
context('adapter reference class')

test_that('it can initialize an adapter correctly', {
  a <- adapter(identity, identity)

test_that('it can read using a simple example adapter correctly', {
  tmp <- new.env()
  read_function <- function(opts) tmp$x <- opts$resource
  a <- adapter(read_function, identity)
  expect_identical(a$read("test"), "test")
  expect_identical(tmp$x, "test")

test_that('it can write using a simple example adapter correctly', {
  tmp <- new.env()
  read_function <- function(opts) tmp[[opts$resource]]
  write_function <- function(val, opts) { force(opts); tmp$x <- val }
  a <- adapter(read_function, write_function)
  expect_identical(tmp$x, "test")
  expect_identical(a$read('x'), "test")

describe("RDS2 functionality", {

  test_that("it can read an RDS2 object correctly", {
    file_adapter <- construct_file_adapter()
    rds2_object <- structure("foo", RDS2.serialize = list(
      read  = function(obj) paste0(obj, "bar"),
      write = identity
    file <- tempfile(fileext = ".rds")
    RDS2::saveRDS(rds2_object, file)
    with_mock(`syberiaStages:::has_RDS2` = function() TRUE, {
      object <- file_adapter$read(file)
      expect_false("RDS2.serialize" %in% names(attributes(object)))
    with_mock(`syberiaStages:::has_RDS2` = function() FALSE, {
      object <- file_adapter$read(file)
      expect_true("RDS2.serialize" %in% names(attributes(object)))

test_that('it formats options according to a formatting function', {
  formatter <- function(opts) list(file = opts$resource)
  a <- adapter(identity, identity, formatter)
  expect_identical(a$read("test")$file, "test")

test_that('it merges in default options if set', {
  a <- adapter(identity, identity, identity, list(blah = 'foo'))
  expect_identical(a$read("test")$blah, "foo")

test_that('it does not overwrite set values with defaults', {
  a <- adapter(identity, identity, identity, list(blah = 'foo'))
  expect_identical(a$read(list(blah = 'bar'))$blah, "bar")


test_that('it fetches the s3 adapter', {
  expect_identical(fetch_adapter('s3')$.keyword, 's3')

test_that('it fetches the default adapter', {
  expect_identical(fetch_adapter('file')$.keyword, 'file')

test_that('it fetches the R adapter', {
  expect_identical(fetch_adapter('R')$.keyword, 'R')
robertzk/syberiaStages documentation built on May 27, 2019, 11:38 a.m.