
Defines functions rui_theme inspect_remove_level_prefix inspect_expose_level inspect display expose error warn alert ask suggest give fail succeed clear proceed begin disapprove approve inform entitle tell console

Documented in alert approve ask begin clear console disapprove display entitle error expose fail give inform inspect proceed succeed suggest tell warn

# Single function to rule them all ----

#' The console API
#' This function provides an alternative to the verb-based API, by mapping the
#' set of prefixes to the corresponding verbs.
#' @param ... Character vectors supporting **glue** strings and **cli** inline
#' styles. This should start with a supported prefix, to map the action to one
#' of the {rui} verbs. Otherwise, `rui::tell()` is used. Supported prefixes are
#' # (entitle), i (inform), v (approve), x (disapprove), ~ (begin/proceed), =
#' (give), * (suggest), ? (ask), ! (alert), w (warn), e (stop), . (display), and
#' $ (expose). Status bars can be resolved by providing single characters "c",
#' "v", or "x" for clear, succeed and fail respectively.
#' @param object Object to print the {rui} way through `rui::inspect()`.
#' @export
console <- function(..., object = NULL, levels = 1, .envir = parent.frame()) {
  if (!is.null(object)) {inspect(object, levels); return(invisible())}
  txt <- paste(...)
  type <- substr(txt, 1, 1)
  types <- c("i", "v", "x", "~", "*", "?", "=", "!", "#", ".", "c", "$", "e", "w")
  space <- substr(txt, 2, 2)
  if (!(type %in% types & (space %in% c(" ", "")))) {
  if (space == "") {
    if (type == "v") {cli::cli_progress_cleanup(); succeed(.envir = .envir); return(invisible())}
    if (type == "x") {cli::cli_progress_cleanup(); fail(.envir = .envir); return(invisible())}
    if (type == "c") {cli::cli_progress_cleanup(); return(invisible())}
  txt <- substr(txt, 3, nchar(txt))
    `#` = entitle(txt),
    i = inform(txt),
    v = approve(txt),
    x = disapprove(txt),
    `~` = proceed(txt, .envir = .envir),
    `*` = suggest(txt),
    `?` = ask(txt),
    `=` = give(txt),
    `!` = alert(txt),
    `$` = expose(txt),
    `.` = display(txt),
    e = error(txt),
    w = warn(txt)

# Standard message ----

#' Output standard text messages
#' @param ... Character vectors supporting **glue** strings and **cli** inline
#' styles.
#' @seealso [glue::glue()], [`cli::inline-markup`]
#' @name standard-text

#' @rdname standard-text
#' @export
tell <- function(
  .envir = parent.frame(),
  capture = FALSE
) {
  if (capture) {
    return(capture.output(tell(..., .envir = .envir), type = "message")[1])
  cli::cli_div(theme = rui_theme())
  cli::cli_text(paste(...), .envir = .envir)

# Multi-line feedback ----

#' Provide multi-line feedback
#' These functions provide a way to provide multi-line feedback. This is
#' typically useful for any kind of small tasks you want to provide feedback
#' about, or longer tasks for which you need the feedback to persist in the
#' console (*e.g.* running external code that does provide essential
#' information (in such a case, these are useful in combination with
#' [processx::run()] and its `stdout_line_callback` argument)) Use
#' - `rui::entitle()` for naming sections,
#' - `rui::inform()` for providing information,
#' - `rui::approve()` for succesful completion of a task or a positive test,
#'   and
#' - `rui::disapprove()` for unsuccesful completion or a negative test.
#' @param ... Character vectors supporting **glue** strings and **cli** inline
#' styles.
#' @seealso [glue::glue()], [`cli::inline-markup`]
#' @name multi-line-feedback

#' @rdname multi-line-feedback
#' @export
entitle <- function(...) {
       .envir = parent.frame())

#' @rdname multi-line-feedback
#' @export
inform <- function(...) {
       .envir = parent.frame())

#' @rdname multi-line-feedback
#' @export
approve <- function(...) {
       .envir = parent.frame())

#' @rdname multi-line-feedback
#' @export
disapprove <- function(...) {
       .envir = parent.frame())

# Single line feedback ----

#' Provide single-line feedback
#' These functions provide a way to provide single-line feedback. This is
#' typically useful for longer tasks with different subtasks, for which there
#' is no important information that should persist in the console for the
#' user to refer back to (*e.g.* downloads, optimization, running an external
#' code that doesn't output important information). Use
#' - `rui::begin()` to begin a task,
#' - `rui::proceed()` to proceed with another task,
#' - for ending the single-line feedback, any of
#'   - `rui::succeed()` for succesful completion,
#'   - `rui::fail()` for unsuccesful completion, and
#'   - `rui::clear()` to remove the feedback line.
#' @param ... Character vectors supporting **glue** strings and **cli** inline
#' styles.
#' @seealso [glue::glue()], [`cli::inline-markup`]
#' @name single-line-feedback

#' @rdname single-line-feedback
#' @export
begin <- function(..., .envir = parent.frame()) {
  if (interactive()) {
    cli::cli_div(theme = rui_theme())
    cli::cli_progress_message(paste0("{cli::col_yellow('~')} ",
                                 paste(...), " ..."),
                    .envir = .envir)
    paste0("{cli::col_green('v')} ", paste(...), " ... done"),
    paste0("{cli::col_br_red('x')} ",
           paste(...), " ... failed"),
msg_done <- NULL
msg_failed <- NULL

#' @rdname single-line-feedback
#' @export
proceed <- function(..., .envir = parent.frame()) {
  begin(..., .envir = .envir)

#' @rdname single-line-feedback
#' @export
clear <- function(.envir = parent.frame()) {
  cli::cli_progress_done(.envir = .envir, result = "clear")

#' @rdname single-line-feedback
#' @export
succeed <- function(.envir = parent.frame()) {
  tell(msg_done, .envir = parent.frame())
  assignInNamespace("msg_done", NULL, "rui")
  assignInNamespace("msg_failed", NULL, "rui")

#' @rdname single-line-feedback
#' @export
fail <- function(.envir = parent.frame()) {
  tell(msg_failed, .envir = parent.frame())
  assignInNamespace("msg_done", NULL, "rui")
  assignInNamespace("msg_failed", NULL, "rui")

# User interaction ----

#' User interaction
#' These functions provide a way to interact with the user. Use
#' - `rui::give()` to give the user a piece of code to be inserted elsewhere,
#' - `rui::suggest()` to suggest the user a thing to do,
#' - `rui::ask()` to ask the user a yes/no question.
#' Note `rui::give()` does not support **cli** styles.
#' @param ... Character vectors supporting **glue** strings and **cli** inline
#' styles.
#' @seealso [glue::glue()], [`cli::inline-markup`]
#' @name user-interaction

#' @rdname user-interaction
#' @export
give <- function(...) {
  cli::cli_div(theme = rui_theme())
  # TODO use {cli} instead
  usethis::ui_code_block(c(...), copy = TRUE)

#' @rdname user-interaction
#' @export
suggest <- function(...) {
       .envir = parent.frame())

#' @rdname user-interaction
#' @export
ask <- function(..., .demo = FALSE) {
  # NOTE this is based on usethis::ui_yeah, but uses text symbols only for
  # consistent behaviour on all consoles/operating systems
  tell(cli::col_yellow('?'), ..., .envir = parent.frame())
  if (!interactive() & !.demo) {
    error("User input required, but session is not interactive.")
  if (.demo) {
    tell("1: Yes please.")
    tell("2: No thanks.")
  selection <- utils::menu(c("Yes please.", "No thanks."))
  if (selection == 0) error("A choice is required.")
  as.logical(2 - selection)

# Conditions ----

#' Conditions
#' These functions provide a way for signalling conditions. `rui::warn()` and
#' `rui::error()` are drop-in replacements for [base::warning()] and
#' [base::stop()], which support **glue** strings and **cli** inline styles.
#' ANSI colours are lost however. For retaining colours, `rui::alert()`
#' can be used. We recommend doing so before issuing a warning or error.
#' @param ... Character vectors supporting **glue** strings and **cli** inline
#' styles.
#' @param warn Logical. Should a warning be issued with the same message.
#' @param error Logical. Should an error be issued with the same message.
#' @seealso [glue::glue()], [`cli::inline-markup`]
#' @name conditions

#' @rdname conditions
#' @export
alert <- function(..., warn = FALSE, error = FALSE) {
       .envir = parent.frame())
  if (warn) warn(...)
  if (error) error(...)

#' @rdname conditions
#' @export
warn <- function(..., .demo = FALSE) {
  msg <- tell(..., capture = TRUE)
  if (.demo) {
    message(paste0("Warning: ", msg))

#' @rdname conditions
#' @export
error <- function(..., .demo = FALSE) {
  msg <- tell(..., capture = TRUE)
  if (.demo) {
    message(paste0("Error: ", msg))

# Object inspection ----

#' Object inspection
#' These functions provide a means to inspect the internal structure of
#' objects, or design a UI to do so, which is consistent with the rest of the
#' {rui} functionality. `rui::expose()` can be used to print information on
#' different parts of an object (where the `.` in the prefix should be
#' familiar to users of the {magrittr} pipe, and the `$` is one of the
#' subsetting operators), whereas `rui::display()` would be more appropriate for
#' the atomic types. `rui::inspect()` attempts to use both these functions
#' together with `rui::entitle()` to process the output of a `utils::str()` call,
#' and print the structure consistent with the rest of the {rui} functions,
#' borrowing some style elements from `tibble:::print.tbl()` and
#' `tibble::glimpse()`.
#' @param ... Character vectors supporting **glue** strings and **cli** inline
#' styles.
#' @seealso [glue::glue()], [`cli::inline-markup`]
#' @name object-inspection

#' @rdname object-inspection
#' @param level Level of indentation, typically useful for (nested) lists.
#' Defaults to 1.
#' @export
expose <- function(..., level = 1) {
  prefix <- paste0(
    rep(paste0(c(cli::col_cyan("$"), cli::col_yellow("$")), "."),
        ceiling(level / 2))[1:level],
    collapse = ""
  prefix <- prefix |> substr(1, nchar(prefix) - 1)
  tell(prefix, ..., .envir = parent.frame())

#' @rdname object-inspection
#' @export
display <- function(...) {
       .envir = parent.frame())

#' @rdname object-inspection
#' @param object Object to print the structure of.
#' @param levels Number of levels to include. Defaults to 1.
#' @export
inspect <- function(object, levels = 1) {
  txt <- capture.output(str(object, give.attr = FALSE,
                            vec.len = 2,
                            max.level = levels + 1))
  # TODO condense this, in a separate function, by applying gsub to a nx2
  # character matrix?
  txt <- gsub(": num ", ": {.emph <dbl>} ", txt, fixed = TRUE)
  txt <- gsub("^ num ", "{.emph <dbl>} ", txt)
  txt <- gsub(": Named num ", ": {.emph <n.dbl>} ", txt, fixed = TRUE)
  txt <- gsub("^ Named num ", "{.emph <n.dbl>} ", txt)

  txt <- gsub("^ int ", "{.emph <int>} ", txt)
  txt <- gsub(": int ", ": {.emph <int>} ", txt, fixed = TRUE)
  txt <- gsub("^ Named int ", "{.emph <n.int>} ", txt)
  txt <- gsub(": Named int ", ": {.emph <n.int>} ", txt, fixed = TRUE)

  txt <- gsub("^ chr ", "{.emph <chr>} ", txt)
  txt <- gsub(": chr ", ": {.emph <chr>} ", txt, fixed = TRUE)
  txt <- gsub("^ Named chr ", "{.emph <n.chr>} ", txt)
  txt <- gsub(": Named chr ", ": {.emph <n.chr>} ", txt, fixed = TRUE)

  txt <- gsub(": logi ", ": {.emph <lgl>} ", txt, fixed = TRUE)
  txt <- gsub("^ logi ", "{.emph <lgl>} ", txt)
  txt <- gsub(": Named logi ", ": {.emph <n.lgl>} ", txt, fixed = TRUE)
  txt <- gsub("^ Named logi ", "{.emph <n.lgl>} ", txt)

  txt <- gsub(": raw ", ": {.emph <raw>} ", txt, fixed = TRUE)
  txt <- gsub("^ raw ", "{.emph <raw>} ", txt)
  txt <- gsub(": Named raw ", ": {.emph <n.raw>} ", txt, fixed = TRUE)
  txt <- gsub("^ Named raw ", "{.emph <n.raw>} ", txt)

  txt <- gsub("'difftime'", "{.emph <drtn>}", txt, fixed = TRUE)

  txt <- gsub(" '", " {.val '", txt)
  txt <- gsub("' ", "'} ", txt)
  txt <- gsub("':", "'} ", txt)
  txt <- gsub(":'", ": {.val '", txt)
  txt <- gsub("^'", "{.val '", txt)

  txt <- gsub(" ‘", " {.val '", txt)
  txt <- gsub("’ ", "'} ", txt)
  txt <- gsub("’:", "'} ", txt)
  txt <- gsub(":‘", ": {.val '", txt)
  txt <- gsub("^‘", "{.val '", txt)

  txt <- gsub(":Classes ", ": ", txt, fixed = TRUE)
  txt <- gsub(" and ", ", ", txt, fixed = TRUE)
  txt <- gsub(" obs. of  ", "x", txt, fixed = TRUE)
  txt <- gsub(" variables:", "", txt)
  txt <- gsub("^ Date\\[", "Date[", txt)
  txt <- gsub("Date[", "{.emph <date>} [", txt, fixed = TRUE)
  txt <- gsub("^ POSIX", "POSIX", txt)
  txt <- gsub("POSIXct[", "{.emph <dttm>} [", txt, fixed = TRUE)
  txt <- gsub("POSIXlt[", "{.emph <dttm>} [", txt, fixed = TRUE)
  txt <- gsub("Factor w/", "{.emph <fct>}", txt)
  txt <- gsub("Time-Series", "{.emph <ts>}", txt)
  txt <- ifelse(grepl("List of ", txt), paste0(txt, "]"), txt)
  txt <- gsub("List of ", " {.val 'list'} [1:", txt)
  txt <- ifelse(grepl("'data.frame'", txt),
                paste0(gsub("frame'} \t", "frame'} [", txt), "]"),
  txt <- ifelse(grepl(" tibble ", txt, fixed = TRUE),
                gsub(" tibble ", " {.val 'tbl_df'} ", txt, fixed = TRUE),
  txt <- gsub(" x ", "x", txt, fixed = TRUE)
  txt <- gsub(">}  ", ">} ", txt, fixed = TRUE)
  txt <- gsub(" (S3: tbl_df/tbl/data.frame)", "", txt, fixed = TRUE)

  if (is.null(dim(object))) {
    dimensions <- paste0("[1:", length(object), "]")
  } else {
    dimensions <- paste0("[", paste0(dim(object), collapse = "x"), "]")
  first_line <- txt[1]
  txt <- txt[-1]
  if (is.vector(object) & is.atomic(object)) {
    entitle("vector of type {.val {typeof(object)[1]}} {dimensions}")
  } else {
    entitle("object of class {.val {class(object)[1]}}",
               "type {.val {typeof(object)[1]}} {dimensions}")
  if (is.atomic(object)) {
  txt_levels <- inspect_expose_level(txt)
  txt <- inspect_remove_level_prefix(txt)
  for (i in 1:length(txt)) {
    if (txt_levels[i] <= levels)
      expose(txt[i], level = txt_levels[i])

inspect_expose_level <- function(txt) {
  dots <- substring(txt, 1, regexpr("$", txt, fixed = TRUE) - 1)
  dots <- gsub(" ", "", dots)
  nchar(dots) / 2 + 1
inspect_remove_level_prefix <- function(txt) {
            regexpr("$", txt, fixed = TRUE) + 2,

# CLI Theme ----

rui_theme <- function() {
  # red <- cli::col_red
  # green <- cli::col_green
  # magenta <- cli::col_magenta
  # blue <- cli::col_blue
  # yellow <- cli::col_yellow
  # cyan <- cli::col_cyan
  make_link <- function(x, type) {
    if (interactive()) return(cli:::make_link(x, type = type))
    if (type == "href") return(cli:::re_match(x, "^\\[(?<text>.*)\\]\\((?<url>.*)\\)$")$text)
    # span.dt = list(postfix = ": "),
    # span.dd = list(),
    # .code = list(fmt = cli:::format_code(dark)),
    # .code.R = list(fmt = cli:::format_r_code(dark)),
    span.emph = list(`font-style` = "italic"),
    span.strong = list(`font-weight` = "bold"),
    # span.code = cli:::theme_code_tick(dark),
    # span.q = list(fmt = cli:::quote_weird_name2),
    span.pkg = list(before = "{", after = "}", transform = cli::col_yellow,
                    color = NULL),
    # span.fn = cli:::theme_function(dark),
    span.fun = list(before = "`", after = "`", transform = \(x) make_link(x, type = "fun") |> paste0("()") |> cli::col_blue()),
    # span.arg = cli:::theme_code_tick(dark),
    # span.kbd = list(before = "[", after = "]", color = "blue"),
    # span.key = list(before = "[", after = "]", color = "red"),
    # span.file = cli:::theme_file(),
    # span.path = cli:::theme_file(),
    span.email = list(
      color = NULL,
      transform = function(x) make_link(x, type = "email") |> cli::col_cyan(),
      fmt = cli:::quote_weird_name
    span.url = list(
      before = "<",
      after = ">",
      color = NULL,
      `font-style` = NULL,
      transform = function(x) make_link(x, type = "url") |> cli::col_cyan()
    span.href = list(
      transform = function(x) make_link(x, type = "href") |> cli::col_cyan()
    # span.help = list(transform = function(x) cli:::make_link(x, type = "help")),
    # span.topic = list(transform = function(x) cli:::make_link(x, type = "topic")),
    # span.vignette = list(transform = function(x) cli:::make_link(x, type = "vignette")),
    # span.run = list(transform = function(x) cli:::make_link(x, type = "run")),
    # span.var = cli:::theme_code_tick(dark),
    # span.col = cli:::theme_code_tick(dark), span.str = list(fmt = cli:::encode_string),
    # span.envvar = cli:::theme_code_tick(dark),
    # span.val = list(transform = function(x, ...) cli_format(x, ...), color = "blue"),
    # span.field = list(color = "green"),
    # span.cls = list(collapse = "/", color = "blue", before = "<",
    #                after = ">"),
    # `span.progress-bar` = list(transform = cli:::theme_progress_bar,
    #                                                         color = "green"),
    # span.obj_type_friendly = list(transform = function(x) cli::format_inline(cli:::typename(x))),
    # span.type = list(transform = function(x) cli::format_inline(cli:::typename(x))),
    # span.or = list(`vec-sep2` = " or ", `vec-last` = ", or "),
    # span.timestamp = list(before = "[", after = "]", color = "grey")),
rogiersbart/rui documentation built on June 28, 2024, 7:35 a.m.