
Defines functions sampledEnough ellisWong numberOrdersGivenDAG numberDAGsGivenOrder isConsistentWithOrder orderPriorUniformStructures orderPriorUniform graphProbGivenOrder topScoringGraph dagGivenOrder BNOrderSampler orderFlipOperator logOrderLikelihood

Documented in BNOrderSampler dagGivenOrder graphProbGivenOrder isConsistentWithOrder logOrderLikelihood numberDAGsGivenOrder orderFlipOperator topScoringGraph

# Part of the "structmcmc" package, https://github.com/rjbgoudie/structmcmc
# This software is distributed under the GPL-3 license.  It is free,
# open source, and has the attribution requirements (GPL Section 7) in
#   https://github.com/rjbgoudie/structmcmc
# Note that it is required that attributions are retained with each function.
# Copyright 2008 Robert J. B. Goudie, University of Warwick

#' Log likelihood of an order
#' Evaluates the log likelihood of an order, using the efficient decompostion
#' used by Freidman and Koller (2003) (equation 8).
#' @param order A vector length \code{numberOfNodes}, giving a permuation
#'   of \code{1:numberOfNodes}.
#' @param numberOfNodes The number of nodes in the network. A numeric vector
#'   of length 1.
#' @param nodesSeq The vector 1:nNodes(currentNetwork). (Supplied as an
#'   argument for possible speed gain)
#' @param scoresParents A list of the form returned by
#'   \code{scoreParentsTable()}
#' @param parentsTables A list of tables of the form returned by
#'   \code{enumerateParentsTable()}
#' @param allRows The vector 1:nrow(parentsTables). (Supplied as an
#'   argument for possible speed gain)
#' @param rowsThatContain A list of the form created by
#'   \code{getRowsThatContain()}
#' @return Returns the sampled network. A \code{currentNetwork} object.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{BNGibbsSampler}}, \code{\link{samplePair}}
#' @references
#'   Friedman, N., & Koller, D. (2003). \emph{Being Bayesian about Network
#'   Structure. A Bayesian Approach to Structure Discovery in Bayesian
#'   Networks}. Machine Learning, 50, 95-125.
#'   \url{http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/A:1020249912095}
logOrderLikelihood <- function(order,
  score <- vector("numeric", length = numberOfNodes)
  for (i in seq_along(order)){
    predecessors <- order[seq_len(i)]

    rows <- whichParentSetRows(node            = i,
                               nonDescendants  = predecessors,
                               numberOfNodes   = numberOfNodes,
                               allRows         = allRows,
                               rowsThatContain = rowsThatContain)
    score[i] <- logsumexp(scoresParents[[i]][rows])

#' Draw order proposal using flip-operator
#' Draws a proposal order, given a current order, using the single
#' flip-operator. See Grzegorcyck & Husmeier (2008) eq 12.
#' @param order A permutation of \code{nodesSeq}
#' @param nodesSeq The vector 1:nNodes(currentNetwork). (Supplied as an
#'   argument for possible speed gain)
#' @return A new order
#' @export
orderFlipOperator <- function(order, nodesSeq){
  flip <- sample(nodesSeq, size = 2, replace = F)
  temp <- order[flip[1]]
  order[flip[1]] <- order[flip[2]]
  order[flip[2]] <- temp

#' Order MCMC sampler for Bayesian Networks.
#' Create a MCMC sampler for Bayesian Networks. The sampler samples Bayesian
#' Networks (ie models).
#' @param data The data.
#' @param initial An object of class 'bn'. The starting value of the
#'                       MCMC.
#' @param orderPrior A function that returns the prior of an order.
#' @param prior A function that returns the prior score of the
#'                       supplied bn.
#' @param return Either "network" or "contingency".
#' @param logScoreFUN A list of four elements:
#'   \describe{
#'     \item{offline}{A function that computes the logScore of a Bayesian
#'                    Network}
#'     \item{online}{A function that incrementally computes the logScore of a
#'                   Bayesian Network}
#'     \item{local}{A function that computes the local logScore of a
#'                  Bayesian Network}
#'     \item{prepare}{A function that prepares the data, and any further
#'                    pre-computation required by the logScore functions.}
#'   }
#'   For Multinomial-Dirichlet models, \code{\link{logScoreMultDirFUN}}
#'   returns the appropriate list; for Normal models with Zellner g-priors,
#'   \code{\link{logScoreNormalFUN}} returns the appropriate list.
#' @param logScoreParameters A list of parameters that are passed to
#'                       logScoreFUN.
#' @param constraint A matrix of dimension ncol(data) x ncol(data) giving
#'                       constraints to the sample space.
#'                       The (i, j) element is
#'                         1  if the edge i -> j is required
#'                         -1 if the edge i -> is excluded.
#'                         0  if the edge i -> j is not constrained.
#'                       The diagonal of constraint must be all 0.
#' @param statistics A named list of functions which should be applied to
#'   the current network after each step. Each function should accept an
#'   object of class \code{bn} and return a scalar output. Each item in
#'   the list must be named so that it can be referred to.
#' @param maxNumberParents Integer of length 1. The maximum number of
#'   parents of any node. A \code{NULL} value gives the default restriction
#'   of 3.
#' @param moveprobs A numeric vector of length 3. Specifies the probability
#'   that moves updating the parent sets of 1, 2 and 3 nodes simultaneously.
#'   Must sum to 1.
#' @param verbose A logical of length 1, indicating whether verbose
#'                       output should be printed.
#' @param keepTape A logical of length 1, indicating whether a full log
#'                       ('tape') of the MCMC sampler should be kept.
#'                       Enabling this option can be very memory-intensive.
#' @param parentsTables A list of tables of the form returned by
#'   \code{enumerateParentsTable()}
#' @param scoresParents A list of the form returned by
#'   \code{scoreParentsTable()}
#' @return A function, which when called draws the next sample of the MCMC.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{BNSampler}}, \code{\link{BNSamplerBigFlips}},
#'   \code{\link{BNSamplerPT}}, \code{\link{BNSamplerMJ}},
#'   \code{\link{BNSamplerGrzeg}}. Internally uses
#'   \code{\link{samplePair}} and \code{\link{sampleNode}}.
BNOrderSampler <- function(data,
                           initial            = 1:ncol(data),
                           prior              = priorUniform(),
                           orderPrior         = orderPriorUniform,
                           return             = "network",
                           logScoreFUN        = logScoreMultDirFUN(),
                           logScoreParameters = list(hyperparameters = "bdeu"),
                           constraint         = NULL,
                           statistics         = list(nEdges = nEdges),
                           maxNumberParents   = NULL,
                           moveprobs          = c(0.9, 0.1, 0),
                           verbose            = F,
                           keepTape           = F,
                           parentsTables      = NULL,
                           scoresParents      = NULL){
  stopifnot(ncol(as.matrix(data)) ==   length(initial),
            return               %in% c("network", "contingency"),
            class(statistics)     == "list",
            all(lapply(statistics, class) == "function"),
            all(nchar(names(statistics)) > 0),
            length(keepTape)      ==   1,
            sum(moveprobs)        ==   1)
  if (is.null(maxNumberParents)){
    maxNumberParents <- 3

  numberOfNodes <- length(initial)
  nodesSeq <- seq_len(numberOfNodes)

  # Set up for fast computation of logScore
  logScoreLocalFUN <- logScoreFUN$local
  prepareDataFUN <- logScoreFUN$prepare
  logScoreParameters <- prepareDataFUN(data,
                                       checkInput = F)

  initialDummy <- empty(numberOfNodes, "bn")
  constraint <- setupConstraint(constraint, initial = initialDummy)
  required <- getRequiredFromConstraint(constraint)
  banned <- getBannedFromConstraint(constraint)

  if (is.null(parentsTables)){
    if (verbose){
      cat("Listing all possible parent sets\n")
    parentsTables <- enumerateParentsTable(numberOfNodes,
                                           verbose = verbose)
  if (is.null(scoresParents)){
    if (verbose){
      cat("Scoring all possible parent sets\n")
    scoresParents <- scoreParentsTable(parentsTables,
                                       verbose = verbose)

  currentOrder <- initial
  rowsThatContain <- getRowsThatContain(numberOfNodes,

  allRows <- lapply(nodesSeq, function(node){

  # Set up internal counters and logs etc
  nSteps <- 0

  sampler <- function(x,
                      verbose = F,
                      returnDiagnostics = F,
                      debugAcceptance = F,
                      returnTape = F,
                      burnin = 0){

    nBurnin <<- burnin
    nSteps <<- nSteps + 1

    # order MCMC
    proposalOrder <- orderFlipOperator(currentOrder, nodesSeq)

    logLikNewOrder <- logOrderLikelihood(order           = proposalOrder,
                                         numberOfNodes   = numberOfNodes,
                                         nodesSeq        = nodesSeq,
                                         scoresParents   = scoresParents,
                                         parentsTables   = parentsTables,
                                         allRows         = allRows,
                                         rowsThatContain = rowsThatContain)

    logLikOldOrder <- logOrderLikelihood(order           = currentOrder,
                                         numberOfNodes   = numberOfNodes,
                                         nodesSeq        = nodesSeq,
                                         scoresParents   = scoresParents,
                                         parentsTables   = parentsTables,
                                         allRows         = allRows,
                                         rowsThatContain = rowsThatContain)

    logAccProb <- logLikNewOrder -
                  logLikOldOrder +
                  log(orderPrior(proposalOrder)) -

    logp <- log(runif(1, min = 0, max = 1))

    if (logAccProb >= 0 || logp < logAccProb){
      # if ACCEPTING the proposal
      currentOrder <<- proposalOrder
    } else {
      # if REJECTING the proposal

    # finish off

    # if (isTRUE(keepTape)) updateTape(nSteps, currentNetwork)
    if (isTRUE(debugAcceptance)) browser()

    # updateET(currentNetwork, nSteps, nBurnin)
    # updateStatistics(currentNetwork, nSteps, nBurnin)

  class(sampler) <- c("sampler", "function")

#' Sample a DAG given an order (weighted)
#' Sample a DAG given an order, using the parent weights. See Grzegorcyck &
#' Husmeier (2008), eq 15.
#' @param order A vector length \code{numberOfNodes}, giving a permuation
#'   of \code{1:numberOfNodes}.
#' @param numberOfNodes The number of nodes in the network. A numeric vector
#'   of length 1.
#' @param nodesSeq The vector 1:nNodes(currentNetwork). (Supplied as an
#'   argument for possible speed gain)
#' @param scoresParents A list of the form returned by
#'   \code{scoreParentsTable()}
#' @param parentsTables A list of tables of the form returned by
#'   \code{enumerateParentsTable()}
#' @param allRows The vector 1:nrow(parentsTables). (Supplied as an
#'   argument for possible speed gain)
#' @param rowsThatContain A list of the form created by
#'   \code{getRowsThatContain()}
#' @return Returns the sampled network. A \code{currentNetwork} object.
#' @export
dagGivenOrder <- function(order,
  out <- empty(numberOfNodes, "bn")
  scoreGivenOrder <- vector("numeric", numberOfNodes)
  for (i in seq_along(order)){
    predecessors <- order[seq_len(i)]
    node <- order[i]
    rows <- whichParentSetRows(node            = node,
                               nonDescendants  = predecessors,
                               numberOfNodes   = numberOfNodes,
                               allRows         = allRows,
                               rowsThatContain = rowsThatContain)
    scores <- scoresParents[[node]][rows]
    scoresNormalised <- exp(scores - logsumexp(scores))

    # sample a new parent set, according to the condtional probability
    samp <- sample.int(length(scores),
                       size = 1,
                       prob = scoresNormalised)
    scoreGivenOrder[i] <- scoresNormalised[samp]
    new <- parentsTables[[node]][rows[samp], ]
    out[[node]] <- new[!is.na(new)]
  attr(out, "scoreGivenOrder") <- prod(scoreGivenOrder)

#' Get modal graph given an order.
#' @param order A vector length \code{numberOfNodes}, giving a permuation
#'   of \code{1:numberOfNodes}.
#' @param numberOfNodes The number of nodes in the network. A numeric vector
#'   of length 1.
#' @param nodesSeq The vector 1:nNodes(currentNetwork). (Supplied as an
#'   argument for possible speed gain)
#' @param scoresParents A list of the form returned by
#'   \code{scoreParentsTable()}
#' @param parentsTables A list of tables of the form returned by
#'   \code{enumerateParentsTable()}
#' @param allRows The vector 1:nrow(parentsTables). (Supplied as an
#'   argument for possible speed gain)
#' @param rowsThatContain A list of the form created by
#'   \code{getRowsThatContain()}
#' @return Returns the modal network. A \code{currentNetwork} object.
#' @export
topScoringGraph <- function(order,
  out <- empty(numberOfNodes, "bn")
  scoreGivenOrder <- vector("numeric", numberOfNodes)
  for (i in seq_along(order)){
    predecessors <- order[seq_len(i)]
    node <- order[i]
    rows <- whichParentSetRows(node            = node,
                               nonDescendants  = predecessors,
                               numberOfNodes   = numberOfNodes,
                               allRows         = allRows,
                               rowsThatContain = rowsThatContain)
    scores <- scoresParents[[node]][rows]
    scoresNormalised <- exp(scores - logsumexp(scores))

    # sample a new parent set, according to the condtional probability
    samp <- which(scoresNormalised == max(scoresNormalised))[1]
    scoreGivenOrder[i] <- scoresNormalised[samp]
    new <- parentsTables[[node]][rows[samp], ]
    out[[node]] <- new[!is.na(new)]
  attr(out, "scoreGivenOrder") <- prod(scoreGivenOrder)

#' Probability of a graph given an order.
#' @param x A BN
#' @param order A vector length \code{numberOfNodes}, giving a permuation
#'   of \code{1:numberOfNodes}.
#' @param numberOfNodes The number of nodes in the network. A numeric vector
#'   of length 1.
#' @param nodesSeq The vector 1:nNodes(currentNetwork). (Supplied as an
#'   argument for possible speed gain)
#' @param scoresParents A list of the form returned by
#'   \code{scoreParentsTable()}
#' @param parentsTables A list of tables of the form returned by
#'   \code{enumerateParentsTable()}
#' @param allRows The vector 1:nrow(parentsTables). (Supplied as an
#'   argument for possible speed gain)
#' @param rowsThatContain A list of the form created by
#'   \code{getRowsThatContain()}
#' @return The probabilty of that graph given the order.
#' @export
graphProbGivenOrder <- function(x,
  scoreGivenOrder <- vector("numeric", numberOfNodes)
  for (i in seq_along(order)){
    predecessors <- order[seq_len(i)]
    node <- order[i]
    rows <- whichParentSetRows(node            = node,
                               nonDescendants  = predecessors,
                               numberOfNodes   = numberOfNodes,
                               allRows         = allRows,
                               rowsThatContain = rowsThatContain)
    scores <- scoresParents[[node]][rows]
    scoresNormalised <- exp(scores - logsumexp(scores))

    tabList <- list()
    tab <- parentsTables[[node]][, ]
    for (j in 1:nrow(tab)){
      new <- tab[j, ]
      tabList <- c(tabList, list(new[!is.na(new)]))

    which3 <- function (el, set){
        which(sapply(set, function(x) {
            identical(el, x)

    this <- which3(x[[node]], tabList)
    this2 <- which(rows == this)
    scoreGivenOrder[i] <- scoresNormalised[this2]

orderPriorUniform <- function(x){

orderPriorUniformStructures <- function(x){

#' Is a BN consistent with an order?
#' Tests whether a graph is consistent with a node ordering.
#' @param x A \code{bn}.
#' @param order A vector length \code{numberOfNodes}, giving a permuation
#'   of \code{1:numberOfNodes}.
#' @return A logical indicating whether the BN is consistent with the
#'   supplied ordering.
#' @export
isConsistentWithOrder <- function(x, order){
  stopifnot(inherits(x, "bn"))
  is.ok <- T
  for (node in seq_along(order)){
    predecessors <- order[seq_len(which(order == node))]
    if (any(!x[[node]] %in% predecessors)){
      is.ok <- F

#' Number of BNs consistent with an order.
#' Computes the number of BNs from a list of BNs that are consistent with an
#' order
#' @param fam A \code{parental.list}
#' @param order A vector length \code{numberOfNodes}, giving a permuation
#'   of \code{1:numberOfNodes}.
#' @return A numeric. The number of BNs consistent with the order
#' @export
numberDAGsGivenOrder <- function(fam, order){
  length(fam[sapply(fam, isConsistentWithOrder, order = order)])

numberOrdersGivenDAG <- function(x){
  numberOfNodes <- length(x)
  nodesSeq <- seq_along(x)
  p <- permutations(3, 3, nodesSeq)

  ok <- vector("logical", nrow(p))
  for (i in 1:nrow(p)){
    order <- p[i, ]
    ok[i] <- isConsistentWithOrder(x, order)

ellisWong <- function(orders, sampler, epsilon = 0.05){
  numberOfNodes <- get("numberOfNodes", env = environment(sampler))
  nodesSeq <- get("nodesSeq", env = environment(sampler))
  scoresParents <- get("scoresParents", env = environment(sampler))
  parentsTables <- get("parentsTables", env = environment(sampler))
  allRows <- get("allRows", env = environment(sampler))
  rowsThatContain <- get("rowsThatContain", env = environment(sampler))

  samples <- list()

  for (order in orders){
    cat(order, "\n")
    thisSamples <- parental.list()
    thisScores <- c()
    uniqueScores <- c()
    uniqueSamples <- parental.list()
    enough <- F
    i <- 1

    while (!enough){
      p1 <- topScoringGraph(order,
      new <- dagGivenOrder(order,
      thisSamples <- c(thisSamples, parental.list(new))
      class(thisSamples) <- "parental.list"
      thisScores <- c(thisScores, attr(new, "scoreGivenOrder"))
      if (!is.element2(new, uniqueSamples)){
        uniqueSamples <- c(uniqueSamples, parental.list(new))
        uniqueScores <- c(uniqueScores, attr(new, "scoreGivenOrder"))
      i <- i + 1
      if (i > 10){
        enough <- sampledEnough(uniqueScores = uniqueScores,
                                n            = length(scores),
                                epsilon      = epsilon,
                                p1           = p1)
      if (i > 100){
        cat("Not finishing")
        enough <- T

      if (enough){
        cat("Finishing after:", n)
    samples <- c(samples, thisSamples)

sampledEnough <- function(uniqueScores, n, epsilon, p1){
  # what happens if two graphs have the same probability given a graph
  # then

  sorted <- sort(uniqueScores, decreasing = T)
  uniqueScoresSeq <- seq_len(length(uniqueScores) - 1)
  ratios <- sorted[uniqueScoresSeq + 1]/sorted[uniqueScoresSeq]
  alpha <- max(ratios, na.rm = T)

  if (alpha < 1 && alpha > 0){
    k <- log(epsilon * (1 - alpha) / attr(p1, "scoreGivenOrder"))/log(alpha)
    k <- ceiling(k)

    numerator <- log(epsilon) - log(k)
    # cat("k: ", k, "\n")

    if (length(uniqueScores) >= k){
      denominator <- log(1 - sorted[k])
      # cat("numerator/denominator: ", numerator/denominator, "\n")
      # cat("n: ", n, "\n")
      if (n >= numerator/denominator){
      } else {
    } else {
  } else {
rjbgoudie/structmcmc documentation built on Nov. 3, 2020, 3:41 a.m.