
Defines functions proxySmooth

Documented in proxySmooth

#' This function uses a Monte Carlo aproach to repetedly fit a smoothing model to some proxy data incorperating the model uncertanties in age
#' @param proxy Vector proxy compostions. must be numeric
#' @param proxySD optional vector of 1 sigma uncertanties for \code{proxy}. Must be the same length as \code{proxy}
#' @param agePredictOutput Output from \code{agePredict} for the stratigraphic positions of \code{proxy}
#' @param grid vector of positions to evaluate the smoothing model at
#' @param method Smoothing method to use. currently supported methods are 'spline', 'movingAverage' and 'polynomial'
#' @param smoothParameter parameter to use for smoothing. If method = 'spline' \code{smoothParameter} should be between 0 and 1. see \code{smooth.spline} for details. If method = 'movingAverage' \code{smoothParameter} is the width of the smoothing window in units of time used by the age-depth model. If method = 'polynomial' \code{smoothParameter} is the degree of polynomial to fit
#' @param probability desired probability interval to return. Must be between 0 and 1
#' @export
proxySmooth <- function(proxy,
                        proxySD = rep(0, length(proxy)),
                        method = c('spline','movingAverage'),
                        smoothParameter = 1,
                        probability = .95){

  # movingAverage Smoothing Function --------------------------------------------
  if(method == 'movingAverage'){
    smoothFun <- function(x, y, grid, smoothParameter){
      ymod <- vector(length = length(grid)) # preallocate
      for (i in 1:length(grid)) { # for each value in grid
        w <- dnorm(x, grid[i], smoothParameter) # weights
        ymod[i] <- sum(w * y, na.rm = T) / sum(w, na.rm = T) # calculate the moving weighted mean
  ## Spline Smoothing Function --------------------------------------------
  if(method == 'spline'){
    smoothFun <- function(x, y, grid, smoothParameter){
      ## INPUTS
      ## x = x values
      ## y = yvalues
      ## grid = positions to calculate statistics at. default is data positions
      ## smoothParameter = standard deviation for gaussian kernel
      fit <- smooth.spline(x,
                           spar = smoothParameter)
      fun <- approxfun(x = fit$x,
                       y = fit$y)
      ymod <- fun(grid)
  ## Polynomial Smoothing Function ----------------------------------------------
  # if(method == 'polynomial'){
  #   smoothFun <- function(x, y, grid, smoothParameter){
  #     Df <- data.frame(x = as.vector(x), y = as.vector(y))
  #     fit <- lm(y ~ poly(x, degree = smoothParameter),
  #               data = Df)
  #     ymod <- predict(fit,
  #                     newdata = data.frame(x = grid))
  #     return(as.vector(ymod))
  #   }
  # }

  ## fit a smoothing model
  pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, # start up a text progress bar
                       max = nrow(agePredictOutput$raw),
                       style = 3,
                       width = 40,
                       char = '<>')
  ## preallocate some storage
  modelStore <- matrix(NA,
                       ncol = nrow(agePredictOutput$raw),
                       nrow = length(grid))
  ## apply the smoothing function for each possible set of ages and proxy parameter
  ## values
  for( i in 1:nrow(agePredictOutput$raw)){
    setTxtProgressBar(pb, i) # iterate the progress bar
    ## apply the smoothing function and store the results
    modelStore[, i] <- smoothFun(x = t(as.vector(agePredictOutput$raw[i, ])),
                                 y = rnorm(length(proxy),
                                           mean = proxy,
                                           sd = proxySD),
                                 smoothParameter = smoothParameter,
                                 grid = grid)

  ## calculate the
  HDI <- apply(X = modelStore,
                   MARGIN = 1, FUN = quantile,
                   prob = c((1 - probability)/2, 0.5, (1 + probability)/2), na.rm = T)
  return(list(HDI = HDI,
              raw = modelStore,
              proxy = proxy,
              agePredictOutput = agePredictOutput,
              method = method,
              smoothParameter = smoothParameter,
              probability = probability,
              grid = grid))
robintrayler/modifiedBChron documentation built on April 16, 2023, 6:28 p.m.