#' Create depth discretisation for soil data frame
#' This function takes a soil data frame that contains the depth and thickness of the soil horizons and
#' creates a soil data frame that creates n modelling nodes with \code{thick_1} distance from the top to \code{disk_gr1},
#' n2 nodes with \code{thick_2} distance from the top to \code{disk_gr2}, and n3 nodes with \code{thick_3} distance below \code{disk_gr2},
#' while at the same time keeping the position of the soil horizons. Distances between nodes and soil horizon depths
#' that do not add up to another layer are added to the layer above.
#' @param df data frame containing mandatory depth information on horizon number (\code{mat}), \code{upper} and \code{lower} as columns. Information of soil physics are optional and will be kept and returned.
#' @param limit_bodtief max soil depth, default is \code{NA} and uses max soil depth as defined in \code{df.LEIT}. If not \code{NA} soil-dfs are created down to the depth specified here as depth in \code{m}, negative. Might be used to give room for different \code{maxrootdepth} - settings in \link{fnc_get_params}. In this case, soil depth may be reduced significantly.
#' @param thick_1 first set distance between nodes the function will build down to \code{disk_gr1}
#' @param thick_2 second set distance between nodes the function will build down to \code{disk_gr2}
#' @param thick_3 third set distance between nodes the function will build below \code{disk_gr2}
#' @param disk_gr1 border of the first thickness change form \code{thick_1} to \code{thick_2}
#' @param disk_gr2 border of the second thickness change form \code{thick_2} to \code{thick_3}
#' @return A soil - data frame with a set position of soil nodes.
#' @export
#' @example inst/examples/fnc_depth_disc_ex.R
fnc_depth_disc <- function(df,
limit_bodtief = NA,
thick_1 = 5, thick_2 = 10, thick_3 = 20,
disk_gr1 = 50, disk_gr2 = 100){
# limit to STOK-Profile max or 2.50m
if(is.na(limit_bodtief) == F & df$lower[nrow(df)] < limit_bodtief*-100){
df$lower[nrow(df)] <- limit_bodtief*-100
upper <- df$upper
lower <- df$lower
mat <- df$mat
layers <- lower-upper
thickness <- numeric(0)
material <- numeric(0)
for (i in 1:length(layers)){ # 3){#
if(lower[i] <= disk_gr1){
if(layers[i] >= thick_1){
# falls potentiell mehr als eine Schicht...
nlayer <- (layers[i] %/% thick_1)-1 # nlayer ohne finlayer
finlayer <- (layers[i] %% thick_1)+thick_1
thickness[c((length(thickness)+1):(length(thickness)+nlayer+1))] <- c(rep(thick_1, nlayer),finlayer)
material[c((length(material)+1):(length(material)+nlayer+1))] <- rep(mat[i], (nlayer+1))
# sonst einfach eine Schicht mit schichtdicke layerss[i]
thickness[length(thickness)+1] <- layers[i]
material[length(material)+1] <- mat[i]
} else if(lower[i] <= disk_gr2){
if(upper[i] >= disk_gr1){
if(layers[i] >= thick_2){
# falls potentiell mehr als eine Schicht...
nlayer <- (layers[i] %/% thick_2)-1 # nlayer ohne finlayer
finlayer <- (layers[i] %% thick_2)+thick_2
thickness[c((length(thickness)+1):(length(thickness)+nlayer+1))] <- c(rep(thick_2, nlayer),finlayer)
material[c((length(material)+1):(length(material)+nlayer+1))] <- rep(mat[i], (nlayer+1))
# sonst einfach eine Schicht mit schichtdicke layerss[i]
thickness[length(thickness)+1] <- layers[i]
material[length(material)+1] <- mat[i]
} else if(upper[i] < disk_gr1){
assigneddepth <- 0
vardepth <- upper[i]
while(vardepth < disk_gr1){
thickness[length(thickness)+1] <- thick_1
material[length(material)+1] <- mat[i]
vardepth <- vardepth+thick_1
assigneddepth <- assigneddepth+thick_1
if((layers[i]-assigneddepth) >=thick_2 ){
# falls das, was nach den "unterdisk_gr1"-thick_1cm ueber ist mindestens eine weitere thick_2 cm schicht ergibt...
# -> neue thick_2 cm schicht(en)
nlayer <- ((layers[i]-assigneddepth) %/% thick_2)-1 # nlayer ohne finlayer
finlayer <- ((layers[i]-assigneddepth) %% thick_2)+thick_2
thickness[c((length(thickness)+1):(length(thickness)+nlayer+1))] <- c(rep(thick_2, nlayer),finlayer)
material[c((length(material)+1):(length(material)+nlayer+1))] <- rep(mat[i], (nlayer+1))
}else if ((layers[i]-assigneddepth) >=thick_1 ){
# falls das, was nach den "unterdisk_gr1"-thick_1cm ueber ist zu wenig material fuer thick_2 cm schicht ist,
# aber genug fuer weitere thick_1 cm schicht ...
# -> neue schicht mit dicke differenz
thickness[length(thickness)+1] <- (layers[i]-assigneddepth)
material[length(material)+1] <- mat[i]
# falls das, was nach den "unterdisk_gr1"-thick_1cm ueber ist zu wenig material fuer thick_2 cm schicht ist,
# nicht genut fuer weitere thick_1 cm schicht ...
# -> dicke noch auf voherige schicht obendrauf
thickness[length(thickness)] <- thickness[length(thickness)]+(layers[i]-assigneddepth)
} else {
# statement schleife: lower[i] ist größer als 100 (BEI 250 IMMER)
if(upper[i] >= disk_gr2){
# statement schleife: lower[i] ist größer als 100 (BEI 250 IMMER) UND
# upper[i] ist größer als 100, dann nur 20 er schritte
if(layers[i] >= thick_3){
# falls potentiell mehr als eine Schicht...
nlayer <- (layers[i] %/% thick_3)-1 # nlayer ohne finlayer
finlayer <- (layers[i] %% thick_3)+thick_3
thickness[c((length(thickness)+1):(length(thickness)+nlayer+1))] <- c(rep(thick_3, nlayer),finlayer)
material[c((length(material)+1):(length(material)+nlayer+1))] <- rep(mat[i], (nlayer+1))
# sonst einfach eine Schicht mit schichtdicke layerss[i]
thickness[length(thickness)+1] <- layers[i]
material[length(material)+1] <- mat[i]
} else if(upper[i] >= disk_gr1){
assigneddepth <- 0
vardepth <- upper[i]
while(vardepth < disk_gr2){
thickness[length(thickness)+1] <- thick_2
material[length(material)+1] <- mat[i]
vardepth <- vardepth+thick_2
assigneddepth <- assigneddepth+thick_2
if((layers[i]-assigneddepth) >=thick_3 ){
# falls das, was nach den "unterdisk_gr2"-thick_2cm ueber ist mindestens eine weitere thick_3 cm schicht ergibt...
# -> neue thick_2 cm schicht(en)
nlayer <- ((layers[i]-assigneddepth) %/% thick_3)-1 # nlayer ohne finlayer
finlayer <- ((layers[i]-assigneddepth) %% thick_3)+thick_3
thickness[c((length(thickness)+1):(length(thickness)+nlayer+1))] <- c(rep(thick_3, nlayer),finlayer)
material[c((length(material)+1):(length(material)+nlayer+1))] <- rep(mat[i], (nlayer+1))
}else if ((layers[i]-assigneddepth) >=thick_2 ){
# falls das, was nach den "unterdisk_gr2"-thick_2cm ueber ist zu wenig material fuer thick_3 cm schicht ist,
# aber genug fuer weitere mindestens-thick_2 cm-schicht ...
# -> neue schicht mit dicke differenz
thickness[length(thickness)+1] <- (layers[i]-assigneddepth)
material[length(material)+1] <- mat[i]
# falls das, was nach den "unterdisk_gr2"-thick_2cm ueber ist zu wenig material fuer thick_3 cm schicht ist,
# nicht genut fuer weitere thick_2 cm schicht ...
# -> dicke noch auf voherige schicht obendrauf
thickness[length(thickness)] <- thickness[length(thickness)]+(layers[i]-assigneddepth)
} else if(upper[i] < disk_gr1){
assigneddepth <- 0
vardepth <- upper[i]
while(vardepth < disk_gr1){
thickness[length(thickness)+1] <- thick_1
material[length(material)+1] <- mat[i]
vardepth <- vardepth+thick_1
assigneddepth <- assigneddepth+thick_1
while(vardepth < disk_gr2){
thickness[length(thickness)+1] <- thick_2
material[length(material)+1] <- mat[i]
vardepth <- vardepth+thick_2
assigneddepth <- assigneddepth+thick_2
if((layers[i]-assigneddepth) >=thick_3 ){
# falls das, was nach den "unterdisk_gr2"-thick_2cm ueber ist mindestens eine weitere thick_3 cm schicht ergibt...
# -> neue thick_2 cm schicht(en)
nlayer <- ((layers[i]-assigneddepth) %/% thick_3)-1 # nlayer ohne finlayer
finlayer <- ((layers[i]-assigneddepth) %% thick_3)+thick_3
thickness[c((length(thickness)+1):(length(thickness)+nlayer+1))] <- c(rep(thick_3, nlayer),finlayer)
material[c((length(material)+1):(length(material)+nlayer+1))] <- rep(mat[i], (nlayer+1))
}else if ((layers[i]-assigneddepth) >=thick_2 ){
# falls das, was nach den "unterdisk_gr2"-thick_2cm ueber ist zu wenig material fuer thick_3 cm schicht ist,
# aber genug fuer weitere mindestens-thick_2 cm-schicht ...
# -> neue schicht mit dicke differenz
thickness[length(thickness)+1] <- (layers[i]-assigneddepth)
material[length(material)+1] <- mat[i]
# falls das, was nach den "unterdisk_gr2"-thick_2cm ueber ist zu wenig material fuer thick_3 cm schicht ist,
# nicht genut fuer weitere thick_2 cm schicht ...
# -> dicke noch auf voherige schicht obendrauf
thickness[length(thickness)] <- thickness[length(thickness)]+(layers[i]-assigneddepth)
df.soil <- data.frame("thickness" = thickness,
"mat" = material) %>%
left_join(df, by = "mat")
if(nrow(df.soil) > 1){
for(i in 1:(nrow(df.soil)-1)){
df.soil[i+1, "upper"] <- round(df.soil[i, "upper"]+df.soil[i, "thickness"], 3)
df.soil <- df.soil %>%
dplyr::mutate(lower = upper+thickness) %>%
# # ab 200 cm eigentlich 50 er schritte, in aktueller einstellung höchstens eine Schicht,
# # die man am einfachsten selbst eliminiert
# if((!limit_bodtief) & (df.soil$upper[nrow(df.soil)-1] >= 200)){
# df.soil$lower[nrow(df.soil)-1] <- 250
# df.soil <- df.soil[-nrow(df.soil)]
# }
# add rows in 1m depth
if ((max(df.soil$lower) > 100) & (!(100 %in% df.soil$lower))){
cross_1m <- which(df.soil$lower>100 & df.soil$upper<100)
if(cross_1m == nrow(df.soil)){
df.soil <- rbind(df.soil, df.soil[cross_1m,])
df.soil[cross_1m, "lower"] <- 100
df.soil[(cross_1m+1), "upper"] <- 100
df.soil <- rbind(df.soil[1:cross_1m,],
df.soil[(cross_1m+1):nrow(df.soil), ])
df.soil[cross_1m, "lower"] <- 100
df.soil[(cross_1m+1), "upper"] <- 100
rownames(df.soil) <- 1:nrow(df.soil)
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