mpcross-class: A collection of multi-parent populations without a genetic...

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A collection of multi-parent populations without a genetic map


An object of class mpcross contains data about one or more multi-parent populations, without a genetic map. As there is no genetic map, there is no information about IBD imputed genotypes or IBD genotype probabilities. There is also no information about estimated recombination fractions.

A mpcross object must contain (at a minimum) genetic data about the founding lines of the population, genetic lines about the final lines of the population, a pedigree with information about how the final lines were generated from the founding lines, and information about how heterozygotes have been encoded. See geneticData-class for further information. See mpcross for the constructor function.



A list of objects of class geneticData-class, each representing a population.

rohan-shah/mpMap2 documentation built on July 21, 2020, 8:58 p.m.