
Defines functions `%||%` hipchat_use_send_error_suppression hipchat_api_token match_method comma sanitize_room sanitize_user sanitize_topic sanitize_date parse_time as.color

Documented in hipchat_api_token hipchat_use_send_error_suppression match_method

`%||%` <- function(x, y) if (is.null(x)) y else x

#' Option to handle hipchat_send errors as warnings or errors
#' @return logical in the R option \code{getOption('hipchat.use_send_error_suppression')}.
hipchat_use_send_error_suppression <- function() {
  getOption("hipchat.use_send_error_suppression", FALSE)

#' Hipchat API token.
#' @return the Hipchat API token in the environment variable \code{HIPCHAT_API_TOKEN}
#'    or the R option \code{getOption('hipchat.api_token')}.
hipchat_api_token <- function() {
  getOption("hipchat.api_token", Sys.getenv("HIPCHAT_API_TOKEN"))

#' Find appropriate HTTP method for a given Hipchat URL.
#' @param url character. The URL to analyze.
#' @return character vector of applicable methods, from
#'    \code{c("GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE")}.
match_method <- function(url) {
  url <- gsub(fixed = TRUE, paste0(hipchat_api_url, "/"), "", url)
  url <- strsplit(url, "?", fixed = TRUE)[[1]]

  has_method <- function(method) {
    routes <- paste0("^", gsub("*", "[^/]+", http_methods[[method]], fixed = TRUE), "$")
    any(sapply(routes, function(route) grepl(route, url)))

  names(which(vapply(names(http_methods), has_method, logical(1))))

# comma(c("a", "b", "c")) == "a, b, and c"
comma <- function(x, sep = " and ") {
  if (length(x) < 2) x
  else paste(paste(head(x, -1), collapse = ", "), utils::tail(x, 1), sep = sep)

sanitize_room <- function(room_name_or_id, convert_to_id = TRUE, api_token = hipchat_api_token()) {
  if (!is.numeric(room_name_or_id) && !is.character(room_name_or_id))
    stop("Please provide a room name or ID to set a room; got something ",
         "of class ", class(room_name_or_id)[1])
  if (length(room_name_or_id) != 1) stop("Only one room can be processed at a time.")

  if (!isTRUE(convert_to_id)) return(room_name_or_id)
  if (is.character(room_name_or_id)) room_name_or_id <- local({
    out <- hipchat_room_id(room_name_or_id, api_token)
    if (is.na(out)) stop("No Hipchat room ", sQuote(room_name_or_id), " found.")
  }) else room_name_or_id

sanitize_user <- function(user_name_or_id) {
  if (!is.numeric(user_name_or_id) && !is.character(user_name_or_id))
    stop("Please provide a user name or ID to set a room; got something ",
         "of class ", class(user_name_or_id)[1])
  if (length(user_name_or_id) != 1) stop("Only one user can be processed at a time.")

  if (is.character(user_name_or_id) && !grepl(fixed = TRUE, '@', user_name_or_id))
    stop("Hipchat user references must contain an '@' (e.g. @SomeUser or ",


sanitize_topic <- function(topic) {
  if (!(is.character(topic) && length(topic) == 1))
    stop("Please provide a single string for the room topic.")
  if (nchar(topic) > 250) stop("Hipchat room topics must be < 250 characters ",
    "you provided something ", nchar(topic), " characters long.")

sanitize_date <- function(date) {
  if (identical(date, 'recent')) return(date)

  if (is(date, 'POSIXct')) date <- as.Date(date)
  if (!is.character(date) && !is(date, 'Date'))
    stop("Please provide either a date or a character; I got a ", class(date)[1])
  if (length(date) != 1) stop("Please provide a single date.")

  if (is.character(date)) {
    if (!grepl('^[0-9]{4}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}$', date))
      stop("Dates must be in ISO-8601 format (e.g., 2014-10-05)")

  stopifnot(is(date, 'Date'))
  strftime(date, "%Y-%m-%d")

parse_time <- function(string)
  strptime(gsub(":([0-9]{2})$", "\\1", string), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%OS%z", tz = 'GMT')

as.color <- function(x) factor(x, levels = c(
    'yellow', 'red', 'green', 'purple', 'gray'))
robertzk/hipchat documentation built on May 27, 2019, 10:34 a.m.