metaRanks: Meta Ranking of Transcriptome Genes

View source: R/metaRank.R

metaRanksR Documentation

Meta Ranking of Transcriptome Genes


Combine several transcriptome or differential expression results to build one meta result


metaRanks(fnames, fids, weightset = rep(1, length(fileset)), 
		geneColumn = "GENE_ID", valueColumn="LOG_2_FOLD",
		pvalueColumn = "PVALUE", productColumn="PRODUCT", sep="\t",
		rank.average.FUN = sqrtmean, value.average.FUN = mean,
		keepIntergenics = FALSE,
		missingGenes = c("drop","fill","na"), missingValue = 0,
		naDropPercent = 0.5, nFDRsimulations=0), weightset = rep(1, length(fileset)), 
		geneColumn = "GENE_ID", valueColumn="LOG_2_FOLD",
		pvalueColumn = "PVALUE", productColumn="PRODUCT", 
		rank.average.FUN = logmean, value.average.FUN = mean,
		missingGenes = c("drop","fill","na"), missingValue = 0,
		naDropPercent = 0.5)

metaRank2html( tbl, fileout = "metaRank.html", title = "", maxRows = 100,
		valueColumn = "LOG2FOLD", ...)



character vector of full path names to existing transcript or DE files


character vector of SampleIDs for each file


list of data frame objects, that are all tables of gene abundance information. This is just an alternative format to the file-based inputs.


numeric vector of weights for each file


column name that contains the GeneIDs


column name that contains the fold change or expression value


column name that contains the fold change or expression value


column name that contains the fold change or expression value


averaging function for combining the rank position of each gene


averaging function for combining the data value terms for each gene


logical, keep the explicit 'non-genes' or drop them from the result


mode for dealing with genes that are not found in every data set. drop drops the entire row/gene from the output. fill keeps the row/gene; and assigns the largest (worst) rank to every missing gene. na flags the gene's rank as NA, and then drops entire rows having genes missing from more than naDropPercent % of the datasets.


value to use for the value term for missing genes


minimum percentage of missing observations, to cause a gene to be dropped completely from the results


number of trials of randomized trials of permuted ranks, to estimate the false positive rate


data frame result from metaRank functions, to be rendered as an HTML file


Full path name for the newly created HTML file.


Character string on length 1, to be used as header and title in the HTML file


Maximum number of rows to include in the HTML file


Other arguments, passed to table2html


This function combines several results files, while 'averaging' the results for each gene from all the separate files. All files are assumed to have the genes in a consistent ranked order, by either expression (transcripts), fold change (differential expression - DE), etc. For each gene, the average rank position and the average observed value are calculated, and that gene's rank position in each input file is reported. Final gene order is by average rank.


A data frame that represents the average of the input files, along with each gene's rank position in every file.

Also, one last column FP_RATE of the simulated false discovery rates, which estimate how likely it was to see an average rank as high as that gene's, by chance.

Lastly, a correlation estimate of the pairwise Spearman rank correlation is measured and saved in the global workspace with the object name of metaRankCC.


The false discovery rate step is not currently provided in the 'data.frame' version.

The final ranking can be sensitive to the choice of rank averaging function. The default of sqrtmean is a compromise between linear and geometric averaging.


Bob Morrison

robertdouglasmorrison/DuffyTools documentation built on April 16, 2024, 6:31 a.m.