
Defines functions over_STF_Track

#' @import methods sp xts spacetime trajectories

#' @importFrom rgeos gIntersects

#' @include agg_allGenerics.R

# over.STF.Track

over_STF_Track <- function(x, y, returnList = FALSE, fn = NULL, ...,
                          use.data = FALSE, weight.points = NULL) {
  stopifnot(identical(attr(x@time, "tzone"), attr(y@time, "tzone"))
            # Following added 20210109
            # attr 'tzone' turned out to be NULL or "" in tests ...
            # #(Not clear what causes this change and what was the old (unique) value ...!
            # #Maybe caused by changes in pkg spacetime or trajectories!?
            # #Pkg spacetime supports different time vectors / classes!)
            || all(c(attr(x@time, "tzone"), attr(y@time, "tzone")) %in% c("", NULL)))
  # warning in case of fn == sum
  if (paste(deparse(fn), collapse="") == paste(deparse(sum),collapse="")) {
    warning("Aggregation of trajectory data using 'sum' as aggregation function is not meaningful.")
  geom <- geometry(x@sp)
  if (gridded(geom)) {
    geom <- as(geom, "SpatialPolygons")
  # Get the time matches
  if (any(x@endTime > as.POSIXct(index(x@time)))) {
    tm <- timeMatch(index(x@time), index(y@time), returnList = TRUE, x@endTime)
  } else {
    tm <- timeMatch(index(x@time), index(y@time), returnList = TRUE)
  indexLists <- lapply(seq_along(tm), function(z) {
    ti = tm[[z]] # y entry indices for x@time[i] intervals
    if (length(ti) > 0) {
      # ti # point indices belonging to this time slice
      gI_matrix <- rgeos::gIntersects(y@sp[ti], geom, byid = TRUE) 
      if (all(gI_matrix == FALSE)) {
        indexL <- lapply(seq_along(geom), function(z) { integer(0) })
      } else if (length(x@sp) == 1) {
        indexL <- list(ti[gI_matrix])
      } else {
        indexL <- apply(gI_matrix, 1, function(zz) ti[which(zz == TRUE)])
        # Clean
        names(indexL) <- NULL
    } else { # length(ti) == 0 --> no Track-Points do match this time-slice
      lapply(seq_along(geom), function(z) { integer(0) })
  cleanIndexList <- do.call(c, indexLists)
  if (use.data[1] == FALSE) { # indices should be returned
    if (returnList) {
    } else { # returnList == FALSE
      unlist(lapply(cleanIndexList, function(z) z[1]), use.names = FALSE)
  } else { # use.data == TRUE or selection, data to be returned

    if (returnList) { # return a list of data.frames
      dfList <- lapply(cleanIndexList, function(z) {
        # It's (theoretically) possible to have a legal Track object without columns in the data slot
        if (length(y@data) > 0) {
          if (length(z) > 0) {
            df <- y@data[z, use.data, drop = FALSE]
          } else { 
            df <- y@data[FALSE, use.data, drop = FALSE]
        } else {
          df <- data.frame()
    } else { # returnList = FALSE and use.data = TRUE or selection
      if ("data" %in% slotNames(x)) {
        rNames <- row.names(x@data) } else { rNames <- NULL }
      if (is.null(fn)) {
        # return df with 1. value of each STF-unit
        # vector of first index or NA in case of no intersection
        firstIndexVec <- sapply(cleanIndexList, function(z) z[1])
        if (length(y@data) > 0) {
          df <- data.frame(y@data[firstIndexVec, use.data, drop=FALSE], row.names = rNames)  
        } else {
          df <- data.frame(y@data[firstIndexVec, FALSE, drop=FALSE], row.names = rNames)
        # time added additionally
        df$time <- index(y@time)[firstIndexVec]
        df$timeIndex <- as.matrix(y@time)[firstIndexVec]
      } else { # fn != NULL
        # number of relocations
        nlocsList <- lapply(cleanIndexList, function(z) length(z))
        nlocs <- do.call(rbind, nlocsList)
        # If nlocs == 0, set to NA
        nlocs[nlocs == 0] <- NA
        # approximate duration
        halfConnDuration <- lapply(1:(length(y@time) - 1), function(z) {
          y@connections[z, "duration"] / 2 })
        durMatrix <- matrix(data = as.numeric(c(c(0, halfConnDuration), c(halfConnDuration, 0))),
                            nrow = length(y), ncol = 2)
        approxPointDuration <- .rowSums(durMatrix, length(y), 2, na.rm = TRUE)
        # Duration of each Point separated by cells / polygons
        approxPointsInCellsDurList <- lapply(cleanIndexList, function(z) {
          if (length(z) == 0) { NA } else { approxPointDuration[z] } })
        approxDurationPerCell <- do.call(rbind, lapply(approxPointsInCellsDurList, sum))
        # approximate length
        halfConnDist <- lapply(1:(length(y@time) - 1), function(z) {
          round(y@connections[z, "distance"] / 2, 2) })
        distMatrix <- matrix(data = as.numeric(c(c(0, halfConnDist), c(halfConnDist, 0))),
                            nrow = length(y), ncol = 2)
        approxPointDist <- .rowSums(distMatrix, length(y), 2, na.rm = TRUE)
        # Duration of each Point separated by cells / polygons
        approxPointsInCellsDistList <- lapply(cleanIndexList, function(z) {
          if (length(z) == 0) { NA } else { approxPointDist[z] } })
        approxDistPerCell <- do.call(rbind, lapply(approxPointsInCellsDistList, sum))
        metadata <- data.frame(nlocs = nlocs, approx_duration = approxDurationPerCell,
                               approx_distance = approxDistPerCell)
        if (length(y@data) > 0) {
          if (is.null(weight.points)) { # apply fn to data without weighting
            dfList <- lapply(cleanIndexList, function(z) {
              dat <- y@data[z, use.data, drop=FALSE]
              if (nrow(dat) == 0) {
                data.frame(lapply(dat, function(zz) { c(zz, NA) } ))
              } else {
                data.frame(lapply(dat, function(zz) { 
                  # avoid NaN
                  if (any(!is.na(zz))) {
                    fn(zz, ...)

                  } else {
            data.frame(do.call(rbind, dfList), metadata, row.names = rNames)
          } else { # !is.null(weight.points)
            # weighting (just for numeric attributes!)
            weightsList <- switch(weight.points,
                                  byTime  = approxPointsInCellsDurList,
                                  byDist  = approxPointsInCellsDistList,
                                  # Possibility to use equal weights to enable 'real'
                                  # weighting JUST for tracks (weight.tracks).
                                  equal   = lapply(approxPointsInCellsDurList, 
                                                   function(z) {
                                                     if (!is.na(z[1])) z[] <- 1; z }),
                                  stop("No adequate string is passed to the weight.points argument!"))
            dfList <- lapply(seq_along(cleanIndexList), function(z) {
              dat <- y@data[cleanIndexList[[z]], use.data, drop=FALSE]
              if (nrow(dat) == 0) {
                data.frame(lapply(dat, function(zz) { c(zz, NA) } ))
              } else {
                data.frame(lapply(dat, function(zz) {
                  if (is.numeric(zz)) {
                    fn(zz, weightsList[[z]], ...) 
                  } else {
                    warning("Weighting functions may just be applied to numeric attributes: A non numeric attribute was encountered. NA is returned.")
            data.frame(do.call(rbind, dfList), metadata, row.names = rNames)
        } else { # length(y@data) == 0
          warning(paste("Method over was called with use.data = ", use.data, " and fn != NULL, but the data slot of the Track object does not contain any attributes. A data.frame just containing metadata is returned.", sep = ""))
          data.frame(y@data[seq_along(cleanIndexList), FALSE, drop = FALSE],
                     metadata, row.names = rNames)
      } # Finish: returnList = FALSE and use.data = TRUE and fn != NULL
    } # Finish: returnList = FALSE and use.data = TRUE
  } # Finish: use.data == TRUE, data to be returned

#' @rdname over
#' @aliases over,STF,Track
setMethod("over", signature(x = "STF", y = "Track"), over_STF_Track)
roland-h/trajaggr documentation built on Jan. 19, 2021, 1:02 p.m.