Man pages for robertogattabs/RadAgent
Package for handling DICOM RT files

computeFeatures.geoLetcomputeFeatures.geoLet lavora su piu
DR.BentzenFunction that calculates TCP according Bentzen (log Poisson)...
DR.fitFit a Dose/Response function for fitting Vdose and Dvolume to a given 'dvhmatrix'...
DR.generateFunction for generating a series of outcomes related to a...
DR.GoiteinFunction that calculates NTCP according Goitein (Bentzen)...
DR.LymanFunction that calculates NTCP according Lyman/Kutcher/Burman...
DR.MunroFunction that calculates TCP according Munro/Gilbert/Kallman...
DR.NiemierkoFunction that calculates (N)TCP according Niemierko model
DR.OkunieffFunction that calculates TCP according Okunieff model
DR.WarkentinFunction that calculates TCP according Warkentin (Poisson)...
DVH.absoluteConverts relative 'dvhmatrix' class objects to absolute
DVH.baseStatFunction for calculating the mean and median dvh with related... that converts cumulative DVHs into differential ones that converts differential DVHs into cumulative ones
DVH.DvolumeFunction for extracting the D-Volume from cumulative DVH(s)
DVH.eudCalculates Equivalent Uniform Dose for a 'dvhmatrix' object
DVH.extractExtracts a DVH from a vector of dose bins
DVH.generateFunction that creates a 'dvhmatrix' class object
DVH.lq.correctFunction that returns the linear quadratic correction of dose...
dvhmatrix-classdvmmatrix S4 class
DVH.meanmean of DVHs
DVH.mergeMerge two different 'dvhmatrix' class objects into one
DVH.relativeConverts absolute 'dvhmatrix' class objects to relative
DVH.VdoseFunction for extracting the V-Dose from cumulative DVH(s)
FIL.2D.conv.Filtera new kind of filtering
FIL.2D.conv.Filter.geoLeta new kind of filtering able to work on geoLet objects
FIL.2D.conv.Filter.voxelVolumesa new kind of filtering able to work on geoLet objects
FIL.applyFilterApply a filter to a 2d or a 3d array wow
FIL.applyFilterToStudyDEPRECATED!!!!: Apply a filter to mmButo object
FIL.getFilteredVoxelCubeReturn a filtered VoxelCube
geoLetclass for loading and presenting DICOM data
glcmTexturalFeaturesclass for glcmTexturalFeatures
glrlmTexturalFeaturesclass for glrlmTexturalFeatures
glszmTexturalFeaturesclass for glszmTexturalFeatures
GLT.calculateDVHsReturns the DVH calculated from data stored into a geoLet...
GLT.getDoseROIVoxelsReturns the dose voxels internal to a specified ROI
GLT.getImageROIVoxelsReturns the image voxels internal to a specified ROI
GLT.getImageVoxelCubeReturns an IMAGE voxel cube
GLT.getPixelSpacingReturns the pixelSpacing along three axes of a geoLet DICOM...
GLT.getROIListReturns the list of the ROI available in a geoLet object
GLT.getTagReturns the value of a tag of a specified DICOM object
GLT.openDICOMFolderLoad a DICOM serie into a geoLet object
GLT.rotateToAlignRemap the ROI points according to the raster geomery of image
logHandlerclass for handling logs/warnings/errorss
MBT.getAllPixelSpacingRetrieve the pixelSpacing values of the stored series
MBT.getImageVoxelRetrieve the imageVoxelCube of the main images
MBT.getROIVoxelReturns the lists of voxels internal to a given ROIName
MBT.loadCollectionLoad a set of DICOM studies into a mmButo structure
mmButoclass for loading multiple sets of DICOM studies from...
morphologicalFeaturesclass for ddgv
plot-DoseVolumeModel-ANY-methodmethod for plotting the Log-Likelihood values in...
plot-dvhmatrix-ANY-methodmethod for plotting 'dvhmatrix' class objects
RAD.areaVolumefunction to calculate Are/Volume and related measures
RAD.ExtractFeaturesExtract a set of features
RAD.firstOrderFeatureImagefunction to calculate the first order features
RAD.getFeaturesListNamesReturn the list of the available features
radiomicsclass for doing Radiomics
RAD.RadiomicAgentclass for loading and presenting DICOM datajjjj
RAD.scoutV2class for loading and presenting DICOM data
servicesservice class
statisticalFeaturesclass for loahvdv
StructureSurfaceMesh surface
StructureVolumeMesh volume and surface
viewerclass for viewing
robertogattabs/RadAgent documentation built on June 30, 2018, 12:02 a.m.