
Defines functions as.which.bit.fast getRowsNeeded getRowsNotNeeded setdiff5 setdiff4 whichParentSetRows getRowsThatContain scoreParentsTableNode scoreParentsTable enumerateParentsTableNode enumerateParentsTable

Documented in enumerateParentsTable enumerateParentsTableNode getRowsThatContain scoreParentsTable scoreParentsTableNode whichParentSetRows

# Part of the "structmcmc" package, https://github.com/rjbgoudie/structmcmc
# This software is distributed under the GPL-3 license.  It is free,
# open source, and has the attribution requirements (GPL Section 7) in
#   https://github.com/rjbgoudie/structmcmc
# Note that it is required that attributions are retained with each function.
# Copyright 2008 Robert J. B. Goudie, University of Warwick

#' Table of all possible parents of a node.
#' Creates a list of tables with rows corresponding to the possible parent
#' sets of each node.
#' @param numberOfNodes Number of nodes
#' @param maxNumberParents The maximum indegree of the node.
#' @param required A list of numeric vectors. Each component is a numeric
#'   vector containing the nodes that must be included in every parent set
#'   for this node.
#' @param banned A list of numeric vectors. Each component is a numeric
#'   vector containing the nodes that must be excluded from every parent
#'   set for this node.
#' @param verbose A logical of length 1, indicating whether verbose output
#'   should be printed.
#' @return A list of matrices of the form returned by
#'   \code{enumerateParentsTableNode}.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{enumerateParentsTableNode}},
#'   \code{\link{scoreParentsTable}}, \code{\link{whichParentSetRows}},
#'   \code{\link{getRowsThatContain}}
enumerateParentsTable <- function(numberOfNodes,
                                  verbose = F){
  nodesSeq <- seq_len(numberOfNodes)

  if (isTRUE(verbose)){
    progress <- txtProgressBar(max = numberOfNodes, style = 3)
    setTxtProgressBar(progress, 0)

  parentsTables <- vector("list", numberOfNodes)
  for (node in nodesSeq){
    parentsTables[[node]] <- enumerateParentsTableNode(
                               node             = node,
                               numberOfNodes    = numberOfNodes,
                               maxNumberParents = maxNumberParents,
                               required         = required[[node]],
                               banned           = banned[[node]])
    if (isTRUE(verbose)){
      setTxtProgressBar(progress, node)
  if (isTRUE(verbose)){

#' Table of all possible parents of a node.
#' Creates a matrix, with each row being a parent set.
#' The is is created subject to the supplied indegree restriction, and the
#' the supplied \code{required} and \code{banned} restrictions.
#' @param node A node
#' @param numberOfNodes Number of nodes
#' @param maxNumberParents The maximum indegree of the node.
#' @param required A numeric vector. The nodes that must be included in
#'   every parent set for this node.
#' @param banned A numeric vector. The nodes that must be excluded from
#'   every parent set for this node.
#' @return A matrix with \code{maxNumberParents} columns.
#'   Each row is a possible parent set for node \code{node}, accounting for
#'   the restrictions given by \code{required} and \code{banned}.
#'   Entries that are \code{NA} indicate no parent. e.g. there is only one
#'   parent, the other entries will be \code{NA}.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{enumerateParentsTable}}
enumerateParentsTableNode <- function(node,
  nodesSeq <- seq_len(numberOfNodes)
  nonDescendants <- setdiff3(nodesSeq, node)
  nonDescendants <- setdiff3(nonDescendants, banned)

  padWithNAs <- function(x){
    lenx <- length(x)
    if (lenx < maxNumberParents){
      c(x, rep(NA, maxNumberParents - lenx))
    } else {

  parents <- enumerateParents(nonDescendants,
                              maxNumberParents = maxNumberParents,
                              required        = required)
  parents <- lapply(parents, padWithNAs)

  out <- matrix(unlist(parents), ncol = maxNumberParents, byrow = T)
  storage.mode(out) <- "integer"

#' Score a node-level parentsTable.
#' Computes the scores of all the Bayesian Networks, with parent sets
#' corresponding to each row of a single component of a \code{parentsTable}.
#' @param parentsTables A component of a \code{parentsTables}, of the form
#'   created by \code{enumerateParentsTable()}.
#' @param logScoreLocalFUN A function that computes the local logScore
#'   of a Bayesian Network.
#' @param logScoreParameters A list of parameters that are passed to
#'   \code{logScoreFUN}.
#' @param loalPriors A list of functions of the same length as the number of
#'   nodes that returns the local prior score of the corresponding node, given a
#'   numeric vector of parents.
#' @param verbose A logical of length 1, indicating whether verbose output
#'   should be printed.
#' @return List of numeric vectors of scores.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{scoreParentsTableNode}},
#'   \code{\link{enumerateParentsTable}}, \code{\link{whichParentSetRows}},
#'   \code{\link{getRowsThatContain}}
scoreParentsTable <- function(parentsTables,
                              verbose = F){
  numberOfNodes <- length(parentsTables)
  numberOfRows <- sapply(parentsTables, nrow)
  totalNumberRows <- sum(numberOfRows)
  nodesSeq <- seq_len(numberOfNodes)
  if (isTRUE(verbose)){
    progress <- txtProgressBar(max = totalNumberRows, style = 3)
    setTxtProgressBar(progress, 0)

  scoresList <- vector("list", numberOfNodes)
  for (node in nodesSeq){
    localPrior <- prior[[node]]
    scoresList[[node]] <- scoreParentsTableNode(
                          node               = node,
                          parentsTable       = parentsTables[[node]],
                          logScoreLocalFUN   = logScoreLocalFUN,
                          logScoreParameters = logScoreParameters,
                          localPrior         = localPrior)
    if (isTRUE(verbose)){
      new <- getTxtProgressBar(progress) + numberOfRows[[node]]
      setTxtProgressBar(progress, new)
  if (isTRUE(verbose)){

#' Score a node-level parentsTable.
#' Computes the local scores of all the Bayesian Networks, with node
#' \code{node} set to parent sets corresponding to each row of a single
#' component of a \code{parentsTable}.
#' @param node A node. A numeric vector of length 1.
#' @param parentsTable A component of a \code{parentsTable}, of the form
#'   created by \code{enumerateParentsTable()}.
#' @param logScoreLocalFUN A function that computes the local logScore
#'   of a Bayesian Network.
#' @param logScoreParameters A list of parameters that are passed to
#'   \code{logScoreFUN}.
#' @param localPrior  function that returns the prior score of the
#'   supplied parents.
#' @return A numeric vector of scores.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{scoreParentsTable}}
scoreParentsTableNode <- function(node,
  i <- 0
  nr <- nrow(parentsTable)
  scores <- vector("numeric", length = nr)
  while (i <= nr){
    parents <- parentsTable[i, ]
    parents <- parents[!is.na(parents)]
    scores[i] <- logScoreLocalFUN(node               = node,
                                  parents            = parents,
                                  logScoreParameters = logScoreParameters,
                                  cache              = new.env(),
                                  checkInput         = F)
    scores[i] <- log(localPrior(parents)) + scores[i]
    i <- i + 1

#' Create lookup table for parentsTable.
#' Creates a list that allows quick lookup of a parentsTable. This is
#' needed for \code{whichParentSetRows}.
#' @param numberOfNodes The number of nodes. A numeric vector.
#' @param parentsTables A list of tables of the form returned by
#'   \code{enumerateParentsTable()}
#' @param maxNumberParents The maximum indegree for each node. A numeric
#'   vector of length 1.
#' @return A list of length \code{numberOfNodes}. Each component of this
#'   list is a list of length \code{numberOfNodes}, the i^{th} component of
#'   which is a numeric vector containing the indicies of
#'   \code{parentsTables[[node]]} that correspond to parent sets including
#'   \code{i}.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{enumerateParentsTable}},
#'   \code{\link{scoreParentsTable}}
getRowsThatContain <- function(numberOfNodes,
  nodesSeq <- seq_len(numberOfNodes)
  lapply(nodesSeq, function(node){
    lapply(nodesSeq, function(parent){
      size <- nrow(parentsTables[[node]])
      ind <- match(as.vector(parentsTables[[node]]), parent, 0, NULL)
      tab <- matrix2(ind, nrow = size, ncol = maxNumberParents)
      tab <- rowSums2(tab)

#' Find relevants rows of a parentsTable.
#' Finds the rows of a parentsTable that correspond to parent sets that
#' could be added as parents of node \code{node}, given some set of
#' nodes \code{nonDescendants} that can be added as parents without
#' creating a cycle in the graph.
#' Note that nodes that are banned do not need to be accounted
#' for in the \code{nonDescendants} argument, since these should be
#' accounted for when the parentsTable is created. Required nodes must be
#' included in \code{nonDescendants}.
#' @param node The node. A numeric vector of length 1.
#' @param nonDescendants The nodes that can be added as descendants of
#'   \code{node}. A numeric vector.
#' @param needOneOf Nodes the MUST be included as parents of the node. This
#'   is NOT the same as the required/banned list; this is to allow the
#'   space to be partitioned.
#' @param numberOfNodes The number of nodes in the network. A numeric vector
#'   of length 1.
#' @param allRows The vector 1:nrow(parentsTables). (Supplied as an
#'   argument for possible speed gain)
#' @param rowsThatContain A list of the form created by
#'   \code{getRowsThatContain()}
#' @return A numeric vector.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{enumerateParentsTable}},
#'   \code{\link{scoreParentsTable}}
whichParentSetRows <- function(node,
                               needOneOf = NULL,
  rowsNotAllowed <- getRowsNotNeeded(node = node,
                                     nonDescendants = nonDescendants,
                                     numberOfNodes = numberOfNodes,
                                     rowsThatContain = rowsThatContain,
                                     blankBit = blankBit)
  rowsNeeded <- getRowsNeeded(node = node,
                              needOneOf = needOneOf,
                              allRows = allRows,
                              rowsThatContain = rowsThatContain,
                              blankBit = blankBit)

  # setdiff4(rowsNeeded, rowsNotAllowed)
        PACKAGE = "structmcmc")

setdiff4 <- function(x, y){
  if (length(y) == 0L){
  } else {
    !y & x

setdiff5 <- function(x, y, ret){
  if (length(y) == 0L){
  } else {


getRowsNotNeeded <- function(node,
  nodesSeq <- seq_len(numberOfNodes)
  nodesNotAllowed <- setdiff3(nodesSeq, c(nonDescendants, node))
  if (length(nodesNotAllowed) > 0){
    rowsNotAllowed <- rowsThatContain[[node]][nodesNotAllowed]
    # Reduce("|", rowsNotAllowed)
          PACKAGE = "structmcmc")
  } else {

getRowsNeeded <- function(node, needOneOf, allRows, rowsThatContain, blankBit){
  rowsNeeded <- allRows[[node]]
  if (!is.null(needOneOf) && length(needOneOf) > 0){
    if (is.list(needOneOf) && length(needOneOf) == 1){
      needOneOf <- needOneOf[[1]]
    if (is.list(needOneOf)){
      rowsNeeded <- lapply(needOneOf, function(needed){
        if (length(needed) > 0){
          # rowsNeeded <- Reduce("|", rowsThatContain[[node]][needed])
                        PACKAGE = "structmcmc")
        } else {
      # rowsNeeded <- Reduce("&", rowsNeeded)
      rowsNeeded <- .Call("R_bit_and_list",
            PACKAGE = "structmcmc")
    } else {
      if (length(needOneOf) > 0){
        rowsNeeded <- rowsThatContain[[node]][needOneOf]
        # rowsNeeded <- Reduce("|", rowsNeeded)
        rowsNeeded <- .Call("R_bit_or_list",
              PACKAGE = "structmcmc")
      } else {
        rowsNeeded <- rowsThatContain[[node]][[node]]

as.which.bit.fast <- function(x, len){
  s <- .Call("R_bit_sum", x, range = c(1L, len), PACKAGE = "bit")
  n <- len
  if (s == 0L) {
    x <- integer()
  } else if (s == n) {
      as.integer(seq.int(from = 1L, to = len, by = 1))
  } else {
    .Call("R_bit_which", x, s, range = c(1L, len), negative = FALSE, PACKAGE = "bit")
rjbgoudie/structmcmc documentation built on Nov. 3, 2020, 3:41 a.m.