sum(as.vector(predictions) == labels) / get_num_samples(data)

get_knns <- function(data, max_k) {
    result <- numeric(0)
    time <- R.utils::System$currentTimeMillis()
    for(k in 1:max_k) {
        result[paste("nn", k, sep="_")] = get_knn(data, k)
    time <- R.utils::System$currentTimeMillis() - time
    result["nn_sd"] <- sd(result)
    list(result=result, time=time)

get_class_stats <- function(data) {
    classes <- get_classes(data)
    class_data <- get_class_data(data)
    probs <- numeric(0)
    for(class in classes) {
        probs[class] <- sum(class_data == class) / n_row(data)
    get_min_max_mean_sd(probs, "class_prob")

measure_landmark <- function(f, data, param) {
    measure_landmark_p(f, data, NULL)
measure_landmark_p <- function(f, data, param) {
    m = numeric(0)
    time <- R.utils::System$currentTimeMillis()
    if(is.null(param)) {
        result <- f(data)
    } else {
        result <- f(data, param)
    time <- R.utils::System$currentTimeMillis() - time
    if(is.na(result)) {
        time <- NA
    list(result=result, time=time)

compute_landmarking <- function(data, data_preprocessed=NULL) {
    if(is.null(data_preprocessed)) {
        data_numeric <- replace_nominal_att(data)
        data_preprocessed <- normalize(data_numeric)
    naive_bayes <- measure_landmark(get_naive_bayes, data)
    lda <- measure_landmark(get_linear_discriminant, data_preprocessed)
    stumps <- get_decision_stumps(data)
    knns <- get_knns(data_preprocessed, 1)
    result <- numeric(0)
    result["naive_bayes"] <- naive_bayes$result
    result["lda"] <- lda$result
    result <- c(result, stumps$result)
    result <- c(result, knns$result)
    time <- numeric(0)
    time["naive_bayes_time"] <- naive_bayes$time
    time["lda_time"] <- lda$time
    time["stump_time"] <- stumps$time
    time["nn_time"] <- knns$time
    list(result=result, time=time)

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

combine <- function(x) {
    result <- numeric(0)
    for(name in names(x)) {
        result <- c(result, x[[name]])

test_mf <- function(data) {

compute_grouped_meta_features <- function(data) {

  total_time <- R.utils::System$currentTimeMillis()
  data_numeric <- replace_nominal_att(data)
  data_preprocessed <- normalize(data_numeric)

  time <- numeric(0)

  simple <- numeric(0)
  simple_time <- R.utils::System$currentTimeMillis()
  simple['classes'] <- get_num_classes(data)
  simple['attributes'] <- get_num_att(data)
  simple['numeric'] <- get_num_numeric_att(data)
  simple['nominal'] <- get_num_nominal_att(data)
  simple['samples'] <- get_num_samples(data)
  simple['dimensionality'] <- simple['attributes'] / simple['samples']
  simple['numeric_rate'] <- simple['numeric'] / simple['attributes']    ## -- Feature Selection for Meta-Learning
  simple['nominal_rate'] <- simple['nominal'] / simple['attributes']    ## -- Feature Selection for Meta-Learning
  simple <- c(simple, get_symbol_stats(data))
  simple <- c(simple, get_class_stats(data))
  simple_time <- R.utils::System$currentTimeMillis() - simple_time

  statistical <- numeric(0)
  statistical_time <- System$currentTimeMillis()
  statistical['skewness'] <- get_skewness(data)
  statistical['skewness_prep'] <- get_skewness(data_preprocessed)
  statistical['kurtosis'] <- get_kurtotis(data, type=1)
  statistical['kurtosis_prep'] <- get_kurtotis(data_preprocessed, type=1)
  statistical['abs_cor'] <- get_abs_cor(data)
  statistical <- c(statistical, get_cancor(data, 1))
  statistical <- c(statistical, get_fract(data, 1))
  statistical_time <- System$currentTimeMillis() - statistical_time

  inftheo <- numeric(0)
  inftheo_time <- R.utils::System$currentTimeMillis()
  inftheo['class_entropy'] <- get_class_entropy(data)
  inftheo['normalized_class_entropy'] <- get_normalized_class_entropy(data)
  inftheo['attribute_entropy'] <- get_attribute_entropy(data)
  inftheo['normalized_attribute_entropy'] <- get_normalized_attribute_entropy(data)
  inftheo['joint_entropy'] <- get_joint_entropy(data)
  inftheo['mutual_information'] <- get_mutual_information(data)
  inftheo['equivalent_attributes'] <- get_equivalent_number_of_attributes(data)
  inftheo['noise_signal_ratio'] <- get_noise_signal_ratio(data)
  inftheo_time <- R.utils::System$currentTimeMillis() - inftheo_time

  modelbased <- get_tree_properties(data)
  time <- c(time, modelbased$time)
  modelbased <- modelbased$result

  landmarking <- compute_landmarking(data, data_preprocessed=data_preprocessed)
  time <- c(time, landmarking$time)
  landmarking <- landmarking$result

  total_time <- R.utils::System$currentTimeMillis() - total_time
  time['simple_time'] <- simple_time
  time['statistical_time'] <- statistical_time
  time['inftheo_time'] <- inftheo_time
  time['total_time'] <- total_time

  obj = list(simple=simple, statistical=statistical, inftheo=inftheo, modelbased=modelbased, 
    landmarking=landmarking, time=time)

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

getStatlogFeatures = function(data) {
  aux = compute_grouped_meta_features(data)

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
rgmantovani/MfeatAnalysis documentation built on May 27, 2019, 7:23 a.m.