# Class empirical selectivity ---------------------------------------------
#' @title Empirical selectivity diagnostic
#' @description Function to compute the empirical selectivity diagnostic for SS
#' outputs and methods to extract them for a particular fleet and time.
#' @param object Typically, the result of reading Stock Synthesis model outputs
#' with \code{SS_output}.
#' @param fleet Integer, fleet number to compute the empirical selectivity.
#' @param sex If the fleet targets a specific sex, defaults to 1.
#' @param by Either 'length' or 'age', defaults to 'length'.
#' @param ... Additional arguments for specific methods, see Details.
#' @details This function is called on run time by \code{SS_output}, so the
#' empirical selectivities are already computed (for length and age) in
#' your 'rep' object. An additional call to the function can be used to extract
#' the empirical selectivities for a particular fleet or sex.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' rep = BigEye_2020
#' es = empirical_selectivity(rep, fleet=2, by="length")
#' }
#' @export
empirical_selectivity = function(object, ...) {
#' @describeIn empirical_selectivity General constructor
#' @export
empirical_selectivity.default = function(object, thr=1e-5, ...) {
# this function probably is gonna be used within SS_output
# get the empirical selectivity for all fleets and all times,
# if already exists, use it
if(!is.null(object$empirical_selectivity) &
inherits(object$empirical_selectivity, "SS_empirical_selectivity"))
return(empirical_selectivity(object$empirical_selectivity, ...))
# if does not exist, create it (for older versions)
output = list(length = .getES(object, by="length", use="B", thr=thr),
age = .getES(object, by="age", use="B", thr=thr),
gsize = .getES(object, by="gsize", use="B", thr=thr))
output = unlist(output, recursive = FALSE)
class(output) = "SS_empirical_selectivity"
return(empirical_selectivity(output, ...))
#' @describeIn empirical_selectivity Extract from empirical_selectivity objects
#' @export
empirical_selectivity.SS_empirical_selectivity = function(object, fleet=NULL, sex=1, by="length", ...) {
by = match.arg(by, c("length", "age", "gsize"))
if(is.null(fleet)) return(object)
xcode = paste(by, fleet, sex, sep=".")
check = xcode %in% names(object)
msg = sprintf("Empirical selectivity by %s for fleet %s and sex %d is not available",
by, fleet, sex)
if(!check) stop(msg)
#' @describeIn empirical_selectivity Extracts from SS_output object
#' @export
empirical_selectivity.SS_output = function(object, fleet=NULL, sex=1, by="length", ...) {
return(empirical_selectivity(object$empirical_selectivity, fleet=fleet, sex=sex, by=by, ...))
#' @describeIn empirical_selectivity Transform a matrix in a empirical_selectivity object.
#' @export
empirical_selectivity.matrix = function(object, fleet=NULL, sex=1, by="length",
years=NULL, bins=NULL, weights=NULL,
model=NULL, ...) {
if(is.null(fleet)) stop("Fleet name ('character') must be provided")
if(is.null(years)) stop("Years (rows) must be provided")
if(is.null(bins)) stop("Bin marks (columns) must be provided")
if(is.null(model)) {
model = list()
model$x = bins
model$y = matrix(NA_real_, nrow=length(years), ncol=length(bins))
model$years = years
} else {
if(!is.list(model)) stop("Model must be a list.")
if(!(c("x", "y", "years") %in% names(model)))
stop("Model selectivity must include components 'x', 'y' and 'years'.")
out = object
colnames(out) = bins
rownames(out) = years
attr(out, "fleet") = fleet
attr(out, "by") = by
attr(out, "model") = model
attr(out, "weights") = weights
class(out) = c("empirical_selectivity", "SS_timexsize", "matrix")
# Internal functions ------------------------------------------------------
.mta = function(x, bins, years, var="Obs", FUN=mean, scale=1, by="length",
mid = NULL, normalize=TRUE, bin.name = "Bin", thr=1e-5) {
FUN = match.fun(FUN)
out = matrix(0, nrow=length(years), ncol=length(bins))
rownames(out) = years
colnames(out) = bins
if(is.null(x)) return(NA*out)
msg = sprintf("Variable %s not found.", var)
if(!(var %in% names(x))) stop(msg)
xout = tapply(X = x[, var], INDEX=list(x$Yr, x[, bin.name], x$Seas), FUN=FUN)
xout = apply(xout, 1:2, FUN = FUN, na.rm=TRUE)
obins = as.numeric(colnames(xout))
oyear = as.numeric(rownames(xout))
rrows = match(oyear, years)
rcols = match(obins, bins)
out[na.omit(rrows), na.omit(rcols)] = xout[!is.na(rrows), !is.na(rcols)]
out[is.na(out)] = 0
if(!is.null(mid)) colnames(out) = mid
if(normalize) {
if(is.matrix(scale)) {
# convert scale to proportion
scale = scale/rowSums(scale, na.rm=TRUE)
ind = which(colSums(scale>thr) == 0)
scale[, ind] = NA
out = out/scale
xmax = apply(out, 1, max, na.rm=TRUE)
xmax[xmax==0] = 1
out = out/xmax
out[is.nan(out)] = 0
out[, ind] = NA
} else {
out = out/scale
out[is.nan(out)] = 0
out[is.na(out)] = 0
names(dimnames(out)) = c("year", by)
names(dimnames(out)) = c("year", by)
attr(out, "by") = by
if(by %in% c("length", "age"))
class(out) = c("empirical_selectivity", "SS_timexsize", "matrix")
.getES = function(object, by="length", use="B", thr=1e-5) {
by = match.arg(by, choices = c("length", "age", "gsize"))
# if(by=="gsize") return(NULL)
code = switch (by,
length = "len",
age = "age",
gsize = "size")
# sizedbase
db = sprintf("%sdbase", code)
nat = sprintf("nat%s", code)
years = seq(from=object$startyr, to=object$endyr, by=1)
naged = object[[db]]
natage = object[[nat]]
nsamp = c("Nsamp_adj", "Nsamp_in", "Nsamp", "N")
nsamp = nsamp[ min(which(nsamp %in% names(naged)))]
# fill and zeros
w_catch = .mta(object$catch, bins=seq_along(object$FleetNames),
years=years, var="Obs", FUN=sum, by="fleet", normalize=FALSE, bin.name = "Fleet")
w_nsamp = .mta(naged, bins=seq_along(object$FleetNames),
years=years, var=nsamp, FUN=mean, by="fleet", normalize=FALSE, bin.name = "Fleet")
w_effN = .mta(naged, bins=seq_along(object$FleetNames),
years=years, var="effN", FUN=mean, by="fleet", normalize=FALSE, bin.name = "Fleet")
thisFleets = unique(naged$Fleet)
popbin = as.numeric(colnames(natage)[-(1:12)])
fshbin = if(by=="age") object$agebins else object$lbins
if(all(is.na(fshbin))) fshbin = popbin
bins = .checkBins(fshbin = fshbin, popbin = popbin)
natage = natage[natage$'Beg/Mid'==use & natage$Era=="TIME", ]
natage = natage[order(natage$Yr), ]
nbase = expand.grid(Yr=years, Seas=seq_len(object$nseasons), Sex=c(1,2))
nbase = merge(nbase, natage, all=TRUE)
nbase = nbase[order(nbase$Yr, nbase$Seas, nbase$Sex), ]
yr = sort(unique(natage$Yr))
natage_1 = nbase[nbase$Sex==1, -(1:12)]
natage_2 = nbase[nbase$Sex==2, -(1:12)]
natage_1[is.na(natage_1)] = 0
natage_2[is.na(natage_2)] = 0
natage = as.matrix(natage_1) + as.matrix(natage_2)
natage = rowsum(natage, group = nbase[nbase$Sex==1, ]$Yr)
natage = natage %*% bins$conv # reshape to new bins
output = lapply(split(naged, f = list(naged$Fleet, naged$Sex)),
FUN = .mta, bins=bins$bin, years=years, scale=natage, by=by,
mid = bins$mid, thr=thr)
for(i in seq_along(output)) {
# thisFleets has the "fleet code"
attr(output[[i]], "fleet") = object$FleetNames[thisFleets[i]]
attr(output[[i]], "weights") = data.frame(year = years,
catch = w_catch[, thisFleets[i]],
Nsamp = w_nsamp[, thisFleets[i]],
Neff = w_effN[, thisFleets[i]])
sex = as.numeric(strsplit(names(output)[i], "\\.")[[1]][2])
attr(output[[i]], "model") = .getSelex(object, fleet = thisFleets[i], sex=sex , by=by)
.checkBins = function(fshbin, popbin, k=1000) {
n = max(20, 2*((max(popbin) - max(fshbin))/min(diff(fshbin))))
find0 = seq_len(length(fshbin)+2*n) - n
fmod = lm(bin ~ ind, data=data.frame(bin=fshbin, ind=seq_along(fshbin)))
pind0 = seq_len(length(popbin)+1)
pmod = lm(bin ~ ind, data=data.frame(bin=popbin, ind=seq_along(popbin)))
# nbin extends fshbins
nbin0 = round(as.numeric(predict(fmod, newdata = data.frame(ind=find0))),3)
mid0 = as.numeric(stats::filter(nbin0, filter=c(0.5, 0.5), sides=1))
ind1 = which(nbin0 >= min(popbin) & nbin0 <= max(popbin))
nbin = nbin0[ind1]
mid = mid0[ind1+1]
top = nbin0[ind1+1]
pbin = popbin[popbin >= min(nbin) & popbin <= max(nbin)]
cond = identical(nbin, pbin)
popbin2 = round(as.numeric(predict(pmod, newdata = data.frame(ind=pind0))),3)
# if cond is FALSE, regrid popbin
# this will deal with irregular bins!
xout = .rebinning(x=popbin2, y=na.omit(c(nbin, max(top))), k=100)
# mini = head(approx(x=popbin2, n=k*length(popbin2)-(k-1))$y, -1)
# out = cut(mini, breaks=c(nbin, max(top)), labels=FALSE, right = FALSE)
# levels = unique(na.omit(out))
# out = matrix(out, ncol=k, byrow = TRUE)
# .mytable = function(x, levels) table(factor(x, levels=levels))
# xout = t(apply(out, 1, .mytable, levels=levels))/k
output = list(bin=nbin, mid=mid, conv = xout)
.getSelex = function(object, fleet, sex=1, by="length") {
obj = if(by=="length") object$sizeselex else object$ageselex
Asel = ifelse("Asel" %in% names(table(object$ageselex$Factor)), "Asel", "Asel2")
var = if(by=="length") "Lsel" else Asel
n = if(by=="length") 5 else 7
tt = obj[obj$Factor %in% var & obj$Fleet %in% fleet & obj$Sex %in% sex, ]
syr = tt$Yr
years = seq(from=object$startyr, to=object$endyr, by=1)
tt = cbind(Yrf=cut(syr, breaks=syr, right = FALSE, include.lowest = TRUE), tt[, -(1:n)])
db = data.frame(Yr=years, Yrf=cut(years, breaks=syr, right = FALSE, include.lowest = TRUE))
db = merge(db, tt, sort=FALSE, all.y=TRUE)
db = db[!is.na(db$Yr), , drop=FALSE]
db = db[order(db$Yr), -c(1,2), drop=FALSE]
out = list(x=as.numeric(colnames(db)), y=as.matrix(db), years=years)
.rebinning = function(x, y, k=100) {
.mini = function(x, k=100) head(approx(x=x, n=k*length(x)-(k-1))$y, -1)
.mytable = function(x, levels) table(factor(x, levels=levels))
xm = cbind(head(x, -1), tail(x, -1))
mini = apply(xm, 1, .mini, k=k)
out = cut(mini, breaks=y, right = FALSE)
levels = levels(out)
out = matrix(out, ncol=k, byrow = TRUE)
xout = t(apply(out, 1, .mytable, levels=levels))/k
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