
Defines functions make.br.mk2 make.br.mkn make.br.meristic make.br.bbm make.br.ou make.br.bm sim.character make.sim.character

Documented in make.sim.character sim.character

## TODO: Still have to record the character history...
make.sim.character <- function(tree, pars, model="bm", br=NULL) {
  if ( is.null(br) ) {
    model <- match.arg(model, c("bm", "ou", "bbm", "mkn", "mk2", "meristic"))
    ## Can't get match.fun to work here, and cannot see why.
    br <- get(sprintf("make.br.%s", model), mode="function")(pars)
  } else {
    if ( !missing(model) && !is.null(model) && !is.na(model) )
      warning("Ignoring 'model' argument, as 'br' was specified")

  edge <- tree$edge
  idx <- seq_len(max(edge))
  n.tip <- length(tree$tip.label)
  root <- n.tip + 1
  is.tip <- idx <= n.tip
  children <- get.children(edge, n.tip)
  order <- rev(get.ordering(children, is.tip, root))
  len <- tree$edge.length[match(idx, edge[, 2])]

  y <- rep.int(NA, length(len))

  function(x0=0) {
    y[root] <- x0

    for ( i in order ) {
      j <- children[i,]
      y[j[1]] <- br(y[i], len[j[1]])
      y[j[2]] <- br(y[i], len[j[2]])

    y.tip <- y[is.tip]
    names(y.tip) <- tree$tip.label
    y.node <- y[!is.tip]
    names(y.node) <- tree$node.label
    attr(y.tip, "node.state") <- y.node


sim.character <- function(tree, pars, x0=0, model="bm", br=NULL) {
  make.sim.character(tree, pars, model, br)(x0)

## BM: one parameter -- s2
make.br.bm <- function(pars) {
  if ( pars <= 0 )
    stop("s2 must be positive")
  function(x0, t)
    rnorm(length(t), x0, sqrt(pars*t))

## OU: three parameters -- s2, alpha, theta
make.br.ou <- function(pars) {
  s2    <- pars[1]
  alpha <- pars[2]
  theta <- pars[3]
  if ( s2 <= 0 )
    stop("s2 must be positive")
  if ( alpha <= 0 )
    stop("alpha must be positive")

  function(x0, t)  
          theta + (x0 - theta)*exp(-alpha*t),
          sqrt(s2/(2*alpha) * (1 - exp(-2*alpha*t))))

## BBM: three parameters (drift not yet allowed!)
make.br.bbm <- function(pars) {
  s2 <- pars[1]
  c <- pars[2]
  d <- pars[3]

  if ( s2 <= 0 )
    stop("s2 must be positive")
  if ( c > d )
    stop("c must be smaller than d")

  ## TODO: x0 within [c,d], rewrite to be scalar.
  function(x0, t) {
    x <- rnorm(length(t), x0, sqrt(s2*t))
    while ( any(x < c | x > d) ) {
      if ( any(i <- x < c) )
        x[i] <- 2*c - x[i]
      if ( any(i <- x > d) )
        x[i] <- 2*d - x[i]

## Three parameters 
make.br.meristic <- function(pars) {
  k <- pars[1]
  up <- pars[2]
  down <- pars[3]
  if ( k == 2 )
    return(make.br.meristic(c(up, down)))
  Q <- matrix(0, k, k)
  idx <- cbind(1:(k-1), 2:k)
  Q[idx] <- up
  Q[idx[,2:1]] <- down
  diag(Q) <- -rowSums(Q)


make.br.mkn <- function(pars) {
  if ( is.matrix(pars) ) {
    Q <- pars
    k <- nrow(Q)
    if ( k == 0 || k != ncol(Q) )
      stop("'pars' must be a square matrix")
  if ( is.vector(pars) ) {
    k <- sqrt(length(pars))
    Q <- matrix(pars, k, k)
  if ( max(abs(rowSums(Q))) > 1e-8 )
    stop("rowSums on this parameter matrix must equal zero")
  r <- -diag(Q)
  function(x0, t) {
    if ( length(t) != 1 )
      stop("t must be a scalar.")
    while ( r[x0] > 0 && (t <- t - rexp(1, r[x0])) > 0 )
      x0 <- seq_len(k)[-x0][sample(k-1, 1, prob=Q[x0,-x0])]

make.br.mk2 <- function(pars) {
  if ( length(pars) != 2 )
    stop("pars must be of length 2")
  r <- pars
  to <- 2:1

  function(x0, t) {
    if ( length(t) != 1 )
      stop("t must be a scalar.")
    x0 <- x0 + 1
    while ( r[x0] > 0 && (t <- t - rexp(1, r[x0])) > 0 ) {
      x0 <- to[x0]
    x0 - 1
richfitz/diversitree documentation built on Oct. 3, 2023, 8:57 p.m.