
Defines functions o2pls

Documented in o2pls

#' @title Orthogonal Projections to Latent Structures (OPLS) for a multiple Y's
#' @description Orthogonal Projections to Latent Structures (OPLS) for a multiple Y's. Written by E.Nevedomskaya 2007-2013. 
#' Based on malab script by O. Cloarec	Imperial College, London.
#' @param Xi X matrix input
#' @param Yi Y column input
#' @param prep preprocessing, \code{"no"}, no preprocessing, \code{"mc"} mean centering, \code{"uv"} univariance scaling
#' @param A number of correlated components, it can be determinated by PCA of Y'X
#' @param ncox number of orthogonal components in X
#' @param ncoy number of orthogonal component in Y
#' @param nrcv umber of fold in the cross-validation (full cross validation)
#' @return Output is a list with the following elements:
#' \item{MeanX}{variable means for the X table}  
#' \item{MeanY}{variable means for the Y table}      
#' \item{VarX}{variance of the variables in the X table}    
#' \item{VarY}{variance of the variables in the Y table}     
#' \item{svd}{results of the SVD transformation of the X-Y covariance table}
#' \item{T}{T scores}
#' \item{Ts}{X scores}
#' \item{E}{residuals}
#' \item{wo}{Y-orthogonal loadings (non-normalized)}       		
#' \item{TYosc}{orthogonal scores}
#' \item{PYosc}{Y-orthogonal loadings}	
#' \item{Wosc}{orthogonal weights}   
#' \item{R2Xyo}{modelled percentage of X orthogonal to Y}
#' \item{R2Xcorr}{modelled percentage of X correlated to Y}
#' \item{R2XcorrVar}{modelled percentage of X variance correlated to Y}
#' \item{R2X}{total percentage of X that had been modelled}     
#' \item{U}{U scores}         
#' \item{F}{residuals}
#' \item{R2Ycorr}{modelled percentage of Y correlated to X}
#' \item{R2Y}{total percentage of X that had been modelled}        
#' \item{P}{loadings}
#' \item{Bu}{regression coefficients}       
#' \item{Bt}{regression coefficients}
#' \item{Yhat}{Y predicted by the regression}     
#' \item{R2Yhat}{predicted by the regression variance of Y}
#' \item{R2Yhatcum}{cumulative predicted (by the regression) variance of Y}
#' \item{R2Xhat}{predicted (by the regression) variance of X}
#' \item{R2Xhatcum}{cumulative predicted variance of X}
#' \item{Tcv}{cross-validated T-scores}    
#' \item{TYosccv}{cross-validated Y-orthogonal scores}
#' \item{Ucv}{cross-validated T-scores}
#' \item{YPRESSf}{cumulative predicted residual sums of squares (PRESS) of Y}
#' \item{YPRESSi}{PRESS for each column of Y}
#' \item{XPRESSf}{cumulative predicted residual sums of squares (PRESS) of X}   
#' \item{XPRESSi}{PRESS for each column of X} 
#' \item{Yhatcv}{Y predicted in cross-validation (CV)}
#' \item{Xhatcv}{X predicted in cross-validation}
#' \item{Q2Yhatcum}{cumulative predicted in CV variance of Y}
#' \item{Q2Yhat}{variance of Y predicted in CV}
#' \item{Q2Xhatcum}{cumulative predicted in CV variance of X}
#' \item{Q2Xhat}{variance of Y predicted in CV}
#' @details Orthogonal Projections to Latent Structures (OPLS) for a multiple Y's. The number of components can be determined with the function ncomp_opls.
#' @export
#' @importFrom pcaMethods nipalsPca
#' @author E. Nevedomskaya
#' @author Rico Derks
o2pls <- function(Xi, Yi, prep, A, ncox, ncoy, nrcv) {
###--- Written by E.Nevedomskaya 2007-2013---###
# Based on malab script by O. Cloarec	Imperial College, London
###  Orthogonal Projections to Latent Structures (OPLS) for a multiple Y
# Input:
# Xi : X matrix input
# Yi : Y column input
# prep : preprocessing available
#           - 'no' : no preprocessing
#           - 'mc' : meancentering
#           - 'uv' : Univariance scaling
# A : number of correlated components, it can be determinated by PCA of Y'X
# ncox : number of orthogonal components in X
# ncoy : number of orthogonal component in Y
# number of fold in the cross-validation (full cross validation)
# Output:
# List with the following elements:
#	$MeanX   		=	variable means for the X table  
#	$MeanY  		=	variable means for the Y table      
#	$VarX  			=	variance of the variables in the X table    
#	$VarY   		=	variance of the variables in the Y table     
#	$svd       		=	results of the SVD transformation of the X-Y covariance table
#	$T         		=	T scores
#	$Ts        		=	X scores
#	$E         		= 	residuals
#	$wo 			=	Y-orthogonal loadings (non-normalized)       		
#	$TYosc			=	orthogonal scores     		
#	$PYosc     		=	Y-orthogonal loadings	
#	$Wosc   		=	orthogonal weughts   
#	$R2Xyo     		=	modelled percentage of X orthogonal to Y
#	$R2Xcorr   		=	modelled percentage of X correlated to Y
#	$R2XcorrVar		=	modelled percentage of X variance correlated to Y
#	$R2X			=	total percentage of X that had been modelled     
#	$U				=	U scores         
#	$F         		=	residuals
#	$R2Ycorr   		=	modelled percentage of Y correlated to X
#	$R2Y			=	total percentage of X that had been modelled        
#	$P         		=	loadings
#	$Bu 			=	regression coefficients       
#	$Bt        		=	regression coefficients
#	$Yhat 			=	Y predicted by the regression     
#	$R2Yhat    		=	predicted by the regression variance of Y
#	$R2Yhatcum 		=	cumulative predicted (by the regression) variance of Y
#	$R2Xhat    		=	predicted (by the regression) variance of X
#	$R2Xhatcum 		=	cumulative predicted variance of X
#	$Tcv   			=	cross-validated T-scores    
#	$TYosccv   		=	cross-validated Y-orthogonal scores
#	$Ucv       		=	cross-validated T-scores
#	$YPRESSf 		=	cumulative predicted residual sums of squares (PRESS) of Y
#	$YPRESSi   		=	PRESS for each column of Y
#	$XPRESSf		=	cumulative predicted residual sums of squares (PRESS) of X   
#	$XPRESSi  		=	PRESS for each column of X 
#	$Yhatcv    		=	Y predicted in cross-validation (CV)
#	$Xhatcv    		=	X predicted in cross-validation
#	$Q2Yhatcum 		=	cumulative predicted in CV variance of Y
#	$Q2Yhat    		= 	variance of Y predicted in CV
#	$Q2Xhatcum 		=	cumulative predicted in CV variance of X
#	$Q2Xhat    		= 	variance of Y predicted in CV
  var <- NULL
	model <- c()
	model$Wosc <- c()
	model$TYosc <- c()
	model$PYosc <- c()
	model$Cosc <- c()
	model$UXosc <- c()
	model$PXosc <- c()
	model$Pp <- c()
	model$Qp <- c()
	dimx <- dim(Xi)
	dimy <- dim(Yi)
#if (dimx[1]!=dimy[1]) stop("Number of samples are different in X and Y")
	nsx <- dimx[1]
	model$MeanX <- colMeans(Xi)
	model$MeanY <- colMeans(Yi)
	model$VarX <- apply(Xi, 2, var)
	model$VarY <- apply(Yi, 2, var)
# Preprocessing
	if (prep == "no") {
		X <- Xi
		Y <- Yi
	if (prep == "mc") {
		X <- scale(Xi, scale = FALSE)
		Y <- scale(Yi, scale = FALSE)
	if (prep == "uv") {
		X <- scale(Xi)
		Y <- scale(Yi)
	#else stop("unknown preprocessing")
	SSX <- sum(X^2)
	SSY <- sum(Y^2)
	CSX <- colSums(X^2)
	CSY <- colSums(Y^2)
# Calculate the PCA components of Y'T
	CV <- t(Y) %*% X
	model$svd <- svd(t(CV))
	model$svd$d <- diag(model$svd$d)
# Reshape C, W and S in function of the number of component A
#model$svd$v <- t(model$svd$v)
# Y predictive loading component
#model$svd$v <- t(model$svd$v[1:A,])
	model$svd$v <- t(t(model$svd$v[ , 1:A]))
# X predictive loading component
	model$svd$u <- model$svd$u[ , 1:A]
# Eigenvalue of CV
	model$svd$d <- model$svd$d[1:A, 1:A]
	model$wo <- c()
# Modelisation of X +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
	Xr <- X
#Projection of Xr on U in order to get the scores
	model$T <- Xr %*% model$svd$u
	model$Ts <- model$T
	model$E <- X - model$T %*% t(model$svd$u)
# Sequential removal ncox orthogonal components
	if (ncox != 0) {
		for (i in 1:ncox) {
			# PCA of E'T for extraction of the first residual orthogonal component
			m <- pcaMethods::nipalsPca(t(model$E) %*% model$T, nPcs = 1)
			# Extraction of Wosc from the PCA model m
			wosc <- m@scores
			model$wo <- cbind(model$wo, wosc)
			# Normalisation wosc to unit length
			wosc <- wosc / as.numeric(sqrt(t(wosc) %*% wosc))
			# Projection of Xr on the wosc axe in order to get the orthogonal scores     
			tosc <- Xr %*% wosc / as.numeric(t(wosc) %*% wosc)
			# Projection of tosc in Xr in order to get the Y-orthogonal loading
			pyosc <- t(Xr) %*% tosc / as.numeric(t(tosc) %*% tosc)
			# Removal of the orthogonal component from Xr
			Xr <- Xr - tosc %*% t(pyosc)
			# Update of T from the residual Xr
			model$T <- Xr %*% model$svd$u
			model$Ts <- cbind(model$Ts, model$T)
			# Storage of the orthogonal components
			model$TYosc <- cbind(model$TYosc, tosc)
			model$PYosc <- cbind(model$PYosc, pyosc)
			model$Wosc <- cbind(model$Wosc, wosc)
			# Update of the residual E
			model$E <- X - model$T %*% t(model$svd$u) - model$TYosc %*% t(model$PYosc)
# Model statistics corresponding to the X modelling
# Percentage of X orthogonal to Y
	if (ncox != 0) {
		model$R2Xyo <- sum((model$TYosc %*% t(model$PYosc)) * (model$TYosc %*% t(model$PYosc))) / SSX
# Percentage of X correlated to Y
	model$R2Xcorr <- sum((model$T %*% t(model$svd$u)) * (model$T %*% t(model$svd$u))) / SSX
	model$R2XcorrVar <- colSums((model$T %*% t(model$svd$u)) * (model$T %*% t(model$svd$u))) / CSX
# Total percentage of X that had been modelled
	model$R2X <- 1 - sum(colSums((model$E)^2) / SSX)
#End of X modelisation+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
# Modelisation of Y +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++   
	Yr <- Y
# Projection of Yr on C to get the scores
	model$U <- Yr %*% model$svd$v
# Removal of this part of Y correlated to X
	model$F <- Y - model$U %*% t(model$svd$v)
# Sequential removal of the structured noise of Y
	if (ncoy != 0) {
		for (i in 1:ncoy) {
			# PCA of F'U for extraction of the first residual orthogonal component
			m <- pcaMethods::nipalsPca(t(t(model$F) %*% model$U), nPcs = 1)
			# Extraction of Cosc from the PCA model m
			cosc <- m@loadings
			# Normalisation cosc to unit length    
			cosc <- cosc / as.numeric(sqrt(t(cosc) %*% cosc))
			# Projection of Yr on the wosc axe in order to get the orthogonal scores     
			uosc <- Yr %*% cosc / as.numeric(t(cosc) %*% cosc)
			#Projection of uosc in Yr in order to get the X-orthogonal loading
			pxosc <- t(Yr) %*% uosc / as.numeric(t(uosc) %*% uosc)
			# Removal of the orthogonal component from Xr
			Yr <- Yr - uosc %*% t(pxosc)
			# Update of U from the residual Yr
			model$U <- Yr %*% model$svd$v
			# Storage of the orthogonal components    
			model$UXosc <- cbind(model$UXosc, uosc)
			model$Cosc <- cbind(model$Cosc, cosc)
			model$PXosc <- cbind(model$PXosc, pxosc)
			#Update of the residual E
			model$F <- Y-model$U %*% t(model$svd$v) - model$UXosc %*% t(model$PXosc)
# Model statistics corresponding to the X modelling
# Percentage of X orthogonal to Y
	if (ncoy != 0) {
		model$R2Yxo <- sum(colSums((model$UXosc %*% t(model$PXosc)) * (model$UXosc %*% t(model$PXosc)))) / SSY
# Percentage of Y correlated to X
	model$R2Ycorr <- sum(colSums((model$U %*% t(model$svd$v)) * (model$U %*% t(model$svd$v)))) / SSY
# Total percentage of X that had been modelled
	model$R2Y <- 1 - sum(colSums((model$F) * (model$F))) / SSY
	for (i in 1:ncol(model$T)) {
		model$Pp <- cbind(model$Pp, c(t(model$T[ , i]) %*% Xr / c(t(model$T[ , i]) %*% model$T[ , i])))
	for (i in 1:ncol(model$U)) {
		model$Qp <- cbind(model$Qp, c(t(model$U[ , i]) %*% Yr / c(t(model$U[ , i]) %*% model$U[ , i])))
#model$P <- t(model$P)
#End of Y modelisation+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
# O2PLS Regression Coefficients
	model$Bu <- solve((t(model$U) %*% model$U)) %*% t(model$U) %*% model$T
	model$Bt <- solve(t(model$T) %*% model$T) %*% t(model$T) %*% model$U
# Fitting characteristics for Y
	model$Yhat <- model$T %*% model$Bt %*% t(model$svd$v)
	model$R2Yhat <- 1 - (colSums((model$Yhat - Y) * (model$Yhat - Y))) / CSY
	model$R2Yhatcum <- 1 - sum(colSums((model$Yhat - Y) * (model$Yhat - Y))) / SSY
# Fitting characteristics for X
	Xhat <- model$U %*% model$Bu %*% t(model$svd$u)
	model$R2Xhat <- 1 - colSums((Xhat - X) * (Xhat - X)) / CSX
	model$R2Xhatcum <- 1 - sum(colSums((Xhat - X) * (Xhat - X))) / SSX
	Yhat_cross <- matrix(nrow = nrow(Y), ncol = ncol(Y))
	model$Tcv <- matrix(nrow = nrow(model$T), ncol = ncol(model$T))
	if (ncox != 0) {
		model$TYosccv <- matrix(nrow = nrow(model$TYosc), ncol = ncol(model$TYosc))
	Xhat_cross <- matrix(nrow = nrow(X), ncol = ncol(X))
	model$Ucv <- matrix(nrow = nrow(model$U), ncol = ncol(model$U))
	if (ncoy != 0) {
		model$UXosccv <- matrix(nrow = nrow(model$UXosc), ncol = ncol(model$UXosc))
	if (nrcv > 0) {
		for (k in 1:nrcv) {
			# Definition of the training and test sets
			# For X:
			Xtest <- X[seq(k, nsx, nrcv), ]        
			Xtrain <- X[setdiff(1:nsx, seq(k, nsx, nrcv)), ]
			# For Y:
			Ytest <- cbind(Y[seq(k, nsx, nrcv), ])
			Ytrain <- cbind(Y[setdiff(1:nsx, seq(k, nsx, nrcv)), ])
			# Predictive model from training set
			mcv <- o2pls(Xtrain, Ytrain, "no", A, ncox, ncoy, 0)
			# Prediction of the test set X t Y
			modelPredY <- o2pls_pred(Xtest, mcv, "xy")
			Yhat_cross[seq(k, nsx, nrcv), ] <- modelPredY$Yhat
			# Extraction of the cross-validated scores and loadings
			model$Tcv[seq(k, nsx, nrcv), ] <- modelPredY$T
			model$TYosccv[seq(k, nsx, nrcv), ] <- modelPredY$To
			# Prediction of the test set Y to X
			modelPredX <- o2pls_pred(Ytest, mcv, "yx")
			Xhat_cross[seq(k, nsx, nrcv), ] <- modelPredX$Xhat
			# Extraction of the cross-validated scores and loadings
			model$Ucv[seq(k, nsx, nrcv), ] <- modelPredX$U
			model$UXosccv[seq(k, nsx, nrcv), ] <- modelPredX$Uo
		# Prediction Residual Sum of Squares (PRESS)
		# for Y
		# Cumulative
		model$YPRESSf <- sum(colSums((Y - Yhat_cross)^2))
		# For each column of Y
		model$YPRESSi <- colSums((Y - Yhat_cross)^2)
		# for X
		# Cumulative
		model$XPRESSf <- sum(colSums((X - Xhat_cross)^2))
		# For each column of X
		model$XPRESSi <- colSums((X - Xhat_cross)^2)
		# Predicted X and Y from CV
		model$Yhatcv <- Yhat_cross
		model$Xhatcv <- Xhat_cross
		model$Q2Yhatcum <- 1 - model$YPRESSf / SSY
		model$Q2Yhat <- 1 - model$YPRESSi / CSY
		model$Q2Xhatcum <- 1 - model$XPRESSf / SSX
		model$Q2Xhat <- 1 - model$XPRESSi / CSX
		model$Ucv <- Xhat_cross %*% t(model$Bu %*% t(model$svd$u)) %*% solve((model$Bu %*% t(model$svd$u)) %*% t(model$Bu %*% t(model$svd$u)))
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