

# Import of the R6A - Yahoo! Front Page Today Module User Click Log Dataset.

# The data_import_directory has to contain unpacked data files, themselves again unpacked from a tarball.
# Data file available by request at

# The ydata-fp-td-clicks-v1_0.20090501 and ydata-fp-td-clicks-v1_0.20090502 files contain anomalies,
# and should NOT be included in the data_import_directory directory.

# The import takes about 3 hours on a laptop with Intel 4500U I7 CPU, 16GB memory and SSD HD.

# Notice: import generates warnings, and readr status bar restarts at zero. This can be ignored safely.

# Double check -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

abort <- menu(c("No", "Yes"), title="Importing Yahoo! data set is going to take some time - continue?")

if (abort==1) { message("You aborted the import.") } else {

  # Configuration --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  data_import_directory  <- "/set/import/path/here"
  db_dir                 <- "/set/monetdblite/path/here"

  row_max                <- 5600000 # > nr of rows in any imported file
  by_step                <- 800000  # read data and write sql in in batches

  # Data types -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  dtypes <-

  # Function to generate header labels -----------------------------------------------------------------------

  print_headers <- function() {
    feature_gen <- function(s) {
      sapply(c(2:6, 1), FUN = function(i) paste(s, i, sep = ""))
    feat_vec <- vector()
    for (i in 1:25) {
      feat_vec <- c(feat_vec, paste("a", i, "_id", sep = ""))
      feat_vec <- c(feat_vec, feature_gen(paste("a", i, "_feat", sep = "")))
      c("timestamped", "article_id", "click", "delete_me"),
      c(feature_gen("user_feat"), feat_vec)

  # Convert columns to types ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  convert_to_types <- function(obj,types){
    out <- lapply(1:length(obj),
                  FUN = function(i){FUN1 <- switch(types[i],character = as.character, numeric = as.numeric,
                                                   factor = as.factor); FUN1(obj[,i])})

    names(out) <- colnames(obj),stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  # connect to db --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


  con <- dbConnect(MonetDBLite::MonetDBLite(), db_dir)

  # loop over each file in steps (batches) of a million records ----------------------------------------------

  files = list.files(path = data_import_directory)

  current_rows = 0

  for (f in 1:length(files)) {
    data_file_path <- paste0(data_import_directory,files[f])

    message (paste0("\n## Starting import of ",files[f],"\n"))

    for (i in seq(0, row_max, by = by_step)) {

      # read a million records
      dat <- read_delim(data_file_path, delim = " ", col_names = print_headers(),
                        skip = i, n_max = by_step, guess_max = 1)

      message (paste0("\n## Cleaning row ",format((i+1),scientific = F),
                      " to ",format(i+by_step,scientific = F),"\n"))

      # cleanup before saving batch
      dat$delete_me <- NULL
      dat <- lapply(dat, gsub, pattern = '\\|', replacement = '', perl = TRUE)
      dat <- lapply(dat, gsub, pattern = '[1-9]:', replacement = '', perl = TRUE)
      dat <-, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      dat <- convert_to_types(dat,dtypes)

      # add an index for each time step t
      if ( dim(dat)[1] >= 1 ) dat$t = seq((current_rows + i + 1), (current_rows + i + dim(dat)[1]))

      message (paste0("\n## Writing row ",format((i+1),scientific = F),
                      " to ",format(i+by_step,scientific = F),"\n"))

      # save batch (and if already data, append) to DB table "yahoo"
      dbWriteTable(con, "yahoo", dat, append = TRUE, overwrite=FALSE)

      message (paste0("\n## Completed rows ",format((i+1),scientific = F),
                      " to ",format(i+by_step,scientific = F),"\n"))


    current_rows <- as.integer(dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM yahoo" ))

    message (paste0("\n## Completed import of ",files[f],"\n"))


  dbSendQuery(con, "CREATE ORDERED INDEX index_t ON yahoo (t)" )


  # disconnect from and then shutdown  -----------------------------------------------------------------------

  dbDisconnect(con, shutdown = TRUE)

robinvanemden/contextual documentation built on Aug. 12, 2019, 9:30 p.m.