
Defines functions nwasc_segmentDTS

Documented in nwasc_segmentDTS

#'  Process dts survey data in NWASC database
#' Process dts survey data in NWASC database
#' Returns wide-form dataframe with processed data
#' Requires observation table with lat/long for each sighting and transect table with single row for each transect id
#' v.spd sets assumed vessel speed in knots when vessel speed is missing
#' Calculates species counts by default; set occurrences = TRUE for number of flock sightings
#' Distances are in nautical miles
#' Kyle Dettloff
#' Modified 09-30-16
#'  read in dts and observation tables
#' @param observations df of observations from phase 1 DTS surveys
#' @param transects df of transect information from phase 1 DTS surveys
#' @param v.spd numeric approx. speed of vessel
#' @param occurences boolean flag  Calculates species counts by default (FALSE);
#'  set occurrences = TRUE for number of flock sightings
#' @return df wide-form dataframe with processed data
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' seg.dat.phase1.dts = segmentDTS(nwasc.ph1.dts.obs.dat, nwasc.ph1.dts.dat)
#' }
nwasc_segmentDTS <- function(observations, transects, v.spd = 10, occurences = FALSE) {
  if (nrow(transects) == 0) stop("empty transect table")

  # -------- prepare observation table to be paired with dts midpoints --------------------------------------------------
  # narrow all observations to only those on dts transects
  observations <- observations %>% filter(transect_id %in% transects$transect_id) %>% select(-st_astext)
  if (nrow(observations) == 0) stop("no observations present for given transects")

  # format times in dts table
  dts.time <- transects %>%
    select(transect_id, start_dt, end_dt, start_tm, end_tm, time_from_midnight_start, time_from_midnight_stop) %>%
      start_tm = as.POSIXct(lubridate::ymd(start_dt, quiet = TRUE) + lubridate::hms(start_tm, quiet = TRUE)),
      end_tm = as.POSIXct(lubridate::ymd(end_dt, quiet = TRUE) + lubridate::hms(end_tm, quiet = TRUE)),
      time_from_midnight_start = as.POSIXct(lubridate::ymd(start_dt, quiet = TRUE) + lubridate::seconds(time_from_midnight_start)),
      time_from_midnight_stop = as.POSIXct(lubridate::ymd(end_dt, quiet = TRUE) + lubridate::seconds(time_from_midnight_stop))
    ) %>%
      start_tm = ifelse(is.na(start_tm) & !is.na(time_from_midnight_start), time_from_midnight_start, start_tm),
      end_tm = ifelse(is.na(end_tm) & !is.na(time_from_midnight_stop), time_from_midnight_stop, end_tm)
    ) %>%
    select(-c(time_from_midnight_start, time_from_midnight_stop))

  # format times in observation table
  obs.time <- observations %>%
    select(transect_id, obs_dt, obs_start_tm, spp_cd, obs_count_intrans_nb, time_from_midnight) %>%
      obs_start_tm = as.POSIXct(lubridate::ymd(obs_dt, quiet = TRUE) + lubridate::hms(obs_start_tm, quiet = TRUE)),
      time_from_midnight = as.POSIXct(lubridate::ymd(obs_dt, quiet = TRUE) + lubridate::seconds(time_from_midnight))
    ) %>%
    mutate(obs_start_tm = ifelse(is.na(obs_start_tm) & !is.na(time_from_midnight), time_from_midnight, obs_start_tm)) %>%

  # narrow observations to those on effort using time
  observations <- left_join(obs.time, dts.time, by = "transect_id") %>%
    mutate(off_eff = as.integer(ifelse(obs_start_tm < start_tm | obs_start_tm > end_tm, 1, 0))) %>%
    filter(off_eff == 0 | is.na(off_eff)) %>%
    select(-off_eff) %>%
    rename(count = obs_count_intrans_nb) %>%
    # assign count of one when species code present but count field missing
    mutate(count = ifelse(is.na(count) & !is.na(spp_cd), 1, count)) %>%
    select(transect_id, spp_cd, count) %>%
    filter(spp_cd != "NONE", count >= 0)

  if (nrow(observations) == 0) stop("no valid observations")

  # -------- calculate dts survey midpoints -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # select only durations of 10 and 15 minutes
  transects <- transects %>%
      source_dataset_id, segmented_transect_id, transect_id, start_dt, survey_type_cd, survey_method_cd,
      transect_width_nb, transect_time_min_nb, traversal_speed_nb, heading_tx, st_astext
    ) %>%
    filter(transect_time_min_nb %in% c(10, 15)) %>%
    mutate(traversal_speed_nb = replace(traversal_speed_nb, is.na(traversal_speed_nb), v.spd)) %>%
      traversal_speed_nb = traversal_speed_nb * 1.852, # Speed still in knots here
      seg_dist = round(transect_time_min_nb * (traversal_speed_nb) / 60, 3) # ,

  if (nrow(transects) == 0) stop("no valid transects")

  ### get midpoints of spatial points
  midpoints.point <- transects %>% filter(grepl("POINT", st_astext), !is.na(heading_tx))
  if (nrow(midpoints.point) != 0) {
    midpoints.point <- midpoints.point %>%
      bind_cols(., as.data.frame(do.call(rbind, lapply(.$st_astext, rgeos::readWKT)))) %>%
      select(-st_astext) %>%
      rename(long = x, lat = y) %>%
      mutate(half_dist_m = transect_time_min_nb * traversal_speed_nb * 1000 / 120) %>%
      rowwise() %>%
      mutate(coords_mid = list(geosphere::destPoint(c(long, lat), heading_tx, half_dist_m))) %>%
      ungroup() %>%
      mutate(mid_long = unlist(lapply(coords_mid, `[[`, 1)), mid_lat = unlist(lapply(coords_mid, `[[`, 2))) %>%
        source_dataset_id, segmented_transect_id, transect_id, start_dt, survey_type_cd, survey_method_cd,
        transect_width_nb, seg_dist, mid_long, mid_lat

  ### get midpoints of spatial lines
  midpoints.line <- transects %>% filter(grepl("LINE", st_astext))
  if (nrow(midpoints.line) != 0) {
    lineframe <- lapply(midpoints.line$st_astext, rgeos::readWKT, p4s = sp::CRS(getOption("nwasc.proj")))
    # apply Hotine Oblique Mercator projection
    lineframe <- lapply(lineframe, sp::spTransform, sp::CRS(getOption("nwasc.proj")))
    # calculate geographic centroids of projected segments and convert back to lat/long
    midpoints.line <- do.call(rbind, lapply(lineframe, rgeos::gCentroid, byid = TRUE)) %>%
      sp::spTransform(sp::CRS(getOption("nwasc.proj"))) %>%
      as.data.frame() %>%
      rename(mid_long = x, mid_lat = y) %>%
        midpoints.line, source_dataset_id, segmented_transect_id, transect_id, start_dt,
        survey_type_cd, survey_method_cd, transect_width_nb, seg_dist
      ), .)

  # combine midpoints of points and lines
  midpoints <- bind_rows(midpoints.point, midpoints.line)

  # -------- pair observations with midpoints ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  # keep only observations with matching dts transect IDs
  observations <- observations %>% filter(transect_id %in% midpoints$transect_id)
  if (nrow(observations) == 0) stop("no observations present for given transects")

  # join midpoints and observations
  dts.final <- full_join(midpoints, observations, by = "transect_id") %>%
      spp_cd = replace(spp_cd, is.na(spp_cd), "NOT_AN_OBSERVATION"),
      seg_num = as.integer(1)
    ) %>%
      source_dataset_id, segmented_transect_id, transect_id, seg_num, start_dt, seg_dist,
      transect_width_nb, mid_long, mid_lat, survey_type_cd, survey_method_cd, spp_cd

  # -------- summarize species data and convert to wide form ------------------------------------------------------------
  if (!occurences) {
    # total species count
    dts.final <- dts.final %>%
      summarise(count = sum(count)) %>%
      tidyr::spread(spp_cd, count, fill = 0) %>%
      select(-NOT_AN_OBSERVATION) %>%
      ungroup() %>%
  else if (occurences) {
    # number of species occurrences
    dts.final <- dts.final %>%
      select(-count) %>%
      summarise(noccur = n()) %>%
      tidyr::spread(spp_cd, noccur, fill = 0) %>%
      select(-NOT_AN_OBSERVATION) %>%
      ungroup() %>%
robgf/nwasc documentation built on Oct. 29, 2021, 8:13 p.m.