
Defines functions simple_smoothe ApproxCDF

Documented in ApproxCDF simple_smoothe

#'Numerical Approximation of characteristic function
#'\code{ApproxCDF} approximates the cdf F when given a characteristic function phi of a centered random variable, using the formula found in Waller (1995) with
#'original reference to Bohman (1974). The procedure can be numerically unstable in the tails of the distribution, so
#'only the center of the approximation is returned. Some simplifying approximations explained in "Numerical inversion of laplace transform and characteristic function"
#'are used. Note that phi should have a finite first moment.
#'@param phi the characteristic function to be inverted
#'@param H A total of 2H+1 values of F are approximated. By default H of these values are returned unless an interval is provided.
#'@param eta A scaling paramter. By default equidistant points in the interval (-2*phi/eta,2*phi/(eta)) are approximated.
#'@param xlim (optional) limits on the x-axis
#'@param smoothe (optional) Should smoothing be used? If TRUE default weights of the function \code{simple_smoothe} are used. If an object of length > 1 is provided,
#'this will be passed to \code{simple_smoothe}
#'phi <- function(t) exp(-t^2/2)
#'phi <- function(t) sqrt(2)*abs(t)*besselK(sqrt(2)*abs(t),1)
ApproxCDF = function(phi,H=2000,eta=0.5,xlim=NULL,smoothe=FALSE) {
  z_vals = rep(0,H)
  co = 1
  for(n in 1:(H-1))  {
    z_vals[co+1]= phi(eta*n)/(pi*1i*(n)) #start at index 2 - the first value of z is 0
    co = co + 1

  xvals_pos = 2*pi*(1:H)/(eta*H)
  xvals_neg = -xvals_pos
  xvals_neg = rev(xvals_neg)
  yvals_neg = rev(yvals_neg)
  xvals = c(xvals_neg,xvals_pos)
  yvals = c(yvals_neg,yvals_pos)

  if(!is.null(xlim)) {
    indexes = intersect(which(xvals>xlim[1]),which(xvals<xlim[2]))
  else {
    indexes = (1:(H+1))+floor( (H-1)/2)

  xvals = xvals[indexes]
  yvals = yvals[indexes]
  if(smoothe) {
    if(length(smoothe)>1) {
      yvals = simple_smoothe(yvals,smoothe)
    else {
      yvals = simple_smoothe(yvals)

#' Simple smoothing
#' \code{simple_smoothe} computes a simple moving weighted average of a input vector \code{x}. The weight vector must have an odd number of entries, and defaults to
#' \code{c(0.1,0.20,0.4,0.20,0.1)}
#' @param x input to be smoothed
#' @param svec smoothing vector
#'smoothed_yvals = simple_smoothe(yvals)
#'smoothed_yvals = simple_smoothe(yvals,c(0.2,0.6,0.2))
simple_smoothe <- function(x,svec= c(0.1,0.20,0.4,0.20,0.1)) {
  if ((length(svec) %% 2)  == 0) {stop("Please provide an odd number of smoothing weigths")}
  out = x
  offset = floor(length(svec)/2)
  for(i in (1+offset):(length(x)-offset)) {
    out[i] = sum(x[(i-offset):(i+offset)]*svec)
rivasiker/phasty documentation built on June 15, 2021, 9:18 p.m.