
Defines functions vismodel

Documented in vismodel

#' Visual models
#' Calculates quantum catches at each photoreceptor. Both raw and relative values
#' can be returned, for use in a suite of colourspace and non-colourspace models.
#' @inheritParams aggplot
#' @param qcatch Which quantal catch metric to return. Options are:
#' - `'Qi'`: Quantum catch for each photoreceptor (default)
#' - `'fi'`: Quantum catch according to Fechner's law (the signal of the receptor
#'  channel is proportional to the logarithm of the quantum catch)
#' - `'Ei'`: Hyperbolic-transformed quantum catch, where Ei = Qi / (Qi + 1).
#' @param visual the visual system to be used. Options are:
#' - a data frame such as one produced containing by [sensmodel()], containing
#'    user-defined sensitivity data for the receptors involved in colour vision.
#'    The data frame must contain a `'wl'` column with the range of wavelengths included,
#'    and the sensitivity for each other cone as a column.
#' - `'apis'`: Honeybee *Apis mellifera*.
#' - `'avg.uv'`: average avian UV system (default).
#' - `'avg.v'`: average avian V system.
#' - `'bluetit'`: Blue tit *Cyanistes caeruleus*.
#' - `'canis'`: Canid *Canis familiaris*.
#' - `'cie2'`: 2-degree colour matching functions for CIE models of human
#'  colour vision. Functions are linear transformations of the 2-degree cone fundamentals
#'  of Stockman & Sharpe (2000), as ratified by the CIE (2006).
#' - `'cie10'`: 10-degree colour matching functions for CIE models of human
#'  colour vision. Functions are linear transformations of the 10-degree cone fundamentals
#'  of Stockman & Sharpe (2000), as ratified by the CIE (2006).
#' - `'ctenophorus'`: Ornate dragon lizard *Ctenophorus ornatus*.
#' - `'musca'`: Housefly *Musca domestica*.
#' - `'drosophila'`: Vinegar fly *Drosophila melanogaster* (Sharkey et al. 2020).
#' - `'pfowl'`: Peafowl *Pavo cristatus*.
#' - `'segment'`: Generic tetrachromat 'viewer' for use in the segment analysis of Endler (1990).
#' - `'star'`: Starling *Sturnus vulgaris*.
#' - `'habronattus'`: Jumping spider *Habronattus pyrrithrix*.
#' - `'rhinecanthus'`: Triggerfish *Rhinecanthus aculeatus*.
#' @param achromatic the sensitivity data to be used to calculate luminance (achromatic)
#'  receptor stimulation. Either a vector containing the sensitivity for a single receptor,
#'  or one of the options:
#' - `'none'`: no achromatic stimulation calculated (default).
#' - `'bt.dc'`: Blue tit *Cyanistes caeruleus* double cone.
#' - `'ch.dc'`: Chicken *Gallus gallus* double cone.
#' - `'st.dc'`: Starling *Sturnus vulgaris* double cone.
#' - `'md.r1'`: Housefly *Musca domestica* R1-6 photoreceptor.
#' - `'dm.r1'`: Vinegar fly *Drosophila melanogaster* R1-6 photoreceptor.
#' - `'ra.dc'`: Triggerfish *Rhinecanthus aculeatus* double cone.
#' - `'cf.r'`: Canid *Canis familiaris* cone.
#' - `'ml'`: the summed response of the two longest-wavelength photoreceptors.
#' - `'l'`: the longest-wavelength photoreceptor.
#' - `'all'`: the summed response of all photoreceptors.
#' @param illum either a vector containing the illuminant, or one of the options:
#' - `'ideal'`: homogeneous illuminance of 1 across wavelengths (default)
#' - `'bluesky'` open blue sky.
#' - `'D65'`: standard daylight.
#' - `'forestshade'` forest shade.
#' @param bkg background spectrum. Note that this will have no effect when `vonkries = FALSE`.
#' Either a vector containing the spectral data, or one of the options:
#' - `'ideal'`: homogeneous illuminance of 1 across all wavelengths (default).
#' - `'green'`: green foliage.
#' @param trans either a vector containing the ocular or environmental transmission
#' spectra, or one of the options:
#' - `'ideal'`: homogeneous transmission of 1 across all wavelengths (default)
#' - `'bluetit'`: blue tit *Cyanistes caeruleus*
#' ocular transmission (from Hart et al. 2000).
#' - `'blackbird'`: blackbird *Turdus merula*
#' ocular transmission (from Hart et al. 2000).
#' @param relative should relative quantum catches be returned (i.e. is it a colour
#'  space model? Defaults to `TRUE`).
#' @param vonkries logical. Should the von Kries colour correction transformation be applied?
#'  (defaults to `FALSE`).
#' @param scale a value by which the illuminant will be multiplied. Useful for when the
#'  illuminant is a relative value (i.e. transformed to a maximum of 1 or to a percentage),
#'  and does not correspond to quantum flux units
#'  (\ifelse{html}{\out{&mu;mol.s<sup>-1</sup>.m<sup>-2</sup>}}{\eqn{\mu mol.s^{-1}.m^{-2}}}).
#'  Useful values are, for example, 500 (for dim light) and 10000 (for bright
#'  illumination). Note that if `vonkries = TRUE` this transformation has no effect.
#' @return An object of class `vismodel` containing the photon catches for each of the
#'  photoreceptors considered. Information on the parameters used in the calculation are also
#'  stored and can be called using the [summary.vismodel()] function.
#' @note
#' Built-in `visual`, `achromatic`, `illum`, `bkg` and `trans` are only defined
#' on the 300 to 700nm wavelength range. If you wish to work outside this range,
#' you will need to provide your own data.
#' @importFrom stats quantile
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Dichromat (dingo)
#' data(flowers)
#' vis.dingo <- vismodel(flowers, visual = "canis")
#' di.dingo <- colspace(vis.dingo, space = "di")
#' # Trichromat (honeybee)
#' data(flowers)
#' vis.bee <- vismodel(flowers, visual = "apis")
#' tri.bee <- colspace(vis.bee, space = "tri")
#' # Tetrachromat (blue tit)
#' data(sicalis)
#' vis.bluetit <- vismodel(sicalis, visual = "bluetit")
#' tcs.bluetit <- colspace(vis.bluetit, space = "tcs")
#' # Tetrachromat (starling), receptor-noise model
#' data(sicalis)
#' vis.star <- vismodel(sicalis, visual = "star", achromatic = "bt.dc", relative = FALSE)
#' dist.star <- coldist(vis.star, achromatic = TRUE)
#' # Estimate quantum catches using a custom trichromatic visual phenotype
#' custom <- sensmodel(c(330, 440, 550))
#' names(custom) <- c("wl", "s", "m", "l")
#' vis.custom <- vismodel(flowers, visual = custom)
#' tri.custom <- colspace(vis.custom, space = "tri")
#' @author Thomas E. White \email{thomas.white026@@gmail.com}
#' @author Rafael Maia \email{rm72@@zips.uakron.edu}
#' @seealso [sensdata()] to retrieve or plot in-built spectral sensitivity data
#' used in [vismodel()]
#' @references Vorobyev, M., Osorio, D., Bennett, A., Marshall, N., & Cuthill, I.
#'  (1998). Tetrachromacy, oil droplets and bird plumage colours. Journal Of Comparative
#'  Physiology A-Neuroethology Sensory Neural And Behavioral Physiology, 183(5), 621-633.
#' @references Hart, N. S., Partridge, J. C., Cuthill, I. C., Bennett, A. T. D. (2000).
#' Visual pigments, oil droplets, ocular media and cone photoreceptor distribution in two
#' species of passerine bird: the blue tit (Parus caeruleus L.) and the blackbird
#' (Turdus merula L.). Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 186, 375-387.
#' @references Hart, N. S. (2001). The visual ecology of avian photoreceptors. Progress
#'  In Retinal And Eye Research, 20(5), 675-703.
#' @references Barbour H. R., Archer, M. A., Hart, N. S., Thomas, N., Dunlop, S. A.,
#'  Beazley, L. D, Shand, J. (2002). Retinal characteristics of the Ornate Dragon
#'  Lizard, Ctenophorus ornatus.
#' @references Stoddard, M. C., & Prum, R. O. (2008). Evolution of avian plumage
#'  color in a tetrahedral color space: A phylogenetic analysis of new world buntings.
#'  The American Naturalist, 171(6), 755-776.
#' @references Endler, J. A., & Mielke, P. (2005). Comparing entire colour patterns
#'  as birds see them. Biological Journal Of The Linnean Society, 86(4), 405-431.
#' @references Chittka L. (1992). The colour hexagon: a chromaticity diagram
#'    based on photoreceptor excitations as a generalized representation of
#'    colour opponency. Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 170(5), 533-543.
#' @references Stockman, A., & Sharpe, L. T. (2000). Spectral sensitivities of
#'  the middle- and long-wavelength sensitive cones derived from measurements in
#'  observers of known genotype. Vision Research, 40, 1711-1737.
#' @references CIE (2006). Fundamental chromaticity diagram with physiological axes.
#'  Parts 1 and 2. Technical Report 170-1. Vienna: Central Bureau of the Commission
#'  Internationale de l' Eclairage.
#' @references Neitz, J., Geist, T., Jacobs, G.H. (1989) Color vision in the dog.
#' Visual Neuroscience, 3, 119-125.
#' @references Sharkey, C. R., Blanco, J., Leibowitz, M. M., Pinto-Benito, D.,
#' & Wardill, T. J. (2020). The spectral sensitivity of Drosophila photoreceptors.
#' Scientific reports, 10(1), 1-13.

vismodel <- function(rspecdata,
                     visual = c(
                       "avg.uv", "avg.v", "bluetit", "ctenophorus", "star",
                       "pfowl", "apis", "canis", "cie2", "cie10", "musca",
                       "drosophila", "segment", "habronattus", "rhinecanthus"
                     achromatic = c(
                       "none", "bt.dc", "ch.dc", "st.dc", "md.r1",
                       "dm.r1", "ra.dc", "cf.r", "ml", "l", "all"
                     illum = c("ideal", "bluesky", "D65", "forestshade"),
                     trans = c("ideal", "bluetit", "blackbird"),
                     qcatch = c("Qi", "fi", "Ei"),
                     bkg = c("ideal", "green"),
                     vonkries = FALSE, scale = 1, relative = TRUE) {
  # remove & save colum with wavelengths
  wl <- isolate_wl(rspecdata, keep = "wl")
  y <- isolate_wl(rspecdata, keep = "spec")

  # Negative value check
  if (any(y < 0)) {
      "The spectral data contain ", length(y[y < 0]),
      " negative value(s), which may produce unexpected results. ",
      "Consider using procspec() to correct them.",
      call. = FALSE

  visual2 <- tryCatch(
    error = function(e) "user-defined"
  sens <- vissyst
  achromatic2 <- tryCatch(
    error = function(e) ifelse(is.logical(achromatic) && !achromatic, "none", "user-defined")
  illum2 <- tryCatch(
    error = function(e) "user-defined"
  bg2 <- tryCatch(
    error = function(e) "user-defined"
  if (is.null(bkg) && vonkries) {
      "Chosen background is NULL. ",
      "This argument is required with `vonkries = TRUE`.",
      call. = FALSE
  tr2 <- tryCatch(
    error = function(e) "user-defined"
  if (is.null(trans)) {
      "Chosen transmission is NULL. ",
      "If you want to model a completely transparent medium or if this is ",
      "already included in your `visual` argument, use `trans = 'ideal'`.",
      call. = FALSE

  qcatch <- match.arg(qcatch)

  # Model-specific defaults
  if (startsWith(visual2, "cie") && (!vonkries || relative || !identical(achromatic2, "none") || !identical(qcatch, "Qi"))) {
    vonkries <- TRUE
    relative <- FALSE
    achromatic2 <- "none"
    qcatch <- "Qi"
    warning("cie system chosen, overriding incompatible parameters.", call. = FALSE)

  if (visual2 == "segment" && (vonkries || !relative || !identical(achromatic2, "all") || !identical(qcatch, "Qi") ||
      !identical(bg2, "ideal") || !identical(tr2, "ideal") || !identical(illum2, "ideal"))) {
    vonkries <- FALSE
    relative <- TRUE
    achromatic2 <- "all"
    qcatch <- "Qi"
    bg2 <- "ideal"
    tr2 <- "ideal"
    illum2 <- "ideal"
    warning("segment analysis chosen, overriding incompatible parameters.", call. = FALSE)

  # Grab the visual system
  if (visual2 == "segment") { # make a weird custom 'visual system' for segment analysis
    S <- data.frame(matrix(0, nrow = length(wl), ncol = 4))
    names(S) <- c("S1", "S2", "S3", "S4")
    segmts <- trunc(as.numeric(quantile(min(wl):max(wl))))

    S[wl %in% segmts[1]:segmts[2], 1] <- 1
    S[wl %in% segmts[2]:segmts[3], 2] <- 1
    S[wl %in% segmts[3]:segmts[4], 3] <- 1
    S[wl %in% segmts[4]:segmts[5], 4] <- 1

    sens_wl <- wl
  } else if (visual2 == "user-defined") {
    S <- isolate_wl(visual, keep = "spec")
    sens_wl <- isolate_wl(visual, keep = "wl")
    fullS <- visual
  } else {
    visual <- match.arg(visual)
    S <- sens[, grep(visual, names(sens))]
    names(S) <- gsub(paste0(visual, "."), "", names(S))
    sens_wl <- isolate_wl(sens, keep = "wl")

  # Save cone numer
  conenumb <- ifelse(identical(visual2, "segment"), "seg", dim(S)[2])

  # Check if wavelength range matches
  if (!isTRUE(all.equal(wl, sens_wl, check.attributes = FALSE)) &&
    visual2 == "user-defined") {
      "wavelength range in spectra and visual system data do not match - ",
      "spectral data must range between 300 and 700 nm in 1-nm intervals.",
      "Consider interpolating using as.rspec().",
      call. = FALSE

  if (!isTRUE(all.equal(wl, sens_wl, check.attributes = FALSE))) {
    stop("wavelength range in spectra and visual system data do not match", call. = FALSE)


  bgil <- bgandilum

  if (illum2 != "user-defined") {
    illum <- bgil[, grep(illum2, names(bgil))]
  if (illum2 == "ideal") {
    illum <- rep(1, dim(rspecdata)[1])

  if (bg2 != "user-defined") {
    bkg <- bgil[, grep(bg2, names(bgil))]
  if (bg2 == "ideal") {
    bkg <- rep(1, dim(rspecdata)[1])

  # Defining ocular  transmission
  trdat <- transmissiondata

  if (tr2 != "user-defined") {
    trans <- trdat[, grep(tr2, names(trdat))]
  if (tr2 == "ideal") {
    trans <- rep(1, dim(rspecdata)[1])

  if (tr2 != "ideal" && visual2 == "user-defined" && inherits(fullS, "sensmod") && attr(fullS, "om")) {
      "The visual system being used appears to already incorporate ocular ",
      'transmission. Using anything other than trans = "ideal", means ',
      "ocular media effects are being applied a second time.",
      call. = FALSE

  prepare_userdefined <- function(df) {
    dfname <- deparse(substitute(df))

    if (is.rspec(df)) {
      dfwhichused <- names(df)[2]
      df <- df[, 2]
      warning(dfname, " is an rspec object; first spectrum (",
        dQuote(dfwhichused), ") has been used (remaining columns ignored)",
        call. = FALSE
    } else if (is.data.frame(df) || is.matrix(df)) {
      dfwhichused <- names(df)[1]
      df <- df[, 1]
      warning(dfname, " is a matrix or data frame; first column (",
        dQuote(dfwhichused), ") has been used (remaining columns ignored)",
        call. = FALSE

  trans <- prepare_userdefined(trans)
  bkg <- prepare_userdefined(bkg)
  illum <- prepare_userdefined(illum)
  achromatic <- prepare_userdefined(achromatic)

  # Transform from percentages to proportions (Vorobyev 2003)
  if (max(y) > 1) {
    y <- y / 100

  # Scale background from percentage to proportion
  if (max(bkg) > 1) {
    bkg <- bkg / 100

  # Scale transmission from percentage to proportion
  if (max(trans) > 1) {
    trans <- trans / 100

  # Scale illuminant
  illum <- illum * scale

  # Filter specs by transmission
  y <- y * trans

  # Model-specific modifiers, if need be
  B <- K <- 1
  if (startsWith(visual2, "cie")) {
    K <- 100 / colSums(S[2] * illum)
  if (visual2 == "segment") {
    B <- colSums(y)

  # Calculate Qi
  Qi <- data.frame(
    crossprod(as.matrix(y), as.matrix(S * illum)) * B * K
  maxQi <- as.matrix(S * illum) * K

  names(Qi) <- names(S)

  # Achromatic contrast

  # Calculate lum
  if (achromatic2 %in% c("bt.dc", "ch.dc", "st.dc", "md.r1", "dm.r1", "cf.r", "ra.dc", "ml", "l", "all", "user-defined")) {
    L <- switch(achromatic2,
      bt.dc = ,
      ch.dc = ,
      st.dc = ,
      md.r1 = ,
      dm.r1 = ,
      cf.r = ,
      ra.dc = sens[, grep(achromatic2, names(sens))],
      ml = rowSums(S[, c(dim(S)[2] - 1, dim(S)[2])]),
      l = S[, dim(S)[2]],
      all = rowSums(S),
      `user-defined` = achromatic
    lum <- colSums(y * L * illum)
    Qi <- data.frame(cbind(Qi, lum))
  } else if (achromatic2 == "segment") {
    Qi <- data.frame(cbind(Qi, B))
  } else if (achromatic2 == "none") {
    L <- NULL
    lum <- NULL

  # von Kries correction (constant adapting background)
  vk <- "(von Kries colour correction not applied)"

  # Quantum catch normalized to the background (qi = k*Qi)
  if (vonkries) {
    if (!is.null(lum)) {
      S <- data.frame(cbind(S, L))
      uncqi <- Qi[, "lum"]
    k <- 1 / (colSums(S * bkg * illum) * K)
    Qi <- data.frame(t(t(Qi) * k))
    vk <- "(von Kries colour correction applied)"
    if (!is.null(lum)) {
      Qi[, "lum"] <- uncqi

  # Output
  res <- switch(qcatch,
    Qi = Qi,
    fi = log(Qi),
    Ei = Qi / (Qi + 1)

  # TODO: implement max gamut for other types of quantum catches
  maxqcatches <- switch(qcatch,
    Qi = maxQi,
    fi = matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(Qi), ncol = ncol(Qi)),
    Ei = matrix(NA, nrow = nrow(Qi), ncol = ncol(Qi))

  # Negative qcatch check
  if (any(res < 0)) {
      length(res[res < 0]),
      " negative quantum-catch value(s) returned, which may be unreliable. ",
      "Consider whether the illuminant is properly scaled, and the appropriate",
      " form of quantum catch is being calculated.",
      call. = FALSE

  # Add NA lum column is lum not calculated
  if (achromatic2 == "none") {
    res$lum <- NA

  # Convert to relative
  if (relative) {
    res[, names(res) != "lum"] <- res[, names(res) != "lum"] / rowSums(res[, names(res) != "lum", drop = FALSE])

  class(res) <- c("vismodel", "data.frame")

  # Descriptive attributes
  attr(res, "qcatch") <- qcatch
  attr(res, "visualsystem.chromatic") <- visual2
  attr(res, "visualsystem.achromatic") <- achromatic2
  attr(res, "illuminant") <- paste0(illum2, ", scale = ", scale, " ", vk)
  attr(res, "background") <- bg2
  attr(res, "transmission") <- tr2
  attr(res, "relative") <- relative
  attr(res, "conenumb") <- conenumb
  attr(res, "vonkries") <- vonkries

  # Data attributes
  attr(res, "data.visualsystem.chromatic") <- S
  attr(res, "data.visualsystem.achromatic") <- L
  attr(res, "data.illuminant") <- illum
  attr(res, "data.background") <- bkg
  attr(res, "data.transmission") <- trans
  attr(res, "data.maxqcatches") <- maxqcatches

rmaia/pavo documentation built on Aug. 3, 2024, 1:49 p.m.