
Defines functions clusterApp RemoveZeroVariance cluster_both cluster_samples cluster_genes clusterServer clusterInput

Documented in clusterApp cluster_both cluster_genes clusterInput cluster_samples clusterServer RemoveZeroVariance

#' Create UI components to select whether to cluster a matrix by rows and/or columns
#' `clusterInput()` produces a checkbox group with check boxes for
#' clustering by genes (rows) and by samples (columns)
#' @param id namespace id for the UI components. Must match the id provided to the 
#' [clusterServer()] function.
#' @returns a [shiny::checkboxGroupInput] object with two check boxes
#' @export
#' @examples
#' clusterInput("rnaseqData")
clusterInput <- function(id) {
      NS(id, "clusterCheckGroup"),
      label = h4("Clustering"),
      choices = list("By Genes" = "genes", "By Samples" = "samples"),
      selected = c()

#' Server function to cluster a count matrix by rows and/or columns
#' `clusterServer()` clusters the supplied counts wither by rows or columns
#' or both
#' @param id namespace id for the UI components. Must match the id provided to the 
#' [clusterInput()] function.
#' @param counts a reactive counts object. Should contain only numeric columns
#' @param gene_metadata a reactive object. Contains the metadata for the genes
#' present in the counts object.
#' @param debug Turn on debugging message statements
#' @returns a [shiny::reactive()] object which is the clustered counts
#' @export
#' @examples
#' clusterServer("rnaseqData", counts = reactive(rnaseqVis::counts[1:10,1:5]))
clusterServer <- function(id, counts = NULL, gene_metadata = NULL, debug = FALSE) {
  moduleServer(id, function(input, output, session) {
    counts_clustered <- reactive({
      if (debug) {
      counts_m <- as.matrix(counts())
      if (debug) {
      rownames(counts_m) <- gene_metadata()$GeneID
      possible_selections <- c("genes", "samples")
      index <- seq_along(possible_selections)[ possible_selections %in% input$clusterCheckGroup ] |> 
      cluster_type <- c("none", "genes", "samples", "both")
        cluster_type[index + 1],
        "none" = counts_m,
        "genes" = cluster_genes(counts_m),
        "samples" = cluster_samples(counts_m),
        "both" = cluster_both(counts_m)
    metadata_clustered <- reactive({
      # reorder metadata
      new_order <- sapply(rownames(counts_clustered()), 
                          function(x){ which(gene_metadata()$GeneID == x) }, 
                          USE.NAMES = FALSE)
      gene_metadata()[ new_order, ]
        "counts" = counts_clustered,
        "gene_metadata" = metadata_clustered

#' Cluster a gene count matrix
#' `cluster_genes` clusters the matrix by rows (genes)
#' `cluster_samples` clusters the matrix by column (samples)
#' `cluster_both` clusters by both row and column
#' @param counts_m matrix of counts
#' @return matrix 
#' @export
#' @examples
#' counts_m <- matrix(rnorm(25), ncol = 5, 
#'   dimnames = list(paste("Gene", 1:5, sep = "-"), 
#'                   paste("sample", 1:5, sep = "-")))
#'  cluster_genes(counts_m)
#'  cluster_samples(counts_m)
#'  cluster_both(counts_m)
cluster_genes <- function(counts_m) {
  zeroVar <- RemoveZeroVariance(counts_m, rows = TRUE, cols = FALSE)
  miscr::cluster_matrix(zeroVar$matrix, by_row = TRUE, by_col = FALSE)

#' @rdname cluster_genes
cluster_samples <- function(counts_m) {
  zeroVar <- RemoveZeroVariance(counts_m, rows = FALSE, cols = TRUE)
  miscr::cluster_matrix(zeroVar$matrix, by_row = FALSE, by_col = TRUE)

#' @rdname cluster_genes
cluster_both <- function(counts_m) {
  zeroVar <- RemoveZeroVariance(counts_m, rows = TRUE, cols = TRUE)
  miscr::cluster_matrix(zeroVar$matrix, by_row = TRUE, by_col = TRUE)

#' RemoveZeroVariance
#' \code{RemoveZeroVariance} removes rows/columns from a matrix that have zero variance
#' @param x - matrix
#' @param rows - logical, default TRUE
#' @param cols - logical, default FALSE
#' @return a list containing the following elements
#'    matrix - the supplied matrix with the rows/columns removed
#'    rowsKept - a character vector with the names of the rows that were not removed
#'      NULL if rows = FALSE
#'    rowsRemoved - a character vector with the names of the rows that were removed
#'      NULL if rows = FALSE
#'    colsKept - a character vector with the names of the columns that were not removed
#'      NULL if cols = FALSE
#'    colsRemoved - a character vector with the names of the columns that were removed
#'      NULL if cols = FALSE
#' @examples
#' countMatrix <- matrix( sample(1:100, 100), ncol = 10)
#' countMatrix[ 3, ] <- rep(0,10)
#' countMatrix[ 6, ] <- rep(0,10)
#' RemoveZeroVariance( countMatrix, rows = TRUE, cols = TRUE )
#' @export
RemoveZeroVariance <- function( x, rows = TRUE, cols = FALSE ){
  # check matrix has row and col names
  if( rows & is.null(rownames(x)) ){
    stop("The supplied matrix does not have row names!")
  } else if( cols & is.null(colnames(x)) ){
    stop("The supplied matrix does not have column names!")
  rowsKept <- NULL
  rowsRemoved <- NULL
  colsKept <- NULL
  colsRemoved <- NULL
  if( rows ){
    zeroVarRows <- genefilter::rowSds(x) == 0
    if (sum(zeroVarRows) > 0) {
      rowsKept <- rownames(x)[ !zeroVarRows ]
      rowsRemoved <- rownames(x)[ zeroVarRows ]
      x <- x[ !zeroVarRows, ]
  } else{
    rowsKept <- rownames(x)
  if( cols ){
    zeroVarCols <- genefilter::rowSds(t(x)) == 0
    if (sum(zeroVarCols) > 0) {
      colsKept <- colnames(x)[ !zeroVarCols ]
      colsRemoved <- colnames(x)[ zeroVarCols ]
      x <- x[ , !zeroVarCols ]
  } else{
    colsKept <- colnames(x)
      matrix = x,
      rowsKept = rowsKept,
      rowsRemoved = rowsRemoved,
      colsKept = colsKept,
      colsRemoved = colsRemoved

#' A test shiny app for the cluster module
#' `clusterApp()` creates a small test app for testing the [clusterInput()] and
#' [clusterServer()] functions. It uses a subset of the package dataset `counts`,
#' clusters the counts based on the selected check boxes and displays them
#' as a table.
#' @return a [shiny::shinyApp()] object.
#' @examples
#' clusterApp()
clusterApp <- function() {
  ui <- fluidPage(
  server <- function(input, output, session) {
    test_counts <- rnaseqVis::counts[1:10, 1:5]
    counts_clustered <- clusterServer("cluster", counts = reactive(test_counts),
                                      gene_metadata = reactive(rnaseqVis::gene_metadata[1:10,]))
    output$rownames <- renderText(rownames(counts_clustered$counts()))
    output$original_counts <- renderTable(test_counts)
    output$clustered_counts <- renderTable(counts_clustered$counts())
    output$clustered_metadata <- renderTable(counts_clustered$metadata())
  shinyApp(ui, server)
richysix/rnaseqVis documentation built on Feb. 12, 2024, 1:37 p.m.