
##' See the documenation for \code{initialize} for creating, and
##' generally methods below.  Examples and proper documentation
##' coming.
##' @section Warning:
##' For performance reasons, we do not check that the function
##' returned the correct length of derivatives.  If your function
##' returns fewer than the correct number you'll get uninitialised
##' values (which will cause the integration to fail) and if you
##' return too many then you can crash R.  I might add better
##' checking in a future version.
##' @examples
##' ## Define a harmonic oscillator.  If you've used deSolve, beware that
##' ## the function here differs in two respects: the order of the
##' ## arguments 'y' and 't' are different (we take 'y' first) and the
##' ## function does not return a list, but just the vector of
##' ## derivatives.  These changes are to match the design of the odeint
##' ## package.
##' derivs <- function(y, t, pars) {
##'   c(y[2],
##'     -y[1] - pars * y[2])
##' }
##' ## You also must provide a starting parameter vector.
##' pars <- 0.5
##' ## Here is the system of differential equations:
##' sys <- ode_system(derivs, pars)
##' ## You can call the derivative function (not that you'll need to).  It
##' ## no longer takes a parameter argument, as that is kept within the
##' ## object.
##' y <- c(0, 1)
##' t <- 0
##' sys$derivs(y, t)
##' derivs(y, t, pars)
##' ## You can ask what parameters are stored in the object using the
##' ## "get_pars()" method
##' sys$get_pars()
##' ## And set new parameters with "set_pars()"
##' sys$set_pars(pi)
##' sys$derivs(y, t)
##' ## Running sys$show() or print(sys) (or just writing sys) will tell
##' ## you a little about the object
##' print(sys)
##' ## It's important to know that these are "reference class" objects.
##' ## They don't obey R's usual copy semantics.  So if you do
##' sys2 <- sys
##' ## sys2 and sys are the *same* object.  If you set the parameers in
##' ## one it will set them in the other:
##' sys2$set_pars(1)
##' sys2$get_pars() # these have the same
##' sys$get_pars()  # parameters now
##' ## To make an independent copy, use the "copy()" method
##' sys2 <- sys$copy() # sys2 is now independent from sys
##' sys2$set_pars(2)
##' sys2$get_pars() # these have *different*
##' sys$get_pars()  # parameters now
##' ## If you know the Jacobian you can use that information with some
##' ## solvers.  The entry [i,j] in the Jacobian must be the derivative of
##' ## the ith equation with respect to the jth variable.
##' jacobian <- function(y, t, pars) {
##'   rbind(c(0,  1),
##'         c(-1, pars))
##' }
##' ## Build the system like this:
##' sys <- ode_system(derivs, pars, jacobian)
##' ## Now print(sys) will tell you that there is a jacobian available.
##' ## You can call it the same way as derivs
##' sys$jacobian(y, t)
##' jacobian(y, t, pars)
##' ## You can also specify a "validator" for parameters.  This will check
##' ## that the parameters are reasonable before setting them.  If it
##' ## fails then parameters will not be set and will remain unmodified.
##' ## The function must take a single (the new parameters) and must throw
##' ## an error if it fails.  It need not return anything.
##' ##
##' ## For example, this function will check that all parameters are
##' ## non-negative.
##' assert_nonnegative <- function(pars) {
##'   if (all(pars < 0)) {
##'     stop("Parameters must be non-negative")
##'   }
##' }
##' ## Then build the system as before.
##' sys <- ode_system(derivs, pars, validate=assert_nonnegative)
##' \dontrun{
##' ## Then if negative parameters are set we get an error
##' try(sys$set_pars(-1))
##' ## ...and the original parameters are unchanged:
##' sys$get_pars()
##' }
##' ## It is possible to directly use functions that were developed for
##' ## use with deSolve.  The deSolve-style equivalent of the above
##' ## derivatives function looks like this:
##' derivs_deSolve <- function(t, y, pars) {
##'   dydt <- c(y[2],
##'             -y[1] - pars * y[2])
##'   list(dydt)
##' }
##' ## Using the argument "deSolve_style" we can tell ode_system that this
##' ## is a deSolve-style function:
##' sys_deSolve <- ode_system(derivs_deSolve, pars, deSolve_style=TRUE)
##' ## This will now behave in the way that rodeint expects systems to
##' ## behave and can be used as if it was not a deSolve style function.
##' sys_deSolve$derivs(y, t)
##' sys$derivs(y, t)
##' ## Notice that the y and t arguments are now in odeint order.
##' ## Using compiled systems is beyond the scope of the examples.  A
##' ## tutorial is coming soon.
##' @title Systems of ODEs
##' @aliases ode_system
##' @seealso \code{\link{integrate_adaptive}}, which documents
##' different ways of integrating objects generated by this function.
##' @export ode_system
##' @export
ode_system <- setRefClass("ode_system",
                            # See explanation below
                            # These seem OK though

## An explanation: I'd like to have the get_pars/set_pars/derivs
## methods dispatch fairly effiently to one of the three possible
## functions.  However, the branching only needs to be done at
## initialisation and after that things can't change (all fields are
## locked).  So the guts of the three functions is set into a field
## name beginning with a dot, which is initialised during
## initialize().  The actual method just passes the parameter to this
## function.

## Lock all fields, except for last_pars and ptr.  We use last_pars to
## track the last used parameters, which is in turn used to rebuild
## the pointer if the object is serialised.
                        c("ptr", "last_pars")))

ode_system$methods(show = function(details=FALSE) {
  cat("A system of ordinary differential equations\n\n")
  cat("Useful methods include:\n")
  cat("\tderivs(y, t) -- compute dy/dt\n")
  if (has_jacobian) {
    cat("\tjacobian(y, t) -- compute Jacobian\n")
  cat("\tset_pars(pars) -- set parameters\n")
  cat("\tcopy() -- create an independent copy of this system\n\n")
  cat("Integrate this system with functions in ?rodeint_integrate\n")
  if (details) {
    cat(sprintf("addr: %s\n", ptr_address(ptr)))
    cat(sprintf("type: %s\n", type))

## TODO: The argument name 'generator' is extremely confusing (here
## and in the stiff system section.  Perhaps wrap this with some
## helper function?
ode_system$methods(initialize = function(derivs, pars,
                     jacobian=NULL, validate=NULL,
                     deSolve_style=FALSE) {
\\item \\code{derivs} Either
\\item an R function of three parameters \\code{(y, t, pars)} that
returns a vector of derivatives (dy/dt), the same length as \\code{y}.
\\item as R function that, when run with the single argument
\\code{pars} returns a special object that will point at compiled
functions (\\code{ode_system_cpp}) or a compiled class
\\code{ode_system_class}. There will be more extensive documentation
coming on this soon.
\\item \\code{pars} the initial parameters, as accepted by your
function.  Generally this will be a numeric vector, but see
\\code{set_pars}.  This exists so that we can establish the correct
parameter vector length, and to ensure that all systems have
\\emph{something} initialised to prevent possible crashes or
unexpected behaviour.
\\item \\code{jacobian} If you are specifiying an R system and have
the jacobian, then this allows you to use stiff solvers
(e.g. \\code{rosenbrock4}).  It needs to be an R function of three
parameters \\code{(y, t, pars)} and return the Jacobian matrix.
\\item \\code{validate} optional function to run on parameters each
time they are set (see \\code{set_pars}).  Useful for checking length,
positivity, etc.  The function should throw an error (stop) if the
parameters are not valid.  The return value of this function is
\\item \\code{deSolve_style} Set this to \\code{TRUE} if your R function
is in deSolve style rather than rodeint style (i.e., parameters
\\code{(t, y, pars)} and returning a \\emph{list} with the first
element being the derivatives).
  obj <- generator_init(derivs, pars, jacobian, deSolve_style)
  generator <<- obj$generator
  type      <<- obj$type
  ptr       <<- obj$ptr
  validate  <<- validate_init(validate)
  last_pars <<- pars
  ## TODO: Tests.
  has_jacobian <<- attr(ptr, "has_jacobian")

  ## Becaue all the functions are named consistently, I'm using get()
  ## over a big if/else list.  It's nicer to look at, though is
  ## possibly a touch slower.
  get_rodeint <- function(...) {
    get(paste0(...), environment(ode_system), mode="function", inherits=FALSE)

  .get_pars <<- get_rodeint(type, "__get_pars")
  .set_pars <<- get_rodeint(type, "__set_pars")
  .derivs   <<- get_rodeint(type, "__derivs")
  if (has_jacobian) {
    .jacobian <<- get_rodeint(type, "__jacobian")
  } else {
    .jacobian <<- function(...) {
      stop("System does not contain Jacobian")

  ty <- sub("ode_system_", "", type) # Abbrviated type :)
  integrate_const    <<- get_rodeint("integrate_const_",    ty)
  integrate_n_steps  <<- get_rodeint("integrate_n_steps_",  ty)
  integrate_adaptive <<- get_rodeint("integrate_adaptive_", ty)
  integrate_times    <<- get_rodeint("integrate_times_",    ty)

ode_system$methods(get_pars = function() {
  "Extract parameters from the object.  If you are using a class-based
ode_system, this is the parameters passed in to the object and is not
necessarily the same as the way you are choosing to store processed
ode_system$methods(set_pars = function(pars) {
  "Set parameters within the object.

In addition to the validation carried out by \\code{validate},
different targets check in different ways (you only need to know about
this if you are writing targets):
\\item \\code{ode_system_t}: No checking is done.  You can of course
check within the derivatives function.

\\item \\code{ode_system_cpp}: The parameters must be a numeric vector the
same length as the currently set parameters (so by extension the set
that it was initialised).  If you need variable length parameters you
will need to write a class. This might change once we have validation

\\item \\code{ode_system_class}: Parameters will be changed using whatever
you implemented in the \\code{set_pars} function, including what is
impled by the conversion using \\code{Rcpp::as<your_type>(SEXP)}.
  .set_pars(ptr, pars)
  last_pars <<- pars

## TODO: Optionally pass a system size parameter to the initialisation
## funcion and sanitise system state here.
ode_system$methods(derivs = function(y, t) {
  "Compute the derivatives.  The first argument (\\code{y}) is the
system state and the second (\\code{t}) is the time.  No validation is
done on either variable.  This might change in the future."
  .derivs(ptr, y, t)

ode_system$methods(jacobian = function(y, t) {
  "Compute the Jacobian.  Not all systems can do this"
  .jacobian(ptr, y, t)

ode_system$methods(copy = function() {
  "Generate a copy of the object.  If you do not use this, then
the objects created by simple assignment will share parameters (i.e.,
setting parameters in the first object sets them in the second object
- or rather, they are the \\emph{same} object"
  ode_system$new(generator, get_pars(), validate=validate)

ode_system$methods(rebuild = function() {
  ptr <<- generator(last_pars)

ode_system$methods(deSolve_info = function() {
  if (type == "ode_system_r") {
    p <- get_pars()
    func <- derivs_for_deSolve(environment(generator)$derivs, p)
    jacfunc <- dllname <- initfunc <- initpar <- NULL
  } else if (type == "ode_system_stiff_r") {
    p <- get_pars()
    func <- derivs_for_deSolve(environment(generator)$derivs, p)
    jacfunc <- jacobian_for_deSolve(environment(generator)$jacobian, p)
    dllname <- initfunc <- initpar <- NULL
  } else if (type %in% c("ode_system_cpp", "ode_system_class")) {
    func <- paste0("deSolve_func_", type)
    dllname <- "rodeint"
    initfunc <- "deSolve_initfunc"
    initpar <- ptr
    jacfunc <- NULL
  } else if (type %in% c("ode_system_stiff_cpp",
                         "ode_system_stiff_class")) {
    ## TODO: needs writing
    ## func     <- paste0("deSolve_func_", type)
    ## jacfunc  <- paste0("deSolve_jacobian_", type)
    ## dllname  <- "rodeint"
    ## initfunc <- "deSolve_initfunc"
    ## initpar <- ptr
    stop("Not yet supported")
  } else {
    stop("Unsupported type (how did you even get here?)")
  list(func=func, jacfunc=jacfunc,
       dllname=dllname, initfunc=initfunc, initpar=initpar)

generator_init <- function(derivs, pars, jacobian, deSolve_style) {

  if (length(formals(derivs)) == 3) { # R system.
    generator <- build_generator_r(derivs, jacobian, deSolve_style)
  } else {
    if (deSolve_style) {
      stop("Only meaningful for R functions")
    if (!is.null(jacobian)) {
      ## TODO: Test
      stop("jacobian must be NULL except for R systems")
    generator <- derivs
  if (length(formals(generator)) != 1) {
    stop("Invalid generator")

  ptr <- generator(pars)
  type <- attr(ptr, "type")
  if (!inherits(ptr, "externalptr") || is.null(type)) {
    stop("Generator did not return expected contents")
  list(type=type, generator=generator, ptr=ptr)

build_generator_r <- function(derivs, jacobian, deSolve_style) {
  if (deSolve_style) {
    derivs <- derivs_from_deSolve(derivs)

  if (is.null(jacobian)) {
    generator <- function(pars) {
      ode_system_r__ctor(derivs, pars)
  } else {
    if (deSolve_style) {
      jacobian <- jacobian_from_deSolve(jacobian)
    generator <- function(pars) {
      ode_system_stiff_r__ctor(derivs, jacobian, pars)

validate_init <- function(validate) {
  if (is.null(validate)) {
    function(pars) {}
  } else if (is.function(validate)) {
  } else {
    stop("validate must be a function")

## Create functions *from* deSolve
derivs_from_deSolve <- function(derivs) {
  function(y, t, pars) {
    derivs(t, y, pars)[[1]]
jacobian_from_deSolve <- function(jacobian) {
  function(y, t, pars) {
    jacobian(t, y, pars)

## Create for functions *for* deSolve
derivs_for_deSolve <- function(derivs, pars) {
  function(t, y, ignored) { # we never allow extra args
    list(derivs(y, t, pars))
jacobian_for_deSolve <- function(jacobian, pars) {
  function(t, y, ignored) { # we never allow extra args
    jacobian(y, t, pars)

## No Jacobian functions for these systems:
ode_target_r__jacobian <-
  ode_target_cpp_jacobian <-
  ode_target_class_jacobian <-
  function(y, t) {
    stop("System does not contain Jacobian")
richfitz/rodeint documentation built on May 27, 2019, 8:42 a.m.